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Taylormatic April 9, 2014

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What is Taylormatic?

The Taylormatic platform is a 3-dimensional virtual product configurator. ( a new retail Channel ). It allows users to select customizable products from a virtual catalogue, which they can subsequently configure and customize to their liking. Configuration options include the selection of product components, their materials, as well as their colours.

Taylormatic can support a wide variety of product types and can provide a very realistic 3-dimensional visualization of the configured product, with a realistic simulation of visual material properties. The end-result is a virtual product which can be viewed from all angles, up close in full detail, and which at the same time closely resembles the physical product. Users can therefore be confident that the product they configured looks like what they will end up purchasing.


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What could Taylormatic mean for your brand?

The virtualization of collections could allow for the worldwide distribution of entire collections without the need to physically create and store stock. If supported by the supply chain, items can be produced and shipped on demand, potentially eliminating the need for warehouses. ( mostly based on industrial measure to measure it also be linked directly to production CAD in order to automatically adjust paper models on final customer’s fit )

Allowing customers to configure their own products, making their own design choices, allows for a greater understanding of consumer preferences. Their interaction with Taylormatic as well as their final purchases, provides a deeper insight into consumer choices and desires.


Taylormatic as an in-store solution provides for a great and interactive showroom experience. Being able to configure a product to your liking on a larger than life format and in full 3D, while combined with modern user interaction technology such as Microsoft’s Kinect, provides for a useful and fun experience. Past demonstrations have shown that a single active user of the system guarantees many more gathering around to share the experience.

And the Taylormatic experience does not stop inside the store. The cross-platform nature of Taylormatic could allow customers to take their in-store experience home with them. With collections available in the store, on tablet apps, on the web or even on game consoles, customers can continue their experience wherever they are, extending the reach and increasing the impact of your store. All having the possibility to have our measurements stored inside the same system in order to reduce returns ( e commerce ) and to adjust or even produce our personal size product ( measure to measure clothes ).

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Taylormatic: from R&D to product

Taylormatic today

Taylormatic is a fully functional product configuration solution that you can configure to fit your needs. Based on a structured layout you are free to customize the look of the application to your liking, to ensure your application looks the way you want.

Figure 1 – Taylormatic’s look is fully customizable by default. Using the structure illustrated on the left, all items of the menu as well as the product configuration stage can be fully customized to match your brand’s identity.

Collections and configurations are organizes in an hierarchy using Taylormatic’s asset management tools. You’re free to organize collections as you see fit, using your own interface elements. And the same holds true for your configurable products. By defining the configurable parts and their possible configurations, you’re free to structure the options to your liking using the structure illustrated below.

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Figure 2–Taylormatic organises collections and configuration options into a hierarchical structure you are free to construct to your liking.

Taylormatic is available for PC and IOS/Android. For products such as garments, which rely on accurate body size information to provide a size recommendation, the PC-based version of Taylormatic can be extended with a body-scanning solution for in-store use.

Figure 3 – In this in-store demonstration setup, 3 of the 4 white scanning pole scan be seen, each of which contain two Microsoft Kinect sensors. Scanning from four corners, they capture a full 360 degree 3D view of the customer. An additional Kinect sensor is visible on the top of the display, which enables the customer to interact with the application.

Based on a series of Microsoft Kinect depth sensors and in the near future by a touch screen controller where you can see 2d catalogue, Taylormatic can take a full 3D scan of the customer’s body and accurately determine all relevant body measurements within seconds, even without the need for the customer to undress. Taylormatic comes with software necessary to accurately calibrate the body scanner within the space of your store, allowing you a certain amount of flexibility where it concerns the setup in your space.


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Taylormatic customized to your needs.

As shown Taylormatic by default allows brands to fully customize the look and feel of their applications by providing their own products, collection hierarchies and interface design. But besides this inherent flexibility, Taylormatic is also an open modular platform that can be customized and extended to your specific needs.

Taylormatic uses Unity 3D as its real-time 3D middleware solution. What this means for Taylormatic as well as for you as a brand is that Taylormatic is potentially available on a wide variety of platforms. If your customers are frequent users of certain mobile devices, game consoles, or whatever platform you can imagine, it is more than likely that Taylormatic is available for that platform, or can be made available for it. The ongoing development of Unity 3D allows us to use state-of-the-art technology to make your product look ever better, and to present your product to an ever increasing audience. ( UNITY 5 )

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With our research and development expertise we’re always investigating new and improved ways to enable interaction with Taylormatic. Where we have an in-store measurement system available today, we’re investigating such options as single-scanner measurement solutions allowing customers to not only accurately measure themselves in a store, but to do the same in the comfort of their own home.

Taylormatic is an open platform. If you as a brand have specific needs based on your product or use-case, or if you have specific ideas on customer interaction, we would be more than happy to discuss potential solutions.

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Integrating Taylormatic into your brand. ( CLOTHES and Accessories )

Taylormatic relies on 3D virtual versions of your configurable product. Depending on your existing use of 3D data and CAD tools or absence thereof, integrating Taylormatic into your brand requires a couple of steps.



First of all the products in a collection need to be studied to determine how they fit within the customization paradigm that is used by Taylormatic. Several questions will need to be answered, such as “What are the customizable components and component-groups?” as well as “What customization options are there in terms of materials and colours?” and other such questions related to your product.

