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Function: Risk Management Policy Number: RM6 Temora Shire Council

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Function: Risk Management Policy Number: RM6 Temora Shire Council

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Review Details


DOCUMENT NAME: Cemetery Safety Management Plan CODE NUMBER: RM06 AUTHOR: Temora Shire Council ENDORSEMENT DATE: September 2009



Date Revision Description Date approved by

Council General Managers Endorsement

25/05/2012 New Act GCL

9/10/2017 Remove unrequired information N/A GCL


Planned Review Date

Revision Description Review by

September 2019 Review Safety Officer

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Section Title

01 Introduction 02 Document Control 03 Policy 04 Responsibilities 05 Risk Assessment 06 Emergency Response Planning 07 Consultation & Communication 08 Work Method Statements 09 Workplace Inspection 10 Hazard Reporting 11 Incident/Accident Reporting 12 Health & Fitness For Work 13 Personal Protective Equipment 14 Employee Section 15 Review of Plan

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1.1 DESCRIPTION Temora Shire Council is responsible for five Cemeteries:

Temora Lawn Cemetery Temora Monumental Cemetery Temora Old Cemetery Ariah Park Cemetery Trungley Hall Cemetery

Applicability This Cemetery Safety Management Plan deals with Workplace Health, Safety, and Rehabilitation matters concerning only Council Employees, Funeral Director and Assistants, Contractors and Volunteers, who may attend Temora Cemeteries to carry out work procedures in relation to Internments or maintenance of Cemetery assets or surrounds. Activities Work activities that may be undertaken at Temora Cemeteries include:

Internments / Excavation (could involve Backhoe, Excavator, Skidsteer, Bobcat or Loader operations)

Manual Excavation of plots Manual handling of coffins and other materials related to preparation of

plots Vegetation Control (mowing, whippersnapper operation, chemical

application) Planting and maintain trees / shrubs Construction of Headstones and Monumental Masonry work Works undertaken by Volunteers

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1.2 TERMINOLOGY Arrangement - An agreement for planning Cemetery - A burial ground

Employee - A person who works for monetary or other

gain Funeral Ceremony - Celebrating a persons passing away Funeral Director - Person in charge of a funeral Contractor - Person working under terms of an agreement Headstone - A stone at the head of a grave Monumental Mason Worker - Stone work at a grave site Excavation - Construction of a plot for interment Communication - The process of transmitting information in

such a way that the received understands the message as the transmitter intended.

Competency - Ability to apply appropriate skills and

knowledge in order to complete a particular task / job.

Consultation - To seek information, advice from one or more

individuals taking into account their feelings, interests and expertise.

Emergency - A high risk situation that if not handled

correctly may lead to disaster. Evacuation - High risk emergency that requires people to

leave a site. First Aid - Preliminary medical aid usually given by first

aid officer Forms - Documentation used to record and support

the program and procedures. Hazard - Source of potential harm. Illness - The result of long term or repeated exposure

to a hazardous agent, (eg. Noise, infection, virus).

Injury - The result of a single traumatic event where

the effects of which are immediate or near immediate. (eg. Cut, burn, etc).

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Knowledge - Ability to obtain and retain theoretical

information relating to a specific subject and being able to research further information.

Lost Time - Work related injury or illness where the

employee is unable to continue work. Policy - Statement of aims, commitment and overall

responsibilities. PPE - Personnel Protection Equipment. Procedures - Step by Step description of what’s to be done

and by whom. Program - Grouping of various activities or strategies

employed to manage a particular function or hazard.

Risk - The combination of the likelihood of a specific

unwanted event occurring and the potential consequences if it is to occur.

Risk Assessment - The process of measuring risk in order to

determine priorities and to enable identification of appropriate levels of risk.

Risk Control - Process whereby strategies are selected and

put into place in order to control or eliminate hazards.

Risk Rating - The process of categorizing a level of risk

(low, medium, high). SDS - Safety Data Sheet. Skills - Practical ability to apply theoretical knowledge

to particular situations. SMP - Safety Management Plan.

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2.2 DEFINITION Document control is the methodical distribution and collection of any paper or forms thought advantageous or necessary to comply with procedures in relation to a SMP (Safety Management Plan).

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To administer the defined control of any document required by the SMP or other document which may give information to inform or assist employees and employers.


