thanksgiving 2009 slide show

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Manti Temple

Deer tracks in parking lot of Manti Temple

Playing in the snow on the way back to the cabin from the temple

What a view!

Robert and Jacob ran out of fuel… Adrian went to save them

Val checking a leak by the water meter…

Val getting some help up from checking that leak!

Taking a walk to see the old 1800 flour mill

Beautiful? It is just up the road from the cabin.

The ‘Flats’ and the Big Horn Sheep!

Across the street (and river) from the cabin…

Our hike in the Sunglow Canyon

Yes, that is an icicle Robert found on our hike

And a small cave with some recently shredded birds…

This huge pine tree toppled over but is still growing.

It covers a natural watering hole.

Robert found a cool tree to take a rest on

Fresh deer leg…

See our truck? That spec, at the front of the parking lot…

At the top and the other end of the canyon and the weather is changing. Time to head down!

Thanksgiving 2009 bunch at the Jackson Cabin in Bicknell, Utah

Robert and friend…

Make that Robert and friends.

In Utah, the day we left for home.

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