the blank page. committee leaflets

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Committee Leaflets for the 1st International Forum of the EYP Kosova Initiative in Pristina, May 2012. The Blank Page is filled by Henriikka Hannula, Jan Janouch. Julian Kuci, Marie Storli, Sam Skalla, Sophie Hall & Benjamin Gradhand.


The Blank Page

First steps. A clean slate. New beginnings. Open up this fresh chapter. The page is blank. Take the plunge. See. Feel. Hear. Engage. Help to fill the page.

Committee Leaflets

committee on women’s rights and gender equality

Chairperson: Monika Ghosh (UK)Journalist: Julian Kuci (AL)femm

The COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY had a spirited team-building sessmargiion. With a dominant female composition, the team has only one boy – Shqiperim. FEMM is chaired by the charming Monika from the UK. The personalities in in the most feminine committee of the session are as diverse as they are interesting. Edona for instance likes science and the way she

describes herself is quite fascinating: “I am not smart. I just like to observe how millions of people saw the apples falling, but only Newton asked why.” A very com-petitive self-description comes also from Bjondina: “Challenge yourself as much as you can and you will get to know yourself better.” Dafina, whose nature seems very relaxed, sees herself in the quotation: “Don’t be a maybe, be yourself.” A simple

and beautiful motto comes from Blerina: “Simplicity is beauty.”

FEMM hosts two sweet international delegates. Anja from Albania gives the committee an immediate challenge: “Try to think of as many as six impossi-ble things before breakfast.” A very philo-sophic passage comes from Swiss delegate Lara: “Today is tomorrow’s yesterday”. One of the most easy-going characters

is Egzona, who believes everything hap-pens for a reason. Including the session? Finally, Shqiperim likes taking a leaf out of Einstein´s book. He finds one of his connotations particularly significant and realistic: “Two things are infinite: the uni-verse and the human stupidity. And I’m not even sure about the universe.” Let’s see whether FEMM will be able to over-come human stupidity in the coming days.

imcocommittee on consumer protection and internal marketChairperson: Evelin Jürisson (EE) Journalist: Jan Janouch (CZ)

In the coming days every member of the COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL MARKET AND CONSUMER PROTECTION has to face a difficult question: do I want the adverts to be tailored to my wishes or should I keep my privacy and try to survive the avalanche of unfocused advertising? The people facing this question are from all over Europe. Well, technically from Sweden, Germany and Kosovo – which makes quite a diverse group.

NATHALIE represents the Northern way of thinking in the committee but is not at all a cold person. She loves laugh-ter and dancing, but wouldn’t hesitate to silence those screaming infants in public transport once and for all. She is aware of the decreasing amount of privacy in our world but not afraid of it.

SPRESA – whose name means hope – has been to the US and is heading there again soon. Different social sites’ gather-ing too much information about their us-ers concerns her.

NORI, the tall basketball player, has taken over the role of a comedian in the committee. His dream is to live in Italy because of the lifestyle there. He admits that being a part of a social network is almost obligatory nowadays.

GEZIM was born to be a politician and now he’s working hard to become one. The first step is studying political studies. He’s a calm person, loves listening to the sound of flowing water and the question of internet privacy leaves him cool – he knows how to guard his virtual privacy.

EGZONA is a student of financial studies

and sees her future in the financial sector. One of her greatest joys is listening to the spring birdsong. She views Facebook and other social media as trading a bit of our privacy for the comfort of easier sharing and communication.

ALBERT loves the roar of fast cars and the dynamics of football. Unlike Ezgona, he’s not scared of disclosing his personal data because he pays attention to what he

shares about himself. KASTRIOF sees himself as an author in

the future. He loves silence – something he may have to reconsider since he wants to be the father of a big family.

However there is no point in being worried about the plurality of all the different points of view. They will help make the upcoming debates more chal-lenging but also more rewarding.


committee on security and defenseChairperson: Anar Ku!era (CZ) Journalists: Henriikkaa Hannula (FI), Marie Storli (NO)


DEFENSE is without doubt a diverse and

spectecular group of people. They are

not only interesting people but also very

knowledgeable. Almost half of the com-

mittee is studying law, while the others

are pursuing economics, engineering

and other types of studies. The future

looks bright for SEDE.

One of the law students, Rreze,

wants to become a lawyer so that she

has frequent opportunties to wear nice

clothes. Quite a peculiar reason. Nev-

ertheless, law is undoubtedly always an

ambitious choice of career. Equally am-

bitious is the youngest delegate, Kande-

lina, who wants to study aviation engi-

neering. Surprisingly though, she is not

the only one to look above the clouds

since Lorenzo is already a licenced pilot.

Flying definitely is an impressive way to

spend your spare time.

