technical guide east bohemia tour 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    East Bohemia Tour 11.13. z 2015

    Etapov zvod srie Europe Tour Mezinrodn cyklistick unie UCI

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    grafick studio atisk

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    East Bohemia TourSobota 11. 13. z 2015Saturday 11th 13th of September 2015

    IntroductionCity criterium and a three stage race - this is the cycling program in the region of Hradec Krlov.

    50. edition of Elkov Grand Prix Hradec Krlov is one of the oldest domestic road cycling cri-terium, which is scheduled as UCI event again. It will take place on Thursday 10th September at Ulrichs Square in Hradec Kralove. The start of main race - Mens Elite - is scheduled for 17.00.

    The traditional criterium will be followed by three stage race East Bohemia Tour, which be-longs to the 2nd category of UCI Europe Tour. East Bohemia Tour consists of three stages with total of 503 kilometres across the Hradec Kralove region.

    The first stage, scheduled for Friday 11th September, will take place at the 12.2 km long cir-cuit around Tebechovice pod Orebem, where the start and finish is planned. The second, Saturdays stage is scheduled to Hoice and there are thirteen laps of 12,8 km prepared for all the participants. The overal winner will be decorated after the third, the longest stage which takes place in Opono as the longest stage of 178 km.

    vodMstsk silnin kritrium a tetapov zvod, takov je cyklistick program v Krlovehradeckm kraji.

    50. ronk Velk ceny Hradce Krlov je jednm z nejstarch domcch silninch zvod, kter se opt kon pod hlavikou UCI. Uskuten se ve tvrtek 10. z na Ulrichov nmst v Hradci Krlov. Start hlavnho zvodu Elite je naplnovn na 17.00 hod.

    Na tradin kritrium nave etapov zvod East Bohemia Tour, zaazen do 2. kategorie UCI Europe Tour. East Bohemia Tour se skld ze t etap, v nich na cyklisty ek celkov porce 503 kilometr nap Krlovehradeckm krajem.

    Prvn etapa se pojede v ptek 11. z na 12,2 km dlouhm okruhu kolem Tebechovic pod Orebem, kde je naplnovan start i cl. Sobotn druhou etapu pivtaj Hoice, v jejich okol ek na zvodnky tinct okruh s dlkou 12,8 km. Celkovho vtze East Bohemia Tour korunuje z-vren nedln etapa v Opon, kde ek cyklisty nejdel porce 178 km.

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    East Bohemia Tour a Grand Prix Krlovhradeckho kraje je jednou z nejvtch cyklistickch vzev naeho regionu. Zatmco East Bohe-mia Tour je urena pro profesionly, kte budou v naem kraji bojo-vat o vtzstv v etapovm zvod, pro amatrsk sportovce me bt Grand Prix Krlovhradeckho kraje zrove i bjenm odpoin-kem. Je to peci 108 kilometr pekrsn ubhajc krajiny, tentokrt pedevm t kolem Orlickch hor. Pokad je to atraktivn podvan pro divka a velmi obtn zvod pro jezdce, kter se letos podailo rozthnout do t dn. Zvodnci z celho svta nejdve okus roviny u Tebechovic pod Orebem, pot kopce u msta kamenn krsy Ho-ic a cel podnik zakon spolen s nadenmi amatry, kdy se z nd-hernho prosted Opona dostanou a k polskm hranicm a zpt. Tento krajsk svtek cyklistiky lk vdy i irokou veejnost a j dou-fm, e letos tomu bude tak tak. Peji East Bohemia Tour a Grand Prix Krlovhradeckho kraje mnoho dalch spnch ronk,

    kter nadchnou laiky i tradin fanouky tohoto sportu. I dky nenavnm organiztorm se ze zvodu stv vborn akce, kter me hrd konkurovat jinm cyklistickm zvodm a dostv Krlovhra-deck kraj opt do irho povdom lid.

    Bc. Lubomr Franc Hejtman Krlovhradeckho kraje

    East Bohemia Tour and Grand Prix of Hradec Krlov region is one of the greatest cycling challenge s of our region. As East Bohemia Tour is designed for professional cyclists who came to our region to fight for victory in a stage race, there is a chance for amateur athletes to rest wonderfully thanks to Grand Prix of Hradec Krlov region. It is 108 km of beautiful landscape, primarily around the Orlick hory this time. The event is an attractive spectacle for fans and a very tough race for the par-ticipants every time and this year was stretched to three days. At first the competitors from around the world will experience the flatlands at Tebechovice pod Orebem, afterwards they can enjoy hills near the stone-beauty town Hoice and the event will end up together with the enthusiastic amateurs, when they will ride from a beautiful surroundings of Opono up to the Polish border and back. This regio-nal festival of cycling has always been attractive for general public and I hope it will be the same this year. I wish many other successful years to East Bohemia Tour and Grand Prix Kralovehradeckeho kraje so to impress the sport and cycling outsiders as well as traditional fans of this sport. My thanks belong to workaholic organizers. The race is becoming a great event that can proudly compete with other bicycle races and gets the region of Hradec Krlov again into the public awareness.

    Bc. Lubomr Franc The Governor of the Hradec Krlov region

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    Ven astnci etapovho zvodu East Bohemia Tour,

    jsem velmi poten, e Vs pi pleitosti konn tohoto zvodu mohu pivtat v Tebechovicch pod Orebem. Nae msto m pt a pl tis-ce obyvatel a le 13 kilometr vchodn od Hradce Krlov. Je zde nkolik prmyslovch podnik a mimo zkladn obansk vybavenos-ti i jedna stedn kola, zimn a fotbalov stadion, mstsk koupali-t atd. Tebechovice maj zajmavou historii. Prvn znmky osdlen se datuj hluboko do starovku, prvn psemn zmnka o mst je star vce jak 650 let a z dob stedovkch husitskch bou je msto zn-m kopcem Oreb. Tebechovice ale nejvc proslavil svtoznm, vce jak sto let star, devn Tebechovick Probotv betlm s pohyb-livmi figurkami, prohlen za nrodn kulturn pamtku. Za zmnku stoj i Podorlick skanzen lidov architektury v nedalek mstn sti Kro-vice. Nae msto ije bohatm kulturnm, spoleenskm a sportovnm ivotem a proto bt etapovm mstem cyklistickho zvodu East

    Bohemia Tour je pro ns velk a vznamn udlost. Vtejte v Tebechovicch.

    Ing. Ji Nmec starosta msta Tebechovice pod Orebem

    Dear participants of the stage race East Bohemia Tour,

    I am pleased to welcome you on the occasion of this race in Tebechovice pod Orebem. Our city has five and a half thousand inhabitants and is located 13 kilometers on east from Hradec Kralove. Several in-dustrial companies are located in the city which provides to its citizens the basic amenities, one middle school, ice-hockey and football stadium, municipal swimming pool etc. Tebechovice have an interes-ting history. The first signs of settlement date back far into antiquity. The first written reference of the city is more than 650 years old. The famous sign of the city a hill named Oreb is known since the days of medieval Hussite revolt. But the unique relique Tebechovice are world famous for is a wooden Betlehem with moving figures made by Mr. Probot more than a hundred years ago, which is declared to be a national monument. It is worth to mention the Folk architecture open-air museum in the nearby local area Krovice as well. Our city has a rich cultural, social and sporting life and to be a stage city of East Bohemia Tour is an important event for us. Welcome to Tebechovice.

