tarikapuy, the aymara encounter - arawi...

Post on 20-Sep-2018






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Heart Warming Experiences

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TARIKAPUY, THE AYMARA ENCOUNTER Paracas, Nasca, Colca Canyon, Titicaca Lake, Cusco and Machu Picchu


DETAILED ITINERARY DAY 01: ARRIVAL IN LIMA Arrival in Lima. We will pick you up at the airport and transfer to your hotel. We will welcome you and deliver the necessary documentation, and we will do a detailed review of the program.

Heart Warming Experiences

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Overnight in Lima ⁄ Meals: None Private transfer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 02: LIMA – PARACAS We will pick you up to go to the terminal and to take the 13:30 first-class bus, to the city of Paracas. The journey is largely on flat ground and following a straight road along the coastal desert beside the Pacific Ocean. After 3.5 hours we will arrive and check-in to the hotel. We will be free for the rest of the afternoon. Overnight in Paracas / Meals: B Services on private basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 03: BALLESTAS ISLANDS - PARACAS RESERVE. PARACAS / NASCA BUS At 8:30 we will begin our excursion to the Ballestas Islands located beyond the Paracas National Reserve, which is the habitat of a great variety of marine fauna including the Humboldt Penguin, Piqueros, Flamingoes, Dolphins and Sea Lions. We can observe them with ease from the motor launch. Before lunch we will return to start the land journey to the Paracas Natural Reserve. We will be able to see large flocks of flamingoes feeding beside the sea. We will go to the Paracas Information Center to have a brief talk about the flora and fauna you will find at the reserve. Later we will continue our visit crossing the desert, following a muddy road to get to the beautiful beach of Lagunillas, where we will have lunch (not included) beside the sea. After lunch, those who wish can go swimming. We will return to Paracas at about 15:00 h. At 17:00 h we will take a bus to Nasca, arriving at about 20:00 hrs. You will be picked up and taken to the hotel. Overnight in Nasca ⁄ Meals: B Services on private and shared basis. Bus with 160º/140º declination (*). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DAY 04: SCENIC FLIGHT OVER THE NAZCA LINES. NASCA / AREQUIPA BUS We will pick you up at the hotel and take you to the airport located 4 km from the city. At the airport we will check-in. After watching a documentary about the Nazca Lines, we will board a small plane, each one having a window seat. Our pilot will give us a talk before we take flight for the Nazca Lines, which are an enormous network of lines of animal and plant drawings attributed to the Nazca culture. They are spread out over an area of approximately 350 km 2. Among the animals we will see the hummingbird, the Dog, the Monkey, the Astronaut, the Whale, and the Spider. German archeologist Maria Reiche dedicated 50 years of her life to study and research this place. She came to the conclusion that it was effectively a kind of astronomical calendar. The Nazca Lines were declared World Heritage of Humanity since 1994. At around 9 pm we will go to the bus terminal to take the bus to Arequipa (there is also a 3 pm bus as well). The bus will take direction to the south and then begin the ascent to the Andes. We will do this route at night

Heart Warming Experiences

info@arawiperu.com  Ι  www.arawiperu.com  

because it is long (nine hours) and the landscape is quite monotonous. The buses are very comfortable and well equipped for this type of route. Overnight on board ⁄ Meals: B, D Private transfers. Flight on shared basis. Night bus with 160º/140º declination (*). ---------------------------------------