With the customization of your collection established the asset pipeline is the next topic of interest. The main question to answer here is “How can we create efficiently and accurately create 2D and 3D

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content to be used inside Taylormatic?”. Depending on the product and your CAD or 3D design capabilities we’ll help you find the right set of tools (and services if required) to be able to efficiently create content fit for Taylormatic. This includes the careful consideration of asset management as mentioned before. To recap, we’ll look at how we can ensure that 3D collections are properly maintained between any number of designers, and automatically become available to all users of the various applications whenever this is desired.

A typical example scenario for an asset pipeline would be that of a fashion brand. Bringing their content into a 3D world requires the digitization of paper patterns, the accurate capture of raw materials and the efficient and realistic modelling of garments using advanced garment CAD solutions. www.cloth3d.com Together we’ll look at all the required stages, the available expertise as well as the required infrastructure, to develop an optimized pipeline that fits your needs.

In the case where you would want to use Taylormatic in combination with an e-commerce option, a similar process would take place. In case of an existing e-commerce infrastructure, we’ll identify how to fit Taylormatic into your current ecosystem. Together we’ll identify how Taylormatic fits into your current setup and what development (if any) is necessary to get everything up and running. If Taylormatic brings e-commerce to your brand then together we’ll look at how to introduce this new aspect to your brand, assembling all required expertise, once again to determine what development (if any) is required.

And for in-store solutions we’ll advice you on the appropriate selection of hardware to get the most out of the Taylormatic experience for both your brand as well as your customers.

Integrating Taylormatic into your brand. ( DESIGN )

Geometries: Taylormatic works properly with 3D Models generated from software like as 3DS Max, Blender, Cinema4D and similar.

3D Model from CAD software like as Autocad, Rhinoceros, Revit and similar couldn't work. Many times these softwares export meshes with a bad topology, holes, non-logic triangles and so on.

Below we describe the properties that 3D models must have to work in Taylormatic. If you export a 3D object from a Cad software, you have to be careful how are placed the polygons that build the geometries. Note: It isn't enough export the model with the right type of file (e.g.:.obj). Change the format does not change the way the polygons are placed. This is an example of a 3D Model exported from Rhinoceros to 3DS Max.

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Here is an example of a 3D model that can works in Taylormatic:

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All the geometries ar builted with squares. There should be no holes. There must be no isolated vertices.

Although you can choose to use 3D software that usually use for your work, we recommend you use 3Ds Max.

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Asset generation and management A virtual configurator depends on a large set of virtual assets. Of course there is all the 3D content and the associated virtual materials, but there is also a large amount of 2D assets used to generate the user interface of the application. Taylormatic relies on a database which describes the various configurable products, and how these are organized within a collection of product categories.

Asset Creation Asset creation can follow a wide variety of different pipelines depending on the product type, as well as the 3D content that might already be available as a result of product design. Available data might require some adaptation to be made suitable for the Unity platform, especially with regards to performance considerations for mobile platforms.

A concrete pipeline can be established after an inventory of available data, the desired and required end-result, as well as available expertise. Establishing such a pipeline will focus on the selection or development of the necessary tools, and the optimization of a pipeline to keep the workload between raw data and final Taylormatic asset as short as possible.

Generation of 2D content for user interfaces relies on simple collections of images which can be the result of any image editing software package.

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Asset Management To support the management of all assets, as well as its organisation in a catalogue structure including or excluding the relevant UI elements, Taylormatic uses a custom asset management plugin for Unity. The asset manager allows designers to add their assets to the earlier mentioned product database, to define its exact configurability, and to link all relevant options to the specific UI elements for those options.

Figure 4 : Asset manager

Once a product has been included, the plugin supports the export of all relevant asset files for a specific platform. These asset files, as well as the generated database, can be subsequently deployed on the chosen build platform and are what drive the application.

An extensible platform With a virtual product configurator as Taylormatic’s core, Taylormatic can be extended with a variety of modules, depending on the particular application scenario.

Purchasing the configured items is of course one of the more important features of any such application in an e-commerce scenario. To achieve this, Taylormatic can be extended with an e-commerce module which either hooks into an existing e-commerce system available for the brand, or a module could be created in combination with a new e-commerce back-end for new brands.

For an in-store fashion retail solution, such options as an automatic 3D body scanner and measurer might be of use to suggest specific garment sizes to the user. An extension to Augmented Reality, in which the customer can see the configured garment overlaid on a video stream of themselves, could turn Taylormatic into a true virtual mirror. Combined with a gesture input module, the user can interact with the system as well as the 3D models through a number of different hand gestures, providing a fun and modern interface.

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Figure 5 : Automatic 3D body scanner and measurer

While Taylormatic is a multi-platform solution, the per-platform applications could be linked via a common profile, allowing users to maintain and share information between applications. Measurements taken in a store could be stored within a user-profile and retrieved on the web or within an app, to still provide similar size advice. One could even consider storing a configuration history, to retrieve past configurations, or to pick up the configuration process from where the user stopped the last session.

In many scenarios shopping is a social experience. To bring this to our virtual platform as well, Taylormatic can be extended with an integration into the various social networking platforms such as Facebook, Google+, or whichever platform is relevant to the customer-base. One could think of such functionalities as sharing the configured item on one of these networks, allowing friends or other contacts to provide feedback.

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