table of · 2018-08-10 · bag nila sa patakaran ng apo at...

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i. Words from the Chairman, page 2

ii. National President’s Message, page 4

iii. National President’s Report, page 8

iv. Cash Flow Statement, page 10

v. Supplemental Notes to Funds Flow Statement, page 11

vi. 13 National Service Programs, page 14

vii. Regional Updates, page 20

viii. Approved Board Resolutions, page 23

ix. Directory, page 32

x. Editorial Staff, page 35

xi. Loyalty Pledge, page 36


My Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to our *First Annual National General Assembly!

As you all know, we were elected under a new system, what is popularly known among us as “The Magic 10.”

The days of delegates directly voting for the President; the Executive Vice President; the Vice President for the Alumni; the Vice President for the Fraternity; the Vice President for the Sorority; the Chairman of the Board of Directors; the Vice-Chairman, the Director for Alumni Affairs; the Director for Fraternity Affairs and the Director for Sorority Affairs may now be put to rest.

Having said that, may I, with all humility, plead to you my Brothers and Sisters, to please leave the past behind and let us move on towards Alpha Phi Omega’s Centennial. Let nothing stop us from claiming the greatness that we deserve as the only fraternal organization devoted to service here in the Philippines.

For the past nine months, your Board of Trustees focused on administrative policies needed to win back the trust and con-fidence of our members, particularly those who are weighing whom to believe and follow- their legitimately elected officers or those who have failed to get themselves elected and chose to organize themselves into separate organizations using the name “Alpha Phi Omega.”

Our recognition as a non-stock non-profit organization by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has been reinstated, sub-mission of required reports have been complied with.

Subsequently, our registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been renewed albeit the change of name and approval of the By-Laws adopted in General Santos, are work in progress. Hopefully, these will be


Alpha Phi Omega Board of TrusteesBY CHRISTOPHER H. JORDAN

approved before December this year. Please note that the SEC is a very deliberative institution and passing through its requirements is much like passing through the proverbial eye of the needle.

Internally, we have organized all Committees enumerated in our By-Laws and have appointed well-meaning and able Brothers and Sisters. Also, we have approved the appointments of Presidential Advisers and Assistants to support our very energetic National President, Daboy Fernandez.

To start spade work on APO National Building, we have organized a Spe-cial Committee to initially raise funds purposely for the purchase of a lot. To get the ball rolling and to underscore its primacy and importance, the com-mittee is co-chaired by no less than our President, Daboy, and me. Thus far, we have opened a depository bank account with an initial deposit of PhP50,000. Pledges now amount to more than one and a half million pesos and counting. To raise fund as well as have fun, we are now in the process of laying down the nitty-gritty of a national raffle with a brand new car as the grand prize. All prizes are equally worth looking forward to.

But of course, we also had to face the fact that as your national officers, we must impose the law. Otherwise, we could turn into a lawless organization in conflict with law enforcers, many of whom are our Brethren.

Masakit man sa kalooban namin, kinailangan naming magsuspindi ng mga Brods and Sis na napatunayang lumabag sa APO Pledge Program at sa RA No. 8049. Masakit man sa kalooban namin, kinailangan naming mag-de-sisyon para sa APO. Hindi namin pwedeng pababayaan na lang ang pagla-bag nila sa patakaran ng APO at sa batas ng Pilipinas.

Pero tulad rin sa mga korte sa Pilipinas, pwede namang umapela ang mga nasuspindi at napatawan ng iba pang mga parusa. Kung ako ang tatanungin, ipinagdarasal ko rin na makapag-prisinta sila ng mga bagong ebidensiya na makakapag-absuwelto sa kanila. Kahit ano pa ang sabihin at mangyari, mga Brods at Sis sila kung kaya’t hangga’t maaari ay hindi naman sila magdusa nang higit pa sa kinakailangan para matuto sila ng leksiyon at huwag nang pamarisan ng iba.

Brods and Sis, time is precious and we have to address a lot of issues and concern that only this General Assembly can resolve. I will therefore not bore you to death by reading to you the 72 resolutions that we have adopt-ed since we assumed our positions. These are, I was made to understand published in out Torch and Trefoil for this General Assembly.

In behalf of the Board of Trustees and other officers, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be of service to our fraternity and sorority. With your support and active participation, we look forward to making a mark in the history not only of APO but that of the Republic of the Philippines.

* After the adoption of our new By-Laws during our last National Biennial General Assembly, the 29th, held in General Santos City.

Brother Librado I. Ureta left us a legacy of nondiscrimination, humility, respect and love for Alpha Phi Omega. It is in this spirit that we, your incumbent lead-ers (from the Chairman and Members of the Board of Trustees, the standing committees, appointive and elective officers from the national level down to the basic organizational units), give you our commitment to address and resolve the challenges confronting our organi-zation today.

Upon our assumption into office on July 1, 2017, we immediately addressed a recurring issue that affected our compliance as a non-stock, non-profit corporation, for quite some time. We completed and submitted the reporto-rial requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Bureau of Internal Revenue.

National President’sMESSAGE


Since Alpha Phi Omega’s birth in the 1950s to present, we have

charted our own course and sailed through rough and calm

oceans together, as one organi-zation.

Today, we are going through the neces-sary processes of change. We are right where we are in our colorful history. We need to be here. This is our opportunity

to learn the lessons of our experiences, our ups and downs- to grow stronger

together, to reach the destination we’ve always dreamed of that is embodied in

our Mission and Vision:

“We envision to be the leading international service organization committed to the development of

a world class membership that cares for the quality of life with

complete complement guided by the three cardinal principles of

Leadership, Friendshipand Service.”

Inching Our Way to Success:“Small Changes eventually ADD UP to Huge Results”

Through the combined diligence and industry of the National Exec-utive Secretary, the National Legal Counsel, the National Treasurer and other members who helped, Alpha Phi Omega’s compliance to these government agencies’ reportorial requirements were accomplished. The Tax Clearance issued by the BIR and the Certificate of No Derogatory Records from the SEC are the stand-ing attestations of our commitment to transparency and good governance.

We implemented the provisions of the 2017 By-Laws. We constituted the standing committees and introduced radical transformation in the imple-mentation of programs and projects, including fiscal management.

In this development year, we made fiscal administration more transparent than ever before. Observance of accountability and responsibility have become two of our strongest policies. We put in place effective feedback mechanisms to draw out comments, suggestions and grievance, in order to address issues appropriately and promptly.

For the past few months, your Nation-al President has been going around the country, touching base with members, encouraging positive interaction and building bridges instead of walls.

Efforts to mend fences with some disgruntled sectors are being given our sincere attention. Our doors for reconciliation remain open and we shall always welcome our brothers and sisters who have detached them-selves temporarily from the organiza-tion, with open arms.

We will not stop in mending the tattered fabric of relationship between

and among the APO mainstream and the known factions but we will not hesitate to drop from our rolls those who continue to malign our beloved fraternity.

The General Assembly is not a mere compliance with what our By-Laws prescribe. Coming together to Subic Bay on May 18 & 19, 2018, is also a good time for all of us to revisit the past. It is our basic obligation as members of Alpha Phi Omega to bring our learnings from our varied experiences as we chart our collec-tive course of action.

APO Philippines is venturing into its new tasks and defining its new responsibilities.

Our organization shall always en-deavor to remain cohesive within an unbroken circle. Shoulder to shoulder, we have to work together to steer our organization to greater heights. We begin by going back to our chapters, assist in the recruitment to shore up the organization’s membership.

While urging the alumni members to go back to their respective chapters to assist residents in their development as leaders, the national leadership is likewise calling upon all members not to directly interfere in the chapter’s decision-making processes, to allow residents to develop confidence, and train themselves in working within their best possibilities.