DAY 05: AREQUIPA CITY: HISTORICAL DOWNTOWN If the bus departs at 22.00 pm we will arrive to the city of Arequipa (2,350 meters above the sea level) around 7.00 am. If the bus departs at 15.00 pm it will arrive at 12 noon. Transfer to the hotel. *Depending on the time of your arrival it will be needed an early check-in at the hotel (ask for supplements). Arequipa is a city of colonial origin with its own strong identity and an interesting and well-preserved architectural heritage. Its main houses are located in the historic area, which can be reached by foot. Many of its houses are built with Sillar, a white volcanic stone, for this reason it is known as the "white city”. The whole area is surrounded by volcanoes and one of them, the Misti ("Lord" in quechua), dominates over the city. In the morning or afternoon (decided locally), accompanied by our tour guide, we will visit the Carmen Alto and Yanahuara viewpoints where we can see the landscape of the valley and the surrounding volcanoes. We will then walk the downtown area and the main square. We will stop to see the Cathedral with its imposing towers and the Jesuit Church of the Company of Jesus with its baroque style a representation of the seventeenth century. This Main Square, (one of the best of the continent) which is still the point of social life. Only a couple of blocks away, the convent of Santa Catalina occupy an entire walled block. In the past was the home of over 400 recluse nuns, many of them belonged to high society? These days the number has been reduced to less than thirty the chapel, cloisters and rooms are connected by a maze of colorful alleyways offering a fascinating view of how the nuns used to live: A city within a city. The City of Arequipa is a World Heritage Site since 2002. Overnight in Arequipa ⁄ Meals: B Services on private basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 06: AREQUIPA –COLCA CANYON We will pick you up at the hotel at 7:30 am to travel a 160 kilometers to the village of Chivay, capital of the Caylloma Province. This road will give us the opportunity to observe the impressive geological formation of the Andes Mountains. On our way to "Pampa Cañahuas" which is in the Natural Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, we will see the Misti, Chachani and Pichupichu volcanoes. In Pampa Cañahuas" we will stop to see groups of vicuña in their wildlife. The vicuña is a threatened species that has been hunted to near extinction and is now protected by the Peruvian Government in this National Reserve. We will have reached an altitude of 3,400 meters above sea level.

Heart Warming Experiences

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Continuing our journey we will get to "Pata Wasi” (Pata = high. Wasi = home), an Andean community located on the opposite side of the reserve where we will see interesting rock formations and the back side of the Misti and Chachani volcanoes. To prevent altitude sickness we will take a "Mate de Coca" (coca leaf tea) at a local restaurant. Then we will continue the journey passing through the area of "Tocra" ( 4,500 meters above the sea level) we will have left behind lagoons inhabited by migratory birds and an extensive view of the plateau that is visited by groups of grazing llamas and wild guanacos. Our highest point is " Pata Pampa " ( Pata = high, Pampa = ground ) located at 4,850 meters above the sea level from where you can see the Chila Mountains in which the Ampato , Sabancaya , Hualca Hualca ,and the Misti (the source of the Amazon River) volcanoes can be observed. Approaching the village of Chivay (3,651 meters above the sea level) on our way down we will see the multicolored terraces of the COLCA Valley. At Chivay we will go to the traditional village of Coporaque, where we will have lunch (not included). After lunch (optional), the guide will offer us a walk through Coporaque and its main square , the ruins of San Antonio to visit an old cemetery with an excellent view of the Pre-Inca terraces of the canyon (about 60 minutes’ walk), la Calera with natural hot springs where we can bath. (Tickets and towels are not included). At the end of the day we will go back to the hotel. Overnight in Colca ⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 07: CRUZ DEL CONDOR VIEWPOINT. CHIVAY/PUNO BUS After an early breakfast we will go to "Mirador de la Cruz del Condor”, where we can appreciate the depth of the Colca canyon, a canyon twice as deep as the Nortn America’s Grand Canyon. If the weather allows it we can see the spectacular flight of the Condor, a bird considered a sacred in Inca culture. Then our guide will take us for a short walk (about an hour) through the margin of the canyon. in our way back to Chivay we will visit the traditional village of Pinchollo and the Antahuilque viewpoint where we find wonderful terraces about 1,500 years old built by the Collagua people ( Pre Inca ) . Within the terraces we will stop at the Choquetico viewpoint where we could see "hanging graves” and Lito model engraved with the picture of the terraces. We will have a brief visit to the town of Maca and its Yanque church considered the most beautiful church of the valley. Return to Chivay, lunch in town (not included). After lunch, approximately at 13:30 pm, we will depart to the city of Puno which we will reach at 20:30 hrs. Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred directly to the hotel. Overnight in Puno ⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. Chivay-Puno bus shared basis only. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Heart Warming Experiences

