target time: day 5 workshop 2 killer plagues november 30, 2012 bellwork: wg-rb p40 sg-p41 a) wg-rb...

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TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 BELLWORK: WG-RB p40 SG-p41 A) WG-RB p40 SG-p41 CC-Fill out log! p.30IR-14E B) If I dont want to expose myself to cold weather, I could... PS-Homework reading log due now! Slide 2 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 BELLWORK: If I dont want to expose myself to cold weather, I could... SHARING (read the complete sentence) If I dont want to expose myself to cold weather, I could... PS-Homework reading log due now! Slide 3 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 TODAY WE ARE LEARNING: 1) to look for the sequence of events by finding signal words, 2) to use repeat readings to improve fluency, 3) to use new academic vocabulary in sentences & review previous words HOW? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Slide 4 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 REVISITING VOCABULARY: 1) FEASIBLE-How FEASIBLE is it? Hands together-not feasible at all Hands wide apart-very feasible A) Walk on the ceiling B) Win a gold Olympic medal C) Read peoples minds D) Finish 6 books this year Slide 5 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 REVISITING VOCABULARY: EXPOSE-thumbs up if you think something IS positive exposure/thumbs down means negative exposure 1) Expose yourself to art 3) Expose yourself to torrential rain 4) Expose yourself to new authors 5) Expose yourself to embarrassment Slide 6 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 ACTIVATE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE- A Killer Without a Cure What happened in yesterdays portion of the article? Pages 38 & 39 Slide 7 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 SETTING A PURPOSE FOR READING A Killer Without a Cure Lets preview the picture at the top of page 40. When we read, lets figure out how the suits in the picture protect them from Ebola When we read, lets figure out how the suits in the picture protect them from Ebola Slide 8 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 BUBBLE VOCABULARY: Page 40-INFECT Slide 9 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 REPEAT READINGS: Page 40 Oral Cloze1 & finger following Read along silently as I read aloud. When I leave out a word, chime in & read the missing word aloud... After this, we will do the Active Reading Task. Slide 10 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 VOCABULARY: Page 40-INFECT Definition-TO GIVE SOMEONE A DISEASE Example Slide 11 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 REPEAT READING #2: Page 40 Oral Cloze2 & finger following Fastermore words... After this, we'll do the React & Write Slide 12 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 REPEAT READING #3: Page 38-39 Pickup & finger following Listen for your namepay attention to punctuation! Afterwards, we'll do the Summarize activity. Slide 13 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 ROTATIONS/BINDER REMINDER: 1. Check the board for your name. 2. Put your things in your binder. 3. Get your items under your desk. 4. Make sure you have your binder & something to write with as you rotate. 5. Remember to fill out your IR log & your computer log (page 30). Slide 14 TARGET TIME: DAY 5 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 30, 2012 WRAP-UP: TODAY I LEARNED _______________ IN (WG, SG, IR or CC) BY (DOING WHAT?) Example: Today I learned how to spell 'individually' in CC by practicing it a bunch of times.

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