the arbiter 9.11.2014

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The September 9 issue of the Boise State student-run newspaper, The Arbiter.


I n d e p e n d e n t S t u d e n t V o I c e o f B o I S e S t a t e S I n c e 1 9 3 3

IDAHO COMIC ARTISTS CELEBRATEDAlbertsons Stadium if sporting new metal detectors. Find out how Saturday’s test run went.

Yaiza Rodriguez plays in Spain, brings her experience back to Boise State.

September 11, 2014 Vol. 27 Issue 8



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09/11/2014, Page 2


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Distributed Mondays & Thurs-days during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the

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COPY EDITORSBrenna BrumfieldBriana Cornwall

design managerJovi Ramirez


Ted AtwellJared Lewis



NL News Director Farzan Faramarzi




Women’s Basketball player goes international

HYPE for local artists at hyde park

hands-on experience in alaska


09/11/2014Pg 4

don’t delay the lineEmily PehrsonEditor-in-Chief

The new metal detectors were introduced at Albert-sons Stadium before Satur-day’s game against Colorado State. Well, kind of. While metal detectors had been installed on several entranc-

es, only a select few were switched on for the home opener.

According to Michelle Railsback, manager of com-munication and special projects for the Office of the General Council, this was at the recommendation of the company who provided the

metal detectors, Grainger. The idea was to get people used to walking through the metal detectors to make the transition to heightened se-curity easier.

“We’re phasing it in. We hope by mid-season it will be fully in effect,” Railsback said. “It’s kind of a learning

curve for fans so they (secu-rity officials) don’t want to change too much at the very start.”

For most students, the de-lay was only slightly longer than usual, so they weren’t upset by the extra inconve-nience.

“(It’s only inconvenient) if I’m trying to bring, like, a flask in,” said Austin Ortiz, sophomore business major. “Other than that no, I don’t carry a pocket knife on me, or a gun.”

However, most students were unaware that the metal detectors may not have ac-tually been functional.

In order to avoid a bottle-neck once all the devices are functioning, fans are encouraged to enter Alb-ertsons Stadium well before kickoff.

“Our fans are notorious for entering the stadium very late,” Railsback said. “We are encouraging them

to . . . not only arrive a little earlier, but enter the stadium earlier.”

According to Railsback, the cost of the metal detec-tors was $191,000. Greg Hahn, associate vice presi-dent for communication and marketing, said the im-plementation of these metal detectors will also triple the number of security workers at the stadium.

To help defray the cost, Boise State purchased a por-table model. In the future metal detectors can be disas-sembled and placed on the doors to the Taco Bell Arena and the Morrison Center as desired. These are the most likely future option as both these venues exceed the 1,000-person seating capac-ity that makes it illegal to carry a gun.

According to Railsback, Taco Bell Arena is where they’ll likely pop up next.

“You’re walking through doors anyway,” Railsback

said. “It makes sense to have those set up as people walk through them.”

However, there is no specific timeline for when students and campus visi-tors can expect to see metal detectors in other places around campus. For now, the emphasis remains on Al-bertsons Stadium.

“The main focus is the sta-dium,” Railsback said. “Then possible additional use as they (security officials) see fit or when they feel ready.”

Whatever the added in-convenience, some are no-ticing an added bonus (or hassle, depending on the viewpoint) to the metal de-tectors and more thorough bag checks.

“There’s a lot of younger people drinking,” said fresh-man psychology major An-thony Woodard. “It helps with that.”

Sean Bunce contributed to this article.

Maria ShimelOnline Testing Center

In researching for today’s study tip I discovered some in-teresting ideas that might help give your lecture notes the edge you need to get an A!

Start by writing out your lecture and book notes by hand if possible—there are several studies that show there is connection between physi-

cally writing down words and learning.

Color-coding your notes can also create different learn-ing associations between class material and memory recall; it strengthens your ability to remember info because you learned it in two ways (writing and color).