    Ing. Ji Nmec The Mayor of the city Tebechovice pod Orebem

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    Jsem rda, e v na uspchan dob pota a tablet se lid m dl astji vrac k tak jednoduch innosti, jakou je jzda na kole. Je to nejen elegantn, rychl a v neposled-n ad ekologick zpsob, jak se pemstit z jednoho msta na druh, ale jedn se hlavn o zbavu a zpsob relaxace. Vm, e pedevm zbavou cyklistika zstv i pro zvod-nky, kte budou ji po tet startovat z Kupkova nmst v Opon. Mnoz z ns vzpomnaj, jak Oponem projdl Zvod mru, a jsem rda, e Opono me opakovan uvtat akci podobnho rozmru. T m, e na rozdl od Zvodu mru, kter Oponem pouze projel, budeme moci vzhle-dem k poadateli zvolenmu formtu zvodu sledovat zvod od samho potku, tj. vetn startu a opakovanch prjez-

    d profesionlnch zvodnk z rznch zem, navc vetn zvrenho spurtu.

    rka krabalov starostka msta Opona

    I am glad that people are more and more rediscovering such a simple activity as cycling, especially in our fast-moving times of computers and tablets. It is not only smart, fast and environment friendly way of transport from one place to another, but it is especially the way how to relax and have fun. I believe that cycling remains primarily fun even for all competitors of Grand Prix, who are starting from the Kupkas Square for the third time. Many of us remember the Zvod mru passing through the city, and I am glad that Opono can provide background to the event of similar importance. I am pleased that unlike to the Zvod mru we will have this great opportunity to watch not only passing through, but the race itself, from its beginning to the final spurt including repeated passes of professional athletes from different countries.

    rka krabalov The Mayor of the city Opono

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    Dne 12. z zavt do Hoic vznamn mezinrodn cyklistick zvod East Bohemia Tour s celou plejdou vbornch zvodnk. Nen to popr-v, kdy se Hoicemi proene peloton cyklist. Naposledy to bylo v roce 2011, ale pamatuji, kdy jsem jako chlapec netrpliv ekal na prjezd Zvodu mru. Okol Hoic nabz spoustu turisticky krsnch a zajma-vch mst, ale na n nejsp zvodnkm as nezbyde. Nvtvu socha-skho symposia, Smetanovch sad nebo Masarykovy ve samostatnos-ti budou muset nejsp oelet. Osven na naem krsnm koupaliti Dachova nebo ochutnvku tradinch hoickch trubiek budou mu-set nepochybn tak nechat na jin termn. Tm nejblim by mohl bt hned nsledujc tden 19. z, kdy se v Hoicch konaj tradin Slavnosti Hoickch trubiek, na kter vechny co nejsrdenji zvu. Pijte pobejt!

    Ale Svoboda starosta msta Hoice

    An important international cycling event East Bohemia Tour will come to the city of Hoice on 12th Sep-tember with a huge number of excellent cyclists. It wont be the first time the cycling peloton arrives to our city. The last time we welcomed the family of professional cyclists in 2011. But I remember being a little boy and waiting impatiently for the stage of traditional Zvod mru to come. The surroundings of Hoice offers many tourist attractions and beautiful places but the the competitors wont have enou-gh time to look around. A visit of the Sculpture symposium, Park of Bedrich Smetana or The Masaryks Tower of Independence would probably be the ones they miss. Without the doubts they should find some other time to have a relax in our beautiful swimming pool or to taste the traditional sweets from Hoice named Hoick trubiky. I propose the following week for their visit as the closest term as the tradi-tional Festival of Hoick trubiky takes place on 19th September. I would like to invite all.

    Come and enjoy!

    Ale Svoboda The Mayor of the city Hoice

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    Pedstaven dres / Jerseys presentation

    Celkov klasifikace / General clasificationVtzem celkov klasifikace se stane zvodnk s nejnim soutem as ze vech etap.

    Vrchask sout / Climbers competitionVtzem tto soute se stane zvodnk, kter zsk nejvce bod na vrchaskch prmich.

    Bodovac sout / Points competitionVtzem bodovac soute se stane zvodnk, kter zsk v bodovanch sprintech nejvce bod.

    Nejlep zvodnk do 23 let / The best rider under 23Vtze tto soute se stane nejlpe umstn zvodnk ronku narozen 1993 a mlad v celkovm poad soute jednotlivc podle as.

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    editel zvodu / Director of the race Milo idk

    Velitel trati / Route commander Vladimr Vvra

    Kancel zvodu / Race office Ilona Blhov

    Vyhlaovn / Ceremony Pavel ern

    Velitel idi / Drivers commander Rudolf Bernart

    Clov prostor / Finish area Zdenk Blha

    Znaen trati / Route marking Pavel Kapr

    Velitel marschalov / Marschals director Josef Epandr

    Lka zvodu / Doctor of the race Mudr. Zdenk Slavk

    Hospod / Economic of the race Ji Mca

    Komunikace / Communication Martina Kuerov

    Organizan vbor / Organising Committee

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    EAST BOHEMIA TOUR UCI 2.2Poadatel: HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11


    Termn zvodu: 11. 13. 9. 2015

    editel zvodu: Milo idk, tel.: 00420 734 283 820, e-mail:

    Velitel trat: Vladimr Vvra, tel.: 00420 736 480 284, e-mail:

    Hlavn rozhod: Pawel Skorek (POL)

    Nrodn rozhod: Ji astn, Ondej Vak, Simona Davdkov, Ondej Majerk, Jan Star, Petr Pluha

    ast: East Bohemia Tour je zvodem kategorie Elite. V souladu s lnkem 2.1.006 pravidel UCI se mohou zvodu astnit i jezdci kategorie U23. V souladu s lnkem 2.1.005 je zvod oteven pro nsledujc tmy: UCI Continental tmy, Nrodn tmy, regionln tmy a kluby.

    Poet zvodnk jednoho tmu je maximln 7 a minimln 3.

    Vichni astnci mus mt platnou licenci na rok 2015 a platn cestovn pas nebo obansk prkaz. Pokud je poadovno, tak i platn vzum. astnci vetn jejich doprovodu mus mt platn zdravotn pojitn.

    Kancel zvodu: Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov, esk republika GPS: 501251.928N, 154848.592E

    Porada tm: steda 9. 9. 18:00, Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov

    Ubytovn: Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov, esk republika GPS: 501251.928N, 154848.592E

    Lka zvodu: Mudr. Zdenk Slavk

    Lkask zabezpeen: Paramedic rescue ambulance - Zdravotnick asistence a dopravn zdravotn sluba Hradec Krlov


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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    1. Organizace Zvod East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.2 pod HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11. Zvod se d dle pravidel UCI. Zvod zahrnuje 3 etapy a jede se v termnu 11. 13. 9. 2015.

    2. Typ zvoduZvod je vypsn pro zvodnky kategorie Mui Elite (ME) a kateogrii Mui do 23 let (MU).

    Zvod je zapsn do kalende UCI Europe Tour.

    Zvod je klasifikovn ve td 2.2. Podle pravidel UCI se v nm udluj body do individuln klasifikace UCI Europe Tour takto:

    a) Celkov poad: 40, 30, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 3 body za 1. 8. msto

    b) Bonifikace: 8, 5, 2 body za 1. 3. msto

    c) Trikot leadera: Wearing the race leaders jersey per stage: 4 points

    3. Kancel zvoduasy oteven kancele zvodu ped a po skonen kad etapy: 8:0010:00 a 19:0020:30, v Hotelu ernigov. Po posledn etap v Opon na adrese Kodymv nrodn dm, Kupkovo nmst 310, Opono 517 73, esk republika. GPS souadnice: 50166.227N, 16657.062E

    Porada podle l. UCI 2.2034 poadatel - policie R piloti motocykl fotografov televize jury v 10:00 na adrese Mstsk ad Tebechovice pod Orebem, Masarykovo nmst 14, 503 46 Tebechovice pod Orebem

    4. Radio TourRadio Tour bude vyslat na nsledujc frekvenci 448,490 MHz.Vdej radiostanic probhne v kanceli zvodu ped startem zvodu. Kad den bude mon vrtit radiostanici na nabit. V ppad nevrcen vyslaky po ukonen zvodu bude tovna pokuta ve vi 1000 Euro.

    Nemocnice na trati: 1. etapa: Fakultn nemocnice Hradec Krlov, Nezvalova 265, 500 03 Hradec Krlov, tel. 00420 495 831 111

    2. etapa: Nemocnice Jin, Bolzanova 512, 506 43, Jin, tel.: 00420 493 582 111

    3. etapa: Oblastn nemocnice Rychnov nad Knnou, a.s., Jirskova 506, 516 23 Rychnov nad Knnou, tel. 00420 494 502 111

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    5. Neutrln technick pomoc Pro vechny etapy poskytuje organiztor 2 neutrln mechanick vozy.