They will be stronger that way and hopefully, their tenure at the chapter will aid in their maturity as leaders who can formulate their own plans in strengthening membership recruit-

ment policies and projects that they deem important and representative of their chapter’s uniqueness.

Our role as alumni members is to make them feel supported and to give advice when it is asked.

We should commit ourselves to exploring all avenues by employing various initiatives towards effective recruitment through the Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Program.

In light of recent events involving hazing, we should tighten our compliance with the Anti-Hazing law and intensify strict enforcement of the law among our ranks.

To pave the way towards achieving our goals as a service organization, several regions have stepped up with dyna-mism, despite challenges, to implement our National Service Programs: The National Capital Region, Southern Tagalog Administrative Region, Northern Luzon Administrative Region and Southeastern Mindanao have stepped up in their Rover Orientation Vigil and Investiture Ceremony (APO-ROVIC), pursuant to APO’s Memorandum of Agreement with the Boy Scout of the Philippines.

Your National President and the Scouting Commission are working on the details of the new MOA with the BSP. Our strong commitment to the Scouting principles will guide us in this process.

Nationwide services and activities across the country exem-plify all regions’ adherence to the three cardinal principles of our organization. Asia-Pacific, North America, Middle East, and Europe could not be left behind. The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega has come to the forefront, with our regional directors acting as vanguards in bringing our organization into the international limelight.

To sustain our organization’s financial viability, the National Office have processed four thousand eight hundred fifty-eight (4,858) alumni membership renewals, four hundred forty two (442) new alumni membership applications, three hundred forty three (343) Life membership renewals, sixty-six (66) new collegiate membership applications and forty-four (44) collegiate membership renewals.

Five thousand seven hundred fifty six (5,756) processed membership applications and renewals with additional three (3) associate membership applications, gives us a total of five thousand seven hundred fifty six (5,756) paid membership dues.



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The number is quite small compared to the number of card-bearing mem-bers. Sustainability will always be a challenge; however, with everyone’s continuous support, the organization’s capability to support its operations and its national programs will always remain sustainable.

We should commit ourselves to assisting the new graduates among our brothers and sisters in their entry into the world of employment. It is our moral obligation to help them understand the complexities of the work-place. When the opportunity so arises, we should help them land jobs in our respective companies.We should obligate ourselves to help our brothers and sisters languishing in jail, especially those who were incarcerated because of their commitment to APO. While they may not be able to lead normal lives due to the stigma of their conviction, we can bring them back to their families by petitioning on their behalf for the granting of parole, pardon or clemency.

However, let it be strongly emphasized that hazing, is and will never be tolerated. And so are other crimes and other forms of violence.

We have always taken pride in assisting the bar candidates among us. How about taking a look at the assistance programs and operation for candidates in the licensure examinations for teachers, for engi-neers, for doctors, for dentists and other professions? We can also be a very strong pillar of support for our members who will be taking these exams.

As your National President, it is my fighting principle that APO Philippines should always stand on truth and fairness, without any fear or favor. This is not a political statement on reason that political statements are susceptible to changes and misquotations.

I firmly believe that we all have one thing in common and it is our being true-blooded brothers and sisters in Alpha Phi Omega, which Bro. Bado Inocencio Ureta brought to this country some 68 years ago.

I do not lose hope that one day when we open our eyes, we will again wit-ness a strong circle of men and women clasping their hands and singing in unison and loud voices the APO TOAST SONG.

This strong circle of reunited men and women are observing harmony amidst their diversity. Let us continue to work together towards ONE AL-PHA PHI OMEGA.

In closing, let us all pray that the Merciful God grant our dreams. MABUHAY PO TAYONG LAHAT! MABUHAY ANG ALPHA PHI OMEGA!

National President Roel ‘Daboy’ E. Fernandez has the honour to pres-ent to all members of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines, the following ac-complishments, implementations of programs and policies, state of the organization and financial status during the first year of development year 2017-2019.

1. Financial Status – The Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Incorporated continues to maintain the financial stability.

National Membership Identification Cards – The National Office have processed four thousand eight hundred fifty eight (4,858) Alumni ID’s, four hundred forty two (442) New Alumni ID’s, three hundred forty three (343) Life, sixty six (66) New Collegiate ID applica-tions, forty four (44) Collegiate ID’s and three (3) Associate Members for the period July 1, 2017-March 30, 2018. Total members who updated their membership dues are five thousand seven hundred fifty six (5,756).

2. SEC and BIR – Some members of our organization launched an (mis)-information dissemination about the organization’s status in BIR and SEC.

a. BIR - We had obtained a certification from the BIR that Alpha Phi Omega Philippines “is not the subject of any pending investigation, on-going audit, pending tax assess-ment, administrative protest and claim for refund or issuance of tax credit certificate, collection proceeding or any judicial appeal, as of even date” as signed by the Reve-nue District Officer Mr. Albino M. Galanza.

b. SEC - Same in our registration in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), we also obtained a certification that Alpha Phi Omega Philippines “has NOT been dissolved nor has this Commission received any information derogatory to said corporation that would prevent it from exercising its primary franchise.”

On March 19, 2018, we submitted our new By-Laws which was approved and ratified during the 29th National Biennial General Assembly in General Santos City.

National President’sREPORT




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ort3. National Service Programs (Details of these may be

read in a separate report, with the same title.)

A. HEALTH Programs1. Medical/Dental/Surgical Missions and APO Blood Hubs – APO Hospital Blood Letting2. National Sports Program

B. ENVIRONMENT Programs1. Green Scouting (APO Tree / Forest Camp)2. Coastal Clean Up (APO Coast)

C. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Programs1. Balik Eskwela2. APO Academy3. National Book Giving

D. PEACE and GOVERNANCE Programs1. Yes for Peace2. Adopt a Barangay3. APO Interfaith Prayer Batallion

E. BALIK SCOUTING Program1. Rover Orientation, Vigil and Investiture Ceremony (ROVIC)2. Basic Training Course (BTC)3. Advancement Program with corresponding badge system.

4. Alumni Congress – We had conducted two (2) Alumni Congress-es in Visayas/Mindanao held at Cagayan de Oro City and the Luzon Alumni Congress which was held in Baguio City. These alumni congresses were headed by our National Vice President for Alumni Brother Lauro Gerald L. Hernandez.

5. Installations and Inductions – For the past nine (9) months, your National President was invited to administer twenty one (21) Charter Installations, seventy four (74) Inductions of Officers of different Alumni Associations and Collegiate Chapters all over the Philippines. The Na-tional President was also invited to twenty five (25) special occasions of various alumni associations and collegiate chapters.

(Note: Part of the President’s Report is a List of Board Resolutions and Appointments/in the Directory, all of which may be read in separate reports here in The Torch and Trefoil.)


