task 1 evaluation

Post on 25-May-2015






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EvaluationTask 1

Natalie Rice

The title of the filmIn our opening title sequence this is a screenshot of the title of our film. We have followed the conventions of the film ‘Taken’ which is also a thriller and we have used different techniques from there sequence like the simple font which makes the thriller un-expected. The title relates to our genre as the word indicates something bad. ‘Missing’ makes you feel scared and so this is a strong effect from our genre. Our title is placed in the same place as the ‘Arlington road’ title sequence as this was another sequence we analysed and so we had the same title orders as them to ensure we had the same conventions of the title sequence.This is the title of the film from ‘Taken’.

This is the title of the film from my sequence.

Setting / Location• Our setting and location was chosen by our group to be in a

house as we knew we would be able to relate the house to a thriller as we would be able to use effects that will give it a thriller sense. We were not influenced by any of the title sequences we analysed as their opening sequences were set in different places. We challenged these conventions as ‘Taken’ did not have an actual setting for their title sequence it was designed itself in a cartoon style and so we thought we would try something different as we were sure it would be able to create a thriller atmosphere.

Our setting ‘Taken’ Setting

Costumes and Props• The costumes and props that we have used help with the

genre of our film as they set the scene at the start, of a girls bedroom with the posters and photo frames that we have used which we then have been able to make have a thriller side from the different camera shots we have been able to shoot to create the feeling of someone watching the room. The props and we have used don’t have a thriller effect themselves but they set the scene of a normal day for the girl waking up and getting ready for college. None of the conventions of other title sequences used props like this however, we are trying to show that the girl has no idea she is being watched which is the major twist to our film.

The props we have used in the bedroom

Camerawork and editing We have been able to film our sequence from a variety of

different camera shots which help to set the genre of a thriller. ‘Taken’ did not use any live camera shots but we challenged these conventions as we had the idea of someone watching from the outside of the house where our character was waking up in to relate it to our genre and then it would create a sense of suspense for our audience as they watch the sequence.

A camera shot from behind treesto show someone is watching from outside

Title font and style• The font and style we used was a font called ‘copperplate’

which was a font that we chose from the fonts that the programme called ‘Imovie’ had. We chose this font as it was a plain and simple font which we thought related more to our title ‘missing’ and genre thriller because it created an unexpected feeling which we could use to add suspicion to our audience because it is simple and not everyday someone goes missing and so it is unexpected. We got this idea from the title sequence ‘Taken’ that we analysed as they use a very simple font in their title sequence and so we were influenced from their conventions.

This is the font from ‘Taken’ This is the font we have used

Story and how the opening sets it upOur title sequence story is about a girl who is being watched and goes missing but is not aware that someone is watching over her every move. The opening title sequence expresses this by having titles fit into different places to give a mysterious feel and the different camera shots that we have used that influence the idea of someone watching over the house. We were influenced on the titles in a different place to give a mysterious feel as the title sequence ‘Dexter’ that we have analysed does this as each title they use has a very creepy expression to it and so we have tried to follow them by making ours in a different place on each screen to get the same feeling.This is our title fit into the frame This is a title from Dexter in the of a picture in the background. corner of a bit of tissue.

Genre and how the opening suggests it

Our genre is a teen-thriller and our opening title sequence suggests this by the different music we use in it and the different camera shots we have included. We were influenced by the title sequence of Dexter from the different camera shots they use of blood dripping as it made you aware something had happened but you weren’t sure what and so it leaves you in suspense.

This is a screenshot of This is a screenshot from our blood dripping from Dexter. sequence of someone watching our character in her house.

How characters are introduced Our character is introduced in our title sequence when she

wakes up in bed to start her normal day of getting ready for college. She wakes up totally unaware that she is being watched and this is the first time the audience meet our main character. We have been influenced by Dexter as they introduce their character who wakes up from being bitten by a mosquito and then starts to get ready for his day. We were influenced by this as we thought it was a good way to introduce the character however, we did not copy them in the way he was woken up by a bug. Our character is awoken by her alarm clock for her day at college.

Our character first introduced to ouraudience as she awakes.

Special effectsHere is an example of one of our scenes with a special effect

on it. This is of the house when our character leaves to go to college. We have added a dark effect to it and then a fade to black effect to emphasise the thriller as it is gloomy and emphasises the idea of someone watching the girl as she leaves the house. Special effects have been used in both Taken and Dexter to make the sequence have a thriller effect. Taken uses the dark effect and cartoon style throughout their opening sequence and Dexter use different effects that show that their sequence is continuous which looks very effective.

This is an example of the effect wehave used on our ending scene.

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