info@arawiperu.com  Ι  www.arawiperu.com  

DAY 08: TITICACA LAKE: UROS – TAQUILE - LUQUINA Luquina Chico is located in the peninsula of Chucuito around 2 hours of navigation (regular boat) from Puno. The main difference is that in Luquina Chico home-stays have remained a more authentic cultural experience. Also the main attractive of this place is on the fascinating landscapes on this peninsule from where you can see the islands of the big Lake Titicaca and the Real Snow Capped or Andes. The people of Luquina Chico have Aymara origin and they are mainly small farmers and fishermens. For many people this home-stay experience and the encounter with the host family is a revelation of the reality of Andean people at such altitude. This cultural exchange experience in Luquina Chico is very touching and fascinating. Also, in this tour, every traveler is welcome to share with the locals their time, some artistic gift, educational activities or just conversations. By participating in this tour you will contribute to improve the library that we are trying to implement in coordination with the local people from this peninsula. Very early in the morning we will begin our journey by motor boat that will allow us to see the vastness and beauty of Lake Titicaca. The first destination will be the Uros floating islands and their community. The Uros are descendants of what it’s considered the oldest people in South America, they have certainly preserved the knowledge and techniques to twist and shape the reeds (“Totora”) as a remarkable cultural legacy. With them they create huge floating islands on which their homes, schools and medical centers are built.. Around noon we will arrive to Taquile Island where we have lunch in a local restaurant. The people of this island are of Quechua origin, most of them are farmers, however Tourism has been growing in this area to become one of the most classic destinations of the Lake. After lunch we will leave the port bound of Taquile towards Chucuito peninsula in Luquina Chico. We will stay with a local family, the rooms are simple but have a beautiful lake view, comfortable beds, clean linens and private bathrooms with hot water. After dinner we will walk along the shores of Lake Titicaca and finish the day watching the sundown from the local viewpoint. In the evening, small meeting and cultural exchange. Overnight in Luquina Chico ⁄ Meals: B, L, D Traditional Wooden out-board boat on shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 09: LUQUINA - PUNO After breakfast, we will spend time with the aymara people, the activities are up to us: we could fish, learn to knit, cut firewood, cook, play a football match nearly at four thousand feet high or just go for another hike. There is also the possibility of kayaking (not included). Return to our hotel in Puno by car around noon. Overnight in Puno ⁄ Meals: B Private tranfer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 10: PUNO / CUSCO BUS Early in the morning, we will head to the bus station. Departure to Cusco at 7:30 am on a tour bus with onboard service. The trip takes eight hours, but our stops and the passages that we take will make this a fun and rewarding day trip. We will have guided tour to the museum of Pukara, passing by La Raya (highest path 4,335 mts over sea level), the archaeological complex of Raqchi and Andahuaylillas temple. Then, we will approach to Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and one of the most important cities of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Declared a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO. Arrival in Cusco (3,399 mts above sea level). We will be in dry season from April to August, it will be really cold in the mornings and freezing in the evenings. Reception at the bus station and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Cusco .⁄ Meals: B

Heart Warming Experiences

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Services on shared basis only. Tours and museum entrances included in Bus ticket. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 11: CUSCO CITY AND SURROUNDINGS: SAQSAYHUAMAN, Q’ORIQANCHA Today we will leave the city heading to Sacsayhuaman, an imposing Inca building that dominates Cusco from the north heights of the city. We will visit Puca Pucara, Tambomachay And Q'enko;all these archaeological sites will help us understand the history and Inca Cosmo vision as they are related to the cults of the Inca state and the astronomical observation, critical to the development of the agricultural economy in the Andes. In our way back, we will visit two important sites of the city; The Cathedral and the Qoricancha Temple of the Sun which is the true sacred center of the ancient Inca capital. Overnight in Cusco .⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 12: AMARU COMMUNITY The heights of Cusco shelter, for centuries, hundreds of Quechua communities engaged in farming or ranching. Their current structure dates back to colonial times, when the Inca ayllus (community) were reorganized by the Viceroyalty of Peru. The oral tradition and cultural resistance have allowed them to preserve centuries of wisdom and Andean traditions, sometimes hidden in other forms. Each community has its own history, which is reflected in their attire and their art, dances and agricultural techniques, celebrations and rituals. The Amaru community is located 30 minutes from Pisaq in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. This peasant indigenous community has kept ancestral techniques that you can discover guided by the villagers who have organized themselves to get additional income and fair value to their resources. The Amaru Association of Community Base Tourism consists of 25 families that have being working for 10 years in the rescue and preservation of local culture and biodiversity. Part from the revenue that the association obtains is given to the community to improve roads and other projects that they see fit.

