the 10 commandments of landing page copy that converts

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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The 10 Commandments of Landing Page Copy That Converts

No Clutter

Cluttering a landing page is one of the top reasons they fail. You don’t want too many images or high density images. You only want a widget or two. If you have endless widgets or an excessive amount of content boxes, your customers become overwhelmed and it takes away from YOUR content. Cluttering your page with anything and everything makes it hard for the customer to know where to click. You don’t like clutter in your house or yard so don’t put it on your page. There are two smaller types of clutter as well as the full on overload, information overload and over-choice. Keep it simple.

Clear Call To Action

Say you’re on amazon and there’s a book you would like to look at. You get to the page and read the summary of this book but as you scroll down there’s a (more) option. When you click on it it’s just to view the inside of the book. Landing pages need a clear call to action, instead of saying (more), say (view inside of book here). You don’t want to confuse the customer. Be specific. Be dead on. Be crystal clear.

Don’t Ask Too Much

Demographics are important in advertising. Know your audience and you’ll be able to sell to them more successfully. More and more sellers ask less from customers. Most ask for an email and one other piece of information. The less you ask, the more customers sign up.

Think Like The Customer

Write your landing page like a HUMAN. Don’t write a robotic sales pitch, it’s detached and customers don’t like the monotone foreign sales tone. Take selling shoes for example, your customers want something that makes the product to die for. If a young woman came across a pair of gorgeous heels, she tends to read the description. This woman doesn’t want something boring like, “Black seven inch stilettos with elastic straps and a slight glow, wear them to a club or out for dinner”, she wants, “These seven inch black stilettoes will make any man’s head turn. These gorgeous heels have a beautiful sparkle and are very comfortable.” Engage and captivate.

Don’t Sit Idly By

Sitting back and watching the money roll in just isn’t part of the marketing world. You have to drive the traffic, pull it in. A good marketer will use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and blogs.

Ads are another great way of generating traffic. You can use Google Adwords (the single most popular search engine known worldwide), banner ads, and Facebook and Twitter even have advertisement programs to enroll in.

Don’t forget to pull in traffic to your site after your landing page.

Two Step Opt-In

Instead of having a one-step sign-up process that sits in your window, the two-step sign-up process is a pop-up window that you don’t have to go through page after page of windows to get where you’re supposed to be.

Don’t Cheat

When things aren’t going so well for months and you’ve hardly had any traffic, it’s easy to turn to the easy slates. Someone comes to you with an easy way to make your traffic skyrocket, but don’t fall for it. Cheating is never the answer, it was different in school when you copied someone’s answers on a test or your brother’s homework. In marketing, copying someone’s content is a bigger deal, you’re stealing their work and taking the credit, not only is it wrong and get you a huge fine, but you’re business will fall so quickly you won’t get the chance to blink.

Design For Direction

Directing customers with design is an important part of conversions. Design where you want customers to look. The key is to lead your visitor’s eye through design, this a powerful way to control the transaction flow of your site. Focua your imagery around one call to act on your page for successful results.

Make It Accessable For All

One big mistake marketers make is using a website or email that doesn’t work for everyone. You have 4% of the world who is colorblind and another 4% that is almost completely blind.

In colorblind individuals they can’t see color combinations. Red and green being the most common. Avoid complex color combinations and use another method besides color. If you’re not sure, run it through a colorblind stimulator.

In poor sighted individuals, use large, sharp and contrasted font.


The biggest rule. Test. Test frequently. Test intelligently. Test EVERYTHING.

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