Another interesting tip that hit CNN a few months ago was people who doodle on their

notes are more likely to remem-ber information discussed be-cause they associate the images they drew with the info they were taking notes on—creat-ing another association to recall the information with (writing, color and pictures).

Remember it’s important to always use the method that works best for you—so figure out how you learn and make the most of these cool tips!

It’s so far, so good for new security measures at Albertsons Stadium

Fans make their way to the stadium before the game.

““—Michelle Railsback

We’re phasing it in. We hope by mid-season it will be fully in effect.

Study Tip: Make the most of your notesFor more

great study tips got to


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09/11/2014 Pg 5



Turning Politricks

Airs Sunday

3-5 p.m.

with Christopher Bower, McAlister Mallory,

David McKerracher and Stephen Troxel.

Space Waves

Soul Sessions

Boise Locals Only

Airs Fri

1-2 p.m.

with Alisha Graefe and Paul Bates.

with Michael Prentice.

with Peter Schlesinger.

the Sideline


Airs Monday

11-1 p.m.

Airs Wednesday

6-8 p.m.Airs Wednesday

9-11 a.m.

with Brandon Walton and Rashad Stribling.

For students Idaho’s new gun bill is out of sight, out of mindAlx StickelNews Editor

On July 1 students and faculty with enhanced con-cealed carry licenses were allowed to carry firearms on campus. Now in week three of Fall Semester 2014, some students have encountered changes on campus from the gun bill, like the metal detec-tors in Albertsons Stadium. Others haven’t given the gun bill much thought.

Greg Hahn, associate vice president for communica-tions and marketing, said most students won’t notice a difference.

“I think people are going to notice this isn’t really a thing,” Hahn said. “Life is going to seem like college life did before.”

Since the bill’s passing back in March, some in-structors have updated their syllabi or have briefly dis-cussed the implications en-hanced concealed carrying has on campus, but haven’t engaged students in further discussion in the classroom setting.

Two students new to cam-pus, Morgan Black, sopho-more psychology transfer

student, and Justin Dodd, a freshman with an undeclared major, echoed Hahn’s asser-tion, saying their instruc-tors haven’t mentioned this change to university policy.

“I feel out of the loop,” Black said.

After living in Caldwell, Black said she understood why the passing of the gun bill would be necessary for a school like College of Idaho, where students are discour-aged from walking around on or off campus at night. However, she feels Boise State is different, and carry-ing a gun on campus is not necessary.

Black—who grew up in a home with guns and other weapons used for sport—said she understands some people feel safer carrying but thinks the university would be better off if people kept their guns at home.

Dodd said despite the lack of classroom conversation around the topic, to him the idea of packing heat on cam-pus is eerie. He feels people don’t need to have a gun on campus.

“Hopefully nothing arises from it,” Dodd said.

According to Boise State’s

Campus Security and Police Services’ website, in certain campus locations weapons are not allowed, even with the enhanced concealed carry license. Places like Al-bertsons Stadium, the Mor-rison Center, the dorms and residence halls, the Student Union Building, Taco Bell Arena, Bronco Gymnasium, Boas Soccer and Tennis Complex, Dona Larsen Park and the Children’s Center prohibit weapons.

Campus Security, while undergoing personnel changes, is expected to en-gage in training in line with their updated five-year plan.

Hahn said different uni-versities have enacted dif-ferent plans in response to the gun bill. Hahn said in the case of Boise State, stu-dents should call the police or Campus Security if they see something regarding a gun or other weapon they are unsure of or concerned about.

Hahn also said the thing students need to know is that safety is the number one goal with the implementa-tion of enhanced concealed carry licenses being allowed on campus.

Students demonstrate at the Capitol prior to the passing of the bill.







09/11/2014Pg 6




You just bring

your fabulous self

Students go to alaska for experience in their fieldSean BunceAsst. News Editor

To some, watching fish move from one end of a processing plant to the other isn’t an ideal way to spend the end of a sum-mer. For two mechanical engineering students who went to Alaska in early August, it was the perfect opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learned in the classroom.