The Director of Environmental Services and Council’s Safety Officer will be responsible for the distribution, collection and storing of all documents in relation to Temora Shire Council Cemetery Safety Management Plan operations.




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2.6 REVIEW Documents will also assist to maintain the Health, Safety and Rehabilitation of Workers and visitors at cemeteries. All documents will be reviewed when:

A new hazard is identified

Certain procedures are altered

New staff or plant is acquired

When deemed necessary by Director of Environmental Services

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Risk Assessment

Operation of Cemeteries

Hazard Report

Workplace Inspection

Training Attendance


J.S.A Manual Handling

Daily Plant Inspection

Defect Report

Cemetery Site Induction

Cemetery Site Induction


Tool Box Talks

Traffic Plans

Cemetery Safety

Management Plan

Interment Notices

Records of Interments

Work Method Statement

Grave Digging

Work Method Statement

Inter Ashes/Place


Asset Risk Assessment

Analysis Form

J.S,A Mowing parks

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3.1 POLICY The workplace health and safety of all persons employed within the Temora Shire Council Cemeteries and those visiting the sitesis considered to be of the utmost importance. Resources in line with the importance attached to occupational health and safety will be made available to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations and to ensure that the workplace is safe and without risk to health. WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM In order to implement the general provisions of this policy, a program of activities and procedures will be set up, continually updated and effectively carried out. The program will relate to all aspects of workplace health and safety, including:

WHS Training and education;

Work design, workplace design and standard work methods;

Changes to work methods and practice; including those associated with technological change;

Emergency procedures and drills;

Provision of WHS equipment, services and facilities;

Workplace inspections and evaluations

Reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses and

Provision of information to employees, contractors and sub-contractors.

Induction of persons carrying out work at cemeteries

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4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES Temora Shire Council is committed to provide a safe and healthy workplace for members of staff whilst carrying out work activities at Temora Shire Cemeteries and surrounds.

4.2 CONTRACTORS Temora Shire Council also demands that contractors provide a safe and healthy workplace for the staff and themselves when they are required to perform duties at Temora Shire Cemeteries and surrounds. Contractors must at all times adhere to Documented Safe Work Procedures

4.3 VISITORS Council will provide a safe environment to ensure that visitors are at no risk of injury when attending Temora Shire Cemeteries.

4.4 FUNERAL DIRECTORS The same applies to Directors and staff of funeral service personnel who perform duties at Temora Shire Cemeteries.

4.5 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Director of Environmental Services will ensure that any work performed at Temora Shire Cemeteries is carried out to the required safety standards. The Director has the right to put on hold any work that he deems to be unsafe. The Director may terminate that work until a satisfactory level of safety is achieved.

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CONTROL OF RISKS There are several work operations carried out at Temora Shire Council Cemeteries that are in a high risk categories. Excavation of a plot is considered high risk and work requirements must be conducted under the guidelines Trenching and Excavation Code of Practice. Excavations are to be carried out by persons certified in Trenching and Shoring (refer to relative SWMS in Section8). The operation of lowering a casket is also considered high risk. All persons attending to burial ceremonies must be made aware of Council’s requirements. For guidance on these procedures relate to the relative Work Method Statement in Section 8. Mowing and use of a whipper snipper is also considered High Risk and guidelines in the JSA’s in Section 8 should be adhered to.

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6.1 EMERGENCIES / EVACUATION All Council staff will practice emergency / evacuation drills. Emergency / Evacuation situations could vary. Eg. Fire, trespassers, accidents involving plant, injury to persons, hazardous chemicals or vapours, explosions.


Two way radio

Mobile phone


Material Safety Data Sheets

Fire Extinguishers

First Aid Kits

6.3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1. Contact base using UHF Channel 53 or by phone by (02) 69 801100 2. Identify

- Emergency type; - Services required; - Type of injury if any;

3. Assist injured persons if safe to do so (obey emergency services

instructions); 4. Use fire extinguishers if safe to do so; 5. Locate person to direct emergency services if possible; 6. Contact Director of Environmental Services.

