the baptism & gifts of holy spirit

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit



    Understanding The Baptism Of Holy SpiritBy Bobby Long Th.D

    My prayer is to help Christians get a better understanding of the biblical teaching on the

    Baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Before we get started, please understand that I believe

    the gifts are for today. I believe the gifts are a vital part of the church and that the church

    cannot operate in the full extent that Christ would have it operate without them.

    My kids go to karate. I watch as they try to mimic their instructors. As they emulate the

    teacher, they may have a foot in the wrong place or they may not be standing correctly. Bad

    form leads to bad habits. I see the other teachers come behind my kids and take them by the

    shoulders or by the arm and place them in the correct position; good form develops good

    habits. My boys were being instructed to do things right in the beginning so as they learned,

    they have a good fundamental foundation on which to build. Practice does not make perfect,

    perfect practice makes perfect.

    On any given Sunday, one may visit a hyper charismatic church or, on the other end of the

    spectrum, they may attend a church that believes the gifts are not for today. They see people

    that exercising [or not] their charismata; however, they are in bad form. How do I know?Look at the strife, discontent, division, and pride that, is so prevalent, not to mention

    unbiblical. This has been going on for years. Tell me then; how can they be in good form,

    yet be so messed up! Something is wrong. The formation of unbiblical habits has led to

    unbiblical charismata [or lack of]. True charismata will exhibit agape love.

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    The gift of tongues will come up frequently, so I want to give a Biblical definition that fits

    what scripture tells us about tongues. The gift of tongues is a gift from God (1Cor. 12:11)

    where the chosen recipient [by the Holy Spirit] expresses the inexpressible TO God (1Cor.

    14:2). What do I mean by that? There may be times when the known vocabulary cannot

    express the prayer, praise, or declaration in words that the heart desires. The spirit then helps

    in that weakness. We have faith that what the Spirit is praying is what we want conveyed

    except in a language that is beyond understanding. This is what it is.

    There is only one gift of tongues which is synonymous with tongues throughout scripture.

    Do all have this ability? NO (1Cor. 12:30). It is a gift that is given by God to whom He

    chooses. It cannot be learned, taught, bought, or forced; it is not a gift the believer gets by

    DEFALT. 1 Cor. 14:15 tells us that with the Spirit wepray to God,sing to God, and bless

    God. Does that mean that when I pray with understanding, or I groan in my spirit that which

    words cannot express, its really not a spirit filled prayer and my prayer is less effective? By

    NO means! The Bible clearly says that the prayer of a righteous man avails much (James

    5:16). Tongues is a gift of God given to whom He chooses by which that individual prays

    outside their understanding when a known vocabulary is not enough to express what they

    wish to convey (1Cor. 14:2, 14). Do I have to pray in tongues when my spirit groans; NO.

    Let me turn my attention to prophecy. Prophecy does not come to us by the gift of tongues

    (1Cor. 14:6&19). Prophecy is not the interpretation of the gift of tongues. By means of

    sheer definition, interpretation is translation from one dialect to another. If I said, What is 2

    + 2? in French and I asked for the interpretation or translation of what I just said in English,

    what would the interpretation be? Answer: What is 2 + 2? The interpretation would not

    be 4. Prophecy comes to us by means ofGod speaking to man (1Cor. 29-32). Man must

    discern if what God gave is individualistic in nature or something God wants to share with

    others. The words of prophecy are always subject to the prophet (1Cor. 14:32). A good

    definition of prophecy is found in 1 Corinthians 14:3. Prophecy edifies, exhorts, and


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    In a private setting, we may pray in tongues TO God and God reveal something to us in the

    form of a prophecy (1Cor. 14:31). God gives us words of edification, exhortation, and

    comfort. In a congregational setting, where someone stands up, draws attention to them

    selves, and speaks in a tongue, the interpretation should not be prophecy, words of

    knowledge, wisdom or revelation (1Cor. 14:6). The interpretation of the tongue should be

    what was put forth in tongues. It should be the inspired interpretation of what the tongue of

    the man said TO God. If the interpretation is directed FROM God TO man, then by all

    Biblical accounts it is not the correct interpretation (1Cror 14:15, 16, 17). Does that mean

    that it was not of God? NO. What was bypassed was the interpretation of the tongue.

    Does this mean that one cannot pray in tongues to themselves during a church service and

    receive a prophecy from God that is for the congregation; By all means, NO. However, the

    prophecy shared with the congregation will come in a known language and not a tongue

    (1Cor. 14:19). There is no need to interpret this tongue because it was not shared with the

    congregation. Can God supernaturally interpret words of prophecy to so that others of

    another dialect understand and be exhorted, edified, and comforted? YES

    With this said, I will now try to explain what I just put forth.

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    Baptism of the Holy Spirit does not always

    result in the gift of tongues.

    We will take each of the instances of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit one by one.

    The Baptism of Jesus (Luke 3:22)

    The first and most overlooked scripture that deals with this is the Holy Spirit Baptism of

    Jesus Himself. We find,

    and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice

    came out of heaven, "You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased."Luke 3:22.

    This brings me to my first point. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit enables the believer to face

    the temptations and trials of this world and to live a victorious Christian life of service

    through Godly agape love.

    Before Jesus started His formal ministry, He was empowered by the Holy Spirit when the

    Holy Spirit fell upon (epee) Him. To say that Jesus didnt need the power of the Holy Spirit

    upon His life is to deny His humanity. Jesus was 100% man and 100% deity. To deny

    either is heresy. Because Jesus was a man, the empowering of the Holy Spirit was a pre-

    requisite for victory in His life. Nowhere in scripture does it account that Jesus spoke intongues.

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    The Promise of Power

    In Luke, we see Jesus providing the same path to His disciples that He took. Jesus didnt

    want them in the world without the empowering of the Holy Spirit. He instructs them to wait

    until they are empowered from on high. Again, there is no mention by Jesus of tongues in

    this conversation. The monumental effect on the disciples will bepower for ministry.

    "And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Fatherupon you; but you are to

    stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high." Luke 24:29

    In the book of Acts in chapter 1, we find the promise being restated and the mission that the

    powerof the promise will help them undertake.

    But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon [epee] you, and

    you will be my witnesses [martuv martus Martyr witness in a legal, social, andethical sense.] in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest

    partsof the earth.Acts 1:8

    Jesus was telling them what to look for and what to expect. This brings up the question,

    Why do we look for a sign other than what we were told to look for by Jesus Himself?

    The undeniable characteristic of the baptism of Holy Spirit is a life that is unshakable in their

    witness. In every sense of the word, they become a martyr for Christ. I think the answer

    is 3 fold.

