tabletop exercise bomb threat - explosion

Post on 16-Feb-2016






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Tabletop Exercise Bomb Threat - Explosion. Division for Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, and Institutional Research. Rules of the Road. Creativity/Group Problem Solving Use the knowledge and information available in the room Active Thinking Active Listening Active Participation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Texas School Safety Center

Tabletop ExerciseBomb Threat - Explosion

Division for Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, and Institutional Research

Texas School Safety Center

Rules of the Road

Creativity/Group Problem Solving Use the knowledge and information

available in the room Active Thinking Active Listening Active Participation Respect –we challenge ideas, not people Reality Check – make the exercise real for


Texas School Safety Center


Introductions Scenario Description Hot Wash (Debrief) Action Planning

Texas School Safety Center


Texas School Safety Center

The Exercise Continuum

Drills Tabletop Exercises Functional Exercises Full-Scale Exercises

Texas School Safety Center

What is a tabletop exercise?

Simulates an emergency situation in an informal, stress-free environment

Initiates discussion of emergency guidelines

Focuses on training and familiarization with roles, guidelines, and responsibilities

Texas School Safety Center

How does a tabletop exercise work?

Scenario-based discussion, guided by a facilitator

Problems talked through without stress Evaluators selected to observe and offer

feedback on the proceedings Policies, plans, and guidelines are


Texas School Safety Center

What determines the success of a tabletop?

A successful tabletop leaves participants with

A positive learning experience Organizational learning Improvement Action Planning More effective policies, plans, and

guidelines Improved preparedness

Texas School Safety Center

Exercise Guidelines

This exercise is designed to test the preparedness of the _____ to respond to a multi-agency, multi-site emergency event.

Following the exercise, there will be a debriefing time or “Hot Wash.”Each participant will be given the opportunity to

share their views on what worked well and what needs to be addressed in additional planning, training and/or drilling.

Texas School Safety Center

Exercise Guidelines (Continued)

_____ISD/College Policy shall govern all activities relating to the emergency event.

The facilitator shall serve as the exercise referee and will provide any official interpretation of the exercise rules.

Although we will not actually be contacting them, ISD/College and outside resources are available to assist you.

Texas School Safety Center

Exercise Guidelines (Continued)

From time to time, there will be injects to the scenario These are intended to further assess response to the exercise scenario.

This is a learning experience.

Texas School Safety Center


To examine current policies, procedures, resources and actions in the context to a response to multiple sexual assaults in a college setting

To promote greater understanding and ability to apply NIMS/ICS principles in a college setting

To make improvements as identified as an outcome of the exercise

Texas School Safety Center


To evaluated policies and procedures To evaluate command and control

including communications procedures To identify resources needed vs. available To identify training needs To identify needed improvements and

create an action plan to address those needs

Texas School Safety Center

Demographic Overview

On this slide, add bullets of information about the demographics of your School/College including but not limited to: Number of Schools/ Facilities Types of Schools/Facilities Athletic facilities Student population Employee population

Texas School Safety Center

First Responder Resource Overview

On this slide, add bullets of information about the first responder resources immediately available to your School/College including but not limited to: Police Fire EMS

Texas School Safety Center

Threat Assessment

On this slide, add bullets of information about the known threats to your School/College including but not limited to:

Internal threats

External threats

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario Narrative

Today is the first day of classes for the new school year. Students are busy finding their classrooms and moving from one class to another. It is 9:30 a.m. on a beautiful, clear autumn day

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #19:30 a.m.

A member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force contacts the police department and makes and appointment with the Chief of Police for the same morning. Upon meeting, the Chief learns that the JTTF has received a general threat to your University by an Islamic Terrorist Organization via an informant. There is no specific information about timeframe or method at this time.

Texas School Safety Center


What do you need to know? How do you find the information? What does your EOP/Department Policy

direct? What are you going to do?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #210:50 am

A anonymous telephone caller contacts Police Dispatch at 10:50 a.m.

The caller says that he is worried because while attending evening prayer he overheard a conversation where a man claimed that he was intending to place and explosive device somewhere near the University Student Center.

He said that he did not want to get involved any further and disconnected the conversation.

Texas School Safety Center


What do you need to know? How do you find the information? What does your EOP direct? What are you going to do?

Texas School Safety Center


What actions will you take? Do you activate your ISD incident

command? What is your ICS structure? What will responding officers be directed

to do?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #315 minutes later/11:05 am

Your response actions are being reported by students via email, text, telephone and Twitter.

Parents and press are beginning to call in to the Police Department and other Campus numbers.

Texas School Safety Center


What happens next? What actions have you taken to deal with

this incident in-progress? What do you need to know? What do you need to do? What actions does your PIO take?

Texas School Safety Center

ICS Structure Questions

Who is the Incident Commander? Who is the Public Information Officer? Who is the Liaison Officer? Who is the Operations Chief? What other ICS positions will you activate

and who will fill them?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #410 minutes later/11:15 am

Student, and Staff have been evacuated from the University Center.

A responding officer reports that she has located several backpacks that were left behind in the University Center.

Texas School Safety Center


What happens next? What actions have you taken to deal with

this incident in-progress? What do you need to know? What do you need to do?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #510 minutes later/11:25 am

City/County Police, Fire, and Explosive Ordinance units are reporting that they are in rout/responding.

Various television and print press are also responding to the campus.

Some parents have begun arriving on campus.

Texas School Safety Center


How and where do you direct these various entities?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject #630 minutes later/11:55

A vehicle driven by an unknown subject drives into the _____ and explodes.

The building is heavily damaged and is on fire.

Casualties both ambulatory and non-ambulatory are present.

Texas School Safety Center


What do you need to know? What do you need to do? What is the incident command going to do

to deal with this rapidly expanding complex incident?

What resources will the University Police and the supporting first responder agencies bring and how?

Texas School Safety Center

Scenario – Inject # 7 2 hours later

The injured have been cared for and removed.

Federal, State, and Local responders are on scene.

No additional devices have been found and the fire is under control.

Press, Parents, and Alumni are seeking information.

Texas School Safety Center


What are you going to do during the recovery stage of this incident?

Can you accomplish this with your current level ofPlanningTrainingResourcesSituational awareness

Texas School Safety Center

Hot Wash

Texas School Safety Center

Hot Wash

What can be done to improve campus police operations?

What internal divisions are required to work together?

What external agencies will the liaison officer need to work with?

Are all necessary agreements in place to facilitate cooperation among agencies?

Texas School Safety Center

Hot Wash (continued)

How well did/will your EOP operate and what actions will you take toward improvement?

How well did/will your ICS Team operate and what actions will you take toward improvement?

How well did/will your Communications Plan operate and what actions will you take toward improvement?

Texas School Safety Center

Your Law Enforcement Readiness?

Command and Control Communications Training Physical and Human Resources Legal Authority

Texas School Safety Center

Law Enforcement Training

Emergency Management Training Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist

Acts by Law Enforcement Prevention of and Response to Suicide

Bombing Incidents Emergency First Aid

Texas School Safety Center

Action Plan

Lessons learned during this scenario will lead to a college action plan to

Keep Doing _____

Stop Doing _____

Start Doing _____

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