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Post on 15-Dec-2014






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Introduction Australia is a young country, but now occupies a prominent

place in the global economic and social scenario. The country occupies approximately seven million km2, slightly less than the Brazilian. Currently living in the country twenty-one million inhabitants. The Australian population has a good quality of life. Of over twenty-one million Australians inhabitants, about ninety-five percent have European origin, with British predominance, however, there are still national minorities such as Aboriginal.

Main data Area: about 7 million km ²

Capital of Australia: Canberra

Population: 22 million (estimated 2011)

Currency: Australian Dollar

Official name: Commonwealth of Australia.

Nationality: Australian

National Date: January 26 (Australia Day, arrival of the first English ships in the year 1788).

Form of government: parliamentary monarchy

Administrative divisions: 6 states and 3 territori

Language: English

Location: Southwestern Oceania

Australian economy Agricultural products: wheat, cane sugar, raw cotton,

grapes, other fruits.

Livestock: cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry.

Mining: coal, iron ore, lead, copper, gold, silver, oil, natural gas, bauxite.

Industry: Food, beverages, tobacco, machinery and equipment, metals, petroleum extraction, coal, chemical, printing and publishing, wood, paper.

About the Flag of Australia

The Australian flag was adopted on September 3, 1901. At the top left, presents the flag in small UK. This part of the Australian flag is the British colonization of the country. In the right corner shows four white seven-pointed star (stars known as the Federation) and a five-pointed, forming the Southern Cross You left corner, below the flag of the United Kingdom, has a white seven-pointed star in size greater.

Main cultural and tourist spots in Australia


Sidney opera House: The Theatre sydiney is a symbol of Australia, it is apresentanda the most immersive theater arts australia


National Gallery In exportos: National Gallery is the largest collection of paintings from the national tradition of Western Europe.


Burley Griffin: It is a large artificial lake city Canberra


Brisbane Botanical Gardens: Are subtropical botanical gardens in Australia

Sidney opera House National Gallery In exportos

Burley Griffin Brisbane Botanical Gardens

Wanting to visit Australia?

It doesn’t pay much to buy packages to various destinations, usually people get there and rent on time, always have a spare, cheap and cozy hotel. What goes around A$ 35. In the months of December, January and July the Travel Deals

Australia vanish, it is time that the residents are on vacation as early as March, April and May are the times that have more promotions. Cyclones occur from November to May, so avoid traveling during this time. To make a trip to Australia you would spend around four thousand five hundred and thirty-eight thousand USD.

Ways of traveling Australia





Public transport



Typical foods Barbecue - Called " Barbie " (short for barbecue ) , the Australian version comes with BBQ beef and sausage in bun.

Fish and Chips , breaded fried fish , accompanied by fries .

Meat Pies - Meat pie , small -looking patty. The fillings can vary : cheese, chicken and bacon .

Wedges and sour cream - Chunks of potato cut in rough shape . After being fried , accompanying sour cream .

Vegemite - Pasta made with brewer's yeast , to spread on bread .

Bubble Tea - Tea mixed with milk . In the background, balls of tapioca .

Sticky Date Pudding - Cake caramelized dates, usually accompanied by ice cream.

Pavlova - Pie topped with meringues and fruit .

Lamington - vanilla cake with chocolate icing and grated coconut. The name was given in honor of Baron Lamington , COCHRAINE Charles Baillie , Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901.

Tim Tam - Biscuit with chocolate icing. Australians usually eat the ends of the biscuit and use it as a straw to drink coffee or hot chocolate.

Anthem of AustraliaAdvance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair! In joyful strains then let us sing, "Advance Australia fair!" 

Beneath our radiant southern Cross, We'll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands; For those who've come across the seas We've boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us sing "Advance Australia fair!" 


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Teacher: Eddie

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