terry’s top ten worst foods · 10. deep fried anything • cooking foods in hot oil adds large...

Post on 20-May-2020






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Terry’s Top Ten


What We SHOULD Eat

• Fresh, unprocessed foods

– Vegetables and Fruits

• 5-13 servings a day

– Organic, free range meat

– Seeds and nuts

• Foods prepared by baking, broiling, or grilling,

or steamed or sautéed.

Only 10% of the population

eats at least 5 servings of

fruit and vegetables a day

What we REALLY eat

• S.A.D. = Standard American Diet

• In one year, the Average American consumes:

– Almost 200 lbs of sugar, including 42 lbs of corn syrup

– 29 lbs of french fries

– 23 lbs of pizza

– 53 gallons of soda

– 56 lbs of corn

• Average daily caloric intake has increased 40%

since the 1950s (from 1900 kcal to 2661 kcal)

Terry’s 10 Worst Foods

10. Deep Fried Anything• Cooking foods in hot oil adds large amount of fat and calories

– Chicken breast

• Roasted: 142 calories, 3 grams of fat

• Deep fried (breaded, with skin on): 364 calories, 18.5 grams of fat

• Most commonly used oils for commercial deep-frying are

hydrogenated vegetable oils

– Hydrogenated oils are man-made – they raise risk of heart disease and stroke

– Using oil over and over (as some establishments do) causes it to break down

and become rancid; eating foods cooked in rancid oil increases the oxidative

stress on your body

• Frying reduces nutrient content

• Acrylamide: cancerous compound produced when carbohydrates are


– Highest levels in French fries and potato chips

– One study found that high levels of acrylamide in the blood increased risk of

breast cancer by 10x

9. Milk (Pasturized and processed)

• Milk and dairy consumption is associated with increased cancer risk

• Milk-producing cows in the United States are often injected with artificial hormones to increase milk production

– This can cause inflamed udders/teats, meaning white blood cells (pus) can be found in the milk

• Cows are milked about 300 days a year, including when pregnant

– Cows in late pregnancy produce over 30 times as much estrogen as non-pregnant cows

• Milk is pasteurized – heated to high temps and rapidly cooled

– Kills off harmful and beneficial bacteria

– Destroys nutrients, including 20% of the iodine content

• Consider goat milk instead: more easily digested and less allergenic; more calcium and vitamins

8. Margarine

• Famous chef Julia Child allegedly kept margarine only for her enemies

• Made from hydrogenated vegetable oils

– Hydrogenated = chemically modified to make it more stable (adding hydrogen keeps it from getting rancid)

– To the oil is added: butter flavor, salt, preservatives, vitamin A, and yellow coloring

• Why it is a poor food choice

– Increases LDL cholesterol levels

– for each teaspoon of margarine consumed each day, risk of heart disease was found to be raised by 10%

– Long-term margarine consumption by women was associated with a 67% increased risk of heart disease

• Instead of margarine, eat real butter instead

7. Hot Dogs and Processed Meat

• Preserved with high levels of cancer-causing nitrites and nitrates, as well as sodium

• One serving of hot dogs or processed meat a day

– increases the risk of colon cancer by over 20%

– Increases risk of type 2 diabetes by over 50%

• High levels of processed meat consumption increases risk of pancreatic cancer by 70%

• Instead of processed meats, eat fresh, free-range organic meat instead, or use beans

6. Pizza• Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza EACH DAY, or about

350 slices per second.

• 36% of all pizzas have pepperoni topping - over 250 million pounds of pepperoni eaten every year

• According to our Congress, pizza is a vegetable, so it must be healthy, right?

