technical stage operations, lights

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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G clamp

Safety Chain

Barn Doors

Gel frame

Adjustable arm

15 amp plug

Pebble lenses

Adjustable knob

The Pebble Convex is mainly used

for general cover. The peddle lense

creates a defined edge unlike other

fresnals which maybe why you

would chose the pebble convex

instead of CCT for example.


G clamp

Safety Chain

Gel frame

Adjustable arm

15 amp plug

Parcans can be used effectively music

gigs due it’s ability to do chases and use

of gels. Also can be used to add depth in

general washes and for astetics. I would

use fresnals over a parcan as you cant

control where the light falls. You also

cant focus on specific things easily as

you cant up shutters or barn doors on a

parcan so the general area will be



G clamp

Safety Chain

Barn Doors

Gel frame

Adjustable arm

15 amp plug

Adjustable Arm

Adjustable knob

The rigged lense of the CCT creates

a defused spread of light.

If you wanted a less defined light you

would chose the CCT over the PC ias

the pebble lense gives a very shape

edge. You would use a CCT over a

Parcan because you could use barn



G clamp

Safety Chain

Barn Doors

Gel frame

2 adjustable nobs

15 amp plug

Adjustable knob

Used for a general cover and a

general wash. Light can also be

manipulated with barn doors . The

selecon is the best alternative to a

profile because of the rigged circular

lenses. In this situation the selecon

would be chosen over another fresnal

like PC as it has a soft edge so

couldn’t be used as a spotlight



G clamp

Safety Chain

Barn Doors

Gel frame

Rigged glass

Although the 1k can b can be used for

general cover it is prodemintly used for

backlight with light gels to create a 3D

effect during pieces of theatre. The 1 k

could be picked over any over light when

deciding on what use for backlight purely

because it is brighter than any other

light. Although the 1k is brighter it

doesn’t go further. The rigged glass

creates a defused light unlike a selecon.


G clamp

Safety Chain

Gel frame

15 amp plug

The flood light is similar to the pracan

because you can’t control where the

light falls and can only control the

intensity of light. Flood lights are

prominently used as audience lights but

can also be used in a general wash

mainly to add depth.

I would chose a parcan over the flood

light in a general wash as you can,

manipulate the light with barn doors

unlke a flood.


Safety chain

G Clamp

13 amp

Gel fame

Part of the parcan family but can be

used in any plug as it only needs 13

amps. I would use a birdie in a

lighting exibit over a part can as the

birdie is a lot smaller and a lot more

astatically pleasing, it can also be

plugged into the wall.


Safety chain

G Clamp

13 or 15 amps

Pin spots are mainly used in

discos ; two either side of a glitter

ball to defect the light. Like a

parcan you cant direct the light.

Are also used in expos like birdies

but aren't as effective because

they aren't as light, aren't as

astatically pleasing and aren't as

energy efficient


Safety chain

G Clamp

15 amp

Gel fame


Gobo holder

Source fours are good for defining a

space because of the hard or soft

edge. Can easily manipulate light

because of the shutters, gobo holder

and gel frame. Creates a whiter light

than the mininuette profile because of

the energy efficient bulb but light can

be manipulated the same way on

both lights.


Safety chain

G Clamp

15 amp

Gel fame


Gobo holder

Like the Source Four the miniunette

profile is used for defining a space

with its hard or soft edge of light I

would pick a mininuette profile over a

parcan when creating a stained glass

window in a set because you can

use gobos and gels.

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