SOURCES OF FUNDS: Total ID Receipts P 2,512,730 Charter Dues 223,835 Petitioning 32,768 Courier 3,286 Reg Fees-AC Luzon 36,300 Reg Fees-AC Vismin 1,200 Reg Fees-GA 2018 6,500 TGT Ads 30,000 TNT Operations 5,000 COMELEC Filing Fees – GenSan 40,470 Receipts from Consigned Items 466,853 APO Golf Circuit 271,500

Receipts from Dues and Fees P 3,630,443

Restricted Donations Marawi P 94,499 Mayon 1,000 APO USA Plaque (Lafayette) 11,500 APO Building 33,575 Alumni Congress 4,302Receipts for Restricted Donations P 144,876

Advances From Members Marlea Munez P 20,000 Settlement of Receivables A/R-Officers P 139,551 A/R-NAO Staff 242,725Settlement of A/R P 382,276 TOTAL RECEIPTS P 4,177,595

Transactions in US Dollars ID Receipts – BDO Account $ 352 Add: beginning balance BDO Account $ 1,174 BPI Account 504Total, US Dollars $ 2,030

DISBURSEMENTS Assistance to Members & Donations Benevolence Assistance 210,000 Marawi 94,999 Mayon 1,000 APO USA Plaque (Lafayette) 21,500

Total Assistance & Donation P 326,999 Project/Program Expenses APP Expenses P 12,344 Alumni Congress 46,900 COME Budget 5,000 Dec 16, 2017 Anniversary 50,000

Total Project/Program Expenses P 114,244

Regions’ Share Released ARME P 4,238 NCAR 755 NLAR 32,753 NWVAR 4,665 STAR 43,028 SEVAR 13,397

Total Regions’ Share Released P 98,656

Operating Expenses Materials-ID P 150,200 29th NBGA Printing Expenses 117,109 Developmental Expenses 79,191 Association Dues 10,098 Audit Fee 20,000 Refund of over payment 9,250 Communication & Courier 118,037 Consignment Payable 270,345 Honoraria & 13th month 473,827 Light & Water 38,670 Office Supplies 17,507 Meals and Representation 709 Miscellaneous 28,004 SSS/HDMF/PHIC/Uniform 9,742 Taxes, Licenses and Fees 65,120 Transportation & Travel 79,757 Parking Fees 5,000 Presidential Pin 60,950

Total Operating Expenses P 1,553,516

Advances for Liquidation/Staff Advances Petty Cash Fund (Mindanao) P 3,000 Cash Advances - GA 2018 70,000 NAO Staff Advances 46,117Total Advances P 119,117


Net Cash Inflow P 1,965,063ADD: Beginning balance P 1,295,872Balance Cash, Mar 31, 2018 P 3,260,935

Cash Flow StatementFor the Nine Months Period Ending March 30, 2018

1. Cash is composed of: General Fund – Operating Funds P 468,601 Region Share 646,744 P 1,115,345 Other Funds – UnionBank 161,148 Restricted Funds Dr. Librado I. Ureta Funds 612,970 Special Funds – for General use 310,179 Special Funds – PSJNC GK Fund 514,571 824,750 Benevolence Fund 496,722 APO Building Fund 50,00 Total Cash in Bank P 3,260,935

The P 500 biennial dues is apportioned to: Cost of ID materials & processing 100 Deposited to Special Fund 66.66 Deposited to Benevolence Fund 66.67 Deposited to General Fund for Operating expenses 66.67 200 Region Share* 200 Total P 500

*Regions’ share is kept in trust for the Regions together with operating funds. The RDDs may withdraw from their re-spective shares provided they will submit their expense or project plan and previous release had been fully liquidated. Region share is given only when ID application or renewal is thru initiative of the Region

2. Accounting for Benevolence Fund Balance per bank, June 30, 2017 400,494 Less : reconciling items Outstanding checks (60,000) Erroneous entries (2,307) Balance per book, June 30, 2017 338,186 Add : Deposits for current DY 368,536 Sub-total 706,722 Less : Disbursements 21 beneficiaries @ P 10,000 (210,000) Balance, March 30, 2017 496,722

The Audit Committee strongly suggests to review the current policies in granting assistance under the Be-nevolence Fund system and find alternative sources to ensure its viability.

3. Special Funds - The National Office maintains the Special Fund for the following purposes:o depository by donors for their donations to projects/special concerns o depository for fund raising campaigns such as APO Golfo depository & source of fund for GA/NBC collections & expenseso savings to fund special projects or in case of need, operating expenses


Supplemental Notes to funds flow StatementFor the Nine Months Period Ending March 30, 2018 & June 30, 2017

It was noted that some donations received for a specific purpose that were disbursed the same month were no longer reflected in the face of the FS but were accounted for for internal reporting purposes. While no funds were expended nor diverted for personal uses, this is still improper accounting and may result in misstatement of the Financial Statements.

It is recommended to account all donations, whether restricted or general purpose, regardless of holding period or the period of completion of the project and reflect the same amount in the face of the Financial Statements accordingly and with supporting notes.

For the period ending March 31, 2018, deposit to & disbursements from the Special Fund is as follows :

Deposits From ID collection Php 368,364 Advertisements & GA fees 35,000 Donations 111,301 APO Golf 271,500 sub-total Php 786,165 Disbursements/donations Marawi & Mayon calamities 95,499 Lafayette marker 21,500 sub-total Php 116,999

Net inflow 669,166 Add: beginning balance 155,584 Balance, March 31, 2017 Php 824,750 Less : Balance of remittance of PSJ-NC (514,571) Balance of Special Funds Php 310,179

The Philippine Society in Japan - Nagoya Chapter, thru Sis. Susan de Ono -Laset, remitted Php 2,554,571 from 2008-2011 for the Gawad Kalinga build project in Brgy. Gatid, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Only 24 houses were completed due to space limitation. Total cost is P 2,040,000.

4. APO Building - to start the ball rolling for APO Building, the National President launched a fund raising campaign during the La Union BOT-NEC meeting, with the members of the Board of trus-tees and the National Executive Committee as initial contributors to the APO Building Fund. The names of the first 100 contributors will be included in the ceremonial marker

A separate account was opened at the Metrobank on March 2, 2018 for the purpose.

5. Regions’ Share - To date, the share of the different regions in the receipts for ID is P 745,400. Only Php 98,656 was disbursed to the regions and the amount of P 646,744 remain with the General Fund in trust for the different regions.


6. Advances for Liquidation/Cash Advances for current period include: Petty cash for Mindanao ID campaign P 3,000 Loans/advances of NAO employees 46,117 Cash Advance for GA Expenses 70,000 Total, March 31, 2018 119,117

On April 21, 2018 the Cash advance for GA expenses was deposited intact to APO PI account.

Accounts Receivable frowarded from prior periods were as follows:

Balances of Prior Years Receivables /Advances as of date:

31-Mar-18 30-Jun-17 30-Jun-16Advances to Employees 142,343 142,343 142,343 Advances to Regions 185,069 206,620 206,620 Past Officers 343,387 464,470 464,470 Other Receivables 40,876 44,676 194,676 Sub-total 711,675 858,109 1,008,109 Advances for Activities 28th NBGA 216,000 216,000 216,000 29th NBGA 200,000 200,000 200,000 Sub-total 416,000 416,000 416,000 TOTAL RECEIVABLES 1,127,675 1,274,109 1,424,109

Some of the those included in the list of with payables to APO Philippines requested to be furnished with supporting documents of the said accountabilites and promised to pay/enter into payment arrange-ments when such accounts were proven to be correct. Audit of the Receivables is still ongoing.

7. In 2008, The Dr. Librado I. Ureta Fund global gift-giving program was launched in the Philip-pines in partnership with APO-ACNA and APO Philippines with the primary purpose of constructing a building dedicated to the DLIUF global giving program, with an office for use of APO Philippines. How-ever, due to legal and tax concerns, both APO Philippines and APO-ACNA soft-pedalled on the project and mutually decided to liquidate the fund instead.

As of date, the DLIUFund has a balance of Php 612,970. Signatories of this account are either Bro. Mel Adriano or Bro. Tito Garcia AND Ms. Nancy Ureta. Hence, no amount can be withdrawn from the account without Ms. Ureta’s signature. At the moment, the account is dormant, pending Ms. Ureta’s updating of signature card.

8. Properties and Equipment. Physical inventory of the various assets of APO Philippines re-vealed that a number of these equipment need repair or defective and obsolete. An exhaustive report with recommendations will be submitted to the BOT for proper disposition.



“While your present leaders have not been spared from delete-rious speculations by disapproving critiques, it cannot be de-nied that efforts to mend fences with these sectors have been ongoing. Our doors for reconciliation have remained open and

we will always welcome our brothers and sisters who have gone astray with open arms”.

