the a-team film magazine analysis

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Film Magazine Analysis –A Team

The film magazine cover uses a variety of font sizes to make the most important parts stand out above the rest. The main cover story text is the largest text on the cover apart from the masthead, this makes it clear that the main feature of the magazine is about The A Team. This is conventional of film magazines as it makes it clear what the main focus of the magazine is.

The font style is sans-serif which is a simple font style, although it is simple it makes a clear bold message about the film. This is conventional of the genre as the action film genre is very simple but explosive and bold.


The image on the magazine cover is a low angle wide shot showing all the characters. The low angle looks up at the characters showing them to be dominant and the wide shot helps to bring a sense of hierarchy to the image. The leader of the group is standing slightly ahead of the rest of the group that are behind him in a military formation. This is conventional of action films as any action film that has numerous protagonists in a group will always have a clear leader guiding them.

The main image uses conventional action film props such as guns, the guns are clearly seen holstered by the protagonists as they are comfortable so that they don’t need their weapons out at all times. This is conventional of action films as the protagonists will have small guns like handguns meanwhile the antagonists will have much larger and powerful guns like machine guns.


The colour on the poster is very conventional for the action film genre. The use of a bold orange in the background that signifies an explosion directly relates to the action genre as explosions are in almost every action film.

The use of red in the foreground of the explosive background makes it stand out in front of the explosion but also adds a powerful meaning to the cover. The red connotes power and blood which in front of an explosion will have a powerful effect to the text.


The magazine cover utilises the use of the left third, the black character is in the left third, this will be seen by the audience when the magazine is on the shelf which will then entice the audience to purchase the magazine. This is conventional of magazine covers as when multiple different magazines are on the shelf for consumption the left third is most likely to be the only visible part of the magazine, this part of the cover needs to stand out from the other magazines so that the audience will look at it and buy it.


The language on the cover is powerful and related to the genre. The use of the world ‘ultimate’ on the cover has direct relation to the genre of the film which adds to the excitement of the film. The language used is short but it gives off a powerful message.


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