    1. We want to know now It is our nature to want to know and have confirmationimmediately.

    2. The alternative may yield uncomfortableresults It is so much easier to point to atime and place and an event and say, This is when I received the Holy Ghost. How

    do you know? Because I spoke in tongues. What if we were to look for the

    power for ministry and witness that Jesus told us to look for? What if we examinedour life and saw no power? What if we examined our life and saw no fruit? I feel

    that people are more comfortable with disillusionment than with the truth.

    3. Tongues is something that I can counterfeit; supernatural fruit is something that Icannot. Enough said.

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    The Promise Fulfilled

    Acts 2

    In Acts 2 we see the prophecy of Joel being fulfill in that the Spirit of God was being poured

    out on all flesh not just the Jews. The time is Pentecost and every able body Jewish man is in

    Jerusalem. Some scholars believe there could have been as many as 3 million people in the

    city at that time. Contrary to popular belief, Acts 2 has nothing to do with speaking in

    tongues but the pouring out of THE PROMISE, who is the Holy Spirit on ALL.

    Acts 2: 2-4 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing

    wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to

    them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.

    Andthey were all filled with the Holy Spiritandbegan to speak with other tongues,as the Spirit was giving them utterance. NASB

    They did not speak in tongues as a result of the Baptism but in addition to the Baptism.

    They spoke in tongues as the Holy Spirit GAVE them the gift of tongues.

    The disciples were in the upper room waiting as instructed. Then a hurricane force wind

    blew in causing the crowd of people to start to gather outside the upper room to see what was

    happening. When the Jewish crowd got there, they found the disciples declaring the

    wonderful works of Godin their native tongue (Acts 2:11) .. as the Spiritenabledthem.

    11 Cretans and Arabs--we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful

    works of God."

    The word enabled is the word, didmi. It means:

    1) to give

    2) to give something to someone

    a) of one's own accord to give one something, to his advantage1) to bestow a gift

    b)to grant, give to one asking, let have

    c) to supply, furnish, necessary things

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    God gave the gift in Acts 2; it was not something that happened as a resultof anything. The

    gift of tongues is not the overflow effect of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is given by

    God to those He chooses to enable. This view is consistent with the gift of tongues found in

    Corinthians when Paul says theHoly Spirit gives gifts as He chooses.

    There are a few things to notice here.

    1. The tongues were over heard; the disciples were notspeaking directly to the people.2. The tongues came as God enabledthem or better yet, As God GAVE them.3. Teachers sat, heralds proclaimed; Peter stood and proclaimed the gospel in a known

    language (probably Konia Greek due to Alexanders proclamation)

    This is what we know. This is all we know concerning the gift of tongues in this instance.

    However, this is not the purpose nor is it the thrust of Peters message. The thrust of Petersmessage was to repent and believe on Christ and Him crucified.

    It was Peters declaring the gospel under the newly gained power of Holy Spirit that

    convicted the hearts of the Jews and prompted the question:

    "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus,whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." 37 Now when they heard this, they were

    cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren,

    what shall we do?"

    Peter was exhibiting the power to be Jesus witness (martyr) in Jerusalem just as Jesus said

    they would do. It wasnt the tongue that takes main stage in this story, it is the power of the

    gospel of Jesus Christ and that power being used to bring the lost to repentance.

    The giftof the Holy Spirit is literally talking about the person of the Holy Spirit which is

    called the promise.

    and you shall receive the giftof the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you andto your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call."

    Acts 2: 38b - 39

    The Promise is not Tongues; the Promise is the Person of the Holy Spirit

    The Promise endows with Power for ministry, service, and witness

    The Promise is for all nationalities and genders not just for the Prophets.

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    Paul Receives the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17)

    In this passage of scripture, we find no mention of the gift of tongues. What we do find is

    something like scales falling from his eyes. Some scholars believe the reason is that there

    was no purpose for the gift at that time. We do know from other passages in Corinthians

    that Paul did receive the gift of tongues, but when is not known. God chose to give the gift

    of tongues to Paul, just not at his Holy Spirit baptism.

    So Ananias departed and entered the house, and after laying his hands on him said,

    "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming,has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."Acts 9:17

    What we do know from Acts 19: 20 is that, immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in

    the synagogues,saying, This man is the Son of God. Act 19:20. This is consistent with

    what Jesus said would happen at the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Paul immediately began to

    be a witness saying, This Man is the Son of God.

    Scripture does notindicate that Paul spoke in tongues

    Scripture does indicate that immediately he began to proclaim Jesus as Lord

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    The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit

    Note: For the moment, I will skip Acts 8:14-17 but will return to that after we discuss Acts

    10 and 11. We will only discuss Chapter 10 in detail because Chapter 11 is not another

    instance of tongues, but of a recap of the events of Chapter 10.

    Peter is still thinking very Jewish in his attitude toward other races. We see this from the

    following passages:

    But Peter said, Certainly not, Lord, for I have never eaten anything defiled and

    ritually unclean! Acts 10:14

    He said to them, You know thatit is unlawful

    for a Jew

    to associate with or visit a

    Gentile, yet God has shown me that I should call no person defiled or rituallyunclean. Acts 10:28

    It wasnt until Acts 10:34 that Peter finally realizes that the Gospel was for all peoples.

    Then Peter started speaking:I now truly understand that God does not show

    favoritism in dealing with people, Acts 10:34

    As Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit fell and Cornelius, along with all that were there,

    began to praise God in tongues just as they did in the beginning. This phrase is important

    because it clarifies what the activity of the tongue was. Some could argue that there were

    two things going on 1) speaking in tongues and 2) praising God. In the beginning, referring

    to Acts 2, they were declaring the wonderful works of God. This is a major point in Peters

    defense later in Chapter 11. Peter took six brothers of the circumcision with him to witness

    this. They were astonished, not at the tongue, but at the realization that salvation has now

    come to the Gentiles.

    10:45 Thecircumcised believers

    who had accompanied Peter were greatly


    the gift of the Holy Spirit

    had been poured out

    even on the Gentiles,

    10:46 for they heard them speaking in tongues andpraising God. Then Peter said,

    No one can withhold the water for these people to be baptized, who have received

    the Holy Spirit just as we did,can he? Acts 10:45-47

    11:18 When they heard this,they ceased their objections

    and praised

    God, saying,

    So then, God has granted the repentancethat leads to life even to the Gentiles

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    We can pick out some very important observations from this passage.

    This was the turning point that caused Peter to finally realize that salvation isuniversal to all who call on the name of the Lord.

    Those that did speak in tongues were understood to be praising God because if fell onthem as it did in the beginning.

    Peter understood because of the tongues that had fallen on the Jews, that salvationhad also come to the Gentiles. This praise in tongues had as its first goal, to glorify

    God, the secondary goal was to show the full scope of Gods redemptive plan.