    6. Ochrann zna ped clem etapa) Je-li zvodnk postien pdem, defektem nebo mechanickou nehodou uznanou rozhodmi v psmu 3 km ped clem, bude uplatnno pravidlo UCI lnek 2.6.027

    b) dn cl etapy nen povaovn z hlediska UCI, lnek 2.6.029 jako cl ve stoupn.

    7. Bonifikace a pevod asuPidlovn bonifikac podle pravidel UCI, lnky 2.6.019 2.6.021 je stanoveno takto:

    a) bonifikace v cli 1. 3. etapy:

    1. msto 10 sec. 2. msto 6 sec.

    3. msto 4 sec.

    b) Bonifikace v rychlostnch prmich 1. 3. etapy:

    1. msto 3 sec.

    2. msto 2 sec.

    3. msto 1 sec.

    8. asov limitPro jednotliv etapy s hromadnm startem bude limit 15% asu vtze etapy. Pouze ve vyj-mench, nepedvdatelnch ppadech a v ppadech vy moci me rozhod asov limit po konzultaci s poadatelem prodlouit.

    V ppad, e jsou zvodnci, kte pekroili stanoven limit z tohoto limitu rozhodmi vy-jmuti, budou penalizovni odejmutm takovho potu bod v celkov klasifikaci bodovac sou-te, kter jsou udleny vtzi pslun etapy a to i v ppad, e jejich celkov souet bod v tto klasifikaci bude zporn.

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    9. KlasifikaceV zvod jsou vypsny tyto soute:

    a) Sout jednotlivc, lut trikot

    Vtzem se stane zvodnk s nejnim soutem as z jednotlivch etap. Pi rovnosti as v konenm poad rozhoduje:

    1. ni souet umstn v jednotlivch etapch

    2. lep umstn v posledn etap

    Vedouc zvodnk tto soute obdr lut trikot, ve kterm je povinnen startovat.

    b) Bodovac sout, modr trikot

    Do tto soute se zapotvaj body za umstn v cli a v prbnch sprintech.

    Poad v cli etapy se body udluj takto:

    1. - 15. msto: 25, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 a 1 bod

    V prbnch sprintech se body udluj takto:

    1. - 3. msto: 3, 2, 1 bod

    Vtzem tto soute se stv zvodnk, kter zsk nejvce bod. Pi rovnosti bod u vce zvodnk na konci zvodu rozhoduje:

    1. vy poet vtzstv v jednotlivch etapch

    2. lep umstn v celkov klasifikaci jednotlivc

    Vedouc zvodnk tto soute obdr modr trikot, ve kterm je povinen startovat.

    c) Vrchask sout, puntkat trikot

    Do tto soute se zapotvaj body z vrchaskch prmi. V prvn etap boduj prvn ti zvodnci body: 3, 2 a 1 bod. V druh a tet etap boduje prvnch pt zvodnk body: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 bod.

    Vtzem tto soute se stane zvodnk, kter zsk nejvce bod na vrchaskch pr-mich. V ppad rovnosti bod v celkovm hodnocen tto soute u vce zvodnk rozhoduje:

    1. vy poet vtzstv v prmich

    2. lep umstn v celkov klasifikaci jednotlivc

    Vedouc zvodnk tto soute obdr puntkat trikot, ve kterm je povinen startovat.

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    d) Sout o nejlepho zvodnka U23, bl trikot

    Vtze tto soute se stane nejlpe umstn zvodnk ronku narozen 1993 a mlad v celkovm poad soute jednotlivc podle as.

    Vedouc zvodnk tto soute obdr bl trikot, ve kterm je povinen startovat.

    e) Sout drustev

    Hodnocen soute drustev v etap se provd podle soutu individulnch as prvn t zvodnk kadho drustva.

    Pi rovnosti as v klasifikaci drustev v etap rozhodne dal kritrium v poad:

    1. lep souet umstn prvnch t zvodnk drustva s nejlepmi asy v dan etap

    2. lep umstn nejlepho zvodnka drustva v cli pslun etapy

    Celkov hodnocen drustev se provd podle soutu individulnch as prvnch t zvod-nk drustva dosaench ve vech hodnocench etapch

    Pi rovnosti as v celkov klasifikaci drustev rozohodne dal kritrium v poad:

    1. vy poet 1. mst v hodnocen drustev v jednotlivch etapch

    2. vy poet 2. mst v hodnocen drustev v jednotlivch etapch

    3. lep umstn nejlepho zvodnka drustva v celkov klasifikaci jednotlivc

    Drustvo redukovan na mn ne 3 zvodnky je z hodnocen vyloueno.

    10. CenyDle UCI Financial Obligations pro zvod kategorie UCI 2.2.

    Vtzov jednotlivch sout:

    Nejlep sprinter 300 Euro

    Nejlep vrcha 300 Euro

    Nejlep jezdec U23 300 Euro

    Nejlep tm 400 Euro

    11. Antidopingov kontrolaBude provdna podle Pravidel antidopingov kontroly UCI.

    Lokalizace mst pro antidopingovou kontrolu:

    1. etapa: Mstsk ad Tebechovice pod Orebem, Masarykovo nmst 14, 503 46 Tebechovice pod Orebem

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    2. etapa: Mstsk ad Hoice, nmst Jiho z Podbrad 342, 508 19 Hoice

    3. etapa: Kodymv nrodn dm, Kupkovo nmst 310, Opono 517 73

    GPS souadnice: 50166.227N, 16657.062E

    12. Vyhlen vtza) po kad etap:

    vtz etapy

    vedouc zvodnk celkov klasifikace jednotlivc

    vedouc zvodnk celkov klasifikace bodovac soute

    vedouc zvodnk celkov klasifikace vrchask soute

    vedouc zvodnk celkov klasifikace U23

    b) po posledn etap:

    vtz etapy

    prvn ti zvodnci v celkov klasifikaci jednotlivc

    vtz celkov klasifikace jednotlivc

    vtz celkov klasifikace bodovac soute

    vtz celkov klasifikace vrchask soute

    vtz celkov klasifikace U23

    vtzn drustvo celkov klasifikace soute drustev ve svm sportovnm editelem

    13. PenalizaceV ppad pestupk bude uplatnna vhradn tabulka trest UCI.

    14. Rzna) Priorita trikot

    V ppad, e zvodnk bude vedoucm zvodnkem ve vce soutch, bude nositelem trikotu zvodnk umstn v dan souti na druhm mst, event. na dalch mstech podle ne uve-den priority.

    Poad priority noen trikot: 1. lut trikot, 2. modr trikot, 3. puntkat trikot, 4. bl trikot

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    b) Startovn sla / ipy, transpodry

    Kad zvodnk obdr 2ks startovnch sel na dres, 1ks rmovho sla a ip na pedn vidlici. ip se mus po skonen zvodu vrtit poadateli, v ppad nevrcen ipu bude tovna po-kuta ve vi 100 Euro.

    c) Podpis startovnch listin

    Vichni zvodnci jsou povinni se podepsat podle lnku 2.3.009 pravidel UCI do podpisovch arch, kter budou vystaveny 60 minut ped startem kad etapy. Podpisovn bude ukoneno vdy 15 minut ped startem etapy

    d) Bezpenost

    Zvod se d dle pravidel UCI a jejich smrnic. Zvod se jede za stenho omezen silni-nho provozu s omezenm pi prjezdu kiovatkami, pesto mus vichni astnci dodrovat ustanoven zkona o provozu na pozemnch komunikacch slo 361/2000 Sb. a jeho pozdjch novel. Kad astnk se zvodu zastuje na vlastn nebezp, poadatel neru za kody astnkm vznikl ani jimi zpsoben. Poadatel si vyhrazuje prvo nutnch zmn oproti roz-pisu v ppad nepedvdatelnch okolnost. Zvodnci a jejich doprovod jsou povinni respekto-vat pokyn poadatele, policie R a Mstsk policie. Noen ochrann pilby je povinn a jej sejmut v zvod je zakzno.

    e) Znaen trat

    Je provedeno ipkami, umstnmi na nvst ped kiovatkou. Nebezpen msta jsou ozna-ena vykinky. Znaeno bude 0 km, 50 km, po startu a poslednch 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, km. Po-sledn 1km je oznaen ervenm praporem a tabul 1 km a dle poslednch 500, 300, 200, 150, 100 a 50 m je oznaeno tabulemi. Cl je oznaen clovou brnou a pskou na vozovce.

    f) Ochrana ivotnho prosted

    Zvodnci jsou povinni odhazovat veker odpadky pouze v seku pevnho bufetu. Odhazovn na jinch mstech je zakzno.