• Pizza is a poor choice because it has

– White crust made from refined carbohydrates

– Smoked and preserved meat toppings loaded with nitrates and nitrites

– 3rd highest source of sodium in the American diet (more on sodium in a minute…)

– 2nd biggest source of calories for children (childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years)

• If you must eat pizza, make it yourself at home with a thin, whole grain crust, vegetable toppings, and go easy on the cheese

5. Juice and Soda

• Not all sugar is the same – fructose from high fructose corn syrup, especially in liquid form (sodas) is metabolized by the liver

– Hitting the liver quickly with high amounts of fructose causes the liver to convert the sugar to fat; this process is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

• Soda

– Regular: 20 oz soda (Coke) has 67 grams of sugar, or about 17 teaspoons

– Diet: artificial sweeteners are just as bad as sugar, and new research suggests they can lead to diabetes or other chronic diseases

• Fruit juices

– Double or triple the sugar content and half as much fiber as eating a piece of fruit

• 8 oz of apple juice has twice the sugar and 1/10 of the fiber of a medium apple

• Drink non-fluoridated spring water, instead

4. Sugar-coated Breakfast Cereal

• Some of the worst offenders are almost 60% sugar; 5

teaspoons of sugar for every cup of cereal

– More sugar than a Twinkie!

• Sugar is as dangerous as cigarettes

– high sugar consumption linked to obesity, diabetes,

cancer, and many inflammatory diseases

• Kids don’t need sugar cereal for breakfast!

• Instead of cereal, eat protein – eggs or a protein smoothie

with fruit are great choices

“Sugar-coated cereal for kids. There’s a surprise in every box.

Surprise! It’s Diabetes!!”

Modern Family on NBC (Episode Title: Send Out the Clowns)

3. Sodium (Not exactly a food, but consumed in

mass quantities)• Sodium is necessary for fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance

• However, the average American eats 40% more than the maximum

recommended intake levels (consuming 3400 mg vs recommended

maximum of 2300 mg daily)

• Foods that don’t taste “salty” can still be very high in sodium!

• 70-75% of your sodium intake comes from processed foods

– bread, cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, soups, sandwiches, cheese, pasta and

meat mixed dishes

• Excess sodium leads to

– Fluid retention, which increases blood volume, which increases blood pressure

– This puts a strain on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels and makes them

work harder

• Sodium should be balanced by potassium

• Reduce sodium intake by avoiding processed foods

2. White Bread and Pasta

• The whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead

• White bread and pasta is made from refined white flour

– Husk, brain and any nutrients are removed

– Bleached with chemicals and dried

– Flour is combined with gluten, sugar and salt and added to baker’s yeast

• Why it is a poor food choice

– High glycemic index (adverse effect on blood sugars)

– Little nutritional value – especially low in fiber

• Instead of white bread and pasta, eat small amounts of REAL whole grain bread and pasta

1. Potato (white)• World’s number one vegetable crop

• 1/3 of all potatoes are eaten as French fries or potato chips– Potato PLUS a load of hydrogenated vegetable oil

– The average American eats almost 30 lbs of French fries a year

– Remember acrylamide – FF and potato chips are full of this cancer-causing compound!

• One study found that ¼ of children’s “vegetable” intake is from potatoes

• Potato is a Blood Sugar Bomb!– Starchy carbohydrate = high glycemic index value

– Less filling, so you eat more of it (see graphic on next slide)

– Even mashed, baked or boiled potatoes are unhealthy – adverse effect on blood sugar and insulin levels

• Instead of French fries and potato chips, snack on almonds and walnuts

• What about sweet potato? 30% less impact on blood sugar; source of chlorogenic acid, which may reduce insulin resistance

New England School of Medicine. The

Washington Post. Published on June 22, 2011

An analysis of food consumption in healthy American adults in their 30s, 40s and 50s

Every additional serving of

potatoes people added to

their regular diet each day

made them gain about a

pound! It all adds up!

Consequences of the SAD Diet

• 30-40% of cancer cases are due to lifestyle

choices, including the foods we choose to eat

• Number of Type 2 diabetes cases is expected

to double or even triple in the next 40 years

• Almost 25% of all Americans have metabolic

syndrome, and the numbers continue to


• 35% of Americans are overweight or obese

If you are ready to make a real change…

• Find Terry’s Traditional Diet at

www.terrytalksnutrition.com– 30% animal protein

– 60% animal fat

– 10% non-starchy carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables

– no more than 72 grams of carbohydrates daily

– 50 or less on the Glycemic Index

• Go to www.glycemicindex.com to look up

specific foods

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