Our 13 National

Service Programs


A. HEALTH Programs

1. Bloodletting

The first ever synchronized bloodletting program of the Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc. was conducted on December 9, 2017. It marked the first time that APO collegiate chapters and alumni associations located in different areas of the country held a bloodletting activity at the same time.

APO brothers and sisters willingly participated and donated blood, leading to a proposal to sign an MOA with the Philippine Red Cross to reserve December 9 of each year for the bloodletting activity of APO that will henceforth be known as “Dugong APO Handog sa Bayan Ko.”

Future APO bloodletting activities are expected to be even more successful than the initial event, with more brothers and sisters becoming aware of this national health service pro-gram and with more time to prepare for each succeeding event.

2. National Sports Program

In support the National Sports Program of Alpha Phi Omega, APO Runners was formed by APO members who are into running and physical fitness. It includes topnotch runners, beginners, hobby runners and even race directors. Its core purpose is to exemplify Lead-ership, Friendship and Service through running, and promote physical fitness and health among its members.

APO Runners focuses on projects that promote the physical well-being of APO members, while also serving the interests of the indigents in various communities. Elite runners within the group can be relied upon to offer tips to newbies. It also offers support to members facing financial difficulties, particularly when it comes to hospitalization expenses and other similar needs.

To bring together APO Runners and other running enthusiasts, a LFS Run was organized and will be held simultaneously with the 2018 General Assembly. The LFS Run aims to bring awareness to the importance of exercise on the physical, mental, social and emotion-al well-being of APO members and the public through activities such as running, biking, mountain trekking and other sports. The initial LFS Run will be held simultaneously with the 2018 General Assembly, with the succeeding GA events adopting the LFS Run as part of their regular lineup of activities. The succeeding races will also be conducted in collabo-ration with the local Administrative Regions of APO Philippines.

A similar group was formed, aptly named as APO Trekkers, this time by APO brothers and sisters who are interested in mountaineering, environmental protection and in providing service to tribal communities and villages around the Philippines.


The group provides an outlet to APO members who enjoy outdoor sports, while also allowing them to participate in environmental protection efforts through tree-planting and reforestation activities and other initiatives aimed at preserving the beauty of nature.

APHIO Trekkers has conducted mountain climbing and outreach activities at Mount Apo, Mount Pulag and Lake Holon, just to name a few. The group also offers survival training and teaches basic mountaineering techniques, First Aid, CPR and environmental steward-ship to communities it has visited.

3. Medical, Dental, and Surgical Missions


1. Green Scouting (APO Tree / Forest Camp)

Green Scouting is an environmental service program of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc. focused on tree planting in upland, lowland and mangrove areas. It aims to contribute to the Philippine frame of reforestation and general forestry programs designed to mitigate climate change.

The program organizers will collaborate with local DENR offices in each region to identify areas where APO Tree and Forest Camps activities can be conducted. These activities may also include brown bag educational discussions and forums on the prevention of forest fires and on the role of reforestation in climate change mitigation.

APO brothers and sisters will be encouraged to sponsor seedlings and register for Forest Camps.

2. Coastal Clean Up (APO Coast)

Coastal Clean-up started last August 13, 2017 in Roxas Blvd Baywalk. This is a continous project done quarterly to give way for the service to the nation and as part of being a responsible law-abiding citizen.

APO NCAR was recognized due to the said clean-up project mostly known to other en-vironmentalist organizations. As such, APO NCAR intends to continuously provide more upcoming projects concerning the environment and other activities that would cater to help our nation.



1. Balik Eskwela

The Balik Eskwela Program (BEP) is a National Service Program of the Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc. Its main aim is to identify schools in rural and indigenous areas of the country that are in need of assistance. With the help of regional DepEds, APO plans to donate supplies to qualified schools such as uniform, bags, slippers and other school supplies.

The committee for the BEP is headed by the NVP for sorority, Reiniell Antonette B. Solleza, with support from APO Batch 2013 Federation (Lote Dos Mil Trece). Volunteers are welcome.

The long term goal of the program is to provide service to every school in need and create an APO Philippines Inc. National Service Program brand related to education.

2. APO Academy

The APO Academy was conceptualized as a platform for providing purposeful training to Alpha Phi Omega members that is participant-centered, experience-based and self-re-flective. The project will focus on APO members’ professional development and on their personal growth.

Leadership mentors have asserted that academic excellence is not enough for an individ-ual to achieve success; people skills and self-awareness are also crucial. Since Alpha Phi Omega is an organization that lives by the Scouting principles, the APO Academy will be designed to focus on both professional and interpersonal skills development.

Its approach will make use of the four steps in the Adult Learning Model, which include concrete life experiences; observation and reflection; forming abstract concepts; and applying courses of action to real situations.

3. National Book Giving (SHARE-A-BOOK or MINI-LIBRARY)

Over the years, with the onset of the digital age, the usefulness of books as a resource has dwindled. Most of today’s youth prefer using their digital devices for reading and re-searches. Sadly, even our public education department has seen a decline in the availabil-ity of printed learning materials available to students.

Today, the Department of Education’s K-12 Program’s learning materials are not printed, but are provided as downloadable modules for educators. Notably, public school libraries have not been upgraded to address the needs of students under the K to 12 learning program.

The Share-A-Book Program was launched in partnership with DepEd as Alpha Phi Ome-ga’s response to the limited learning materials in public schools. The goals of the program, among others, are to raise awareness of the project among Alpha Phi Omega members by making the Share a Book program a relevant community service, by collecting books and reading materials from private persons, students of private schools and collectors, by setting up up as many collection points and disbursing the books and reading materials most efficiently, and by promoting recycling of books, textbooks to create awareness of its relevance.


1. Yes for Peace

The Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc. has reaffirmed its commitment to Yes for Peace – Bayanihan Para sa Kapayapaan Campaign of the Department of Education (DepEd). The campaign encourages Filipinos to support a comprehensive peace process that will hopefully lead to the permanent cessation of hostilities between the government and the rebel groups.As part of its commitment, APO will launch its Peace and Development Caravan on July 16, 2018 at the Mindanao State University in Marawi City. The program will culminate on September 21, 2018, International Peace Day, at the University of Southern Philippines in Davao City, where the consolidated results of the caravan will be presented to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

2. Adopt-a-Barangay

3. APO Interfaith Prayer Battalion

The Alpha Phi Omega Prayer Battalion (APOPB) is an interfaith group launched in 2015 and was conceived as the spiritual component of then Philippine Vice President Brother Jejomar Binay’s quest for the country’s highest office. After the election fever had died down, the APOPB became part of the National Executive Council’s national service pro-grams.

As of 2018, plans are underway to revive APOPB, with a mass and fellowship being held every first Saturday of each month. The effort to revive the interfaith program was prompted by a belief that prayers are the best tools for tackling challenges, particularly those that concern organizational unity.

The APOPB welcomes all religious faiths into its fold and believes that through prayers, APO will continue as one happy, tightly knit family.


1. Rover Orientation, Vigil and Investiture Ceremony (ROVIC)

2. Basic Training Course (BTC)

3. Advancement Program with corresponding badge system.

2018 is significant as the Boy Scouts of the Philippines is celebrating the 100 years of Rov-er Scouting with the Theme: Rovering…your way and beyond. Foremost in the activities that may be supported during the 100 years Celebration of Rover Scouting is the Rover


Orientation Vigil and Investiture Ceremony (ROVIC). For DY 2017-2019, APO has conduct-ed ROVIC in NCAR, NLAR, STAR and SMAR as our commitment to the Memorandum of Agreement with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, which agreement is now up for review.

