terms relevant to geography by dr. zafar iqbal phd

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is River Terrace ?

•A raised flat Area running along and parallels to valley walls. It is a part of a former flood plain, left behind as river cut down through the valley flood

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Active glacier ?

•A glacier that is receiving new ice above the snow line but is losing ice below the snow line

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Active flood Plain ?

•The narrow strip of land on both sides of the rivers is called Active Flood Plain. It is locally known as bet or Khaddar land.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Old Flood Plain?

•Meander and cover flood plains cover the area between the alluvial terraces and the active flood plains. They are only flooded when there is heavy monsoon rainfall

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Cold Water Desert?

•An arid but often foggy desert where the climate is affected by cold ocean current`e.g Western California

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Ablation ?

•The removal of surface snow or ice by melting or evaporation.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Flash Flood?

•A sudden flood usually caused by a very heavy burst of rain is called Flash Flood

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is bedload?

•Stones and other materials that rolls and bounces along a river bed.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is meander?

•A winding curve, bend or loop along the course of a stream or river

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Cyclone?

• A strong depression, characterized by heavy rainfall, high wind speeds, and high storm surge set-up, particularly in shallow coastal areas. In the sub-tropics, extreme cyclones can have wind speeds of 200 km/hour or even more

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Drought?

• 'A period with an extraordinary water shortage' (due to the rainfall being less than normal)

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Flood?

•Expansion of a surface water body due to a water level that is significantly above average.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Flood exposure?

•The actual occurrence of a flood at a given location.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Alluvial Soil?•

Soils deposited through the action of moving water. These soils lack horizons and are usually highly fertile.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is an Anthracite?

A hard coal containing little volatile matter.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is an altitude ?

• Height of an object in the atmosphere above sea level.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is an Alluvia?

•Clay, silt, gravel, or similar detritus material deposited by running water.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What do you mean by Badlands?

•Very irregular topography resulting from wind and water erosion of sedimentary rock.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Bituminous?

A soft coal that, when heated, yields considerable volatile matter.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Confluence?

•The place at which two streams flow together to form one larger stream.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is the Continental Climate?

•The type of climate found in the interior of the major continents in the middle, or temperate, latitudes. The climate is characterized by a great seasonal variation in temperatures, four distinct seasons, and a relatively small annual precipitation.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Culture?

•The accumulated habits, attitudes, and beliefs of a group of people that define for them their general behavior and way of life; the total set of learned activities of a people.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is an Estuary?

•The broad lower course of a river that is encroached on by the sea and affected by the tides

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is an Evapo-transpiration?

•The water lost from an area through the combined effects of evaporation from the ground surface and transpiration from the vegetation.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What is Fall Line?

•The physiographic border between the piedmont and coastal plain regions. The name derives from the river rapids and falls that occur as the water flows from hard rocks of the higher piedmont onto the softer rocks of the coastal plain.

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

What do you mean by Piedmont?

Lying or formed at the base of mountains; in the Pakistan Pothowar is its example

By Dr. Zafar iqbal, PhD, zafarsst@gmail.com

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