“(I’m) finally doing what I’ve been taught in classes,” said Michael Strong, senior at Boise State. “I learned but didn’t have a clue what I was actually doing.”

Industrial Assessment Center teams, which are sponsored by Idaho’s De-partment of Energy, are located at all three Idaho universities. This means plants within 150 miles of these campuses are eligible for an energy assessment of its facilities, services and manufacturing operations.

According to John Gard-ner, an engineering pro-fessor at Boise State and

director of the CAES En-ergy Efficiency Research Institute, the trip to Alaska was special.

“There’s been interest in expanding coverage to states that don’t often re-ceive service, like Alaska,” Gardner said.

While in Alaska, Strong and his classmate Sean Rosin spent a day at each facility. They took mea-surements, noting places where electric motors and pumps are used and toured the plants to make sure everything is running ef-ficiently.

Within 60 days of the visit, the team will send an assessment to each plant they audit. They will make suggestions to improve ef-ficiency, calculate the cost to make these changes and

the time it will take each plant to pay off the cost. This is also known as a “payback period.”

“If it takes more than two years, most industries won’t take the proposal,” Gardner said. “Shorter ones are easier to do.”

After another six months IAC finds out if any of their recommendations have been made.

Between Boise State and the University of Idaho, over 40 assessments have been made in the last three and a half years. Roughly 30 percent of the sugges-tions made have been im-plemented, according to Gardner.

Because the Department of Energy supports 24 cen-ters throughout the coun-try, there is no direct cost to these manufacturers for an assessment; they are also not obligated to im-plement any of IAC’s sug-gestions.

According to the Cen-ter for Advanced Energy Studies, the average imple-mented IAC assessment recommendations save a plant over $55,000 per year, and the average pay-back period falls within 12 to 18 months.

For more information visit

U of I student reads Temperature.

““—Michael Strong

I’m finally doing what I’ve been taught in classes. I learned, but I didn’t have a clue what I was actually doing.


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facebook experiment illustrates need for online users’ bill of rights

San Jose Mercury MCT Campus

Creepy doesn’t begin to describe Facebook’s 2012 psychological experiment on 700,000 of its unwitting us-ers.

Any attempt to manipulate the emotional state of con-sumers is unconscionable. It reflects poorly on the entire tech community, confirming privacy activists’ worst fears. This public relations disaster,

coming on the heels of the NSA spying revelations, re-asserts the pressing need for Silicon Valley to produce an online users’ bill of rights.

The alternative is an inevi-table downward spiral of con-fidence in tech companies and their products. Could government regulation be far behind? Social media and software companies have been hiding behind user agreements to excuse blatant invasions of privacy.

Facebook’s data use agree-

ment is nearly as long as the Book of Revelations and about as comprehensible. To sum it up: In the event of any-thing short of an apocalypse, Facebook is covered. And if anyone out there claims to carefully read all the terms and conditions for a web site before clicking “Accept” to join it _ get out the salt shaker.

The basis for an online bill of rights must be full transparency. Social media users should not have to go through a 8,000 words of le-galese to know what they’re agreeing to. It would help to have a shorthand summary of a user agreement in plain language. If something jumps out at users, they can read the whole thing.

The Federal Trade Com-

mission should look at re-quiring this, along the lines of the Food and Drug Adminis-tration labels that summarize the ingredients of food prod-ucts. The summary should include who will have access to a user’s data and how it can be used.

Are photographs shared? Are locations tracked? Are online purchases recorded? Are lists of acquaintances compiled? Are political or religious affiliations shared? Are online searches tracked? These are all yes or no an-swers. Details can be a click away.

At a minimum, users should have access to an an-nual report of the material being collected and what in-dividuals or businesses have purchased any personal in-

formation. They should be able to opt out of having their personal data sold for any purpose.

Companies such as Face-book and Google contrib-ute enormously to Silicon Valley’s economy, creating services used by hundreds of millions of people a day. They’ve made billions by mining the data they collect from those users and selling it to companies that profit fur-ther from it. Good for them. But they owe their custom-ers basic honesty. And they shouldn’t play mind games with the people from whom they profit.

