team cohesiveness

Post on 09-Sep-2015






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Team cohesiveness is the degree to which individual members contribute to the groups ability to continue as a functioning work unit.

Cohesive teams communicates more efficiently, they lead to a higher member satisfaction and will most times achieved the overall objectives of the team. Members of a cohesive team will tend to have emotional and social bond that links them to one another and to the group as a whole. These ties enables members to sustain their efforts on behalf of the team and make it more likely that the team will achieved its goal. (Team cohesiveness)

Team cohesiveness by itself can achieved high performance when you have a team especially with cohesiveness being good you can benefit from diversity of knowledge and ideas contributed by the team also when you have team with high cohesiveness they will be more cooperative and effective in achieving the goals or objectives that they set, because of the positive characteristic that they display like respecting everyone on the team views and ideas and being fully committed to team decisions and strategies with all of these characteristics this will increase individual self-esteem which give a positive spin and increase performance

How can team ensure and enhance high level of functioning?

They can start by having a common goal/purpose and also by adapting the five stages of team development, which is forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

Common goal/purpose, this is very important in a team where they are all working towards the same goal, this will help to hold the team as a whole through challenging times if experience throughout their activities. The purpose must also be clear, relevant and significant where each member of the team can relates to the overall objective.

Clear role: This is essential that each team member is clear about his or her own task/role as well as the roles of their fellow team members, because you will be better able to have a synergy when doing the compilation of activities.

The stages of team development is crucial in adapting where you have the forming stage which is the foundation on which the team will built , in this stage the team member will


Team Cohesiveness, by boundless. Received from.

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