APO Rovering is the channel through which the APO Philippines connects, organizes and serves the youth as part of our Service Ministry. Rover Scouts are encouraged to participate and/or serve in APO Rover Scout activities as part of their training to become responsible citizens of the community.

The Basic Training Course is one component of the BSP National Training System whereby responsible Adults in Scouting are equipped with the basic knowledge and skills in ad-ministering the Scouting Program in a three (3) day training, usually conducted on a long weekend from Friday to Sunday.

The Wood Badge Course for Leaders of Adults is course conducted for 6 days is an ad-vancement program with corresponding badge system. The course aims to help leaders of adults be better prepared for their respective roles in leading and giving support to unit leaders.


The Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc.’s Office of the National Vice President for Fraternity and Sorority has launched an APO Pledge Program Revision and Enhancement initiative aimed at standardizing the membership application process of APO. It also aims to empha-size character-building and professionalism among Pledge Members and Collegiate Mem-bers, eliminate hazing and improve communication between the chapters and the National Office and regional units, and between other BOUs.

The revised and enhanced APP, adopted through BOT Resolution 1719-070, will provide the guidelines and procedure to equip members with the necessary tools for recruitment as well as clear cut policies for dealing with member violations of recruitment procedure.

The revision and enhancement of the APP were carried through after regional consultations in Davao City and Tagaytay city held on March 17, 2018 and April 15, 2018 respectively, in-forming the members of the need to improve the pledge process and promoting awareness about the no-hazing policy of the national organization in compliance with the Anti-Hazing Law. The workshops conducted provided indispensable inputs from the collegiate members who are in the forefront of recruitment process.

As for the next steps, the NVPs for Fraternity and Sorority will present the revised APP to the General Assembly for confirmation. Once approved, copies of the revised APP will be distributed to all chapters for implementation and monitoring.


1. NCAR(National Capital Administrative Region) The Alpha Phi Omega National Capital Admin-istrative Region (APO NCAR) has the following activities scheduled for 2018:

• APOlympics in the 4th week of May 2018 • Quarterly Scouting Program Rover Virgil Investiture Ceremony June 2018 • Regional Collegiate Conference Meeting in September 2018 • Regional Alumni Conference Meeting in October 2018

APO NCAR is also actively encouraging mem-bers of the Collegiate Chapters and the Alumni Associations to update their Charter Fees and Dues. Regional Representative Mike Acol, Regional Director for Collegiate Paolo Kent Con-stantino and Deputy Regional Director Dennis Dela Cruz are conducting chapter visits to make this happen.

The regional administration is expressing con-fidence that chapters and AAs that are under NCAR are collaborating and supporting the whole organization’s worthwhile service projects.

2. NLAR(Northern Luzon Administrative Region

The year 2018 was a challenging time for the Al-pha Phi Omega North Luzon Administrative Re-gion (APO NLAR). Taking over the planning and legwork for the 2018 General Assembly (GA), not to mention working on the LFS Run that will

be held concurrent with the GA, NLAR still found time to sponsor ROVICs along the way.

It’s safe to say, however, that NLAR has risen to the occasion and done more than anyone can expect of any administrative unit. The GA would not have been possible if not for the rescue mission mounted by NLAR and the cooperation of the different chapters.

Most of the NLAR brothers and sisters who worked behind the scene may remain faceless for most attendees, but their contributions in making this event happen can never be ques-tioned.

3. STAR (Southern Tagalog Administrative Region)

The Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc.’s South-ern Tagalog Administrative Region (APO STAR) reported the following service activities for 2018:

1. Handog Para Sa Ating Mga Lola on March 2, 2018

• held at Bahay in Maria, Home for the Aged and Abandoned Children in Calamba City • sponsored by Zeta Theta Chapter and Zeta Theta Alumni Association – Laguna College of Business and Arts2. Service to Children with Special Needs and school feeding program on March 2, 2018 • held in Lucban, Quezon • sponsored by Iota Iota Chapter – Southern Luzon State University



3. APO SABac Food Feeding Service at Out Lady of Perpetual Help on March 3, 2018

• held in Springville Heights, Bacoor, Cavite • sponsored by SAMAHANG ALUMNI NG BACOOR (APO SAbac)

4. SMAR(Southern Mindanao Administra-tive Region)

The Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc.’s South-eastern Mindanao Administrative Region (APO SMAR) provided the following status report:

• As of 2018, SMAR has 32 alumni associations (AA) and 31 collegiate chapters • The AAs have been tasked by the Regional Director to revitalize the inactive colle-giate chapters • SMAR is holding mandatory APP seminars for chapters in need of further educa-tion about recruitment • It has renewed over 700 member IDs so far

It is the goal of SMAR that by the end of the term of its current officers, all of its collegiate chapters will be in active status; that the APP program is fully implemented and; all collegiate chapters and AAs will continue to have all of their dues paid.

5. ARME(Administrative Region of the Midlle East)

Below are some of the service projects of the Al-pha Phi Omega Administrative Region of Middle East (APO ARME) for 2017-2018:

• Issuance of hygienic kits as part of the APO SMAR Oplan Marawi in July 2017 • Bigas Para sa St. Agnes Orphanage in General Santos in August 2017 • APO ARME Sportsfest Section 2 in October 2017 • Financial contribution to Medical Mission Alpha Chapter 2017 • One Time Big Time Project – Water for Life for the Manobo Tribes inNovember-December 2017 • BILIRAN PROJECT related to Ty-phoon Urduja – Bohol 2018 • Financial contribution to APO CAA-General Assembly 2018 held in Cagayan de Oro • Financial contribution to OPLAN Kapatiran, APO SMAR • Joint project with Alpha Delta for Tahanang Mapagpala in Caloocan City in 2018

6. ARE(Administrative Region of Europe)

The Alpha Phi Omega Administrative Region of Europe (APO ARE) provided the following activity and project updates:

• The APO ARE Directorates are pre-paring for the 6th APO ARE Regional Confer-ence and Election, to be held in Oslo, Norway on September 28 to October 1, 2018 • APO ARE Regional Director Gerry Pelayo attended the Annual Trekking for Life in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by APO Ireland 203, and administered the Oath of Office of APO Ireland 203’s newly elected officers • To date, all ARE Alumni Associations (AA) have paid their charter fees and dues • Out of 16 AAs, 11 AAs managed to submit their Quarterly Report, including the Petitioning Group APO Vikings

7. ARA(Administrative Region of Asia)

The Alpha Phi Omega Administrative Region of Asia (APO ARA) provided the following activity updates:

• All Chartered Alumni Associations (AA) in the region are actively performing service activities in their respective areas • APO Seoul, Korea has scheduled its Charter Installation on September 22, 2018 • APO ARA has found it challenging to come up with an actual active APO alumni member count, given that overseas Filipino workers (OFW) constantly travel from their country of origin to other Asian locations and vice versa

The APO ARA Directorate is actively planning for its Regional Conference, with the date of the event proving to be the biggest challenge, mainly due to the disparate work schedules of members in various Asian locations.

8. ARP(Administrative Region of the Pacific)

The Alpha Phi Omega Administrative Region of the Pacific (APO ARP) provided the follow-ing activity updates for 2017-2018:

• APO ARP currently has 4 Sections, 6 Chartered Alumni Associations (AA) and 3 Petitioning AAs • It covers Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands and has 339 brothers and sisters • The first ARP Section meeting was held on February 18-19, 2018 in Perth, West-ern Australia

• The second ARP Section meeting was held on April 21-22, 2018 in Auckland, New Zealand • ARP will hold its first Regional Conference and Election on November 10, 2018 in Blacktown, New South Wales

APO ARP is focusing on conducting ID runs and expanding its membership roster, among other planned activities.