6.4 EVACUATION PROCEDURE 1. Assess the extent of the emergency; 2. Clear the are of personnel – proceed to a safe area so they can be

accounted for; 3. Remain upwind of incident scene if chemicals. Fumes or smoke are


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4. Contact headquarters and / or Director of Environmental Services using UHF Channel 53 or by phone (0408 639688):

Base (02) 69 801100 Emergency 000 Mobile Phone 112 (Note: Mobile phones can operate even if no

signal) 5. Identify:

Emergency type Services required Exact location of incident including nearest cross street or road

6. Assist in directing emergency services to incident site. 7. Follow instructions from Emergency Services; 8. Assist injured persons if safe to do so.

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7.1 COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION The main process of consultation regarding safety at cemeteries occurs through the Director of Environmental Services, Councils Safety Officer, Staff and WHS Committee. Any issues will be treated with the utmost importance to ensure that risks are completely removed for Council staff. The same standard of safety communication will be expected between Funeral Directors and Staff, Contractors and Staff, and volunteer organizations and their administrators. Communication and Consultation involving members of the public is also essential to ensure their safety whilst visiting cemeteries. Remote communication may involve the use of signage of cemeteries. Communication of methods of safe working procedures at cemeteries will be distributed via Councils Safe Work Method Statements, Job Safety Analysis or Risk Assessments. All persons working at any cemetery, within the Temora Shire will be expected to perform duties and follow instructions as described on those written documents.

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Job safety analysis and safe work method statements will identify hazards and methods of controlling those hazards during work operations. The Work Method Statements or Job Safety Analysis will be subject to constant review and monitoring. The main operations carried out at cemeteries include grave construction, vegetation control (moving, whippersnapper, spraying), plaque installation.

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TEMORA SHIRE COUNCIL WORK METHOD STATEMENT - Part 1 Gang: Community Services Project: Grave Digging


1. Wear high visibility clothing 2. Wear solid boots and sun protective clothing (long sleeves, hat etc.) 3. Select grave site – check that registration details are correct or if new site 4. Select equipment to be used – template/shovels/picks 5. If using backhoe ensure that (backhoe operation) is observed 6. If monumental grave is re-opened carefully slide off top slab to allow

excavation 7. Use template to set out size and location 8. Guide backhoe operator on depths 9. If digging by hand – dig to 1 metre and place shoring before proceeding

further 10. Place excavated soil in position to allow backfill but not so as to offend

mourners 11. Check correct depth 12. Tidy up grave and surrounds. Place sand or saw dust on bottom if required 13. Gather up equipment and remove from site 14. After funeral ensure that all mourners have left 15. Gather up flowers and place to side 16. Remove undertakers equipment if necessary 17. Fill in using backhoe/small tip truck 18. If filling in manually observe manual handling JSA 19. At lawn cemetery take all soil away using small tipper 20. Backfill with sand to within 300mm then topsoil and seed 21. Place all flowers on mound (or on flower rack at lawn cemetery) 22. Tidy up surrounds before leaving.

Possible Hazards Safety Controls

1. Collapse of grave 2. Injury by backhoe 3. Back injury

4. Sun damage (NOTE: check out shoring regs and depths)

Shore all excavations if entering grave of a greater depth than 1 metre Observe JSA Observe manual handling procedures and relevant JSA Protective clothing and sunscreen

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1. Personal Qualifications and Experience

General OH & S Induction procedures

Familiarity with use of equipment to be used

2. Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities

3. Training Required to Complete Work:

OH & S Induction

Manual Handling

Trench Shoring

4. Engineering Details/Certificates/WorkCover Approvals:

Work in Confined Space

5. Codes of Practice, Legislation:

WorkCover manual handling regulations

WorkCover OH & S code of practice

Trench shoring and excavation

6. Plant/Equipment


Hand tools

Shoring materials

7. Maintenance Checks:

Groundwater levels

Soil stability

8. Read & Signed by all Employees on Site: .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Authorised by: .......................................................................... Date: ..........................................................................

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TEMORA SHIRE COUNCIL WORK METHOD STATEMENT - Part 1 Gang: Community Services Project: Inter Ashes/Place Plaques


1. Select site 2. Check with admin re reservation, fees and recording 3. Place all ashes in wall 4. Silicon plaque and place over opening correctly 5. Tape in place for 24 hours to prevent movement. Then remove tape and trim

up 6. In existing grave

- assess task and gather necessary equipment - prepare hole to receive ashes - restore grave as found

7. Lift headstone in to place with mechanical aid 8. Ensure correct plaque for correct grave 9. Check that pre drilled holes are OK 10. Test place plaque and correct holes if required using bolster and hammer.