    The important fact of the matter is not tongues, but that salvation has come to theGentiles. This should excite us!

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    In Chapter 11, we see Peter making the case to the Jewish counsel in Jerusalem that salvation

    is for all races. It is very clear from scripture that if any other person would have witnessed

    these events other that a prominent Jew as Peter, the counsel would have taken issue with

    them to the point of denying the salvation experience altogether; even if that person would

    have been Paul. Notice the Holy Spirit makes a point to ensure the reader realizes that the

    counsel that Peter was confronting was of the circumcision (Acts 11:2).

    Notice the fact that the Gentiles had now accepted the gospel was totally over looked at first.

    What they were more concerned with, at the beginning, was that they went to uncircumcised

    men and shared a meal with them.(Acts 11:3)

    Acts 11:1Now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard thatthe Gentiles too had accepted

    the Word of God.

    11:2 So when Peter went up to


    the circumcised believers

    took issue with

    him, 11:3saying, You went

    touncircumcised men and shared a meal with

    them. Acts 11: 1-3

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    The Samaritans Receive the Holy Spirit

    Now we will turn our attention to the Samaritans of Acts Chapter 8. Earlier in the chapter

    we find Phillip performing signs, miracles and preaching. The result was that many were

    being saved. Notice that Simon was amazed at the working of miracles and signs so much so

    that he stayed close to Phillip constantly.

    Acts 8:12But when they believed Philip as he was proclaiming the good news about

    the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they began to be baptized,both

    men and women. 8:13 Even Simon himself believed, and after he was baptized, hestayed close to

    Philip constantly, and when he saw the signs and great miracles that

    were occurring, he was amazed.

    [Keep in mind, the events of Acts 8:12 happens prior to Peters attitude changing

    experience in the Gentile home of Cornelius in Acts 10.]

    When the Jerusalem counsel heard that salvation had come to the Samaritans, they sent Peter

    and John. What they found was salvation had truly come to the Samaritans. We all know the

    position the Samaritans held in the minds of the Jewish people. This was not a race of

    people the Jews would openly accept into the family by any means.

    14 Now when the apostles in Jerusalemheard that Samaria hadaccepted the word

    of God, they sent

    Peter and John to them. 15These two went down and prayed forthem so that they wouldreceive the Holy Spirit. 16 (For the Spirit

    had not yet come

    uponany of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)


    Then Peter and John placed their hands on the Samaritans,

    and they received the

    Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17

    Lets review this passage and see what the Bible says.

    1. The counsel was inquisitive about the Samaritan believers so they sent witnesses.

    2. When Peter and John prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit, they did.

    3. There is no mention of tongues.

    4. It does state that something happened after words that cause Simon to pursue the powerto give the Holy Spirit but it does not say what it was.

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    Many argue that the Samaritans did speak in tongues; the Bible just doesnt mention it. My

    inclination is that the Bible doesnt mention tongues because tongues didnt happen but that

    other gifts were given by the Holy Spirit.

    1. My reasoning is as follows:

    2. Peter was there at Samaria and

    3. Peter was the one that went to Cornelius home in Acts 10.

    4. He was also apart of the laying on of hands in Samaria and

    5. He also was preaching in Corneliuss home.

    6. He was witness to the Samaritans receiving the Holy Spirit, yet he was not swayed tobelieve that salvation was for all.

    7. It wasnt until he was in the home of Cornelius and heard them speaking in tonguesas they did in the beginning, that he now believed.

    I would argue that Peter would have believed the moment the Samaritans received the

    Baptism of the Holy Spirit if they had spoken in tongues due to the fact that they were not

    regularGentiles, but Samaritan Gentiles. The fact that Peterdidntbelieve until Acts 10 is a

    strong indication that the Samaritans didntspeak in tongues upon receiving the Holy Spirit.

    Not to mention the fact that the Bible doesnt say they did.

    Could they have received the same gifts that Phillip exhibited causing Simon to stand in

    amazement? YES Do we know for sure what those were? NO

    I feel Simon was amazed at the miracles and signs that accompanied Phillip. He was so

    astounded that he stayed close to Phillip apparently to watch and learn more about how those

    miracles occurred. When Simon saw the people exhibiting the same miraculous acts when

    Peter and John lay hands them, he wanted it. He concluded that in order to do the samemiracles and wonders that Phillip, John, and Peter did, he must have same ability that flowed

    through the act of lying on of hands.

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    Johns Disciples Are Granted Repentance that Lead to Life

    In Acts 19: 1-7, we see Paul laying hands on those of Johns baptism and them receiving the

    Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and prophesying. This is unique in that someone who used

    to persecute the Christians is now seeing the same gifts and tongue that Peter and John

    (prominent Jewish Christians) saw upon their laying on of hands on the Gentiles.

    Remember Peter was the apostle to the Jews and Paul will be the apostle to the Gentiles.

    Acts 19:1 WhileApollos was in Corinth,

    Paul went through the inland



    came to EphesusHe

    found some disciples there 2 and said to them, Did you receive

    the Holy Spirit when you believed?They replied,

    No, we have not even

    heard that

    there is a Holy Spirit. 3So Paulsaid, Into what then were you baptized? Into

    Johns baptism, they replied.

    4 Paul said, John baptized with a baptism of

    repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that

    is, in Jesus. 5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the LordJesus, 6andwhen Paul place

    his hands on them, theHoly Spirit came upon them,

    andthey began to speakin tongues andto prophesy.

    7(Now there were about twelve

    men in all.) (Acts 19:1-7)

    Some point to this as proof that tongues can be used to prophesy or how God can edify,

    exhort, and comfort men. I would have to say that this is not what the passages say. If this

    be the case, it is no longer consistent with the separation of the primary goal of the gifts.

    This interpretation also puts tongues at odds with its primary goal of praise, prayer,

    adoration, or a communication to God.

    Note that in Acts 10 the passages reads, 10:46 for they heard them speaking in tongues

    and praising God. Some say there are two things going on here: 1) speaking in tongues

    and the other 2) praising God. This is not the case because later in Chapter 11 Peter says that

    the Holy Spirit fell on them as it did on them in the beginning. If this were the case [and

    it is], then it would be them declaring the wonderful works of God. Therefore, the

    tongue was a communication to Godfrom man.

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    However, in Acts 19: 1-7 we see that the Holy Spirit came upon them AND they began to

    speak in tonguesAND TO prophecy. There ARE three different things going on otherwise

    the passage would have read something like, [ Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began

    to speak prophecies in tongues].

    In Acts 19:1, we see that the disciples of John were 1) Baptized in the Holy Spirit, 2) Spoke

    in tongues of which we are not told what they were speaking and 3) they also prophesied.

    and they began to speak

    in tongues and to prophesy. They are connected by a

    conjunction and meaning also. It is a building effect. Paul says that to prophecy is

    better that speaking in tongues. Here we see a progression after the baptism of power by

    Holy Spirit; speaking in tongues (praising God) and the better; prophecy.