9. ARNA(Administrative Region of North America)


Alpha Phi Omega marked a momentous event in its history on January 27, 2018 with the re-chartering of the Alpha Chapter in Lafayette College. The ceremony was held at Hogg Hall where the original chartering ceremony was held.

The event was attended by APO members from around the United States and by several representatives from APO Philippines. The charter was presented to the 69 new brothers by U.S. National President Brother John K. Ottenad.

A project to replace the missing Lafayette Plaque that contained the names of the orig-inal charter members of Alpha Phi Omega is currently underway, with APO Philippines Inc., ARNA and ACNA, APO USA and Lafayette College leading the initiative.



1st Regular MeetingJuly 22-23, 2017Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science & TechnologySocial Hall, Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

BR1719-001 “Adoption of the Robert’s Rule in the Conduct of National Executive and Board of Trustees Meetings”

BR 1719-002 “Approval of the ID Design Layout for Development Year July 1, 2017 -June 30, 2019”

BR 1719-003 “Resolution approving the purchase of 10,000 Pre-printed PVC Cards”

BR 1719-004 “Resolution confirming the appointment of Sis Evelyn C. Cañete-Evangelio as National Executive Secretary”

BR 1719-005 “Resolution confirming the appointment of Sis. Benita F. Villanueva as National Treasurer”

BR 1719-006 “Resolution confirming the appointment of Brother Reinald D. Relova as Executive Director of the National Office to continue until the expiration of his term on January 2018”

BR 1719-007 “Resolution Confirming the appointment of Chairman and members of the Committee on Membership”

BR 1719-008 “Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Chairman and Members of the Committee on Scouting”

BR 1719-009 “Resolution Adopting the Standard Format of Region Director Report”

BR 1719-010 “Resolution Approving the Request of the APO Lawyers League Through PNP Caloy Caliwara to Use the Name and Logo of APO Philippines Incorporated with a Condition that they will Submit Documents to Petition for Approval and be Recognized as one of the Charters of APO Phils Inc”

BR 1719-011 “Resolution Adopting and Approving the National executive Council and Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Schedule” Host Region Date Venue

1st NCAR July 22-23, 2017 Manila2nd NWMAR Oct. 21-22, 2017 Clarin, Misamis Occidental 3rd NLAR Jan. 20-21, 2018 Cabanatuan City (Clark Airport)4th NWVAR April 21-22,2018 Iloilo City (Iloilo Airport) NCR May 18, 2018 Non Election General Assembly 5th SEMAR July 21-22, 2018 Butuan City-APO MBAA 6th SEVAR Oct. 20-21, 2018 Tacloban City (DZR Airport)7th STAR Jan. 19-20, 2019 Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro8th BAR April 20-21, 2019 Bicol Region NCR May 24-26, 2019 Election Year Annual General

Assembly in Luzon

BR 1719-012 “The Board of Trustees acted as one and decided to endorse the deferred granting of Life Membership applicants of APO Barcelona AA organizers subject to the conferment of the General Assembly on May 18, 2018 for the following:

1.AGDON, RAMILITO Ortega, Zeta Kappa; 2. EBONA, JERRY B, Zeta Rho; 3. LEAL, JOEL Cabuhat, Eta Omicron; 4. LEAL, MANOLITO Cabuhat, Lambda;

5. MANUGAN, BRENDA Casino, Alpha; 6.TRINIDAD, ARNEL Casugo, Beta Iota; 7. AZCUETA, JAY Sabugo, Iota Kappa”

BR 1719-013 “Resolution Approving the Request of Brother Ernesto Alcanzare to Use the Name and Logo of Alpha Phi Omega for Bawi Marawi and Yes for Peace Project”

BR 1719-014 “Resolution Changing the Bank Signatories of the Organization’s Current/savings Accounts and the Designation of Authorized Signatories Thereof”

BR 1719-015 “Resolution Approving the Implementation of the Commission on Membership Resolution (COME Case-050817-023) with Corresponding Corrections: from 2015 to 2017 with the inclusion of those Members (Brods and Sis, et. al.) to be Identified”

BR 1719-016 “Resolution Approving the Confirmation of the Creation of Special Committee on APO Marawi Relief Operations”

BR 1719-017 “Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Brother Jose Jonathan C. Mejia as the Regional Director of Administrative Region of the Pacific”

BR 1719-018 “Resolution Demanding All the Names Listed in the Receivables to Pay and Settle their Accountabilities within Ten (10) Days upon Receipt of a Demand Letter”


2nd Regular MeetingOctober 21-22, 2017Alexandrea Resort, ClarinOzamiz Occidental, Philippines

BR1719-019 “Resolution Confirming the Following Appointments:


COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS” APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE TO DRAFT THE POLICY CHARTER OF THE NEWLY RATIFIED BY-LAWS” APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM OFFICERS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE REGION OF ASIA Regional Director Bro. Jerry Marcelo Deputy RD Bro Daryll Paolo Ugale Section Chair 1 Bro Adeo Silnag Section Chair 2 Bro Christian Fabian Section Chair 3 Bro Jerron Mauri Section Chair 4 Bro Daniel Tanciatco Section Chair 5 Bro Arkie Joy Dela Concha Section Chair 6 Bro James Michael Velasco Section Chair 7 Bro Daniel Buendia Section Chair 8 Bro Bong Tabingco Cayabyab


Presidential Advisers 1. Bro. Eufemio Tradio Jr. 2. Sis. Alvina Ferrer Juanitez 3. Bro. Raden Bangahan 4. Bro. Macoi Malawani 5. Bro. Mario Santos

Presidential Assistants 1. Bro. Maximiano B. Untalan Jr. 2. Bro. Rocky A. Yangat 3. Bro. Reden C. Parayno 4. Bro. Ed Jonard Guelos


BR 1719-020 “Resolution granting the Request of Delta Kappa Chapter for Legal Assistance and designating Bro. Atty. Fortunato Guerrero as Lead Counsel and to authorize him to choose his deputies”

BR 1719-021 “Resolution Creating a Special Committee for the APO National Building Fund to be co-chaired by NP Roel E. Fernandez and Chairman Christopher H. Jordan with the current members of the NEC & BOT, National Treasurer, Executive Director of the National Office, National Executive Secretary and to open a separate special bank account where all the pledges will be deposited and authorizing the National Treasurer and anyone of the National President/ Chairman as signatories”

BR 1719-022 “Resolution allocating funds of Php 10,000.00 per Administrative Region for the 92nd International Founding Anniversary Weeklong Activity”

BR 1719-023 “Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Administrative Region of Europe Representative Bro. Romeo Bison, Jr.”

BR 1719-024 “Resolution creating a special committee to handle the Non-Electoral Year, May 18, 2018 Convention to be chaired by Sis. Marlea Muñez”

BR 1719-025 “A Resolution creating the National Service Committee chaired by the National Executive Vice President Marcelino “Tatang” Ferry and members for the following service programs: Blood Letting Bro. RD Gerry Arbis National Greening Program Sis. Marlea Muñez Coastal Clean Up Bro. RD Joem Ian Moralde APO Interfaith Prayer Battalion Sis. Norma Singson-De Leon Yes for Peace Bro. Ernie Alcanzare Medical, Dental, & Surgical Mission Sis. Dina Guevarra Balik Eskwela Program Sis. Reiniel Antonett Solleza Adopt-a-Barangay Program Bro. Armand Padilla APO Academy Bro. Mon Rivera National Sports Program Bro. RD Rommel Santiago National Book Giving Program Sis. Gigi Borbon Alba

BR 1719-026 “Resolution granting the monthly budget request of the Committee on Membership amounting to Five Thousand Pesos (Php5,000.00)”

BR 1719-027 “Resolution authorizing the purchase of 1 ID Machine for the National ID Processing”