Clean holes 11. Use string to correctly level plaque 12. Silicon plaque and place properly

Possible Hazards Safety Controls

Manual handling of grave slabs Using power tools Using silicon

Observe manual handling procedures. Use mechanical lifting where possible Be familiar with relevant WM Wear protective clothing. Clean up all debris when finished.

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TEMORA SHIRE COUNCIL WORK METHOD STATEMENT - Part 2 Project: Inter ashes/place plaques

1. Personal Qualifications and Experience

WH & S Procedures

Manual Handling training

2. Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities

All staff

3. Training Required to Complete Work:

WH & S Induction

Manual Handling

Grave Digging

4. Engineering Details/Certificates/WorkCover Approvals:


5. Codes of Practice, Legislation:

6. Plant/Equipment


Hammer and bolster


Backhoe at times to assist in slab removal

7. Maintenance Checks:

Always check after 24 hours – remove props and check that plaque is OK

8. Read & Signed by all Employees on Site: .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Authorised by: .......................................................................... Date: ..........................................................................

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9.1 DAILY PLANT CHECKS All of Council’s plant has to undergo a Daily Plant Check This is to maintain plant in a safe working condition and therefore ensure the safety of everyone. A copy of the Daily Plant Check is located at 9.2. Whenever a machine is taken over from another employee a further Daily Plant Check will be undertaken. Contractors will perform their own Daily Plan Check and must present it on request. FUNERAL DIRECTORS’ EQUIPMENT Funeral Directors will need to supply Council with a completed inspection form of their equipment including lowering device and all webbing straps, when requested. This equipment must be also checked prior to use.

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9.2 PLANT OPERATOR’S DAILY INSPECTION REPORT T.S.C. Plant Operators Daily Inspection Report Drivers are required to check the following items before commencing daily operation of the Fleet Item. This is a Work Cover requirement. Plant No………………… Speedo…………………. Hour Meter……………...


Random Inspections Conducted by Supervisors: Initials:


DATE: 1. Tyres, Wheel, Wheel Nuts 2. Body Damage (Mud guards, Panels etc) 3. Load Security (Chains, Dogs, Tarps etc) 4. Engine Oil, Coolant levels and leaks 5. Tools (Wheel spanner and jacks etc) 6. Windscreen, Windows, Mirrors 7. Cabin, Seat belts, Seats, Steps and Handles (Check loose equipment/gear in Cabin)

8. Lights, Instruments, Controls 9. Warning Signs (Triangles and safety equipment)

10. Alarms and warning devices (Reversing Alarm)

11. Clutch (Operation), Brakes and Parkbrake (Drain Air reservoirs, Check levels in fluid reservoirs)

12. Loader – Booms, Oil leaks, Oil levels, Pins, Hooks, Knobs, Levers

13. Miscellaneous, includes all other problems etc.

DAILY SAFETY CHECK CODES = Safe Condition 12345(*) = Unsafe Condition

(*Insert Defect Report Number) N/A = Not Applicable

Driver’s Signature

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Please check each item listed above for safe operation of the unit. When you have completed the daily checks please sign the check box above. If any defects are found please complete and forward a Fleet Item Defect Report and Workshop Job Request Form at the rear of this book. If the item is considered to be in an unsafe condition tie an “Out Of Service” tag to the steering wheel and notify the supervisor immediately.

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A three (3) monthly inspection of cemeteries will be included in Councils normal Parks and Gardens inspections. This inspection may be undertaken by the Risk Assessor/Safety Officer or staff of the Parks and Gardens Department. A inspection report sheet is at 9.4. Any defect or hazard that is identified must be subject to a Risk Assessment and then the works to correct the problem must be requested to be undertaken by the relative department of Council. The completed works must be then inspected to ensure that it has been done to a satisfactory standard. Any sub standard work or work not completed by the required time interval will be reported on a non-comformance note and then forwarded to the Director of Environmental Services. The Director of Environmental Services may conduct his own random inspections of any work activities being undertaken at Temora Shire Cemeteries. As stated at 4.5 the Director of Environmental Services has the right to terminate any deems to be unsafe and to terminate that work until a satisfactory level of safety is work he achieved.