We will participate with the residents of the community in different activities according to our interest: Traditional Agriculture: According to the time of the year, we can participate in harvesting or planting of potatoes, corn or quinoa respecting local traditions and working the land organically and sustainably. Weaving workshop: Weaves tell the story of Andean culture, is a key element in the history and local tradition. Their weaves are works of art and to value them and appreciate them it is necessary to see the different processes of manufacture. We will start learning about dye plants and how to get the variety of colors. We will

Heart Warming Experiences

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take part in the wool shearing, yarn and fabric respecting the iconography of the community. Village women will show us with affection and complicity the difficulty of this job. Natural Medicine: Located on a high altitude floor of ecological biodiversity. The community has a great wisdom in the use of local plants with them, we can harvest plants and leaves to make creams and natural medicines used for colds, muscle pain and digestive problems. Our participation as visitors will directly benefit the people who interact with us in daily tasks, and indirectly, we will be encouraging the conservation of the environment, the biodiversity of native flora and fauna, and the recovery of traditional arts and techniques, which reinforces the people identity and provides alternatives for sustainable development. We will have a delicious dinner with local and organic foods. Then we can continue the weaving workshop or participate in other activities such as reforestation, traditional agriculture, walking around the village. Overnight in a local home / Meals: B, L, D Services on a private basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 13: AMARU - PISAQ. TRANSFER TO OLLANTAYTAMBO After a good breakfast we will hike to the archaeological ruins of Pisaq crossing fields and crops and enjoying an incredible view of the Sacred Valley. Our hosts, the Amaru community, will reach us with a delicious picnic to enjoy with this wonderful landscape. We will visit the archaeological remains of Pisaq and return to Ollantaytambo at the end of the afternoon. Overnight in Ollantaytambo / Meals: B, LB Services in a private basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 14: OLLANTAYTAMBO. TRAIN TO MACHU PICCHU Today we will have free time to enjoy the citadel of Ollantaytambo and the fortress* that guards the small Inca origin town, the valley, the river, and the narrow streets; and get a clear idea of how was this military, religious and cultural center during the Inca Empire. The cobbled streets with houses and tiled roofs are endearing. In the afternoon, we will take the train to Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu from the Ollantaytambo train station. The trip last approximately. 1:45 h. Aguas Calientes is at the base of the mountain on which the sacred city of Machu Picchu is located. * Admission ticket to the fortress included in the BTC (Cusco Tourist Ticket). Our destination, Machu Picchu, still keeps many mysteries. Nowadays we know from archaeological research that most likely it was a place of sacred and religious nature built by the Inca Pachacutec. It was dedicated to the surrounding mountains, mainly the Salkantay Mountain and to astronomical observation which was very important in the pre-Columbian Peru. Archaeological findings show significant presence of female remains, possibly priestesses. The sophisticated carved stones, architecture and engineering, are a supreme expression of the Incas technological achievements. Excavations go on and every day we discover something new about this unique place. People think that somewhere in the city the tomb of Pachacutec (the most important ruler of the Incas) can be found. Overnight in Aguas Calientes ⁄ Meals: B Train in Expedition service. (See supplements for up-grades).