The European Union is ahead of the United States in protecting personal infor-mation. Brazil passed an In-ternet bill of rights in April

limiting the data that online companies can collect from users.

Silicon Valley should take the initiative to offer Ameri-cans the same protections. If it doesn’t, the industry’s rep-utation will continue to un-ravel. And companies won’t be able to blame NSA snoops for it.


“I skim through them sometimes. I just pick out key words about pictures and stuff that is personal. It’s mostly a lack of time.”

Kyle Hansen, auto body alumni

“I don’t ever read them. I always just click the checkbox and say ‘yes, I’ve read these.’ I just don’t want to deal with it.”

Justin Dodd, freshman, undeclared

“Not usually. The jar-gon they use can be confusing, which lends itself to encouraging people not to read them in the first place.”

Brianna Oswald, junior, social work major

“On Facebook I do, but on anything else I don’t. Since the Facebook mes-senger app, I’ve been a bit more suspicious.”

Jeanie McElroy, junior, radiologic sciences major

“No. Most of what is written seems like com-mon sense. I don’t need to be told what is and what is not appropriate to do or unnecessary.”

Haley Meyers, senior, anthropology major


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09/11/2014Pg 8

Hyde park Street fair returns to north endPatty BowenAsst. Culture Editor

Local bands and vendors will intermingle in the early autumn weather dur-ing the annual Hyde Park Street Fair, organized by the North End Neighbor-hood Association.

“There are always a lot of people there,” said Ben

Wieland, sophomore Eng-lish major. “I’ve attended the fair a few times over the years, once to see my drum teacher, Louie Si-mon, and the other time to see Built to Spill. Both were amazing shows.”

Wieland is the drum-mer for Jumping Sharks, a psychedelic rock band that will be preforming at

Hyde Park Street Fair this year, as well as having per-formed at the fair last year. Wieland has been a part of Jumping Sharks for five years now, going on tour with Revolt Revolt.

The festival gives Jump-ing Sharks and other local bands an easy way to per-form for all age groups and reach a wider audience.

“This is one of Boise’s oldest music festivals featuring local musi-cians,” said Troy Rohn, biology professor at Boise State. “That is what re-ally defines the Hyde Park Street Fair.”

The profits of Hyde Park Street Fair are donated to Preservation Idaho, an or-ganization that works to preserve Idaho’s history, and sustaining the yearly grants that teachers of North End schools can ap-

ply for. Boise High is currently

using the grant to broaden their sustainability efforts.

“This year Boise High has chosen to compost the waste from the cafeteria and re-use it at the down-town teaching farm,” Rohn said. “They will measure the waste and compost produced to perform cost benefit analysis, which they can form possible business models from.”

Depending on the re-sults of the experiment, contributors and the North End Neighborhood Association will be able to decide whether or not the process can be repeated at a larger scale.

Donations that go towards Preservation Idaho, are cur-rently being used to work on the Quartermaster building located in old Fort Boise.

“Built circa 1864, [the Quartermaster building] is one of the oldest struc-tures in Boise and was threatened with demoli-tion by the VA,” Rohn said.

Once restorations are done, the Quartermaster building will be open for

business again.Hyde Park Street Fair

starts this Friday Sept. 12 and runs to the 14. To find out the vendor and enter-tainment lineup for the fair, students can visit the North End Neighborhood Association website.

Hemingway Center’s fall exhibit includes cake, muralsPatty BowenAsst. Culture Editor

Whether it’s staged, cre-ated or simply presented, beauty thrives in multiple forms, enticing artists to capture its essence. The Boise State Visual Arts Center is putting this beauty on display at the Hemingway Center, show-casing graduate photog-raphy that frames beauty in two different, creative means.

The Hemingway Cen-ter’s fall exhibit is now

open, giving students a way to enjoy beautiful art without leaving campus. The “Faux” exhibit is made up of photographs taken by Alexis Pike and Jacinda Russell. The two Boise State graduates met while getting their undergradu-ate degrees.