    Summary of the Holy Spirit Baptism Passages in Acts and Luke:

    Luke 3:22 Tongues did not accompany Jesus Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Acts 2:11 Tongues accompanied Baptism in the Holy Spirit declaration to God& Sign to the Jews

    Acts 8: 14-17 Tongues did not accompany Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Acts 9:17 Tongues did not accompany Baptism in the Holy Spirit

    Acts 10:46- Tongues did accompany Baptism in the Holy Spirit declaration to God& Sign to the Jews

    Acts 19:1- Tongues did accompany Baptism in the Holy Spirit unknown Speech& Fulfillment of Jesus Baptism with fire.

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    Here we have 50% of the time tongues did happen at the same time, and 50% of the time it

    didnt. Observations that occur only fifty percent of the time simply do not prove a universal

    generalization. Even the Assemblies' of God position paper must admit that speaking in

    tongues is not mentioned in the accounts of the Samaritans receiving the Holy Spirit in Acts

    8, and the account of Paul receiving the Spirit in Acts 9:17. Although attempts are made to

    evade the issue by saying that "details are not given" in these accounts and arguing that

    "circumstances seem to indicate" tongues were present, the truth is that the Bible does not

    say tongues occurred. They fail to even acknowledge Jesus baptism and the fact that two

    separate events happened in Acts 19. What is NOT printed in scripture can be just as

    important as what IS printed.

    I believe that the point is clear. Some say we should assume the gift of tongues is there even

    though the Bible doesnt say they were. I say that if the Bible says it didnt happen then we

    cannot assume it did. I believe the latter is on more solid ground.

    The Baptism of the Holy Spirit isnt about speaking in tongues or not speaking in tongues. It

    is about being empowered to love people enough to boldly proclaim the Word of God, to be a

    true witness to a dying world, and to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and loving

    our neighbor as ourselves. It is about power for ministry; it is about dedication to service toour Lord and being a vessel of honor used to bring a true testimony of Jesus to the world, as

    we go; We Are To Be MARTYRS.

    I will say this again. My views are my views. This is not a point of division. If some do not

    believe the argument that I am putting forth, then that is their right. I must stress that

    doctrine cannot be founded on emotion, our interpretation of an event, or an experience. If

    that experience does not match up with the Word of God, then dont doubt the experience,

    but doubt YOUR interpretation of the experience. Be a Berean and search yourself without

    any denominational prejudices and see what you find. Call me a liar, but let the Word be true.

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    Baptism of the Holy Spirit is evidenced by power for ministry and

    is recognized over the life of the believer and not a one time event.

    Baptism means to be fully permeated in something as with a cloth in dye. If we are fully

    emerged in the Holy Spirit then we should take on the attributes of the Holy Spirit. The main

    attribute of the Holy Spirit is to testify of Jesus Christ. In the life of the believer, He

    produces fruit:

    Gal. 5:22-23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

    goodness, faithfulness,23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

    We are called to be fruit inspectors not tongue inspectors. The true evidences of the life of a

    believer living under the anointing of the Holy Spirit are as follows:

    Their devotion to Jesus is more important than their dedication to the world.

    Their humility was more important than their prominence.

    Their bond was more important than their belongings.

    Their love for one another is more important than their love for themselves.

    Unity in love and devotion to one another is more important than individual achievement.

    To say that the overwhelming, undeniable, constant, initial characteristic of a Holy Spirit

    Baptized believer is first tongues is both superficial and premature. I see that scripture tells

    us that the Characteristic of the Christian life both in the Old Testament and in the New

    Testament is one of FAITH. Some say the initial evidence or proof of the Baptism of Holy

    Spirit is a tongue, and this one exception is a characteristic of God? This can not be

    scripturally supported and therefore should be rejected.

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    Some say that it is a response to the overwhelming presence at the Baptism of the Holy

    Spirit. That sound good, but that statement is totally grounded in assumption not scripture.

    We are talking about a life that already has the Holy Spirit present and living inside of it.

    Why doesnt this happen when the Holy Spirit first regenerates a dead and lifeless soul? The

    later would seem to be the more drastic.

    I receive salvation by faith,

    I receive forgiveness by faith,

    My hope is grounded in faith,

    We are called to walk by faith,

    It is by faith that we live,

    It is by faith that we move,

    It is by faith that we have our being,

    Yet in all this, God gives asign that we have been baptized in the Holy Spirit by an unknown

    tongue? This doesnt make sense on a scriptural level nor does it make sense on a logical

    level. God calls us to walk by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. If we ask for power of

    the Holy Spirit to come upon our life with the right heart and motive, then we must have faith

    that God has given us that power. The gift of tongues is not a gift we receive by DEFALT.

    It is a gift given by God to who He chooses.

    1. We can walk by faith that when our time comes to be a witness for Christ, that God willbe faithful to give us the words to say.

    2. We can rest assured, by faith, that when we are called upon to live holy when thetemptation is great, God will give us that power.

    3. We can rest assured, by faith that when overwhelming trials come, God will give uspower to overcome by His Spirit upon us.

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    We receive and walk in the power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit not because we speak in

    tongues but because we trust God that when we are called upon to be a witness, we will have

    the power to do so in a manner that is pleasing to God and is powerful in Spirit. If someone

    speaks in tongues and does not manifest the results listed in Ephesians 5:19; 6:9 or has the

    fruit listed in Galatians, I would be hard pressed to say the proof is in the tongue. They are a

    sounding cymbal and clanging brass to use Pauls expression.

    Our error may be that we have not created a separation between God giving spiritual gifts as

    HE chooses andGod pouring His Spirit upon us for ministry. These are two separate events.

    Can they happen at the same time? YES. Does it HAVE to happen at the same time? NO.

    Is their one gift that God gives each time He Baptizes someone in the Holy Spirit? NO.

    We will touch more on this later, but even though there is one gift of tongues it can have

    many activities. Notice that in every case the gift of tongues is specifically mentioned as

    being praise or declaration to God, its first purpose is glorifying God, a residual purpose was

    a sign to the JEWISH BELIEVERS that salvation and repentance has come to the Gentile.

    [Act 2 & 10] However, in Acts 19, we read,

    when Paul placehis hands on them, the Holy Spirit came

    upon them, and they began to

    speakin tongues and to prophesy.

    Paul placed his hand on the 12 people in the room and they did 2 things.

    1) They spoke in tongues and

    2) They prophesied.

    That is the clear reading of the scripture. Do we know that they allspoke in tongues? NO

    Do we know if they allprophesied? NO. I believe the meaning of the text is that some

    spoke in tongues and some prophesied. Do we know what they were saying in tongues?

