
Post on 15-Jan-2015






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hello this is a work that speaks Tehuacàn on its location, cuisine and tourist ttractions


Tehuacán* Location* Tourist attractions* Interesting places* Food


The town of Tehuacan is located in the valley of the same name. This valley is the east by the Sierra de Zongolica, which is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental, and on the west by the mountains of Zapotitlan, which is part of the Sierra Mixteca. The northwest adjacent to the valley and south Tecamachalco Glen Oaxaca.

Located in the southeastern part of the State of Puebla. Its geographic coordinates are the parallels 18 ° 22 '6 and 18 ° 36' 12 north longitude and the meridian 97 ° 15 '24 and 97 ° 37' 24 west longitude. Bordered on the north Tepanco Lopez,

Santiago Miahuatlán, Vicente Guerrero and Nicolas Bravo, east to Vicente Guerrero, San Antonio Cañada and Ajalpan the south by San Gabriel Chilac, Zapotitlán, San Anto nio Texcala and Altepexi; and west Zapotitlán, Atexcal San Martín, Juan N. Tepanco Mendez and Lopez.

City Hall Formerly known as "the house of the high, was built in the year 1804 by mr. Don Apresa Sunday, and was seen in the city as the first particular two-story building.

Its construction was a challenge to the Franciscans because it would clog the front of this religious site and the convent. The acquisition of this property took place the year of 1844 but was until 1855, when they began to move some government agencies.

The murals on the ground floor leading into the palace known as Tehuacan and 5 regions. Conducted in 1983 and 1984 by the Tehuacan originating Carpinteyro brothers. And in the year 1989, the artist painted the mural Cuthbert Correa "agony and hope," which is located insid e the municipal palace

INTERNAL WALL Made in 1969 by master Fernando Ramirez Osorio. Plasma Tehuacán history, from its origins to the commercial boom became undoubtedly an element Tehuacan released as a crucial point for trade in the southeast. The various characters also admire the history of independent Mexico.

Download the complete description of the Mural of City Hall (PDF)

Museum of Mineralogy

This museum was opened on July 31, 1998 and represents a scientist's dream come true and sinking into one of colors and shapes to visit this museum. Its creator, a man of great erudition won the Carnegie Medal awarded by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, discovered two minerals Mexicans and Ojuelaita Malpimita, humanist greatly advanced by the time we opened the door of knowledge and awareness of the raw material and forms around us: the minerals.

We passed on his knowledge and a catalog of them in the museum, with pieces from around the world. It is one of the most beautiful museums in the world and unique in Latin America, with all parts listed with their chemical composition giving us a thematic collection invites us to study and leads us to appreciate what we have in Mexico,

mining country.

This museum has a collection of minerals of approximately 10,000 pieces, of which only 394 are found on a loan with the City and is currently on display at the museum, as a result of the efforts of Dr. Miguel Romero, Mexican scientist graduate Harvard University, who spent almost all their resources and more than 20 years of his life in being so vast collection. The museum is divided into two parts: a display of rocks, fossils and meteorites, and one which shows the great variety of Mexican minerals.

Ex Convento de San Francisco

The former convent of San Francisco was built in 1592, before this temple was erected in Calcahualco (Tehuacán old), but twenty years later had to move the current place for a malaria-endemic problem had been sick monks and the plague of ants and rattlesnakes that she could not progress.

San Francisco Temple The gateway has two shields above anagrams, on the left side has the letters JHS and a cross between them and the right has the letters MA entwined with a crown above them.

In the key of the arch is another cross above a skull and up on the wall there are remains of wall paintings of angels playing flutes.

As we crossed the porch in the access aisle to the cloister you can see a niche that was originally an access to the temple and is currently placed the Virgin of Guadalupe. The interior garden is surrounded by 16 Tuscan columns and arches supporting the building of two floors.

The corridors around the garden are decorated with a border in gray and white in the Franciscan cord up and down and motifs of flowers and vine leaves in the center.