  • PP


    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    EAST BOHEMIA TOUR UCI 2.2Organiser: HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11


    Date: 11. 13. 9. 2015

    Race director: Milo idk, tel.: 00420 734 283 820, e-mail:

    Course director: Vladimr Vvra , tel.: 00420 736 480 284, e-mail:

    Commissaires panel

    President: Pawel Skorek (POL)

    Commissaires: Ji astn, Ondej Vak, Simona Davdkov, Ondej Majerk, Jan Star, Petr Pluha

    Participations: East Bohemia Tour is race of category Elite. According to article 2.1.006 is race open also for category U23. According to article 2.1.005 is race open for following teams: UCI continental teams, national teams, regional teams and clubs.

    According to article 2.2.003 of UCI rules is the number of starting riders per team set to 5 as minimum and 7 as maximum.

    All participants must hold valid passport or other valid personal identification document. It is necessary to respect visa requirements! All riders and attendants must present confirmation of their health insurance.

    Race office: Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov, esk republika GPS: 501251.928N, 154848.592E

    Licence checking: Wednesday 9th of September 17:0017:45 During licence checking team will receive start numbers.

    Accommodation: Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov, esk republika GPS: 501251.928N, 154848.592E

    Doctor of the race: Mudr. Zdenk Slavk

    Technical guide

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    1. Organisation Race East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.2 is organised by HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11. The race is run completely under UCI rules. The race includes 4 stages is organized on 11. 13. 9. 2015.

    2. RaceThe race is opened for riders in category Men Elite (ME) and Men U23 (MU).

    The race is registered on UCI EUROPE TOUR calender.

    The race is registered in class 2.2. According to article 2.11.014 points for UCI Europe Tour in-dividual classification are awarded as follows:

    a) General individual classification: a) 40, 30, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 3 points for 1st 8th place

    b) Stage classification: 8, 5, 2 for 1st 3rd place

    c) Leaders jersey: 4 points for each stage in the individual classification by the times

    3. Race officeRace office will be open before each stage from 8:0010:00 and after the stage from 19:0020:30 in Hotel ernigov. After the last stage in Opono will be race office on address Kodymv nrodn dm, Kupkovo nmst 310, Opono 517 73, Czech republic. GPS coordinates: 50166.227N, 16657.062E

    Meeting according to article 2.2.034 organiser police motorcycle drivers press TV Jury: 11. 9. 2015, 10:00, on address Mstsk ad Tebechovice pod Orebem, Masarykovo nmst 14, 503 46 Tebechovice pod Orebem.

    Mediacal assistance: Paramedic rescue ambulance - Zdravotnick asistence a dopravn zdravotn sluba Hradec Krlov

    Hospitals near courses: 1. stage: Fakultn nemocnice Hradec Krlov, Nezvalova 265, 500 03 Hradec Krlov, tel.: 00420 495 831 111

    2. stage: Nemocnice Jin, Bolzanova 512, 506 43, Jin, tel.: 00420 493 582 111

    3. stage: Oblastn nemocnice Rychnov nad Knnou, a.s., Jirskova 506, 516 23 Rychnov nad Knnou, tel.: 00420 494 502 111

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    4. Radio TourRadio Tour will be broadcasted on frequency UHF 448,490 MHz. Distribution on radio will be in race office before start of the race. Everyday will be possible charge radios in race offi-ce. In case of failure not returning or destruction of the radio after the race will be charged a fine of 1,000 euros.

    5. Neutral mechanical assistance For all stages the organizer provides 2 neutral mechanical vehicles.

    6. Last 3 km rulea) In case of duly noted fall, puncture or mechanical incident in the last 3 km of stage articles 2.6.027 and 2.6.029 will be applied.

    b) No stage is considered as a stage with a climbing finish

    7. BonificationsBonifications are awarded according to articles 2.6.019 - 2.6.021 as follows:

    a) Bonifications at the finish of stage 1, 2, and 3:

    1st place 10 sec. 2nd place 6 sec.

    3rd place 4 sec.

    b) Bonifications at intermediate sprints in stage 1, 2 and 3:

    1st place 3 sec.

    2nd place 2 sec.

    3rd place - 1 sec.

    8. Time limitFor each stage the time limit is set to 15 % of stage winners time. For the first stage no time limit will be applied. In exceptional cases only, unpredictable and of force major, the commi-ssaires panel may extend the finishing time limits after consultation with the organizer. In case riders out of time limit are given a second chance by the president of the commissai-res panel, they shall have confiscated the equivalent points awarded to the winner of this stage to their individual general classification by points even if their points total in this classi-fication becomes negative.

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    9. ClassificationsFollowing classifications are registered during the race:

    a) General individual classification, YELLOW JERSEY

    Winner of this classification is the rider with lowest sum of times recorded during each stage, including bonifications and time penalties. In case of same times in general indivi-dual classification on time the tie will be broken by:

    1. sum of placings obtained in each stage

    2. better placing in the last stage ridden

    Leader of this classification obtains the yellow jersey and is required to start in this jersey.

    b) Points classification, BLUE JERSEY

    Points are awarded at the finish of each stage and on intermediate sprints.

    Finish of stages:

    1st 15th place: 25, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 a 1 point.

    Intermediate sprints:

    1st 15th place: 3, 2, 1 point

    Winner of this classification is the rider with highest sum of points. In case of a tie in the general individual classification by points, the following criteria shall be applied to separate the riders:

    1. higher number of stage wins

    2. better placing in the general individual classification by time

    Leader of this classification obtains the blue jersey and is required to start in this jersey.

    c) King of mountains, POLKA DOT JERSEY

    Consists of KOM bonuses. Points are awarded in 1st stage for first 3 riders: 3, 2 and 1 point. For stages 2nd and 3rd for first 5 riders: 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.

    Winner of this classification is the rider with highest sum of points received in moun-tain primes. In case of a tie in the general individual mountains classification, the fo-llowing criteria shall be applied to separate the riders:

    1. higher number of first places in KOM bonuses

    2. better placing in the general individual classification by timeLeader of this classification obtains the polka dot jersey and is required to start in this jersey.

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    d) Best U23 rider, WHITE JERSEY

    Winner of this classification is the best placed rider in the general individual classification on time, the year of birth 1993 and younger.

    Leader of this classification obtains the white jersey and is required to start in this jersey.

    e) Team classification

    The team classification of the day shall be calculated on the basis of the sum of the three best individual times from each team.

    In case of a tie, the teams will be separated by:

    1. better sum of places acquired by their three best times on the stage

    2. better placing of their best rider on the stage classification

    The team general classification will be calculated on the basis of the sum of the three best individual times from each team in each stage ridden.

    In the event of a draw, the following criteria shall will be applied until the teams are separated:

    1. number of first places in the daily team classification

    2. number of second places in the daily team classification etc.

    3. better placing of the best rider of the team in general classification

    If there is still a draw, the teams will be separated by the placing of their best rider in the general individual classification.

    Any team reduces to fewer than three riders will be eliminated from the general team classification.

    10. PrizesAccording to UCI Financial Obligations for races of category UCI 2.2.

    Jerseys general:

    Sprint 300 Euros

    King of the mountain 300 Euros

    The best U23 rider 300 Euros

    Team 400 Euros

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    11. Antidoping controlDoping control will be carried out according to UCI Antidoping rules.

