taxonomy, rexine charts.01 lathyrus odoratus .02 cassia fistula .03 acacia arabica ... .01...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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Taxonomy, Rexine Charts 

RENUNCULACEAE (ELB.106.135) .01 Ranunculus Sceleratus .02 Delphinium Ajacis

 CRUCIFERAE (ELB.106.136) .01 Chrassica Campestris (Mustard)

 PAPEAVERACEAE (ELB.106.137) .01 Papaver Rhoeas (Garden Poppy) .02 Argemone Mexicane

 MALVACEAE (ELB.106.138) .01 Althaea Rosea .02 Hibiscus Rosa .03 Gossypium Herchaceum

 RUTACEAE (ELB.106.139) .01 Citrus aurantium .02 Murraya Exotica

 LEGUMINOSAE (ELB.106.140) .01 Lathyrus odoratus .02 Cassia Fistula .03 Acacia Arabica

 ROSAEAE (ELB.106.141) .01 Rosa indica .02 Pyriis Malus .03 Prunus Persica

 CUCURCHITACEAE (ELB.106.142) .01 Lufa aegyptiaca .02 Musk Melon

 CHENOPODIACEAE (ELB.106.143) .01 Chenopodium album

 EUPHORABIACEAE (ELB.106.144) .01 RicinusCommunls .02 Euroibia Pilulifera .03 Euroibia Splendens

 POLYGONACEAE (ELB.106.145) .01 Polygonaceae (Polygonium)

 COMPOSITEAE (ELB.106.146) .01 Helianthus annuus .02 Sonchus asper

 SOLANACEAE (ELB.106.147) .01 Solanaceae Nigrm .02 Petunia Hychride

 ASCLEPIADACEAE (ELB.106.148) .01 Calotropis procea .02 Cryptostegia grandiflora

 LABIATAE (ELB.106.149) .01 Salvia officinalis .02 Ocimum Chasilicum

 APOCYNACEAE (ELB.106.150) .01 Nerium ordorum

 ANNOANCEAE (ELB.106.151) .01 Artachotrys odoratissimus .02 Annona squamosa

 LILIACEAE (ELB.106.152) .01 Asphodelu tenuifolius .02 Allium cepa

 GRAMINEAE (ELB.106.153) .01 Avena Sativa .02 Zea Mays

 UMCHELLIFERAE (ELB.106.154) .01 Coriandrum Sativum

 CONVOLVULACEAE (ELB.106.155) .01 Ipomoea Palmata


HUMAN ANATOMY CHARTS, REXINE (ELB.106.156 .01) .01 Human Muscular system .02 Human Skeleton – I showing entire skeleton .03 Human Skeleton- II showing axial skeleton, thoracic vertebra .04 Human Skeleton- III showing pectoral & pelvic girdle, hind & fore limbs .05 Human Nervous system .06 Autonomic Nervous system .07 Human Circulatory Arterial system .08 Human Circulatory Venous system .09 Human Lymphatic system .10 Human Digestive system .11 Human Respiratory system .12 Urinary Tract system .13 Human Reproductive system, female .14 Human Reproductive system, male .15 Human Ductless (endocrine) glands .16 Human Heart .17 Human Brain .18 Human Spinal Nerves .19 Vertebral Column .20 Human skull .21 Human Head & Neck .22 Human Eye .23 Human Ear .24 Human Ear, Nose & Throat .25 Human Skin .26 Human Hair .27 Shoulder & Elbow .28 Hand & Wrist .29 Hip & Knee .30 Foot & Ankle .31 Human Teeth & Skin .32 Human Liver .33 Human Kidney .34 Pregnancy & Birth .35 Pharynx & Larynx .36 Human Embryo & Foetal Development .37 Human body dissected to show all parts .38 Human Blood .39 Human Tongue


Human Sselet (ELB.106.156.02) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Human Diseases Chart, Rexine (ELB.106.157) .01 Cardiovascular Diseases .02 Malaria .03 Tuberculosis .04 Cholera .05 Typhoid .06 Dysentry .07 Diarrohea .08 Filariasis

.09 Leprosy

.10 Pathogenic Protozoa

.11 Entamoeba (Life Cycle)

.12 Acquired Immuno Deficieny Syndrome (AIDS)

.13 Vermicularis entrobius Life History

.14 Malarial Parasite Life History

.15 Ascaris lumbricoides Life History

.16 Fasciola hepatica (Liver Fluke) Life History

.17 Ancylostoma duodenale (Hookworm) L.C.

.18 Deficiency Diseases

.19 Vectors of Human Diseases

.20 Colour Blindness & Hemophilia

.21 Prevention of Diseases

.22 Balanced Diet

 Human Genetics Chart, Rexine (ELB.106.158) .01 Monohybrid Crossing incomplete Dominance .02 Dihybrid Crossing .03 Monohybrid Crossing .04 Mendelian Explanation of Cross between Tall & Dwarf Races in Garden Pea .05 Sex linked inheritance in Drosophila .06 Mendelian Heridity of Blue & Adulsian fowls .07 Mutations & Choromosomal Aberrations .08 Crossing over .09 Extrachromosomal Inheritance .10 Pedigree Analysis: Widow’s Peak .11 Pedigree Analysis: Color Blindness .12 Pedigree Analysis :Blood Group .13 Pedigree Analysis :Rolling Tongue .14 Homologous Organs : Animal .15 Analogus Organs : Animal .16 Homologous Organs : Plants .17 Analogus Organs : Plants


Human Cytology Chart, Rexine (ELB.106.159) .01 Cell Membrane .02 Cell Wall .03 Endoplasmic Reticulum .04 Mitochondrion .05 Golgi Complex .06 Chloroplast .07 Nucleus CH 8 The Chromosome .08 Gene Map - Male .09 Gene Map - Female .10 Protein Synthesis .11 D.N.A. .12 R.N.A. .13 Centrioles , Flagella & Cilia .14 Enzymes .15 Ribosomes & Lysosomes


Human Nervous System (ELB.106.156.05) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Human Digestion System (ELB.106.156.10) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Respiration System (ELB.106.156.11) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Urinary Trac (ELB.106.156.12) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Reprod (ELB.106.156.13) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Human Heart (ELB.106.156.16) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Brain (ELB.106.156.17) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Eye (ELB.106.156.22) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Skin (ELB.106.156.25) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Human blood (ELB.106.156.30) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human body (ELB.106.156.37) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Human Tongue (ELB.106.156.39) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Cholera (ELB.106.157.04) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Leprosy (ELB.106.157.09) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Acquired Imm (ELB.106.157.12) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Ascaris Lumb (ELB.106.157.15) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Deficiency (ELB.106.157.18) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Vectors of H (ELB.106.157.19) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Colour Blind (ELB.106.157.20) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Cell Membran (ELB.106.159.01) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Mitochondrio (ELB.106.159.04) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

 Golgi Comple (ELB.106.159.05) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


Gene Map F (ELB.106.159.09) Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.


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