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Inspector Date

Item OK Comments / Repairs Required

Report Completed

Perimeter Fencing

Internal Fencing

Grave sites for



Monuments etc

Toilets / Change Rooms

Glass ornaments

Seating / Tables



Watering System


Work Equipment

Lawn Surface


Garden Beds

Rubbish Bins

Additional Notes Signed

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10.1 HAZARD REPORT SHEET Any Hazard sighted or realised must be recorded on Councils Hazard Report Sheet or Inspection Forms. All employees, contractors or visitors may use a Hazard Report Sheet to identify Hazards. (10.2) Hazard Report Sheets must be available whilst work is being carried out at a cemeteries. All Hazard Reports must be forwarded to the Director of Environmental Services or Safety Officer as soon as possible. The Director of Engineering Services, on receival of a Hazard Report, may order work to cease if they deem the hazard to be detrimental to the safety of anyone at the site. Some common hazards relating to operations in our cemeteries and their risk ratings are listed in section 5. When ever a hazard is identified, or listed on a Hazard Report Sheet, it will be subject to a Risk Assessment to identify the severity of the hazard.

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11.1 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING RESPONSIBILITIES All accidents and incidents, including relevant near misses, must be recorded and reported to the Director of Environmental Services or Safety Officer in accordance with Temora Shire Council Policy.

Record all incidents/accidents

Make necessary notifications – Management or other relative authorities

Carry out Risk Assessment investigation and record outcomes on Temora Shire Council Forms and send to Management.

All forms will be made available on site.

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This policy applies to all employees, contractors and visitors.

Drug and Alcohol in the Workplace

The use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace, including Council premises, parks, reserves, vehicles, plant, or any other building or physical asset is prohibited. The focus of this policy is drug and alcohol dependence which affects the work performance of the individual. This policy is directed towards maintaining a satisfactory level of employee health, safety, and work performance.

Employee Obligation to Present for Duty in a Fit State

It is the employee’s responsibility to present for work in a fit state. The employee is responsible for any civil or criminal penalty which results from being under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the workplace.

Prescribed Drugs or Medications

It is the employee’s responsibility to advise the supervisor if they have taken any prescribed drug or medication which may affect their fitness for duty or work performance. The employee should also find out from their doctor or pharmacist what the effects of prescribed drugs are on work performance.

Council Rights When Drug or Alcohol Use is Suspected

If a manager or supervisor has justifiable cause to doubt an employee’s fitness for duty, the Director of Environmental Services of Safety Officer can have the employee removed from the workplace and may initiate any reasonable action considered necessary. If is believed that the use of drugs or alcohol renders a risk to the health and safety of the employee, co-worker, or the public, Council reserves the right to remove the employee from duty pending an urgent medical examination to determine fitness for duty.

Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace


If an employee’s performance is repeatedly affected by drug or alcohol abuse, and if the employee has been encouraged to seek assistance and has failed to do so, or failed to respond to such assistance, Council may initiate disciplinary procedures in accordance with Councils Drug and Alcohol Policy.

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Council reserves the right to vary or revoke this policy.

12.2 FATIGUE Employees must advise council where, any additional employment, outside of Councils hours, may have cause to create fatigue. The Local Government State Award 2004 (Section 16 & 17) provides guidelines for employees that have worked out of ordinary hours prior to returning to normal duties.

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(Note: The full versions of quoted Policies are available in the Temora Shire Council Policy Manual) Safety Boots In accordance with the Temora Shire Council policy on Safety Footwear;

Staff while on duty must wear the Safety Footwear provided which complies with AS2210.

Safety Vests In accordance with the Temora Shire Council Policy on Wearing of High Visibility Vest and Garments, all staff and visitors are required to wear a Temora Shire Council approved high visibility outer garment:

at all worksites

while outside a vehicle within the bounds of the road reserve Hearing Protection In accordance with the Temora Shire Council Policy on Hearing Conservation, persons present at Temora Shire Council worksites are not to be exposed to noise levels which exceed:

a level equivalent to 85 decibels over an eight hour day, or

a peak level of 140 decibels of impact noise at any TIME during the working day If noise levels are expected to be higher then those given above, noise control measures are to be implemented. It is the employee’s responsibility to use and maintain noise control devices and to wear and maintain personal hearing protection. Eye Protection All staff and contractors on the worksite shall wear eye safety protection where there is a risk of eye injury, eg.:

When striking another object, e.g., hammering star pickets;

When using an angle grinder;

Onsite stabilising work;

As required by MSDS’ instructions

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Hard Hats (Safety Helmets) In accordance with Temora Shire Council Policy on Safety Helmets on Work Sites:

All staff and visitors are required to wear an approved industrial safety helmet at a worksite where there is a risk of head injury.