SEDE also has a future economic

analyst, Besnik, who promises to per-

sonally solve all the economic prob-

lems the EU suffers from. Apart from

being intellectually gifted, the commit-

tee members are also active in other

areas. When he is not travelling around

the world, Leutrim plays football. The

most heroic character of the committee

is perhaps Bujar – in the best “Security

and Defense” manner, he helped the po-

lice catch a burglar. One can say this is

a committee of many talents, although

their chair, Anar, claims to be surpass-

ingly normal. We don’t quite believe

him – you have three days to find out!

committee on foreign affairsChairperson: Johan Wallin (SE) Journalist: Henriikkaa Hannula (FI)

is more or less fluent in ancient

Greek. This committee will cer-

tainly not be left speechless in

any conceivable situation. Egzon

studies the English language but

oddly enough hates English lit-


Although AFET´s topic is chal-

lenging, with so many knowl-

edgeable and well-prepared peo-

ple they will undoubtedly come

up with an academically sound

resolution. Florian loves econom-

ics and politics, Artan studies law

– very suitable disciplines for an

EYPer. Ester must be very active

during her free time, as she con-

fesses loving “all activities except

school”. Valton’s talent is more

physical. He is a very good swim-

mer. Also Erblin is keen on sports;

not to mention he is blond. And

single. Friedrich’s secret talent

is ethically a bit questionable as

he is an accomplished cheater.

In Kosovo he actually managed

to make people believe that he

was from Albania – without any

knowledge of Albanian language.

With those diverse and somewhat

random capabilities, AFET is full

of exciting people. Regrettably

I, their journalist, was unable to

spend more time with them to-

day. Luckily there are still three

days come!


AFFAIRS is definitely an inter-

esting bunch of people. All the

eleven delegates and their chair

Johan seem to possess fascinating

talents, some of which are quite

peculiar. The prize for the most

random talent definitely goes

to Johan. He is capable of lick-

ing his elbow and he generously

also demonstrated this skill to the

committee. Theodor, although

claiming to be lazy, plays four dif-

ferent instruments, one of those

being the banjo. Haris, in turn,

is a skilled photographer. Some

committee members also have

quite impressive language skills.

While Jorela is able to speak sev-

en different languages, Michela


committee on economic and monetary affairsChairpersons: Max Göttler (DE), Kerstin Mathias (DE)Journalist: Sam Skalla (UK)

Hopefully you know a little about me. My name is Sam, I’m from the UK and I’ll be your journalist for this session. I also know a little about you, having found out extremely personal information with my incredible investigative skills. I am in fact often compared to Sherlock Holmes – interesting considering that Arti wants to visit London for the sole purpose of going to the Sherlock Holmes Muse-um. Crazy, right? Considering the guy isn’t even real. Gramos should go with him though. He seems like the kind of guy who looks after people – what else

would you expect of someone whose fa-vourite colour is “tree green”.

Visar prefers more of a hardcore ap-proach to travelling – just ask him about New York. Or don’t. The memory might upset him. Ideal wants to go to London, too, I think to go to a nightclub called ‘Arsenal.’ Or is that another type of club? I don’t get this whole sports thing. Ap-parently, there are different types of foot-ball? I’ll leave that up to Johan Nordhus Westarp (that’s right) who clearly knows more about the “Soup bowl” than I.

My superb powers of deduction

showed me that there are only two girls in our committee – of which, I get the impression that Johanna is sportier than Arta. A simple psychological assessment based on the fact that Johanna likes lime green and Arta prefers pink. Or was it white? We are an inspiring committee, but we need to keep our eyes on the prize. Or on the flies, if we don’t want to end up like Oskar.

The more you understand your com-mittee members, the easier it is to trust them, and trust is vital for good team-work. Get to know the people who will

lead you there: Max and Kerstin. A key part of EYP is fostering new relation-ships, so In light of this, I want you to find out a new thing about your chairs every day. By Sunday I want to know some really private stuff. That is your challenge!



AFFAIRS is a small but mighty commit-

tee. What initially seemed to be a prob-

lem could prove to be an advantage, as

it means that every member of the com-

mittee will get their time in the spotlight.

As the only girl in the committee, Eneida

will have to stand up for herself in front

of the boys. The guys will have to be both

flexible and open if the committee is go-

ing to make it work.

Chris, their chair, will lead them safely

through the process. Behind the beard, he

is apparently younger than he looks, or at

least than most of the committee thought

he was. While others were shocked that

Erjan loves “dance, house and parties”,

Muhammad from Macedonia doesn’t

enjoy surprises so much. Perhaps that’s

why he mainly reads biographies, which

“are based on, at least mostly, reality.” Art

prefers a bit of fiction. He likes watching

movies, especially Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Seeing Angelina Jolie on screen with

Johnny Depp is a nice variation, since An-

gelina and Brad Pitt are always together.

Fidan would probably play opposite An-

gelina in a heartbeat, since he prefers

smart girls with nice bodies. Eneida likes

boys with an interest in science. It’s im-

portant to her that they are mature, un-

like most of the boys in her class. Maybe

Dritjon would be a good match, as he

seems intelligent and his favourite subject

in school is maths.

From the beginning of teambuilding

it seemed like the whole committee was

getting on well. Their time to shine is

close and we are all looking forward to

the next three days of intense EYP work.

So please fasten your seatbelts and get

ready for the ride.

committee on constitutional affairsChairperson: Chris Hall (UK)Journalist: Marie Storli (NO)


The Blank Page is filled by Henriikka Hannula, Jan Janouch. Julian Kuci, Marie Storli, Sam Skalla, Sophie Hall & Benjamin Gradhand.

Send us pictures you take throughout the session to see them in the upcoming issues of The Blank Page. E-mail us any pictures you take on your phone to so that we can show the ses-sion through your eyes.

1st International Forum EYP Kosova InitiativePristina, 3-6 May, 2012

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