Heart Warming Experiences

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 15: MACHU PICCHU. TRAIN TO CUSCO. OPTIONAL HUAYNAPICCHU From Aguas Calientes we will take a bus to the citadel of Machu Picchu ascending 400 m using a zigzag road for about 30 minutes. We will arrive at the sanctuary of Machu Picchu where we will have a guided tour (Approx. 2 hours). We will visit the Main Square, the Circular Tower, the Sacred Sundial, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of the Three Windows and the cemeteries; then we will still have time to explore the archaeological site at our own leisure. In the afternoon we will take the bus back to Aguas Calientes where we will have a meal at a local restaurant (not included). A specific hour and a meeting point will be set in the town of Aguas Calientes where we will board the train back to Cusco. In the afternoon we will board the train back to Cusco*. We will arrive to Poroy station and transfer to your hotel. * Budget option taking the train to Ollantaytambo and then a bus to Cusco Plaza del Regocijo. Optional Huaynapicchu: After the tour we will still have time to climb Huayna Picchu, the mountain overlooking Machu Picchu, which takes approximately 90 minutes to climb. Although it is not a difficult hike, it is necessary to be in good physical condition. Alternatively for another spectacular climb which is less steep, Machu Picchu Mountain offers incredible views. Both also need permits to enter which need to be booked in advance. Please do let us know if you would like to pre-purchase these. Overnight in Cusco ⁄ Meals: B Services on private or shared basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 16: CUSCO - LIMA In the morning or afternoon, depending on each case, we will take the flight to Lima. A driver will be waiting to take you to the Hotel. Lima free day or guided visit (not included). Overnight in Lima .⁄ Meals: B Private transer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 17: INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURE A driver will pick you up from the hotel to take you to the Jorge Chavez Airport for the internatonal flight. - ⁄ Meals: B Private Transfer.

Heart Warming Experiences

info@arawiperu.com  Ι  www.arawiperu.com  

END OF THE ITINERARY B: Breakfast; L: Lunch; BL: Boxed Lunch; D: Dinner (Dinner onboard the bus is simple). Bus Lines- They are local intercities bus transportations companies. When ever possible we always buy VIP category seats, bed-seat with 145ª or 160º reclining positions depending of the company. These VIP seats are on the first floor of the bus and there are a limited number of seats. (*) VIP seats subject to availability (maximum 12 seats per bus). If not available, seats of 145º reclination will be purchased. The BTC or Cusco Tourist Ticket, allows you the entrance to 16 places surrounding Cusco and Sacred Valley. INCLUDED Local flights Reception and transfer from/ to airport to hotel and bus terminals Bus lines tickets (Lima/Paracas, Paracas/Nasca and Nasca/Arequipa) Overflight and taxes in Nasca Tourist Bus to Puno/Cusco Expedition Train to Machu Picchu: Ollantaytambo / Aguas Calientes / Cusco. Entrances to each archaeological site and/or natural reserves included in the trip. Official local guide All meals included in the program (excepted when the pickup is before the hotel breakfast) BTG (Cusco Tourist Ticket) BTC (Colca Tourist Ticket) Printed local flights boardingpass (and International flight too if locator is sent) Follow up phone service and 24 hours emergency phone NOT INCLUDED Entrance to Cusco or Arequipa Cathedral Entrance to Huaynapicchu Mountain Tips. Overweight Luggage Meals not specified in the program Personal expenses and any other items not specified in the program Travel insurance LIABILITY All itineraries are subject to our Terms and Conditions. You can read them in the link below: http://arawiperu.com/?p=350 DESIGN AND TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION

Arawi Perú Expediciones Av. Primavera 1771, oficina 15, 2do piso

Heart Warming Experiences

info@arawiperu.com  Ι  www.arawiperu.com  

Lima 33, Perú T: +511 6749371 (Lima office) +51 +51 978210309 (Lima mobile) +34 656 914 266 (Barcelona mobile)

www.arawiperu.com Information and reserves on this route: info@arawiperu.com RUC: 20555149507 Registered in the National Directory of Qualified Tourism Services of Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry; and registered in the TOUR OPERATORS SPECIAL LIST BY SUNAT.

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