Russell and Pike decided to do the exhibit together because of the shared topic of both of their collections.

“We posed the show because it was a really funny combination of fake things,” Russell said.

Russell’s collection of photographs includes nine photos of cakes floating on bodies of water. The num-ber nine came from a book written by Ed Ruscha enti-tled “Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass.” Rus-sell decided to fill the nine photographs with cakes and water because of the emotions attached to both the pastry and the liquid.

“I know people think cakes are beautiful and people think water is beau-tiful and I wanted to put those two things together,”

Russell said. “I wanted to see if doing that would make me happy ... it was the first time I’ve ever tried to make something that was just beautiful.”

In the process of photo-graphing the series, Rus-sell visited 15 different locations, and put together each cake using styrofoam and cork.

Pike’s pieces also have a lot to say. The photos all capture murals of Idaho landscapes that Pike found while exploring the less inhabited stretches near

Stanley and Idaho Falls.“It’s become about

claiming the landscape that we’ve grown up with that has become part of our heritage.” Pike said, “It’s not just for people to be buying and putting fences around.”

Pike explained that the series expresses the senti-ments of the middle class of rural Idaho and its desire to keep the rural landscape sacred while being pushed out by wealthy landown-ers. Pike feels that it is im-portant to document and capture these murals be-fore they are taken down or painted over.

“The irony is oftentimes

when you’re looking at the mural, the scene is right be-hind you,” Pike said.

This ironic undertone bleeds into Pike’s photo-graphs. According to web developer Tom von Al-ten, a viewer of the “Faux” opening, there is a subtle sense of humor in Pike’s photos.

“It makes me think of the ordinary scenes that we pass by without really be-ing aware of them,” von Al-ten said. “I appreciate the humor of her selection of the particular scenes.”

Students can view “Faux” until Oct. 23rd by visiting room 110 in the Heming-way Center on campus.

Various musicians perform at the fair.

Listeners cluster near the main stage.




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09/11/2014 Pg 9

Idaho comic artists published in their own anthologyPatty BowenAsst. Culture Editor

What do Superman, Won-der Woman, She-Hulk and Wolverine all have in com-mon? They are all iconic superheroes who have been incorporated into comic books written by New York-er Charles Soule. In August 2014 Soule published part of his Strongman series within the pages of “Tarzan and the Comics of Idaho”, one of the two comic books produced by Idaho Comics Group.

The second comic the group produced, entitled “Idaho Comics #1,” starts with an in-depth history of comic books in Idaho written by Albert Asker, the founder of Idaho Comics Group. In the history Asker details ties to Idaho, including a nemesis of the Incredible Hulk who was from Boise, Idaho and a short bio of Todd Clark, Boise State alumnus and the creator of “Lola.”

“People don’t know about these creators and the really great things they’ve done,” Asker said. “[Comics] are dying slowly, but they’re an original American art form and I think it is important to keep them together.”

Both comics showcase illustrated short stories by comic book artists from all

over Idaho. Topics range broadly and include two stories about Boise State’s football team. Both Bronco stories are based on fact. One details the plight of a man and his regret about not going to Boise Junior College and playing for the then Lions. The other de-tails the death of Paul Rey-na, a Boise State football and basketball player.

“I wrote this story to kind of remember [Paul Reyna]… The Bronco foot-ball team has his picture by the locker room and they touch his picture before they go out into the field,” Asker said. He is currently working on finding Reyna’s mother and family in Cali-fornia to send them a copy of the story.

Asker is planning on re-leasing a new issue of “Ida-ho Comics” and “Tarzan and the Comics of Idaho” every year. Possible future additions may include a comic book featuring the stories and art of Gaz Asker, a 16-year-old artist who had a set of comics in the first issue of “Tarzan and the Comics of Idaho.”

“Some of the people we had contribute to the first one were pretty well-known but this next one we’re go-ing to have a least a couple

of new artists that people haven’t heard much about,” Asker said.