    Not really. We can see that in every place in scripture where tongues are defined, they wereeitherdeclaring the wonderful works of Godorpraising God. In 1 Corinthians 14:2, it says

    that those who speak in tongues speak not to man but to God. Paul goes on to say that he

    will sing, pray, and bless God in the Spirit. These verses give clear indication that those in

    Acts 19 were communicating to God their praises and prayers.

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    There are many gifts, but the Spirit is the source of it all. These gifts have different

    ministries and activities but it is God who works in them and through them for His glory not


    There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries,

    but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God whoworks all in all. 1Cor. 12:4-6

    Ministries probably have in mind the different offices in the church, such as apostles,

    prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers, as Paul also described in Ephesians 4. Pauls

    point is clear: though there are different offices, it is the same Lord granting the offices and

    directing the service.

    The Greek word for activities is energemata, where we get our words energy, energetic, and

    energize from. It is a word of active, miraculous power. Activities is the same word as

    working in verse ten of this chapter (the working of miracles). Differences of activities

    means that God displays and pours out His miraculous power in different ways, but it is

    always the same God doing the work.

    Some gifts are ministries standing offices or positions in the church. Some gifts are

    activities miraculous events or outpourings at a particular time and place. The Holy Spirit

    is always present in and among Christians. Jesus said of the Holy Spirit,He may abide with

    you forever (John 14:16). Some times the Spirits presence is more apparent than other

    times. There are times when He may choose to manifestHimself, that is, to make Himself

    apparent. We should never think the Holy Spirit is more present when He is manifested

    through the gifts. The Holy Spirit is always present with believers, but at times He is more

    apparent through the manifestation of the Spirit. This manifestation doesnt have to happen

    at church. If the only time a believer manifest the gifts is at church, I would question the


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    But the manifestation of the Spirit isgivento each one for theprofit of all:

    1. for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit,2. to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,3. to another faith by the same Spirit,4.

    to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,5. to another the working of miracles,

    6. to another prophecy,7. to another discerning of spirits,8. to another different kinds of tongues,9. to another the interpretation of tongues.

    But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each oneindividually asHe wills.I Cor. 12: 7-11

    Notice the last part of this section of scripture. There is one Spirit that distributes to each one

    individually as He wills. There is nothing anyone can do to earn a gift. There is nothing

    that we can do to force a gift. A gift from God cannot be taught, a gift cannot be learned; it is

    given freely by God to whomHe chooses for us to exercise in faith according toHis calland

    His purpose in us.

    The one trying to learn it, force it, or earn it, will experience no power, and will have no

    lasting fruit. The one who embraces the gift that God has intended for them will step out in

    faith and the result will power in their ministry.

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    Lets take a look at the gifts that Paul outlines here.

    The Word of Knowledge:

    This is the unique ability to declare knowledge which could only be revealed supernaturally,as shown in Jesus (Matthew 17:24-27) or Paul (Acts 27:10, 23-26). We must understand the

    difference between the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge. Someone may have

    great knowledge, even supernatural knowledge, yet have no wisdom from God in the

    application of that knowledge.

    As well, we must always use discernment in the receiving of a word of knowledge,

    remembering that God is not the only source of supernatural knowledge - even if a word is

    true, it does not mean that it is from God and that the one speaking the word is truly

    representing God.

    The Gift of Faith:

    Though faith is an essential part of every Christians life, thegiftof faith is the unique ability

    to trust God against all circumstances, as Peter did when he walked out of the boat on onto

    the water (Matthew 14:22-33).

    Gifts of Healing:

    This is Gods healing power, eithergiven orreceived, and has been repeatedly documented in

    the New Testament and since. A great time for the gift of healing to come would be during

    communion when we focus more intensely on the body and blood of Jesus that was given to

    take away our sin.

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    If God wants to give a prophecy through someone, why does God need to validate it through

    a tongue? The answer is: He would not and does not. God allows those who hear the

    prophecy tojudge it for accuracy according to the Word of God and relevance to what God is

    doing at that time. If God is the one validating the prophecy by the tongue, then there is no

    reason to judge for who are we to judge what God validates.

    A scenario would be like someone standing up, gaining the attention of the entire body and

    speaks in tongues. What is normally given as the interpretation is really a work ofProphecy

    and not the interpretation of the tongue. A normal interpretation sounds something like this

    [Note: Most of the time its in King James English],

    Thus saith the Lord, return to me and I will give thee life and life everlasting. For you haveturned your back on me and I am waiting for my people to return to me.

    Notice the conversation direction. It is God TO man. As we will see later in vs. 14 of

    Chapter 14:

    For he who speaks in a tonguedoes not speak to men but to God. 1Cor. 14:2.

    Am I saying that this was not a valid tongue: NO. Am I saying that this is not a valid

    Prophecy for the church? NO What I am saying is that there was no interpretation of the

    tongue. If I stand up in a congregational setting and ask God for direction in a situation in

    tongues and the interpretation is a prophetic answer, then how are any to judge if that is


    Nowhere in scripture can one find Biblical grounds that the gift of tongues and praying

    privately in tongues is any different that the gift of tongues in Acts or when Paul mentions

    the Gift of tongues or speaking in tongues. In each case, we see the gift of tongues. Paul

    does not make any distinction at all. In the scenario above, the gift of tongues is exercised

    and the gift of prophecy is exercised, however, there was NO interpretation of the tongue.

    We will delve into this more later.

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    Another important aspect of prophecy is itspurpose. Many words spoken in church services

    today are those of condemnation, rebuke, and judgment. According to Paul, this would not

    be a prophetic message. More than likely, the words give to the speaker are meant for the

    speaker alone and should not have been shared. This is where the prophecy should be

    JUDGED not interpreted. There is no such thing as a gift of interpretation of prophecy.

    Discerning of Spirits:

    How we need the gift of discernment in the church today! The ability to tell the difference

    between true and false doctrine and between what is of the Holy Spirit and what isnt (Acts

    8:18-23; 16:16-18). This is a gift that is in dire need in the church today.

    Satan appears as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

    He deceives with a false, tempting message (Genesis 2:16-3:5). There can be lying spirits in the mouths of prophets (1 Kings 22:21-23; 2 Chronicles


    Satan can speak right after God speaks (Matthew 16:23).

    Sometimes people who seem to say the right things are really from the devil (Acts13:6-12; 16:16-18).

    It is important to test the word of anyone who claims to speak from God (1 John 4:1-3).

    Satan can work deceiving miracles (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Revelation 13:11-14).

    The devil will try to infiltrate the church with false teachers (Jude 4, 2 Peter 2:1-2).And we sleep and say AMEN.

