teen depression awareness

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro

Kept treading - treading - till it seemed That Sense was breaking through –

And when they all were seated, A Service, like a Drum -

Kept beating - beating - till I thought My mind was going numb -


Done By : A’Fowsh Flora, Amanda Teo, Kanageswari, Zeng quan

“More than Sadness, the Invisible Illness”

staid mental health problem

causes a persistent feeling of despondency

It affects how the teen thinks, feels and behaves

It causes emotional, functional and physical problems.

What is Teen Depression?

Depressed Not Depressed

This PET scans of the brain indicate low activity in a person suffering from depression compared to someone who is not depressed.

According to World Health Organisation (WHO):

Depression is the No. 1 cause disability for youths

“Referral rates for psychiatric help in young persons with depression seem to be increasing over the years,”

Associate Professor Leslie Lim Senior Consultant, Department Of Psychiatry, Singapore General Hospital(SGH) & A Member Of The Singhealth Group.

“The generation today is under a lot more stress to achieve and do well - not just academically but in their social status, peer groups and family units.”

Dr Carol BalhetchetSenior Director For Youth Services At The Singapore Children's Society

Teen Suicides Highest In 15 YearsStraits Times Singapore

Greatest cause of stress:

• Mental Health Issues• Academic Pressure• Relationship Problems At Home And In

School • Identity And Belonging Issues

• Lowest rate of teen suicide was in 2012.

• Overall, there were 106 Teen suicides in 2015, compared with 73 in 2014.



Types of depression diagnosed for teens:

An Adjustment Disorder Occurs After A Major Life Event.

Low Grade, Chronic Depression That Lasts For More Than A Year

Most Serious Form Of Depression




According To

Depression is the No. 1 cause of disability worldwide

Approximately 350 million people from all ages suffer from depression.

That is 5% of the world’s population.

How is Adolescent Depression different from Adult Depression ?

Adolescent Adult

Aggression Lethargy

Increase in appetite or weight

Decrease in appetite or weight

Sleeps too much Sleeps too little

Reactive to social environment

Social environment plays small role

“Youngsters think that its part of their life, that they doesn’t require any medical attention.”

~ Aloysius ~

“They bottle up their emotions, thinking that its their responsibility to improve their own moods.”

~ Priya ~

“Adolescents tends to attempt suicide, where is the outcomes are unchangeable.”

~ Abner ~

Some Teenagers’ views of Adolescent Depression would be..

According to‘Samaritans Of

Singapore’ Depression Is The Most Common

Mental Disorder In Singapore

The Average Time Taken To See Help Is

At least 4 Years.

59.6% Of Singaporeans Affected Don’t Seek Help

1 In 17 Singaporeans Will Experience Depression At Least

Once In Their Lifetime

We did a survey to collate people’s opinions about

what adolescent depression is all

about. Based on what we



What do you know about Depression?

32% : Part Of Our Lives48% : Temporary Mental Illness10% : Permanent Mental Illness

Have you been through Depression before?

52% : Yes24% (Red) : I Don’t Know24% (Yellow) : No

Out of 80 responds that we received :

How do you consider depression as?

52% - Mental Ailment18% (Red) Attitude Issue18% (Green) Not A Big Issue To Consider10% Others

What do you think is the Extreme action of Depression ?

56% - Commit Suicide 26% - Solitude10% - Other Specifications

Suicides in Singapore‘Worrying trend’

- Singapore ranks 48th out of 110 countries in terms of suicide rates as of 2012.

- About One-fifth Of The Suicides Were Committed By


Source: http://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2014/06/20/suicides-in-singapore-and-why-we-should-help/

“Depression takes over the mind like


At the age of 23, he was cut from his football team and sent packing.

He found himself living in his parents' small apartment, Battling Depression.

We learned what Teen

Depression is all about

from a Counsellor’

s Perspective


What Is Teen Depression?

Everybody feels sad or blue now and then. But it may be depression if you’re sad most of the time Depression can affect your thoughts, feelings, behavior and overall health.

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What has to be done is to make sure that depression is no longer a taboo topic.

When there is no stigma attached, people who need help will come forward.

We can help reduce the degradation associated with depression.

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What Are The Symptoms Of Teen Depression?

The changes in the teen‘s may be divided into 2 parts:

Behavioral symptoms Agitation or restlessness — for example, pacing, hand-wringing or an

inability to sit still

Self-harm — for example, cutting, burning, or excessive piercing / tattooing and even commit suicide.