    Location of antidoping control rooms:

    1. stage: Mstsk ad Tebechovice pod Orebem, Masarykovo nmst 14,

    503 46 Tebechovice pod Orebem

    2. stage: Mstsk ad Hoice, nmst Jiho z Podbrad 342, 508 19 Hoice

    3. stage: Kodymv nrodn dm, Kupkovo nmst 310, Opono 517 73

    GPS coordinates: 50166.227N, 16657.062E

    12. Awards ceremonyAccording to article 1.2.112 of UCI rules the concerned riders must participate in official ceremonies and must arrive no later than 10 minutes after crossing the finish line.

    a) after each stage:

    stage winner

    leader of the general individual classification by time

    leader of the general individual classification by points

    leader of the general mountain classification

    leader of the general U23 classification

    b) after last stage:

    stage winner

    First 3 riders of the general individual classification by time

    winner of the general individual classification by time

    winner of the general individual classification by points

    winner of the general mountain classification

    winner of the U23 classification

    the winning team of the general team classification with the team manager

    13. PenaltiesThe UCI penalty scale is the only one applicable.

  • PP


    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    14. Othera) Priority of jerseys

    If the rider is leading more than one classification, the order of priority of distinctive jersey will be as follows:

    1. Yellow, 2. Blue, 3. Polka Dot, 4. White

    b) Start numbers / transponders

    Each rider receives 2 body number, 1 frame number and transponder on the front fork. The transponder has to be returned to the organizer after the race. In case of not returning the transponder a fine of 100 will be applied.

    c) Signing of starting sheets

    All riders are required to sign on the starting sheet before the start of the race according to the article 2.3.009. The starting sheets will be at the start area 60 minutes before the start of each stage. The signing will terminate 15 minutes before the time for the start of the stage.

    d) Safety

    The race is governed by the rules of the UCI and its directions. The race takes place under partial traffic restriction with restrictions in passages through crossroads. In spite of that all participants must observe the regulations of the Road Traffic Act No. 361/2000 Coll. with sub-sequent amendments. Every participant takes part in the race at his own risk. The organizers cannot be held liable for any accident or material damage to third persons before, during or after the race. The Organizer reserves the right to make any necessary changes as against the schedule in case of unforeseen circumstances. The contestants and their accompanying staff must comply with the Organizers instructions, as well as the Police of the Czech Republic and the Municipal Police. Wearing the protective helmet is obligatory and it is forbidden to take it off during the race.

    e) Marking of the route

    The route is marked with arrows on the label in front of a crossroads. Dangerous places are marked with exclamation marks. The signs will be at 0 km, 50 km from the start and at the last 25, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2 km. The last 1 km is marked with a red flag and a board with 1 km sign, the last 500, 300, 200, 150, 100 and 50 m will be marked with signs. The finish is marked with finish gate and a tape on the road.

    Railway crossings: According to the rules the contestants are forbidden to ride onto a level cro-ssing if the coming train can be seen or if the coming train is signaled.

    f) Environmental protection

    Competitors are required to throw all rubbish only section of the fixed buffet. Littering on other sites is prohibited.

  • PP


    ProgramElkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradec Krlov, East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.29. 9. 2015 Steda / Wednesday 17:0017:45 Kancel zvodu vdej startovnch sel, ip a kontrola licenc / Race office, distribution of starting number and transponders, license checking Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov18:0019:00 Porada vedoucch tm / Race directors meeting Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov

    10. 9. 2015 tvrtek / ThursdayElkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradec Krlov 13:0014:15 Dtsk kategorie / Children categorie14:1515:15 Junioi a kadeti / Juniors and cadets15:1516:00 Handicapovan / Handicapped16:0017:00 Hobby kategorie / Amateurs category17:0018:15 Elite / Elite Ulrichovo nmst, Hradec Krlov

    11. 9. 2015 Ptek / FridayEast Bohemia Tour 1. etapa / 1st stage 8:0010:00 Kancel zvodu / Race office Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov13:15 Start 1. etapy / Start of the 1st stage17:15 Cl 1. etapy / Finish of the 1st stage17:30 Vyhlaovn vtz / ceremony Masarykovo nmst, Tebechovice pod Orebem

    19:0020:30 Kancel zvodu / Race office Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov

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    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    12. 9. 2015 - Sobota / SaturdayEast Bohemia Tour 2. etapa / 2nd stage

    8:0010:00 Kancel zvodu / Race office Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov13:00 Start 2. etapy / start of the 2nd stage17:15 Cl 2. etapy / finish of the 2nd stage17:30 Vyhlaovn vtz / ceremony Nmst Jiho z Podbrad, Hoice19:0020:30 Kancel zvodu / Race office Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov

    13. 9. 2015 - Nedle / SundayEast Bohemia Tour 3. etapa / 3rd stage

    8:00 - 10:00 Kancel zvodu / Race office Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov11:00 Start amatrskho zvodu Grand Prix Krlovhradeckho kraje / Start of the amateur race Grand Prix Krlovhra- deckho kraje13:00 Start 3. etapy / start of the 3rd stage14:00 Cl amatrskho zvodu Grand Prix Krlovhradeckho kraje / Finish of the amateur race Grand Prix Krlovhra - deckho kraje17:30 Cl 3. etapy / finish of the 3rd stage17:45 Vyhlaovn vtz / ceremony Kupkovo nmst, Opono17:3019:00 Kancel zvodu / Race office Kodymv nrodn dm, Kupkovo nmst 310, Opono

  • 1. etapa / 1st stage

    asov rozpis zvodu / Race schedule

    msto / place . silnice route no.smr

    directionkm odstartu

    km docle

    rychlost / speed38 km/h 40 km/h 42 km/h

    Tebechovice p. O.

    1st round

    299 0 156 13:15 13:15 13:15

    Librantice 2991 5 151 13:23 13:22 13:22

    Libnkovice 2993 7 149 13:26 13:25 13:25

    Jenkovice 2992 9 147 13:29 13:28 13:28

    Tebechovice p. O.

    2nd round

    299 12 144 13:34 13:33 13:32

    Librantice 2991 17 139 13:42 13:40 13:39

    Libnkovice 2993 19 137 13:45 13:43 13:42

    Jenkovice 2992 21 135 13:48 13:46 13:45

    Tebechovice p. O.

    3rd round

    299 24 132 13:53 13:51 13:49

    Vrchask prmie / KOM 299 27 129 13:58 13:55 13:53

    Librantice 2991 29 127 14:01 13:58 13:56

    Libnkovice 2993 31 125 14:04 14:01 14:59

    Jenkovice 2992 33 123 14:07 14:04 14:02

    Tebechovice p. O.

    4th round

    299 36 120 14:12 14:09 14:07

    Librantice 2991 41 115 14:20 14:16 14:13

    Libnkovice 2993 43 113 14:23 14:19 14:16

    Jenkovice 2992 45 111 14:26 14:22 14:19

    Tebechovice p. O. SPRINT

    5th round

    299 48 108 14:31 14:27 14:23

    Librantice 2991 53 103 14:39 14:34 14:30

    Libnkovice 2993 55 101 14:42 14:37 14:33

    Jenkovice 2992 57 99 14:45 14:40 14:36

    Tebechovice p. O.

    6th round

    299 65 91 14:50 14:45 14:41

    Librantice 2991 67 89 14:57 14:52 14:48

    Libnkovice 2993 69 87 15:01 14:55 14:50

    Jenkovice 2992 72 84 15:04 14:58 14:53

    Tebechovice p. O.

    7th round

    299 72 84 15:09 15:03 14:58

    Vrchask prmie / KOM 299 75 81 15:13 15:07 15:02

    Librantice 2991 77 79 15:16 15:10 15:05

    Libnkovice 2993 79 77 15:20 15:13 15:07

    Jenkovice 2992 81 75 15:23 15:16 15:11

    Tebechovice p. O.