BR 1719-028 “Resolution Commending Bro Eufemio Tradio, Jr. and APO Misamis Occidental AA for hosting the 2nd regular meeting of the meetings of the Executive Council and Board of Trustees held at Alexandrea Resort, Clarin, Misamis Occidental from October 22 to 23, 2017 and awarding a plaque of appreciation thereof”


3rd Regular MeetingJanuary 20-21, 2018La Union Livelihood & Development Center,San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

BR 1719-029 “Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Chairman and Members of Committee on Finance”

BR 1719-030 “Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Chairman and Members of Grievance and Adjudicatory Authority”

BR 1719-031 “Resolution confirming the appointment of Chairman and members of the Committee on Elections”

BR 1719-032 “Resolution Confirming the Interim Appointment of Administrative Region of North America Officers”

Regional Director Bro. Arturo Cristobal Deputy Regional Director Bro. Dennis Villanueva Section1 Chairman -North East Canada Bro. Robert Reyes Section 2 Chairman-North East USA Bro. Lemuel Banaga Section 4 Chairman Bro. Peter Angelo Section 5 Chairman Bro. Nick Sanchez Section 7 Chairman Bro. Ren Alumpe Section 8 Chairman Bro. Leo Baltazar Section 10 Chairman Bro. Jun De Castro

BR 1719-033 “Resolution Confirming the Interim Appointment of Administrative Region of the Pacific Officers”

Regional Director Bro. Jose Jonathan Mejia (appointed under BR1719-017) Deputy Regional Director Bro. Emmanuel C. Rivera Section1 Chairman` Bro. Rodolfo R. Alegre, Jr. Section 2 Chairman Bro. Dave S. Divino Section 3 Chairman Sis. Elizabeth B. Schorer Section 4 Chairman Bro. Altair Clavecilla Regional Secretary Sis. Ahlison A. Rivera Regional Treasurer Sis. Elenita DC. McCarthy Regional ID Officer Sis. Celia C. Cinque Regional Adjudicator Sis. Marilyn A. Lariosa Regional Comelec Bro. Jimmy Ahillon Regional Comelec Bro. Iluminado B. Loste Regional Comelec Bro. Bernardo M. Marcos, Jr.

BR 1719-034 “Resolution Confirming the Interim Appointment of Administrative Region of the Pacific Official Representative Bro. Magleo Adriano”

BR 1719-035 “Resolution Confirming the Interim Appointment of Administrative Region of Asia Official Representative Bro. Richard Garcia”

BR 1719-036 “Resolution Confirming the Additional Appointment of Presidential Advisers and Presidential Assistant”

Presidential Advisers: 1. Bro. Mandy Reyes 2. Bro. Marvin Kim Narciso 3. Bro. Salvador ‘Buddy’ De Lima Presidential Assistant: 1. Bro. Jessie Dacumos

BR 1719-037 “Resolution Allocating Fund amounting to Php 10,000.00 (USD 200) for the Funding of APO Plaque (APO ARNA) be placed at Lafayette College plus the amount to be collected from the NEC & BOT Officers by way of passing the hat.”

BR 1719-038 “Resolution denying the recommendation of the Committee on Membership that the requested appropriate ceremony be conducted so as to make complainant (Sheryl Momo) a full-fledged member of the APO was set aside.”

BR 1719-039 “Resolution expelling the three (3) ID holder members and Barring the ten (10) Individuals from being an APO Phils Members due to violation of the APO Pledge Program” EXPELLED MEMBERS 1. Sis. Ma. Kiezel S. Zacarias P1204-2006-46019 2. Sis. Maricar V. Agustin P0623-2004-45501 3. Sis. Anri Joy Z. Fernandez PC154-2007-49945 BARRED from being an APO 1. Arvie Bas 2. Rafael Nichol Nicholas 3. Jefferson Pepito 4. Rommel Plata 5. Joummel Eleuterio 6. Austin Nikko Dedios Rey 7. David John Palencia (Dambu) 8. Gicent Labitigan 9. Ernest Guamos 10. Jeffrey Petillos

BR 1719-040 “Resolution Granting the Recognition of the APO Polangui Alumni Association as the 340th community based Alumni Association of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Incorporated.”

BR 1719-041 “Resolution Granting the Recognition of the APO Polomolok Alumni Association as the 341st community based Alumni Association of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Incorporated.”


BR 1719-042 “Resolution Granting the Recognition of the APO Upper Valley Alumni Association as the 342nd community based Alumni Association of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Incorporated.”

BR 1719-043 “Resolution approving the Committee on Membership recommendation re Vores Case that all of the respondents be suspended for a period of six (6) months with the warning that their commission of similar acts in the future will be dealt with more severely and further recommends that the ROVIC certificate issued to all the respondents including that of Ireneo, be invalidated.”

BR 1719-044 “Resolution Granting the Request of Beta Alpha Chapter to reflect in the record the change of address from Sampaloc, Manila (Section 1) to Fairview, Quezon City (Section 5).”

BR 1719-045 “Resolution adopting a weeklong celebration leading to March 2, 2018, 68th National Founding Anniversary celebrations.” BR 1719-046 “Resolution Authorizing the National Executive Secretary to submit paper for the Change of the Office Address to comply with SEC requirement and authorizing the corporation in compliance with such”

BR 1719-047 “Resolution of Appreciation for and Commending Bro Jose Jorge E. Corpuz as PCSO Chairman”

BR 1719-048 “Resolution Authorizing the National President and the Committee on Scouting Chairperson to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Boy Scout of the Philippines”

BR 1719-049 “Resolution Extending the term of the Executive Director of the National Office Bro Reinald Relova until May 31, 2018 and continuation of receiving an honoraria”

BR 1719-050 “Resolution authorizing a transportation and accommodation subsidy for Sis Marlea Muñez as facilitator of the Alumni Congress Visayas -Mindanao Leg 2018 in Cagayan de Oro City on February 17, 2018”

BR 1719-051 “Resolution Granting the Request of Cash Advance for Operational Expenses amounting to Php 70,000.00 for the General Assembly 2018”

BR 1719-052 “Resolution Commending the Northern Luzon Administrative Region Directorate and the APO La Union Alumni Association for hosting the 3rd National Executive Council and Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held La Union Livelihood & Development Center, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines from January 20-21, 2018”


4th Regular MeetingApril 21-22, 2018Sampaguita Gardens, New WashingtonAklan, Philippines

BR 1719-053 “Resolution Confirming the appointment of Brod James Cesar L. Makasiar as Official Representative of ARNA”

BR 1719-054 “Resolution Awarding to the APO Laoag Ilocos Norte Chapter (APO LINAC) AA the privilege of hosting the 28th National General Assembly on May 2019”

BR 1719-055 “Resolution Approving the budget of the Luzon and Visayas-Mindanao Leg Collegiate Congress amounting to Forty Thousand Pesos (Php 40,000.00)”

BR 1719-056 “Resolution Approving the budget of the Balik Eskwela Pilot Program amounting to Forty Two Thousand One Hundred Thirty On Pesos (Php 42,131.00)”

BR 1719-057 “Resolution Approving the Committee on Membership recommendation re Pedrito Case”

BR 1719-058 “Resolution Awarding the Collegiate Sorority Charter No. 133 to the Ago Medical & Educational Center-Legazpi City (Zeta Iota, Chapter Code No. 0609)”

BR 1719-059 “Resolution Awarding AA Charter No. 343 to the Alpha Phi Omega Mu Delta Alumni Association as chapter-based alumni association”

BR 1719-060 “Resolution Awarding AA Charter No. 344 to the Alpha Phi Omega Sto. Domingo Alumni Association as community-based alumni association”

BR 1719-061 “Resolution Awarding AA Charter No. 345 to the Alpha Phi Omega St. Andrew’s Field Alumni Association as community-based alumni association”

