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Social media new features updates for marketers - May 2013


The Patch Social media new features updates for


May 2013

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

for marketing 1

Facebook (1) Hot stat: +30% questions on brand pages on 1 year

News for May 2013

- A new algorithm for commentaries will rank the most relevant first, and not anymore the most recent ones. Community Managers will have both an easier time to deal with it, but also more attention to pay to the top ones.

- A new advertising tool should help you target better people looking like your customer base. Upload your base on Facebook, and it will provide you a Lookalike Audience, which seems to decrease the cost per action.

- A partnership with third-party data providers will help you target more precisely your ads on Facebook.

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Facebook (2) Hot stat: Facebook users now like on average 40 pages

News for May 2013

- New “cost per action” option in Ads: bet on what is most important to your brand and pay only for this Action

- A new look for Pages on Mobile will get users on a “summary” page including latest pics, stats, and status of the Page. It’s also easier to share

- Pages can now use an ad format called “Promote Page Likes”. It’s a shorter and easier way to promote a page, with a preset price rather than a cost per click, and a targeting by country or city.

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Facebook (3) Hot stat: +28% daily active users on Facebook in 2012, but for how long?

News for May 2013

- You can now target “Feature phones” only in mobile ads, to reach the crowds without a smartphone

- You can now use the “Promoted Post” features from mobile directly, with an estimate Reach for your budget

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Google+ (1) Hot stat: Google+ Sign-ins now account for more than 30% of total social sign-in on the web

News for May 2013

- Facebook had its Facebook Connect, Google+ now has "Sign In" to allow your site to get connected more easily with the social network

- Google Hangout now allows to call up to 5 telephone numbers on the same session, a great tool for market insights or collaborative work

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Google+ (2) Hot stat: Britney Spears has 6 millions fans on Google+

News for May 2013

- You can now use Google+ annotations in your Google Adwords. Results? +5 to +10% increase of the click-through-rate.

- Community Managers on Google+ can now move more easily a post to a category with a drop down menu.

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Twitter Hot stat: 66% of tweets mentioning brands come from mobile

News for May 2013

- A new format for the Twitter Cards: you can now embed in a tweet displays of your app or product. A great tool for e-commerce.

- More positive tweets = more sales, demonstrated by game publisher EA

- Twitter launches its #Music app, to browse, find and share music within the social network. The separate App is divided into “Suggested”, “Now Playing”, “Popular” and “Emerging”

- You can now target ads on Twitter keywords, just as with Search Ads!

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Tumblr Hot stat: Teens (13-18 and 19-25) are now more on Tumblr than Facebook

News for May 2013

- Tumblr now displays mobile ads that looks like regular posts, with up to 4 ads per day per user. We bet brands will have to be very creative not to disrupt the stream of beautiful content on this platform

- The White House, always on the edge of social media, is now on Tumblr, with a clear path as how it intends to use the social media platform

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Foursquare Hot stat: 50 millions people visit foursquare.com every month to find tips on places

News for May 2013

- Version 6.0 for iPhone is launched, making suggestions both from friends and brands immediately visible on the home page

- Check-in data, rich of some 3.5 billion actions, could be soon available for ads on other platforms.

- April 18th is now established as “4sqDay”, for Foursquare Day. Check out how communities go beyond the online interactions thanks this platform.

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Vimeo Hot stats: A third of Vimeo views come from mobile

News for May 2013

- A new look for Vimeo On Demand, a service that helps you browse to buy content from the creative minds on Vimeo. On Demand was originally launched in March 2013.

- A new mobile interface for Vimeo, which emphasizes even more the immersive video experience.

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Hot stats: 1 billion unique visitors

each month

News for May 2013

- Youtube won another time in a case against Viacom. Check out the details here. In a nutshell: free browsing and sharing of content on the web is not dead.

- Youtube for Nonprofit Awards was awarded to Follow the Frog, from the Rainforest Alliance. Check-out this extensive guide for NGO to use Youtube.

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Instagram Hot stat: 100m active users

News for May 2013

- Nike, always on the edge of social media practice, offers Instagram users to customize a pair of sneakers based on the colors of their favorite pictures.

- Instagram offers now to tag users on a picture (like on Facebook) and a new tab fo find ‘Photos of you’

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LinkedIn Hot stat: 1 million LinkedIn users in Singapore!

News for May 2013

- You can now mention a user (already your contact) in a conversation on LinkedIn, as on Facebook.

- The revamped LinkedIn app for iPhone and Android makes content reading easier, a better stream, and in turn better ads.

- A new app from LinkedIn, “Contacts”, offers to aggregate your contacts from different sources (email, address book, calendars) and manage them better, with notifications for big events for instance.

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Vine Hot stat: Vine is #1 free app on the US Apple App Store

News for May 2013

- You can now mention a user on Vine too, the same way you’re doing it on Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin.

- You can embed a Vine video straight from the app, on your blog or website.

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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Contact us in Singapore : martin.pasquier@agencetesla.com

May, 2013 The Patch - Monthly social media updates

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