    The Gift of Tongues

    This is a personal language of prayer given by God to whom He chooses, whereby the

    believer can communicate with God beyond the limits of knowledge and understanding (1

    Corinthians 14:14-15). Language is an agreement between parties, where it is agreed that

    certain sounds represent certain objects or ideas. When using the gift of tongues, we agree

    with God that as the Holy Spirit prays through us, though we may not understand what we

    are praying, God does.

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    The Biblical aspects of tongues that is put forth in this paper is that:

    1. Tongues have an important place in the devotional life of the believer whom Godgives the gift to, but a small place in the corporate life of the church (1 Corinthians

    14:18-19), especially in public meetings (1 Corinthians 14:23).

    2. When tongues are practiced in the corporate life of the church, it is to be carefullycontrolled, and never without an interpretation given by the Holy Spirit (1

    Corinthians 14:27-28).

    3. The ability to pray in an unknown tongue is not a gift given to every believer (1Corinthians 12:20).

    4. The ability to pray in a tongue is notthe evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit; this

    emphasis has led people to seek the gift of tongues (and to counterfeit it) merely toprove to themselves and others that they really are filled with the Holy Spirit.

    We will spend more time on this gift in Chapter 14, but for now, realize that even though we

    are focusing particularly on a few gifts, Paul does not identify any gift over another except

    the gift of prophecy. This is simply because the gift of prophecy is to edify, exhort, and

    comfort men.

    The Gift of the Interpretation of Tongues:

    This gift allows the gift of tongues to be of benefit to those other than the speaker. As they

    are able to hear and agree with the tongue-speakers words to God, they too are edified. The

    gift of interpretation is necessary because the conversation of tongues is directed TO God

    FROM man. If there is no interpreter or God has not given the speaker the interpretation,

    then the speaker should keep silent.

    This is another area that people seem to go astray. Some say that they go into a trance and

    cannot control the tongue. There absolutely no Biblical basis for this at all. I say that is

    false and unbiblical. If Paul says that only 2 or 3 at the most should speak in tongues and if

    there is no interpretation they should speak to themselves and to God, then there is a level of

    control exercised by the speaker.

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    All believers do not have the gift of tongues.

    Later, Paul elaborates on the exclusivity of God in the distribution of gifts.

    Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed

    these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after thatmiracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are allapostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all

    have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly

    desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way. 1 Cor 12:27-31

    Notice here that we are all apart of the body. Christ makes sure that every person has a gift

    but not everyone has all the gifts. Another point to make is that there are offices that God

    appoints apostles, prophets, and teachers. This list is expanded in Ephesians by the addition

    of evangelists and pastors to teachers. After this there are the gifts of:

    Miracles, healing, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. The gift of tongues here

    by the way, is the same gift of tongues just as it is the same gift of healings, and miracles.

    There are many varieties of tongues as there are people with the gift. The gift of tongues

    may have different activities, but these activities happen within a stated parameter.

    The point is well taken. Not all have the gift of miracles, not all have the gift of healings, not

    all have the gift of tongues, not all are apostles, not all are evangelists; but, we are ONE body

    working together for the edification of each other toward the glory of God.

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    The more excellent way is the famous love chapter; 1 Corinthians 13. Here Paul says that,

    1 Corinthians 13

    "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become

    a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know allmysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but

    do not have love, I am nothing... 1 Cor13: 1-2

    Love is the key. The gift is the container, but what should pour from any and all gifts is

    love. Without that, the gift is meaningless and harmful. We, as Christians are nothing

    without love. We are an inconsistent witness to Christ. The inference that one can speak

    with the tongues of men and angels and have not love is a direct rebuttal to tongues being

    evidence of any Holy Spirit baptism power in the life of the believer.

    Paul is disqualifying ANY gift being what we should seek after if our motive for

    attaining that gift is not to be a vessel that we can store up and pour out love. Without

    love the vessel of the gift is useless and meaningless and we are NOTHING.

    The first verse of chapter 14 says it all: Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially

    that you may prophesy.! Cor. 14:1

    However, many charismatic churches of today have it backwards; we pursue the gifts and

    desire love. God wants us to go after love with everything that is in us for God is LOVE.

    Along the way, we should desire the gifts to help us attain the goal of our pursuit.

    All throughout scripture, we see the Holy Spirit testifying of Jesus Christ. We find shadows

    in the Old Testament of Holy Spirit being portrayed as the Un-named Servant. It was an un-

    named servant who sought out the Gentile Bride for Isaac. In Boaz and Ruth, we find Boaz

    is introduced to Ruth by a servant whose name is hidden. When we enter the New

    Testament, the Holy Spirit testifies to truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reveals the nature

    and person of Jesus Christ, and comes at the command of Jesus Christ. Everything the Holy

    Spirit does magnify Jesus and so should all the gifts He gives.

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    1 Corinthians 14

    Those that speak in tongues speak not to man but to God.

    Paul spoke earlier of prophecy and tongues only in the context of other gifts. With the gift of

    tongues, the speaker is addressing God, not men. Disregard of this verse leads to one of the

    most significant misunderstandings regarding the gift of tongues, believing tongues is a

    supernatural way to communicate man to man instead of man to God.

    However, if we miss the fact that Those that speak in tongues speak not to man but to

    God. our views of scripture are distorted and can lead to damaging conclusions.

    1. If we misunderstand this, we misunderstand Acts 2 and think the disciples werepreaching to the crowd in tongues on the day of Pentecost. Instead, they werespeaking to God when the multi-national crowd overheard their praises to God. Acts2:11 says, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.

    Later, Acts 10:46 describes the hearing of the gift of tongues: they heard them speak

    with tongues and magnify God.

    2. If we misunderstand this, we misunderstand what is really happening when someoneattempts to interpret a tongue and addresses his or her message to men. A true

    interpretation of the gift of tongues will be addressed to God, not men. It will be aprayer, praise, or some other communication to God.

    3. If we misunderstand this, we can be led to believe the gift of tongues is just the abilityto speak another language, and all Paul is speaking about here is interpreting the

    preachers sermon in someones native tongue. But no one needs to interpret the

    preachers sermon to God!

    4. If we misunderstand this, we can misuse the gift of tongues, using it in a way thatdraws unnecessary attention to ourselves. God does not primarily give anyone the

    gift of tongues for the direct sake of others (though indirectly others are edified), butfor that believer and God alone.

    For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understandshim; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. But he who prophesies speaks

    edification and exhortation and comfort to men.1 Cor. 14:2-3

    NOTE: Do not let this contrast go unnoticed. A tongue is men speaking TO God.

    Prophecy is God speaking TO men.

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    Paul recognized that normally, when someone spoke in tongues, no one else could

    understand him. The reason is simple: with the gift of tongues, the intention is to speak to

    God and not man. Therefore, it is fine if no one understands him.