BR 1719-062 “Resolution Awarding AA Charter No. 346 to the Alpha Phi Omega City of Ilagan Alumni Association as community-based alumni association”

BR 1719-063 “Resolution Adopting the Life Membership and Associate Membership Guidelines as part of the policy charter to be forwarded to the GA2018”

BR 1719-064 “Resolution accepting the resignation of Sis Marlea as embodied in BR 1719-024 and Appointment and Confirmation of Brod Rommel Santiago as Chair of the Special Committee of the 2018 General Assembly in Subic”

BR 1719-065 “Resolution Confirming Brod Karim of Alpha Upsilon 1977 as Section Chair of ARNA”

BR 1719-066 “Resolution Authorizing the Release of Gawad Kalinga Funds amounting to Five Hundred Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Seventy One Pesos and Forty Five Centavos (Php 512,571.45) and it is transmitted to the donor, Philippine Society of Japan Nagoya Chapter (PSJNC) subject to usual accounting and audit procedure”


BR 1719-067 “Resolution Awarding the Certificate of Appreciation to APO Aklan AA, APO Boracay AA, APO Kalibo AA, APO Iloilo City AA, APO Binirayan Antique Petitioning AA, APO Rho Chapter, and the Northwestern Visayas Administrative Region Thru RD Sultan Harris Buat for hosting the Joint National Executive Council and Board of Trustees Regular Meeting”

Special MeetingMay 4, 20185k Resort, Block 2, Lot 21, Laguna Hills Subdivision,Barangay Bucal, 4029 Calamba, Laguna, Philippines

BR 1719-068 “Resolution to seek the opinion of the Securities on Exchange Commission on the acceptability proposal of NTFA Brod Jesus Bueno, Jr. to amend Article II Section III (a) of the Bylaws to allow all those present in a General Assembly to vote”

BR 1719-069 “Resolution relaxing the 6-month requirement to submit the names of delegates of Alumni Associations and Collegiate Chapters”

BR 1719-070 “Resolution adopting the Enhanced APO Pledge Program to be presented to the General Assembly for Approval”

BR 1719-071 “Resolution adopting the SEC comments on the submitted ratified APO Philippines By-laws”

BR 1719-072 “Resolution approving the GA Agenda and all the items resolved thereof.”


National Executive Director Brod Reinald D. Relova (extended up to June 30, 2018)National Executive Secretary Sis Evelyn C. Canete-EvangelioNational Treasurer Sis Benita F. VillanuevaNational Legal Counsel Brod Fortune Guerrero

Presidential Appointments– the National President had appointed the following members and had been approved by the Board of Trustees;

Scouting Committee (AsCom)

Chair: Sis Celia Galzote-Valdez Members: Brod Richard Ariston Brod Jorge Reyes Brod John Tenchavez Sis Sofia Reyes Brod Manolito Gil Zafra BrodReynaldo Montano Brod Jesus Victor Marco Vistro

Committee on Audit

Chair: Sis Jane Ocampo-IbayMembers: Brod Ramil Telan Brod Rhoniel Reyes Brod Charlie Canada Sis Rosalinda Aquilisan

Committee on Elections

Chair: Brod. Armand ArevaloMembers: Bro. Russel Barroga Bro. Rhoderick Caraig Sis. Monalisa Lidasan Bro. Reynaldo Santibanez Bro. Nilo Flores Sis. Alma Sheilla Rikki Liquigan (Member/Secretary)

Committee on Finance

Chair: Brod. Romeo ValeMembers: Brod. Jayson Calimlim Sis. Joy Mejillano Brod. Kirby Homo



Committee on Membership

Chair: Sis. Norma Singson- de LeonMembers: Sis. Zarah Escueta Brod Joel Labanda Sis. Maria Angelica Abad Brod Ferdinand Abon Brod Emmanuel Peña Brod Carl John Matriano Jr.

Grievance and Adjudicatory Authority

Chair: Brod. Rusty NayaMembers: Sis. Cielo M. Velasquez Brod Kristian Biay Brod Sirwyn Mortera Brod Hipolito Salatan Sis. Marifi Macasocol-Alegre

Presidential Advisers

Bro. Eufemio Tradio Jr. Sis Alvina Ferrer-JuanitezBro. Raden Bangahan Bro. Macoi MalawaniBro. Mario Santos Bro. Mandy ReyesBro. Marvin Kim Narciso Bro. Salvador ‘Buddy’ De Lima

Presidential Assistants

Bro. Maximiano Untalan Jr. Bro. Jessie DacumosBro. Rocky Yangat Bro. Reden ParaynoBro. Ed Jonard Guelos

National Executive Council

National President Roel E. FernandezNEVP Marcelino S. Ferry VP for Alumni Lauro Gerald L. Hernandez VP for Fraternity Christian S. Canlas VP for Sorority Reiniell Antonette B. Solleza

Board of Trustees

Chairman Christopher H. JordanVice Chairman Hercules A. Umali Trustee for Alumni Jesus B. Bueno Jr.Trustee for Fraternity Arthur John S. Gatpolintan Trustee for Sorority Nur Jannah Fatima L. HarridTrustee /National President Roel E. FernandezTrustee /NEVP Marcelino S. FerryTrustee /VP for Alumni Lauro Gerald L. HernandezTrustee /VP for Fraternity Christian S. Canlas Trustee /VP for Sorority Reiniell Antonette B. Solleza


NCAR (National Capital Administrative Region) Regional Director Joem Ian MoraldeRegional Representative Michael Martin Acol

NLAR (Northern Luzon Administrative Region) Regional Director Rommel SantiagoRegional Representative Mario Tagasa

BAR (Bicol Administrative Region)Regional Director Alex King Jr.

STAR (Southern Tagalog Administrative Region)Regional Director Leonardo Cairo Jr.

SVAR (Southern Visayas Administrative Region)Regional Director Joel Bugho

NVAR (Northern Visayas Administrative Region)Regional Director Sultan Harris Buat

SMAR (Southern Mindanao Administrative Region)Regional Director Gerardo ArbisRegional Representative Roger Pialago

NMAR (Northern Mindanao Administrative Region)Regional Director Madki Punguinagina (Shared Term) Faiz Orogan Dimosangcop

ARME (Administrative Region of the Midlle East)Regional Director Esperanza G. Rugayan

ARE (Administrative Region of Europe)Regional Director Gerardo PelayoRegional Representative Brenda Manugan

ARA (Administrative Region of Asia)Regional Director Jerry Marcelo

ARP (Administrative Region of the Pacific)Regional Director Jose Jonathan Mejia

ARNA (Administrative Region of North America)Regional Director Arturo Cristobal Jr.


Editorial Board

Honorary Chair:Roel “Daboy” Fernandez

Chair: Celia ValdezMember: Fortune Guerrero

Editor: Geralaine San JuanAssociate Editor: Rhea Medel

Consulting Editors:Jen Velarmino-van der Heijde

Fortune Guerrero Jane Ocampo Ibay

Graphics Designer:Roselyn ‘Bhabes’ Castillo

ConsultingGraphics Designer:

Shannon Cañete

Editorial Staff:Brando Bautista

Evelyn Cañete-EvangelioRuby Jean Cruz

Doris Pigon-MantesJayson Vergara

Benita Villanueva

Loyalty PledgeBy: Elbert Kim Hubbard

If you work for a manIn heaven’s name, work for him,

Speak well of him,And stand by the institution that he represents.

Remember, an ounce of loyaltyIs worth a pound of cleverness.

If you must growl, condemn,And eternally find fault,

Why, resign your position?

But when you are on the outside,Damn to your heart’s content.

But as long as you are a part of the institution, Do not condemn it.For if you do,

The first high wind that comes alongWill blow you away

And probably you will never know why.

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