    8th round

    299 84 72 15:28 15:21 15:15

    Librantice 2991 89 67 15:35 15:28 15:22

    Libnkovice 2993 91 65 15:39 15:31 15:25

    Jenkovice 2992 93 63 15:42 15:44 15:28

    Tebechovice p. O.

    9th round

    299 96 60 15:46 15:39 15:32

    Librantice 2991 101 55 15:54 15:46 15:39

    Libnkovice 2993 103 53 15:57 15:49 15:42

    Jenkovice 2992 105 51 16:01 15:52 15:45

    Tebechovice p. O. SPRINT

    10th round

    299 108 48 16:05 15:57 15:49

    Librantice 2991 113 43 16:13 16:04 15:56

    Libnkovice 2993 115 41 16:16 16:07 15:59

    Jenkovice 2992 117 39 16:20 16:10 16:02

    Tebechovice p. O.

    11th round

    299 120 36 16:24 16:15 16:06

    Librantice 2991 125 31 16:32 16:22 16:13

    Libnkovice 2993 127 29 16:35 16:25 16:16

    Jenkovice 2992 129 27 16:39 16:28 16:19

    Tebechovice p. O.

    12th round

    299 132 24 16:43 16:33 16:23

    Librantice 2991 137 19 16:51 16:40 16:31

    Libnkovice 2993 139 17 16:54 16:43 16:33

    Jenkovice 2992 141 15 16:58 16:46 16:36

    Tebechovice p. O.

    13th round

    299 144 12 17:02 16:55 16:41

    Librantice 2991 149 7 17:10 16:58 16:48

    Libnkovice 2993 151 5 16:13 17:01 16:51

    Jenkovice 2992 153 3 17:17 17:04 16:53

    Tebechovice p. O. 299 156 0 17:21 17:09 16:57


    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    East Bohemia Tour 1. etapa / 1st stageMsto startu a cle / Place of start and finish: Tebechovice p. O.Celkov dlka / Total distance: 158,6 kmDlka jednoho kola / Distance of one lap: 12,2 kmPoet kol / Number of laps: 13

    3 kmKOM

    5 km



    Profil trati / Profile of the lap Profil poslednch 3 km / Profile of last 3 km

    1 km

  • 2. etapa / 2nd stage asov rozpis zvodu / Race schedule

    msto / place . silnice route no. smrdirectionkm odstartu

    km docle

    rychlost / speed38 km/h 40 km/h 42 km/h


    1st round

    3002 0 169 13:00 13:00 13:00

    Dachovy 300 2 167 13:03 13:03 13:03

    Jahodn 3004 4 165 13:06 13:06 13:06

    erven Temen 3004 5 164 13:08 13:08 13:07

    Lukavec 501 9 160 13:14 13:14 13:13


    2nd round

    3002 13 156 13:21 13:20 13:19

    Dachovy 300 15 154 13:24 13:23 13:21

    Jahodn 3004 17 152 13:27 13:26 13:24

    erven Temen 3004 18 151 13:28 13:27 13:26

    Lukavec 501 22 147 13:35 13:33 13:31


    3rd round

    3002 26 143 13:41 13:39 13:37

    Vrchask prmie / KOM 300 27 142 13:43 13:41 13:39

    Dachovy 300 28 141 13:44 13:42 13:40

    Jahodn 3004 30 139 13:47 13:45 13:43

    erven Temen 3004 31 138 13:49 13:47 13:44

    Lukavec 501 35 134 13:55 13:53 13:50


    4th round

    3002 39 130 14:01 14:59 13:56

    Dachovy 300 41 128 14:05 14:02 13:58

    Jahodn 3004 43 126 14:08 14:05 14:01

    erven Temen 3004 44 125 14:09 14:06 14:03

    Lukavec 501 48 121 14:16 14:12 14:09

    Hoice SPRINT

    5th round

    3002 52 117 14:22 14:18 14:14

    Dachovy 300 54 115 14:25 14:21 14:17

    Jahodn 3004 56 113 14:28 14:24 14:20

    erven Temen 3004 57 112 14:30 14:25 14:21

    Lukavec 501 61 108 14:36 14:32 14:27


    6th round

    3002 65 104 14:43 14:38 14:33

    Dachovy 300 67 102 14:46 14:41 14:36

    Jahodn 3004 69 100 14:49 14:44 14:38

    erven Temen 3004 70 99 14:50 14:45 14:40

    Lukavec 501 74 95 14:57 14:51 14:46


    7th round

    3002 78 91 15:03 14:57 14:51

    Vrchask prmie / KOM 300 79 90 15:05 14:59 14:53

    Dachovy 300 80 89 15:06 15:00 14:54

    Jahodn 3004 82 87 15:09 15:03 14:57

    erven Temen 3004 83 86 15:11 15:05 14:58

    Lukavec 501 87 82 15:17 15:11 15:04


    8th round

    3002 91 78 15:24 15:17 15:10

    Dachovy 300 93 76 15:27 15:20 15:13

    Jahodn 3004 95 74 15:30 15:23 15:16

    erven Temen 3004 96 73 15:32 15:24 15:17

    Lukavec 501 100 69 15:38 15:30 15:23


    9th round

    3002 104 65 15:44 15:36 15:28

    Dachovy 300 106 63 15:47 15:39 15:31

    Jahodn 3004 108 61 15:50 15:42 15:34

    erven Temen 3004 109 60 15:52 15:44 15:36

    Lukavec 501 113 56 15:58 15:50 15:41


    10th round

    3002 117 52 16:05 15:56 15:47

    Dachovy 300 119 50 16:08 15:59 15:50

    Jahodn 3004 121 48 16:11 16:02 15:53

    erven Temen 3004 122 47 16:13 16:03 15:54

    Lukavec 501 126 43 16:19 16:09 16:00


    11th round

    3002 130 39 16:25 16:15 16:06

    Dachovy 300 132 37 16:28 16:18 16:08

    Jahodn 3004 134 35 16:32 16:21 16:11

    erven Temen 3004 135 34 16:33 16:23 16:13

    Lukavec 501 139 30 16:40 16:29 16:18


    12th round

    3002 143 26 16:46 16:35 16:24

    Dachovy 300 145 24 16:49 16:38 16:27

    Jahodn 3004 147 22 16:52 16:41 16:30

    erven Temen 3004 148 21 16:54 16:42 16:31

    Lukavec 501 152 17 17:00 16:48 16:37


    13th round

    3002 156 13 17:06 16:54 16:43

    Dachovy 300 158 11 17:09 16:57 16:46

    Jahodn 3004 160 9 17:13 17:00 16:48

    erven Temen 3004 161 8 17:14 17:02 16:50

    Lukavec 501 165 4 17:21 17:07 16:56

    Hoice 3002 169 0 17:27 17:14 17:01

  • East Bohemia Tour 2015

    East Bohemia Tour 2. etapa / 2st stageMsto startu a cle / Place of start and finish: HoiceCelkov dlka / Total distance: 166,4 kmDlka jednoho kola / Distance of one lap: 12,8 kmPoet kol / Number of laps: 13

    Profil trati / Profile of the lap Profil poslednch 3 km / Profile of last 3 km

    3 km


    5 km

    1 km



  • 3. etapa / 3rd stage

    asov rozpis zvodu / Race schedule


    route no. km od km do 38 km/h 40 km/h 42 km/hOpono Kupkovo nmst Opono Benzina ostr start 304 0 190 13:00 13:00 13:00Pepychy 32114 3 187 13:04 13:04 13:04Zhornice 3203 6 184 13:09 13:09 13:08Semechnice 29840 10 180 13:15 13:15 13:14Opono hbitov 298 11 179 13:17 13:16 13:15Dobruka 298 13 177 13:20 13:20 13:18

    kiovatka 14/298 298 16 174 13:25 13:24 13:23

    Ohniov 298 19 171 13:30 13:29 13:27

    Rokole 285 23 167 13:36 13:34 13:32Olenice v Orlickch horch 310 29 161 13:45 13:43 13:41Sedloov 310 34 156 13:53 13:51 13:48hor 310 37 153 13:58 13:55 13:53Detn v Orlickch horch 311 41 149 14:04 14:01 13:58

    erlich 311 44 146 14:09 14:06 14:02

    Orlick Zho 311 55 135 14:27 14:22 14:18kiovatka 311/3111 3111 61 129 14:36 14:31 14:27Kom Vrch 3111 65 125 14:42 14:37 14:32