    The exception is when the tongue is publicly interpreted in a corporate setting. Even then, it

    is not the tongue itself that is understood, but the interpretation of the tongue.

    In the spirit he speaks mysteries: When the tongues speaker can not be understood, it does

    not mean it isnt really language, or that they are merely speaking gibberish. It means they

    are speaking in the spirit and that they speak mysteries. Does in the spirit refer to the

    speakers spirit, or to theHoly Spirit? It could be either one, because both are true.

    In contrast to the gift of tongues, the gift of prophecy is directed to men. It is God speaking

    supernaturally (often naturally supernaturally) throughpeople to people.

    As we pointed out earlier, not only is the gift of prophecy directed towards men, it is also

    largelypositive in its character. Often, when a negative word is spoken, it is not truly a

    word from God at all, or it is a word meant only for the individual, not for someone else.

    Prophecy Edifies: Edification is building up. It is a construction term, and speaksour being built up in the Lord. A word of prophecy will build someone up, not tear

    him or her down.

    Prophecy Exhorts: Exhortation is encouragement. It is like the speech from thecoach in the locker room, rallying the team to go out and perform as they have been

    trained to perform. A word of prophecy will encourage someone, not discourage himor her.

    Prophecy Comforts Men: Comfort has the idea of not only consoling, but also

    strengthening. It doesnt just cry with someone hurting, it puts its arms around themand strengthens them to carry the load. A word of prophecy will strengthen, not

    weaken someone.

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    One of the most drastic differences in Prophecy and tongues is contrasted in whom they


    He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies thechurch. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he

    who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed heinterprets, that the church may receive edification.

    NOTE:Note the contrast: The gift of tongues has the edification of the saint as its primary

    goal. Prophecy has the edification of the church as its primary goal.

    Paul is simply stating the nature of the gift of tongues. Since he who speaks in a tongue

    does not speak to men but to God, it follows that it is a gift whose initial activity is for self-

    edification, not church edification. However, when tongues is exercised in a public setting,the interpretation should be man to God and the praise, song, or declaration of the wonderful

    works of God will be such that the entire congregation is edified.

    He who prophesies edifies the church: Because prophecy can be understood by all, a true

    word of prophecy builds up everyone. There is no gift of Prophetic interpretation because

    there is no need for interpretation. It is God speaking to man through man.

    Paul was positive about the gift of tongues! Because of the tone of this chapter, it is easy to

    think he was down on the gift of tongues. Not at all; Paul valued the gift of tongues in his

    own life (I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all, 1 Corinthians 14:18), and

    wanted other Christians to speak with tongues.

    Why did Paul wish they all spoke with tongues? He knew the value of it in his own life.

    Paul was able, when in the spirit he speaks mysteries, to lay his soul before God in a way

    going beyond human language and intellect. He could pray, praise, and intercede beyond his

    ability to understand and articulate. Paul wanted every Christian to know this same blessing!

    But at the same time, understood that all would not have that gift, BUT would work in other

    gifts that were just as needed.

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    But even more that you prophesied: As good as the gift of tongues is, Paul sees the gift of

    prophecy as better for the church as a whole because He who speaks in a tongue edifies

    himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. And the focus here is clearly, that the

    church may receive edification. Pauls context in 1 Corinthians 14 is more focused on what

    the Corinthian Christians do when they come together as a church, than on what they do in

    their own devotional life.

    There are things that are fine for a Christian to do in their own devotional life, which may be

    disruptive, annoying, or self-exalting for a Christian to do in a church meeting. The gift of

    tongues is one of those things. So, since Paul is focusing on when the Corinthian Christian

    comes together as a church, it is clear why he regards the gift of prophecy as greater.

    I truly believe that if someone were to ask Paul, Which is greater for ones devotional life:

    the gift of tongues or the gift of prophecy? He would no doubt say the gift of tongues,

    because who do you prophecy to when you are alone with the Lord in your prayer closet?

    But, just because Paul wishes they all spoke in tongues doesnt mean all can as we have

    clearly solidified by Scripture. Paul also wished that he could be sent to hell if it would save

    his brethren.

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    There is no such thing as a message FROM God TO a

    congregation via an Unknown Tongue.

    In verse 6, Paul spoke for the profit of all. It would do them no good for Paul to come

    speaking in tongues. INSTEAD he came speaking via revelation, knowledge, prophecy, and

    teaching. Paul is describing methods of communication that can be edifying to the entire

    body corporately.

    But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit youunless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by

    teaching? 1Cor. 14:6

    Even though Paul has stated all this, he says this to the Corinthians.

    Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the

    church that you seek to excel. Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he

    may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding isunfruitful.1 Cor.14:12-14.

    He says let the gifts be for the edification of the body in a corporate setting. The speaker in

    tongues should pray that he interpret as well so that the entire body can be lifted up as he

    himself is edified. Again Paul is emphasizing that the gift of tongues is prayer to God from

    man. It should also be noted that they were zealous for the gifts. God will not give anyone

    anything they do not earnestly desire for the right reason.

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    Paul then gives us a clear understanding of when to and when not use the gift of tongues:

    What is the conclusion then? I willpray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the

    understanding.I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.

    Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of theuninformed say Amen at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what

    you say? For you indeedgive thanks well, but the other is not edified. I thank myGod I speak with tongues more than you all; yet in the church I would rather speak

    five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousandwords in a tongue. I Cor. 14:15-19.

    #1: Tongues is for praying, singing, blessing God from the heart.

    #2: Tongues gives thanks TO God.

    #3: Theprimarypurpose of tongues is NOT the edification of others.


    a. What could be the five words: CHRIST DIED AND ROSE AGAIN.

    #5: Tongues does NOT teach therefore it is not: revelation, knowledge, prophecy, or

    teaching. It is a prayer, a song, or a blessing given BY MAN TO GOD.

    But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you

    unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by

    teaching? 1Cor. 14:6

    Paul gladly proclaims: I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding.

    Paul would not pray with understanding if he didnt think it wasjust as effective as praying in

    tongues. Always remember- God knows the heart whether we speak in tongues or a known


    I will sing with the spirit, I will also sing with the understanding. Paul will use the gift of

    tongues, both in prayer and in song, and he will use it often though not exclusively. Yet in

    the church he, and I, would rather speak five words with my understanding . . . than ten

    thousand words in a tongue. Therefore, Pauls use of tongues was pretty much focused in his

    devotional life with the Lord and not in a congregational setting.

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    This also points to the fact that the private devotional tongue is the same as that used in a

    congregational setting. The gift of tongues in Acts was used to declare and praise TO God

    just as this is. There is ONE gift of tongues not two.