Michelle Estrada, junior art major, and John Bar-rie, custodian foreman, are teaming up to create an il-lustrated story for the 2015 issue.

“It started when I drew a picture of a sphinx and showed him off to my friend John... I came up with a back story to this character and one illustrated page with dialogue,” Estrada said. “I came up with a few of my theories on dream traveling and the nature of cats and proposed that cats perhaps walk between the dreaming and the waking world, and they are peculiar because they are here and at the same time they are not.”

Estrada explained that after just a little bit of idea exchanges with Barrie, who is writing the comic, he approved, and told her to “have fun illustrating!”

The comic is still in the beginning stages; however, Estrada feels that this could be a launching point for her comic art.

“I definitely think this character could be my pro-motional mascot,” Estrada says. “I’m excited and in-timidated at the same time.”

“Idaho Comics #1” and “Tarzan and the Comics of Idaho” are for sale at the Record Exchange, Captain Comics and several other Boise locations. Students can read more about the comics and Idaho Comics Group at their Tumblr or Facebook page.

““—albert asker

[Comics] are dying slowly, but they’re an original American art form and I think it is important to keep them together.

art Courtesy MiCheLLLe estrada

09/11/2014Pg 10

Sports & Rec

Yaiza Rodriguez Ortego’s game gets Spanish flareBrandon WaltonAsst. Sports & Rec Editor

Boise State sophomore women’s basketball point guard Yaiza Rodriguez Ortego had the rare opportunity to represent her country this past summer.

She was part of the Spanish national Under-20 team this summer.

“It’s always a cool experi-ence to represent your coun-try,” Rodriguez Ortego said.

Rodriguez Ortego, the reigning MW Freshman of the Year had an opportunity to play exclusively in Spain coming out of high school, but she chose instead to come to Boise State.

“When I was in Spain I had two options, either play professionally or come to the United States,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “It is really hard to play over there and I wanted to study engineering and play basketball. I decided to come to Boise because I liked the program.”

Rodriguez Ortego has been playing international ball since she was 12. Last sea-son she competed for both the U-18 and U-19 Spain

national teams.She left for Spain at the

end of May where her team participated in a few tour-naments before leaving for Italy for the U-20 European Championships.

While in Europe, Rodri-guez Ortego had to get used to playing the European style of basketball, which tends to be more pass and shoot oriented as opposed to the physical style of American basketball.

“It was difficult at the begin-ning,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “Basketball there and basket-ball here are different as they both have different concepts. The roles I had on both teams are different. Here I can score more but over there my role is to assist more.”

Rodriguez Ortego still pre-fers the American style of bas-ketball, but she is glad she is playing internationally as well.

“It will make me a more well-rounded player because I will have the tools from ev-erything that I have learned,” Rodriguez Ortego said.

Her team ended up making it to the finals where they lost to France in overtime.

“It was exciting to be in the final because all my teammates

had never been to the finals before and this was their last chance,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “I was really happy for them.”

Playing basketball though wasn’t the only thing Rodri-guez Ortego got to do, as she was able to visit her family.

“I hadn’t seen my family in four years,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “When I got to see them it was just so exciting and they made me a big dinner.”

While Rodriguez Ortego was happy to see her family and play for her country, she also missed her Bronco team-mates that have become her new family.

“I was still talking to them,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “When I was over there I real-ly missed the people here and I couldn’t wait to come back.”

Rodriguez Ortego is hop-ing her experience and play on the national team will translate into a big-time season for the Broncos this year.

“Everything I did with the international team I am going to bring over here,” Rodriguez Ortego said. “This season I have a lot more confidence in myself and I want to help my team win.”

Rodriguez Ortego directing the boise state offense.

Games:1. France2. Greece3. Latvia4. Czech Republic5. Russia6. Turkey7. Poland8. Italy 9. Spain


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09/11/2014 Pg 11

Sports & rec

Boise State cashes in on opening weekendNate LowerySports & Rec Editor

The opening week of college football saw large payouts to Division I-AA programs and even more lucrative payouts to teams playing neutral site games.