    Horn ky 3111 67 123 14:45 14:40 14:35kiovatka 3111/319 319 71 119 14:52 14:46 14:41Rokytnice v O. h. 319 73 117 14:55 14:49 14:44

    eleznin p./crossing of railroad 319 74 116 14:56 14:50 14:45Pn 319 76 114 15:00 14:54 14:48Javornice 3195 85 105 15:14 15:07 15:01Jaroslav 318 88 102 15:18 15:12 15:06Pansk Habrov 31814 90 100 15:22 15:15 15:08Lukavice 31815 93 97 15:26 15:19 15:12Kvasiny 321 99 91 15:36 15:28 14:31Solnice 14 100 90 14:37 15:30 15:22kiovatka 14/29845 29845 101 89 14:39 15:32 15:24Byzhradec 29844 105 85 15:45 15:37 15:30Houdkovice 29844 107 83 15:48 15:40 15:32Trnov 32114 109 81 15:52 15:43 15:35Zhornice 3203 112 78 15:56 15:48 15:40Semechnice 29840 115 75 16:01 15:52 15:46Opono hbitov START OF BUFET

    298 118 72 16:06 15:57 15:48


    298 119 71 16:07 15:58 15:50

    Opono benzinka

    1st round

    304 120 70 16:09 16:00 15:51Pepychy 32114 123 67 16:14 16:04 15:55Zhornice 3203 125 65 16:17 16:07 15:58Semechnice 29840 128 62 16:22 16:12 16:02Opono hbitov 298 130 60 16:25 16:15 16:05Opono 298 131 59 16:26 16:16 16:07Opono benzinka

    2nd round

    304 132 58 16:28 16:18 16:08Pepychy 32114 135 55 16:33 16:22 16:12Zhornice 3203 137 53 16:36 16:25 16:15Semechnice 29840 140 50 16:41 16:30 16:20Opono hbitov 298 142 48 16:44 16:33 16:23Opono 298 143 47 16:45 16:34 16:24Opono benzinka

    3rd round

    304 144 46 16:47 16:36 16:25Pepychy 32114 147 43 16:52 16:40 16:30Zhornice 3203 149 41 16:55 16:43 16:32Semechnice 29840 152 38 17:00 16:48 16:37Opono hbitov 298 154 36 17:03 16:51 16:40Opono 298 155 35 17:04 16:52 16:41Opono benzinka

    4th round

    304 156 34 17:46 16:54 16:42Pepychy 32114 159 31 17:11 16:58 16:47Zhornice 3203 161 29 17:14 17:01 16:50Semechnice 29840 163 27 17:17 17:04 16:52Opono hbitov 298 165 35 17:20 17:07 16:55Opono 298 166 24 17:22 17:09 16:57Opono benzinka

    5th round

    304 167 23 17:24 17:10 16:58Pepychy 32114 170 20 17:28 17:15 17:02Zhornice 3203 172 18 17:31 17:18 17:05Semechnice 29840 175 15 17:36 17:22 17:10Opono hbitov 298 177 13 17:40 17:25 17:12Opono 298 178 12 17:41 17:27 17:14

  • East Bohemia Tour 2015



    East Bohemia Tour 3. etapa / 3rd stageMsto startu a cle / Place of start and finish: OponoCelkov dlka / Total distance: 178 kmDlka zvrenho kola / Distance of the final lap: 11,8 kmPoet zvrench kol / Number of final laps: 5CY KL OT URISTI CK



    Profil poslednch 3 km / Profile of last 3 km

    Profil trati / Profile of the track

    3 km

    3 km



    5 km

    5 km

    1 km

    1 km

  • Smr zvodu do cle Race direction to finish

    Start / Finish line

    Kancel zvodu Race office


    Porada tm Technical meeting

    Parkovn kategorie Elite Parking category Elite

    Odklonn tmovch vozidel Deviation for cars

    Prezentace a vyhlaovnPresentation and ceremony

    Toalety / Toilets

    Sprchy / Showers

    1. etapa / 1st stageTebechovive p. O.

    Prostor startu a cleStart and finish area

    2. etapa / 2nd stageHoiceProstor startu a cleStart and finish area

  • East Bohemia Tour 2015East Bohemia Tour 2015

    3. etapa / 3rd stageOponoProstor startu a cleStart and finish area

  • PP


  • PP


    East Bohemia Tour 2015

    L I G H T I N G





  • PP



    Supreme Care. Spojen technologi pro tu nejlep pi o prdlo.

    *Technologie ZEN zajiuje nejni rove hlunosti pi odsteovn mezi prakami do 10 kg a do 1400 otek za minutu (stav prosinec 2014).

    20 let zruka

    na nejti motor na trhu.*

    A4_SUPREME_CARE.indd 1 26/05/15 15:35

  • PP


    East Bohemia Tour 2015


    Supreme Care. Spojen technologi pro tu nejlep pi o prdlo.

    *Technologie ZEN zajiuje nejni rove hlunosti pi odsteovn mezi prakami do 10 kg a do 1400 otek za minutu (stav prosinec 2014).

    20 let zruka

    na nejti motor na trhu.*

    A4_SUPREME_CARE.indd 1 26/05/15 15:35

  • PP





    Objednn:+420 495 532 303

    Infolinka:+420 608 800 886

    Operace dioptrickch vad

    Operace edho zkalu

    Operace stnice a sklivce

    Operace k odstrannbrl na ten

    Operace vek











    +420 495 532 303


    +420 608 800 886

    Operace dioptrickch vad

    Operace edho zkalu

    Operace stnice a sklivce

    Operace k odstrann

    brl na ten

    Operace vek



  • PP


    East Bohemia Tour 2015




    Objednn:+420 495 532 303

    Infolinka:+420 608 800 886

    Operace dioptrickch vad

    Operace edho zkalu

    Operace stnice a sklivce

    Operace k odstrannbrl na ten

    Operace vek











    +420 495 532 303


    +420 608 800 886

    Operace dioptrickch vad

    Operace edho zkalu

    Operace stnice a sklivce

    Operace k odstrann

    brl na ten

    Operace vek



  • PP


  • PP


    Elkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradce Krlov 2015

    Mapa zvodu / Map of the race



  • PP


    ELKOV 50. Velk cena msta Hradec Krlov with support of city Hradec KrlovUCI INTERNATIONAL CRITERIUMPoadatel: HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11


    Termn zvodu: tvrtek 10. z 2015, 17.00

    Msto konn: Hradec Krlov, Ulrichovo nmst

    editel zvodu: Vladimr Vvra, tel.: 00420 736 480 284, e-mail:

    Hlavn rozhod: Simona Davdkov SC

    ast: Zvodu se astn pouze zvodnci startujc na East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.2. Vichni astnci mus mt platnou licenci na rok 2015 a platn cestovn pas nebo obansk prkaz. Pokud je poadovno, tak i platn vzum. astnci vetn jejich doprovodu mus mt platn zdrvotn pojitn.

    Startovn sla: Startovn sla a ipy pro kategorii Elite se vydvaj ve stedu 9. 9. 2015 v ase 17:0017:45 v kanceli zvodu, Hotel ernigov, Riegrovo n mst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov

    Kategorie: Elite a U23

    Typ zvodu: Zvod se jede jako hladk zvod. Bhem zvodu budou vypsny finann prmie. Neutralizace 1 okruh v prostoru depa, kter bude v prostoru startu a cle. Zvodnk dojet o jedno kolo hlavn skupinou (uruje rozhod zvodu), je povinen ze zvodu odstoupit. Posledn kolo zvodu bude ohleno zvonnm pi prjezdu do poslednho kola.