    Paul here makes reference to how we can sing in the spirit. God can give us the freedom to

    exercise the gift of tongues in a melodic way, so it flows in with worship. However, based

    on the principles in this chapter, if this is done, it should never be done in a way that would

    draw attention to itself or distract others. Church is not a bless me club. We come to

    church to lift up Christ and serve.

    If no one understands my blessing of the Lord, if no one understands my thanks to God, they

    cant say Amen with me. When I am gathered together with other believers, I cant just do

    my own thing and say, Well, it blesses me. I must have a concern for others also. Paul is

    completely consistent in his emphasis on tongues being directed to God.

    Just in these verses, he points out what we do with the gift of tongues: we pray, we sing, we

    bless, and we give thanks. All of these we do unto the Lord, not unto man with the gift of

    tongues. This is consistent with every single time tongues are mentioned in scripture.

    So, Paul saw great value in the gift of tongues for his own devotional life before the Lord: I

    thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all. Yet, when he gathered with other

    Christians, his concern was to be a blessing, not with getting a blessing.

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    Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but

    prophesying [serveth] not for them that believe not, but for them which believe. If therefore

    the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and therecome in [those that are] unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?1 Cor.


    Next, a sign does not necessarily have to be a good thing. Paul draws from a passage in

    Isaiah concerning Israels refusal to hear the words of the prophets (Isa. 28:9-12). There can

    be signs of coming destruction and desolation; there are signs of the times that indicate that

    our time is short. In the passage below, I feel that tongues are being portrayed as a sign in a

    negative sense of the word to those Jews that refused to believe Peters message at Pentecost.

    This would be a sign of condemnation to hardened Jewish believer that comes into the

    church and hears the same thing that they rejected at Pentecost. Isnt this what happened in

    Acts 2? The gift was being exercised in a place where the public could overhear and the

    crowd was confused and thought they were all drinking. Peter had to get up and set things to

    their proper perspective in the common language of Koine Greek, yet there were those that

    denied the preaching and continued to believe the disciples were nuts.

    Prophecy is a sign to the believerwhich edifies, exhorts, and comforts the body. As the

    unbeliever enters a room in which the body is being edified, comforted, and exhorted, they

    will be moved to want what they have and believe even if they are idits. This is the

    Greek word used here for unlearned. This would indicate someone without any skills or

    learning at all. The Scythians would be an example of these who would occupy the realm of

    the unlearned.

    But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or [one] unlearned, heis convinced of all, he is judged of all: And thus are the secrets of his heart made

    manifest; and so falling down on [his] face he will worship God, and report that Godis in you of a truth. 1 Cor. 14: 24-25

    When a church is engaged in edification of the body, exhortation of the body, and comfort of

    the body IN A KNOWN LANGUAGE, then those that come into the church comes under

    conviction of sin as the church is exhorting each other to repent and turn from sin. The heart

  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit



    of the unlearned is condemned by the very Gospel the body of Christ is building one another

    up by. As conviction and faith comes to the unbeliever, confession is made with the mouth;

    repentance is made in the heart and the unlearned falls on his face and worships the God who

    saved him.


    I want to say that this in no way should be construed as blasting any denomination or any

    body. This was an attempt to restate my views concisely as possible and in a more organized

    fashion. I want nothing less than all our members to operate in the gifts that God gives in

    proper fashion. I wish that none would try to operate in a gift that God has not given them.

    To do this is detrimental to the person and the body as a whole. It is a source of division and

    pride. Clear teaching of scripture and sound doctrine leads to a healthy body that can

    withstand the trials and face any opportunity with Holy Spirit endowed power. It leads to

    God pleasing praise and worship. That is what I want for the body here at THE ROCK.

    I will say this again, and I mean it with all my heart. I will gladly review my position if

    someone can take the scriptures that I given and show me where I was wrong in its

    interpretation. Until then, I can do nothing but teach what I feel is the clear extrapolation of

    the whole council of God. If my views are correct, then we should not be afraid what men

    will think, or even if we were wrong in past thinking. My pride is nothing compared to the

    truth of scripture. This Word has consumed me and I am glad of it.

    In Love,

    Bobby Long


  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit



    Prayer in tongues

    No need to interpret.

    No one else around

    Comm. To God

    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God








    Tongues In









    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to GodInterpretation


    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God

    Interpretation to

    Congregation In English

    Interpretation to

    Congregation In English








    Tongues In

    Corporate Setting

    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God

    Prayer in tongues

    No need to interpret.

    No one else around

    Comm. To God

    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God








    Tongues In









    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to GodInterpretation


    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God

    Interpretation to

    Congregation In English

    Interpretation to

    Congregation In English








    Tongues In

    Corporate Setting

    Pray to God

    Sing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanks to God

  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit

































    Is if for Congregation

    or Not?

    Sharing of Prophecy

    In English











































    Is if for Congregation

    or Not?

    Sharing of Prophecy

    In English













  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit






    Pray to GodSing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanksTo God

    What is given

    as the


    is a


    or Word

    From God

    To Man

    No InterpretationINTER






    Pray to God

    Sing to GodBless God

    Give thanksTo God

    No Biblical


    There is no Biblical foundation

    for this. In this example, the

    tongue was given, but what wentto the congregation was

    message from God to man

    which is not the interpretation of

    the tongue.

    Otherwise it would be the

    declaration of praise, song,

    thanksgiving, or prayer TO God.

    Obedience not only occurs when

    someone is given the tongue in

    a corporate setting, but there

    must be obedience on the part

    of the one that is to interpret the

    tongue as well.

    If this is said to be a response to

    a question asked of God, then

    how are those around to Judge ifthey do not know the question?..







    Pray to GodSing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanksTo God

    What is given

    as the


    is a


    or Word

    From God

    To Man

    No InterpretationINTER






    Pray to God

    Sing to GodBless God

    Give thanksTo God

    No Biblical


    There is no Biblical foundation

    for this. In this example, the

    tongue was given, but what wentto the congregation was

    message from God to man

    which is not the interpretation of

    the tongue.

    Otherwise it would be the

    declaration of praise, song,

    thanksgiving, or prayer TO God.

    Obedience not only occurs when

    someone is given the tongue in

    a corporate setting, but there

    must be obedience on the part

    of the one that is to interpret the

    tongue as well.

    If this is said to be a response to

    a question asked of God, then

    how are those around to Judge ifthey do not know the question?..





  • 7/30/2019 The Baptism & Gifts of Holy Spirit


    Pray to GodSing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanksTo God

    Pray to GodSing to GodBless God

    Give thanks

    To God










    To congregation



    To congregation






    Body isEdified

    Words of:Knowledge




    To congregation

    Pray to GodSing to God

    Bless God

    Give thanksTo God

    Pray to GodSing to GodBless God

    Give thanks

    To God










    To congregation



    To congregation






    Body isEdified

    Words of:Knowledge




    To congregation

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