In the upper floor there are several lounges and giving access to the stairs there is a sink embedded in the wall and paintings depicting the cultivation of vines that are supposed to have been the dining room in the next room is an oven that had be the kitchen, followed by others with access to a small courtyard of the garden.

Front porch and lobby the east wall and back was the room known as De Profundis where the monks gathered to pray and is now the sacristy of the church, on the second floor were the cells of the friars.

San Francisco Temple which houses the Diocesan Shrine Parish is located in the center of Tehuacan, is a single ship, measuring 60 meters long and 10 wide (inside measurements) 18 meters high and 10 meters wide. The simple facade with a single arch with stone arch panels and the height of the choir has a double window, all painted in white.

It has a single tower of two bodies near a bell tower without bell left and right side of the altar is a wooden altarpiece painted in white gold with a polygonal apse of the church and ends in a shell-shaped niche in top.

It has shelves with sculptures of San Antonio de Padua, Santo Domingo, San Agustín and San Ignacio and up above is San Felipe de Jesus, the first Mexican saint, bracket that originally contained a large picture on wood of St. Francis of Assisi.

In the main altar niche is the statue of St. Francis of Assisi albergo before the Immaculate Conception.

Cathedral On August 21, 1724 during the celebrations to commemorate the 203 years since the fall of Tenochtitlan foundation stone was laid and the efforts of the inhabitants of the city, four years later it was over, its main entrance framed by the towers Renaissance style. More than 130 angels adorn the church. It is located at 1 East and 2nd. of Morelos. Religious building dating from the eighteenth century, dedicated to the Virgen de la Concepción, has characteristics of Baroque architecture, Neoclassical style inside Herreriano.

Made of stone and adobe and measure 57 meters long from its main portal, 14 feet wide, 25 meters long on the crossing, 15 meters high in the nave and dome and bell towers that reach 28 meters.

It has a Latin cross and cruise in the center of which stands a dome, at the foot is the gateway between two towers and access other home setting and in the hollows formed by the arms and out of the cross. The main entrance is framed by the Renaissance-style towers.

Opposite the church is a framed window with what are known as Renaissance architecture of song sheets and so appear as feathers indigenous codices, green quetzal feathers representing the sacred. There are several heads carved cat and the clock flanked by two figures of angels. The stained glass of landscapes Marian main gate and up the four shields which also adorn the dome and the figures of his Holiness Pope John XXIII and Bishop Rafael Ayala and Ayala, first bishop of Tehuacan.

The dome was coated with four coats Talavera: The papal The Bishop Rafael Ayala and Ayala The night of worship, and The city of Tehuacan

The interior features a rotating dome that houses on one side to the immaculate conception of the city patron and the other to place the image of who is being held and is topped with a crown composed of the main altar. At the top is a painting of the Blessed Trinity and on the roof the figure of a dove signifying the Holy Spirit. More than 130 angels adorn the church, the floor was brick home after mosaic and stone currently Santo Tomas.

The confessionals are made of cedar wood. In the vaults would house the remains of the bishops of Tehuacan, where currently the Don Rafael Ayala and Ayala,

these vaults are connected to a tunnel that runs under the central aisle and probably come to the park Juárez.

In the chapel of the Blessed to the right of sanctuary sets the vestments and the monumental altar of 1.70 meters and 50 kilograms. In the front of the atrium are two sources of modern baroque style made of concrete. It has four bells, the largest is used to call a funeral mass, the mass medium to call regular meetings and four bells in major events such as the erection of Tehuacán Diocese, the night of September 15, the parties save and lately in the dismissal of Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera to be Archbishop of Mexico.

Temple and Ex Convento del Carmen The Church of Our Lady of Mount Caramel is like the convent, of Mexican baroque architecture typical of the eighteenth century, has one tower and the plant is in the form of a Latin cross, and the cruise is roofed with a dome set on a drum supported by its size windows.

The main hall has a ceiling with a barrel vault supported by arches, its axis has no windows and northern borders with former convent, its body proportions are very massive, denoting an architecture meant to withstand strong earthquakes.