    Program: Dtsk kategorie zvody zkladnch kol 13:0014:15

    Junioi a kadeti 14:1515:15

    Handicapovan 15:1516:00

    Hobby cyklist 16:0017:00

    Mui Elite 17:0018:15


  • PP


    Elkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradce Krlov 2015

    Tra zvodu: Okruh v dlce 1200 m, start a cl Ulrichovo nmst, nm Svobody, Tylovo nbe, Havlkova, elakovskho, Mnesova, Ulrichovo n- mst. Okruh bude uzaven pro veejnou dopravu od 13:00 hodin a do konce zvod.

    Dlka zvodu: 40 okruh

    Vyhlaovn: Podle pravidel UCI, lnek 1. 2. 112 se mus dostavit k vyhlen vtz nejpozdji do 10 minut po projet clem. Vyhlaovn se astn prvn ti zvodnci v celkov klasifikaci zvodu.

    Dle budou rozdleny trikoty jednotlivch sout zvodu East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.2.

    Dresy zskaj:

    lut dres 1. msto v zvod Modr dres 2. msto v zvod Puntkat dres - 3. msto v zvod

    U23 dres nejlep U23 v zvod

    Ceny: V zvod budou rozdleny nsledujc finann prmie:

    Kad pt kolo (5., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 35.)

    1. msto 500 K, 2. msto 300 K, 3. msto 100 K

    Vechna ostatn kola krom poslednho 1. msto 200 K

    Posledn kolo 1. msto 5 000 K, 2. msto 3 000 K, 3. msto 2 000K, 4. msto 1 000 K, 5. msto 1 000 K

    Zdravotn zajitn: Paramedic rescue ambulance - Zdravotnick asistence a dopravn zdra- votn sluba Hradec Krlov

    Pedpis: Zvod se kon podle platnch pravidel SC a ustanoven tohoto rozpsu. Kad astnk se zvodu zastuje na vlastn nebezpe, poadatel neru za kody astnkm vznikl ani jimi zpsoben. Zvose jede za pln uzvrky silninho provozu, vichni astnci jsou povinni dodro vat ustanoven zkona 361/2000 Sb. a uposlechnout pokyn polcie, poadatel a rozhodch. Vichni astnci startuj na nklady vlastn nebo svho klubu. Poadatel si vyhrazuje prvo ppadnch nutnch technickch zmn oproti rozpisu zvodu z dvodu nepedvdanch okolnost.

  • PP


    ELKOV 50. Velk cena msta Hradec Krlov s podporou msta Hradec KrlovUCI MEZINRODN KRITRIUMOrganization: HK-cyklo s.r.o., K Rybnku 178, Hradec Krlov 500 11


    Date: Thursday 10th of September 2015, 17:00

    Place: Hradec Krlov, Ulrichovo nmst

    Race director: Vladimr Vvra, tel.: 00420 736 480 284, e-mail:

    Referee: Simona Davdkov Czech cycling association

    Participation: All participants must hold valid passport or other valid personal identi- fication document. It is necessary to respect visa requirements! All riders and attendants must present confirmation of their health isurance.

    Starting numbers: Starting numbers and transponders will be distribute on Wednesday 9th of September from 17:0017:45 in race office in Hotel ergov, Riegrovo nmst 1494, 500 02 Hradec Krlov.

    Category: Elite a U23

    Kind of the race: Winner of the race is 1st one who will pass finish line in the last lap. During the race will be set prize bonuses. Neutralization is 1 round in place of depot near the start and finish line. Rider who will lost on lap on the main group (determined by the race referee) is obliged to withdraw from the race. The last lap of the race will be announced by ringing when passing into the last round.

    Program: Children 13:0014:15

    Juniors and cadets 14:1515:15

    Handicaped 15:1516:00

    Hobby cyclist 16:0017:00

    Men Elite 17:0018:15

    Technical guide

  • PP


    Elkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradce Krlov 2015

    Race course: Course is 1400m long with start and finish placed on Ulrichovo Square and then go through streets nmst Svobody, Tylovo nbe, Havlkva, elakovskho, Mnesova.

    Lenght of the race: 40 laps

    Ceremony: According to article 1.2.112 of UCI rules the concerned riders must participate in official ceremonies and must arrive no later than 10 minutes after crossing the finish line.

    On ceremony will participate: First 3 riders of the general individual classification by time

    During the ceremony will be distribute also jerseys for race East Bohemia Tour UCI 2.2

    Distribute will be: Yellow jersey 1st from the race Blue jersey 2nd from the race Polka dot jersey 3rd from the race U23 jersey best U23 from the race

    Prizes: Category Elite and U23 will receive financial prizes according with this rule:

    Each 5th round (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35) 1st place 500 CZK, 2nd place 300 CZK, 3rd 100 CZK

    All rest round except last one 1st place 200 CZK

    Last round 1st place 5 000 CZK, 2nd place 3 000 CZK, 3rd place 2 000 CZK, 4th place 1 000 CZK, 5th place 1 000 CZK

    Medical care: Medical care will be provided by Paramedic rescue ambulance Zdravotnick asistence a dopravn zdravotn sluba Hradec Krlov

    Regulation: The race is governed by the rules of the Czech cycling association and its directions. The race takes place under partial traffic restriction with restrictions in passages through crossroads. In spite of that all participants must observe the regulations of the Road Traffic Act No. 361/2000 Coll. as amended by subsequent regulations. Every parti - cipant takes part in the race at own risk, the promoter does not answer for damages incurred to or caused by the participants. The promoter reserves the right to make any necessary changes as against the sche dule in case of unforeseen circumstances.The contes tants and their accompanying staffmust comply with the instructions of the promoter, the Police of the Czech Republic and the Municipal Police.

  • PP


    Cyklistika pat k naemu mstu stejn jako jeho dal symboly. Pravda pat k tm mladm, ale kter msto se me pochlubit padestm ronkem Velk ceny. Kadoron je svtkem pro vechny nejen cyk-listy a kolae. Krom sportovn je i vznamnou spoleenskou udlost ve mst a kraji. Pedevm mi dovolte podkovat vem, kte se pod-leli, podlej a budou podlet na jejm podn. Vichni vme, e to nen jednoduch zleitost. M podkovn pat i sponzorm zvodu. Z-vodnkm od dt pes hobky a k profesionlm bych rd popl krs-n zvod bez nepjemnost, nov sportovn a oiven starch znmos-t a ptelstv vetn pknch vzpomnek na samotn zvody a pobyt ve mst. Myslm, e kdo nkdy vidl na vlastn oi peloton a pestrost dres, slyel volnobh destek stroj a ustot gum, pijde letos zase. A nkte u po padest. Tm se na zvod.

    MUDr. Zdenk Fink Primtor Hradce Krlov

    Cycling belongs to our city as its other symbols do. It is true that it lists among the younger sports; ho-wever, there are just a few cities to be proud of fifty years tradition of the Grand Prix. Every year, it is a festive occasion for many more citizens than just for cyclists and wheelers. Beside its sporting nature, it is a major social event in the city and in the region. Let me express my thanks especially to those who have participated in its organization and who will certainly participate again. We all know that it is not an easy task. My thanks also belong to the sponsors of the race. I would like to wish a thrilling experience to all the racers starting from young children and hobbies up to real professionals: a race without troubles, with newly made friendships and reviving the old ones including nice memories of the compe-tition and of the city. I am convinced that those who have ever witnessed a peloton, a wide variety of colorful jerseys, who have ever heard the sound of dozens derailleurs and rustling tires, will certainly come again some of them for already the fiftieth time. I look forward to the race.

    MUDr. Zdenk Fink Primtor Hradce Krlov

  • PP


    Elkov 50. Velk cena msta Hradce Krlov 2015

    grafick studio atisk

  • PP


    Mezinrodn cyklistick kritrium profesionl, zvody pro dti, handicapovan, hobby cyklisty s podporou msta Hradec Krlov.

    50. Elkov Velk cena msta Hradce Krlovtvrtek 10. z 2015

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