textual analysis

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Textual Analysis

The splash image is of the band which has been made in the main cover lines. The image shows the band doing finger horns. This is stereotypical of rock musicians to do. This amplifies the rock aura that surrounds the magazine. The splash feature has word that are typically ‘rock and roll’ . This sense of familiarity gives the reader the comfort to read the magazine. All Time Low are the main focus of this particular copy. The whole band is at the same head level.This shows how although he is atthe front, the frontman isn’t anymore important than the other band members. This makes the audience see that the band are good friends and that they are friendly. This is also shown by the band's faces being eye level to the audience. This makes them seems more friendly, approachable and generally more inviting to read

The stance that the band members have give the reader an indication of who is the main man in the band but they are still stood fairly close together. This shows how they are all equal within the band. This shows how they are all close with each other and that they don’t have a huge feud together. The use of the ‘Rock fingers’ emphasises that the band is a ROCK band. This helps the magazines image of being a rock and roll magazine.

The front cover also has a top strip, plugs, smaller cover lines and spurts. Being split into 3 the magazine has the smaller cover lines in the 1st and 3rd thirds with the splash image and the main cover line being in the middle third. This diverts your attention to the image and the main cover line instead of the other less important things. Kerrang! Considers the band to be the main part of the magazine and not the other articles.

The use of the competition to meet the band on the front people encourages the audience to keep reading the magazine to find out how to enter it. They have used ‘Win!’ in a different fonts and in a bright bubble. This makes it stand out and eye catching compared to the dull colours of the rest of the rest of the image. Kerrang! has also included the image of the band with the ghostly figure that ‘could be you!’ this gives the reader hope that they could be hanging with the band.

The contents strip itself has been made into sections. This has been done so that the audience can find which bit of the magazine hey want to find. On each section of the magazine, there are page numbers so that it makes it easier for the reader to find each part of the magazine. The use of this strip shows the reader how much content is in the magazine. It has been put into a smaller font so that it has been cramped to make it look like there is more stuff than there actually is.The plug for the subscriptions gives the reader unknown persuasion to buy the subscription. The use of the the deal in the yellow strip makes the deal seem better than it actually is. This enourages people to sign up for the subscription

The use of the editors note at the bottom lets the readers know who is making the magazine. The editors note has used very informal language and has some humour to it. This helps the audience connect with them to make them feel like they can relate more to the people who make the magazines. This image of the editor shows someone who has the typical rock start look. The props of the skull gives him a more rough look to him. Promoting the rock star image onto him.

The use of the Image on the left hand page attracts the eye of the reader. If the reader saw the text on the first they would think that there’s too much text and so might be less inclined to read the article and just skip to the next page. However is they see the image then it will attract their attention and make them become more invested in the article. The image is only of the front man of the band, this shows some definite separation of hierarchy in the band.

The use of the lights as a border around the edges of the pages gives pages the feel of a dressing room. This gives the reader a sense that this interview is exclusive as the dressing room isn’t somewhere where fans are allowed to be. This helps the magazine connect with its readers.

The use if the quote in the headline gives the reader the inclination to read this article. The different colours catch the readers eye and makes them look out for the quote within the magazine article. The use of the word ‘ABSOLUTELY!’ in capitals are used for emphasis. Making sure that they quote has been manipulated to make it seem like he is just a normal guys. Making the reader relate to him

The use of the logo in the top left hand corner gives the front cover much more of a proffesional look to it. The white background make it seem more clean and less hetic. In contrast to the other magazine the band here has a focus on the lead singer, this makes it seem like he is more important compared to the other. He is also bigger and more contral compared to the rest of the band. This puts more of a focus onto him and draws all attention onto him. The use of the quote taken here and enlarged from an article draws people in. It makes people wander how his life has changed and makes them more inclined to buy the magazine.

The use of the artists names in the larger font makes them more notable compared to the rest of the front cover. They have also been put in a white colour against the background, however the text underneath the names is in black and smaller. Less noticeable, this puts more focus on the names rather than what the article is about. This has been done because if people see their favourite artist on the front cover they will buy it no matter what the article is on.

The use of the consistent colour scheme of red and white shows their professionalism. This makes the magazine seem like it is for a more mature audience. The magazine looks cleaner and people are more inclined to pay more for it, making them have a larger profit.

The layout for the contents page carries of the white background from the front cover, showing the consistency throughout the

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