The altar has three niches on the left side the Prophet Elijah, the center found the beautiful image of Our Lady of Mount Caramel and on the right Santa Teresa of Avila, Carmelite religious latter Doctor of the Church.

Access to the temple is via two gates: the main near the top of the nave and side. There is no proper inventory of artistic and religious works that bring authors and dates of manufacture, but which are visible and make up the heritage of the temple are:

From the main entrance, on the right: Niche with a statue of St. Anthony of Padua. Lithographs of San Judas Tadeo and Our Lady of the Lakes. Sculpture of Christ crucified and Dolorosa. Image of Our Lady of Fatima. Santa Cecilia. Author: Don Romualdo Ortiz. Our Lady of the Rosary. Sculpture. Santa Martha. Sculpture. R. Ortiz, 1946. Oil old San Jose (on the entrance to the chapel of the Blessed). On the altar of St. Joseph statue of St. Joseph, St. Charbel (R. Ortiz, donated by Mrs. Milena Ceja) and San Martín de Porres (R. Ortiz. 1946).

On the left: Niche with statue of Jesus lying with his mother (Mercy). Lithograph of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Niche of Divine Providence. Image of Our Lady of Mount Caramel

with Jesus in her arms. Sculpture. Oils of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Mary Help of Christians. Carving niche Lord of the Marvels. Sculpture of Fray Juan de Zumarraga and Juan Diego. (Work of R. Ortiz). In the midst of this set, a large oil painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe surrounded by four medallions representing oil apparitions of the Virgin in 1531. Oil down, niche and Child Charity. In the Chapel of the Sacred Heart, at the entrance to the crypt, sculpture of the Sacred Heart.

Note that in the top of the walls of the transept is a series of ancient paintings with different passages of Sacred History: Betrothal of the Virgin and St. Joseph, the Annunciation, the Nativity, Flight into Egypt, Presentation in the Temple , etc. and distributed throughout the interior, the stations of the cross in oil on wood, excellently preserved and embellished with a colorful very good.

On November 2, 1994 was inaugurated and opened to the public Crypt del Carmen: a columbarium built under the altars that serve to keep the ashes of people whose bodies were cremated. The columbarium holds the bottom of the chapels of the Sacred Heart, the Blessed and the High Altar, and the room next to the chapel of the Sacred Heart, where they discovered the original vain that serves as a gateway.

Was used to this end, the space occupied by the original crypts from the eighteenth century. It is possible to admire a painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria, patron saint of philosophy, in a passage that represents the mystics responsories Santa with Baby Jesus. There are two sketches of frescoes very difficult to define in two underground chambers.

The columbarium is composed of 27 modules which are independent units with their own numbering and dedications. The niches have marble tops and brass escutcheons. It is interesting to note that some of the marble tops come with embedded vein marine animals such as snails, oysters túrratelas and petrified over millions of years. The resources generated by the sale of the niches will be applied to works of evangelization, catechesis and pastoral programs of the Church of Tehuacan.

Thus, we conclude that this property was built over two hundred years for the evangelization of the region of Tehuacán, as a token of recognition of the value of the inhabitants of the lands in America, with body and soul, spirit and matter. Construction over the decades has witnessed momentous events in the history of Mexico and the city itself. Today, the Convent and Church of Carmen are still alive and doing a service to man through the elements that fed into his mind: religion, history, culture and art.

Main Plaza Juarez Park which is home to visitors under the shadow of its robust laurels, so pleasant listening classical Mexican music and the beautiful kiosk solemn La Banda Municipal runs on Thursday nights and Sundays at noon and afternoon .

Interesting places




Centro de Interpretación Ambiental

Sitio Arqueológico "Chuta

Prismas Basalticos

Zona de Campamento y cabañas

Museo Comunitario

Iglesia el Calvario

Balneario "La Huerta"

Las Salinas

Capilla Enterrada

Cerro El Pajarito

Cascada de agua Tilapa

Bosque de tetechos

Santuario de la Pata de Elefante

Vivero "Cutha"






The mixture of wheat flour, shortening, milk, egg, brown sugar and honey, resulting in 78 years ago a nutritious cookie muégano now known as, well as for its taste like friends and strangers and has become Tehuacán typical sweet, building a regional tradition

that has been transferred at least four generations.