AND where work is undertaken involving:

Clearing operations where growth is >3m high,

Bridge and Culvert Construction or maintenance work,

Excavation or Demolition by explosives,

Work in Road Cuttings >3m high and batters steep than 1:1

Work in pits or trenches >1m deep,

Crane chasing

Work within 3m of plant capable of lifting, eg., backhoes and loaders. Temora Shire Council is to provide a safety helmet to, and ensure that it is worn by every person at the worksite. Hats/Sunscreen/Collared Shirts with Long Sleeves/Trousers In accordance with the Temora Shire Council Policy on Protection of Persons form Ultra Violet Radiation and Insect Bites, all staff, contractors and visitors to a Temora Shire Council worksite shall use or wear:

Broad-brimmed hats (Temora Shire Council issued for staff);

Broad spectrum SPF 15+ sunscreens and lip creams for staff exposed to UV Radiation (as supplied by the Temora Shire Council);

Wages Staff must wear supplied work apparel;

All Staff, Visitors, Contractors are required to wear Broad rimmed hats, Long Sleeved shirts, Long trousers, Sunglasses, Sunscreen (all supplied) where exposed to UV Rays for longer than 15 minutes.

Singlet's or sleeveless shirts are not to be worn without another covering garment with sleeves.

Wet Weather Gear If working at night wet weather gear must have reflective strips, and is the owner’s responsibility to keep it in good condition. Other PPE Required (Site Specific – inform all personnel).

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Function: Risk Management Policy Number: RM6 Temora Shire Council

Revision Number: 2 Revision Date: 9 October 2017 File Name: Cemetery Safety Management Plan Page Number: Page 48 of 50

14.1 NEW STAFF Resumes, qualifications and previous experience records are required by Council with application for position. Applications are reviewed and interview time arranged by Management. Applicants attend interview with various Management Personnel, Job Requirements, previous experience, Workplace Health and Safety and other requirements are discussed. Successful applications are required to undergo medical examination. New staff undergo a general work induction process before commencement of work. New employees are introduced to plant or machinery by the way of induction.

14.2 EXISTING STAFF Existing staff undergo regular training in regards to work practices. Temora Shire Council has a modern training policy which keeps all employees updated on WHS and R issues and other relevant areas.

14.3 SITE INDUCTION During the site WHS & R induction, personnel will be informed of the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for the site and of the arrangements for providing PPE. Personnel will be informed of their obligation to use appropriate PPE where it has been identified that this is necessary. Disciplinary action for failure to wear appropriate PPE will be outlined. At site WHS & R induction personnel will be informed about the general layout of the site. This will include location of site buildings, storage facilities and access routes about the site for mobile plant and vehicles. Site WHS & R induction will remind all those entering the site of their own responsibility to act sensibly and show care for their health and safety and the health and safety of others. Persons will also be reminded of their responsibility to follow all relevant procedures and site rules, as well as following orders from responsible persons. All personnel who satisfactorily complete the site WHS & R induction will be issued with a site WHS & R induction card. The card must be dated and carry the company’s name and ACN. When completing site WHS & R induction and receiving their card each person must sign an acknowledgement of receipt and give an undertaking to follow the safety guidelines that were outlined during site induction.

Function: Risk Management Policy Number: RM6 Temora Shire Council

Revision Number: 2 Revision Date: 9 October 2017 File Name: Cemetery Safety Management Plan Page Number: Page 49 of 50



Function: Risk Management Policy Number: RM6 Temora Shire Council

Revision Number: 2 Revision Date: 9 October 2017 File Name: Cemetery Safety Management Plan Page Number: Page 50 of 50

15.1 Revision of plan Review of the Cemetery Safety Management Plan may be undertaken when any alteration is required. This Plan is a living document. Any review should be noted and the revision date altered accordingly. Revision of the plan must be approved by the Director of Environmental Services.

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