Insomnia or sleeping too much

Use of alcohol or drugs

Tiredness and loss of energy

Emotional Symptoms

Feelings of sadness, which can include crying spells for no apparent reason

Feeling hopeless or empty, Irritable or annoyed mood &

Low self-esteem

Frequent thoughts of death, dying/suicide

Fixation on past failures /exaggerated self-blame or self-


What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How Prevalent Is Teen Depression In Singapore?

The increase in suicide rates predominantly

involved young people. 1 in 7 adolescents

show signs on depression.

Yet half of people affected by depression are not even seeking

any help.

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

What Causes Depression among Adolescents?

Biological Chemistry


Inherited Traits

Early Childhood


Learned patterns of negative thinking

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

What Causes Depression among Adolescents?

What Are The Complications For Untreated Depression For Teens?

Alcohol And Drug Abuse

Academic Problems

Family Conflicts

Involvement With The Juvenile Justice System


Relationship Difficulties

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

what are the most common issues that teens get depressed about during their adolescent years?

Is Self Injury Related To Depression?

Yes. Self-injury, an act of deliberately harming yourself, through actions like cutting or burning, or even committing suicide can be used as way to cope with emotional pain, intense anger and frustration.

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

what are the most common issues that teens get depressed about during their adolescent years?

Is Self Injury Related To Depression?

What are the warning signs of self injury related to Teen depression?

Unexplained wound or scarsBlood stains

Sharp objects or cutting instruments

Frequent accidents

Covering up

Needing to be alone for long periods of time

Isolation and irritability

What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

what are the most common issues that teens get depressed about during their adolescent years?

Is self injury related to depression?

What Are The Risk Factors/Triggers For Teen Depression?

Genetic Predisposition – a family member has


Death or illness of friends/family members

Difficulties with job or personal relationship Seasonal or

hormonal changes

Financial difficulties

Poor self esteem


What Is Teen Depression?

How Do We Address The Stigma Attached To Teen Depression?

What are the symptoms of teen depression?

How prevalent is teen depression in Singapore?

what are the most common issues that teens get depressed about during their adolescent years?

Is self injury related to depression?

What are the risk factors/triggers for teen depression?

What Are The Treatment Options For Adolescents?

Counselling means talking with a trained professional about thoughts, feelings, actions and relationships and work together to find where problems exist and to learn how to makes changes in, thoughts and behaviors that contribute to depression.

Medication effectively treats depression that is severe or disabling..

There are Articles about Teen Depression on Newspaper (Online) being released:

The Straits Times:

“Rising trend of self-harm among the young”

The New Paper:

“Teens, don’t suffer alone: get help for handling problems like stress, depression.”

The New Paper:

“Ways to thwart teen suicide reviewed”

The New Paper:

“More Vulnerable teens as stress levels increase”

Online articles (Extracted from Facebook)..Mental changes in adolescence and teen depressionhttp://blog.questia.com/

TEEN DEPRESSION: A CULTURE OF SILENCEhttp://www.chimeforchange.org/

Case Of The Blues Or Teen Depression? Know The Signshttp://www.huffingtonpost.ca/

Social Media Cyber Bullying Linked to Teen Depressionhttp://www.scientificamerican.com/

And Even Blogs !

The Huffington PostThis is what teen

depression looks like



A START Adolescents and Depressions


Life Teen I am not Depression http://lifeteen.com/blog/i-am-not-depression/



Physically or verbally aggressive

Finds it harder to stay on task.

Mentally confused.

Expresses inappropriate guilt, worthlessness, failureHas a preoccupation with self; is withdrawn

Incidents of self-injury. Ideas of killing self

Am I?

Singapore Counselling Centre

+65 6339 5411 http://scc.sg/eng/index.php/depression/

9 Penang Road, Singapore 238459

Institute Of Mental Health 6389 2000 https://www.imh.com.sg/


Buangkok Green Medical Park

10 Buangkok ViewSingapore 539747

SOS (Samaritans Of Singapore)

1800-221-4444 https://sos.org.sg/

Block 10 Cantonment Close#01-01 (HDB Multi-

storey carpark)Singapore 080010

Family Counselling Service (Family Life Society)



512 thomson road#10-00 msf building


Adolescents who require help to snap out of their Depression state, can seek help at the following centers/institutions. They are professionally trained to help youngsters

deal with their emotional issues.

INFERENCEThe fact that there are many “walking

wounded” amongst us, should spur us to act, to do something, especially if we know them personally. Identifying persons at risk of suicide is an important first step that all of us can do, so that adequate help can be offered to the person, and for us to save

one more life.

‘Depression can be fatal, but

so is silence.’

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