According to a report from ESPN, over $12.9 million was paid to small-er budget programs such as Appalachian State and North Dakota State in “guarantee” games during week one.

Guarantee games are games to which larger Divi-

sion I schools invite small-er budget programs for a single home game, almost guaranteeing a win for the larger school.

Not all guarantee games end in a win for the home team, however.

Appalachian State fa-mously defeated Michigan in 2007, while North Da-kota State toppled Kansas State last season.

There are several benefits for smaller schools that agree to play in guarantee games. Their players and coaches get a rare chance at television exposure, and

their athletic departments usually receive large pay-ments in return.

Appalachian State and Florida Atlantic received the largest payouts at $1 million apiece during week one. North Dakota State re-ceived $350,000 for playing Iowa State.

Appalachian State’s bid for a second victory over the Wolverines in the Big House failed with Michi-gan handily defeating the Mountaineers, 52-14. Ne-braska had an even easier victory over FAU, 55-7.

The Bison pulled off their

fifth straight upset win over an FBS team, beating the Cyclones 34-14.

Boise State, on the other hand, has found a different strategy.

Since winning the Fiesta Bowl in 2007, the Broncos have participated in only four guarantee games: 2007 against Weber State, 2008 against Idaho State, 2009 against UC Davis and 2013 against Tennessee-Martin.

The cost of Boise State’s 63-14 win over Tennessee-Martin was $425,000 ac-cording to Max Corbet, the assistant athletic director of communications for the Broncos.

Instead of losing money on guarantee games, Boise State has played in neutral site games as part of the Chick-fil-A Kickoff series.

The Broncos have com-

peted in two Chick-fil-A Kickoff games: a 2011 win over Georgia and a loss this season to Ole Miss.

Boise State received a to-tal payment of $1.1 million from the Ole Miss game.

That payment goes into the athletic department’s general revenue which is used by the entire athletic department account, Cor-bet told The Arbiter in an email.

Fourth quarter woes trouble BroncosBrandon WaltonAsst. Sports & Rec Editor

The Broncos may have notched their first win of the season, but a troubling devel-opment has arisen.

Through the first two games of the season, the Broncos have been unable to finish the fourth quarter.

Head coach Bryan Harsin takes the Broncos’ struggles in the fourth quarter very seri-ously.

“I am not happy about it,” Harsin said. “We have to be able to get off the field.”

In their opener against Ole Miss the Broncos were outscored 28-7 in the fourth quarter. Last week against Colorado State the Broncos

gave up over 200 yards in total offense during the fourth quar-ter. That was nearly half of the total yards the Rams had for the entire game.

“It’s too many plays and it’s too many yards,” Harsin said. “We have got to improve in the fourth quarter.”

This season, the Broncos’ defense has jumped out early in games with big stops but then faded as the game has gone on.

“There is no such thing as a great half of football,” Harsin said. “It’s a whole entire game.”

While the effort has been there, the Broncos have not been able to figure out how to truly close a game out.

“I don’t think they are not

trying to finish or not trying to play the fourth quarter,” Harsin said. “It’s a matter of mentality.”

If Boise State is not careful, this trend could really come to haunt them this season.

“There have been a lot of teams already this season that have come out in the second half and made a difference,” Harsin said.

The Broncos will be looking to buck this trend when they head on the road this weekend against Connecticut.

“The fourth quarter is going to be a theme,” Harsin said. “It’s something we have to deal with until we prove otherwise.”

Kick off is at 10:00 a.m. and can be seen on ABC locally and ESPN 2 nationally.

The Broncos celebrate with fans following a win.

Alec Dhaenens playing against Ole miss.


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09/11/2014, Page 12

off your drink and food order!

500 W. Idaho St.Expires July 31, 2015

after 6pmGET 20%


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Only $5 at Grille Works in the ILC!




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ooey, gooey goodness!

Grab yours in the SUB and ILC food courts!


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