At first the development of mueganos was 100% manual, albeit with the desire on out and raise production without leaving the original recipe and meet unmet demand, improvements have been implemented aimed wing modernization have innovation in processing and presentation of the items that are characterized by natural ingredients.

Mole de Caderas

The months of October and November are the party for more than 286,000 people in Tehuacan, as it revives an old tradition that has its origins in the colonial era "The Ritual Cultural and Ethnic Festival Hip Mole."

The "City Indians" or "Corn Crib", as known Tehuacán, attracts thousands of families and friends to a festival environment that smells of incense and flower of the dead, and combining past and present with the religious and pagan; and satisfies the craving for a year again enjoy a delicious bowl of "Hip Mole."

The Cultural Ritual and Ethnic Festival Hip Mole, or killing, as it was known until 2005, is a tradition that began in the early seventeenth century, a product of miscegenation between the Spanish and the pre-Hispanic, derived from practice and livestock farm, which was introduced in America by the Spanish people, pervading the customs of the Middle Ages, did not exist in our nation.

Long before the Spanish arrived, the Indians cooked turkey meat, rabbit and deer. When goats introduced in New Spain, began mixing food that I bring to the popular cuisine a variety of dishes like the Garlic spine, backbone ajoarriero, udder, kidney, tongue, heads, blocks brain, leg of lamb with beans and the skill of the cooks was created. One result is the "Mole of Hips" or as it was known at first the "Mole's back", which strongly acclimate in the Puebla-Oaxaca Mixteca.

The chronicles record that "since 1784, every third Thursday of October, is sacrificed goats which derived meat and spice flavor unsurpassed." The spine and hips, salt-based seasonings

and chile to prepare a red broth boiled with the flesh of the hips and wild beans. are essential parts of the traditional mole hips.

The characteristic flavor of the dish is the meat of the goats that are taken for a ride a year grazing throughout the regions of the state and northern Mexico cattle fed only with grass in the region and avoiding large amounts of salt at all costs that the animals drink water and stay hydrated only by those who provide them with the vegetables consumed. In practice this type of breeding you get meat from a strong and distinctive taste with which they prepare traditional dishes. The meat is completely absorbed.

Pan de BurroThere is a huge variety of traditional dishes like the "Nopal Toro" in San Cristobal Tepeteopan, by dipping rocks at high temperature and cactus chile stew still raw, to cook, to see the effort and dedication of those who make the call " Pan de Burro "in San Jose Miahuatlán, skill and patience of those who embroider in San Juan Atzingo, popoloca people located in the municipality of San Gabriel Chilac or those who do basketry in San Pablo and Altepexi Tepetzingo definitely admire.

As not to mention the tamales wrapped in oak leaves, the beans are grown and consumed in San Felipe Maderas, the "Tepexilotes" Coming from Tepexilotla roasts, giant ants or "chicatanas" Ajalpan consumed, the worms "Cuchama" and based beverage garambullo of gradient of the exquisite "Colesho" of Zinacatepec, mole Cuayucatepec Miahuateco of the pulque of the mountain, tempesquixtles beans with lamb or leg, used in much of the valley, without neglecting payano or ground beans, ground bean tamales de Santa Maria San Gabriel Chilac ALCO and all delicious dishes!.

It is undisputed that the ancestral "mole-hipped" and barbecued goat are well booked their place in this enormous culinary range, like the waters of various fruits of the season, the incredible atolls canary grass, amaranth, soy, corn dough and brown sugar. Besides, merit sauces made with all kinds of peppers alone or mixed with other produce. No less than a hundred sauces can be seen and tasted during the year when samples are gastronomic among the ingredients to create sauces features a star-flavor tomato sauces and between the "ant" drawn on the board auxiliary Santa Maria Coapan.

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