test conformance of robotic platform to specifications

Post on 16-Mar-2018






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Test conformance of robotic platform to specifications

Mihai Agape, Project Coordinator

Palatul Copiilor Drobeta Turnu Severin

KAREL, Comenius Project Meeting

Katerini, 12-19.10.2014

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Purpose of the PresentationReview the specifications for

Karel robotic platformCheck the conformance of

robotic platform to specifications (if it is possible)

KarelMechanical Specification Able to climb a surface with a 30 % slope Maximum speed more than 0.5 m/s The footprint smaller than 12 x 12 cm Height less than 10 cm Weight less than 250 g Payload 250 g 2 wheels 1 or 2 ball caster 2 DC brushed gearmotors which drive

independently both wheels.


1 slot for a felt pen in the center of the robot base

2 incremental encoders. 1 robot gripper

KarelMechanical Specifications

Electrical Specification

Battery autonomy > 2 hours (move 15 %) Operating voltage 6 – 9 V Reverse voltage protection circuit Regulated supply voltage 5 V Voltage shifter for components with suplply

voltage not equal with 5V MOSFET IC drivers (current at least 1.2 A) Microcontroller >16 kB flash, fcpu>8 MHz Controller PC communication via USB

Electrical Specification

2 bumper sensors 4 user programmable pushbuttons / switches 8 infrared optical sensors

ambient light obstacle detection line detection

4 LED’s 1 servomotor


1 potentiometer 1 microphone 1 speaker 2 encoders 1 ultrasonic sensor 1 color sensor Arduino compatible Controller PC communication via Bluetooth TV remote receiver

KarelElectrical Specifications

KarelInput Devices

KarelOutput Devices


Follows the light Follows the wall Follows a moving object in front of the robot Avoids obstacles Follow the line Fight in sumo contest Escape from a line maze Escape from a maze with walls Draw with a marker attached to the robot Breaks ballons of one color

Karel Challenges

Other Requirements

Software Specification Open Source software

Financial Constraint Price of raw material less than 99 EUR

Environment Indoor use Low noise (no audible from 10 m)

KarelOther Specifications

Lesson Plans

Pupils aged from 12 to 19 years old At least 21 lesson plans At least 2 lesson plans for each field

Physics Biology Programming Mechanics Electronics Robotics

Karel Curriculum


Agape, Mihai. Agape, Maria-Genoveva. “KAREL Specifications”, agreed in Karel Project Meeting, held at Beypazari on 10–16.11.2013. http://sdrv.ms/170NTak


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