the bernard m. gordon center for subsurface sensing and imaging systems charles v. stewart dept. of...

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The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging


The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging


Charles V. StewartDept. of Computer ScienceRensselaer Poly. Inst.CenSSIS

Charles V. StewartDept. of Computer ScienceRensselaer Poly. Inst.CenSSIS

DualAlign, LLCDualAlign, LLC

This work was supported by in part by the Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems, under the Engineering Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation (Award # EEC-9986821).

Answering the CenSSIS ChallengeAnswering the CenSSIS Challenge

Can one algorithm automatically register each of these different image pairs?

Can one algorithm automatically register each of these different image pairs?

Dual-Bootstrap Algorithm and SoftwareDual-Bootstrap Algorithm and Software

Started with original algorithm for retina applications and CenSSIS toolkit effort

Led to understanding the need for Multiple initial estimates Robustness to changes in illumination, modality

and physical structure Generic features Sophisticated decision criteria

IEEE T-PAMI paper to appear 2007 Executable posted October 2005

Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD 1517 downloads as of April 15, 2007

Started with original algorithm for retina applications and CenSSIS toolkit effort

Led to understanding the need for Multiple initial estimates Robustness to changes in illumination, modality

and physical structure Generic features Sophisticated decision criteria

IEEE T-PAMI paper to appear 2007 Executable posted October 2005

Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD 1517 downloads as of April 15, 2007

Recent Algorithmic Developments Recent Algorithmic Developments

Better initialization Multimodal pairs Severe illumination

changes Underlying statistical

theory and new core algorithm

Registration of combined LiDAR/RGB scans

Estimating the location of a camera with respect to a 3d model

Better initialization Multimodal pairs Severe illumination

changes Underlying statistical

theory and new core algorithm

Registration of combined LiDAR/RGB scans

Estimating the location of a camera with respect to a 3d model

CenSSIS funding: NGA and Lockheed-Martin

DualAlign, LLCDualAlign, LLC

Fall 2006: Inspiration based in part on reaction to posted executable DualAlign formed

Spring 2007: Development contract with EyeIC for first product, an

ophthalmology application CEO hired

Summer 2007: Advanced commercial development Formal business plan targeting other applications

Goal for late 2007 Funding for development of other applications

Fall 2006: Inspiration based in part on reaction to posted executable DualAlign formed

Spring 2007: Development contract with EyeIC for first product, an

ophthalmology application CEO hired

Summer 2007: Advanced commercial development Formal business plan targeting other applications

Goal for late 2007 Funding for development of other applications

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