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The Star—April



I S S U E :

Vestry Highlights

Senior Warden Report


Calendar 3

Women’s Breakfast



Sr. Youth Group news


Shine Mont Yard Sale


Eagle Ceremony 6

Closer Look at…

Sit N Stich


Adult Education 8

T H E V I E W F R O M M Y W I N D O W . . .


The Church of the Epiph-

any is one of 181 parishes

of the Episcopal Diocese

of Virginia, which is one

of 110 dioceses in The

Episcopal Church (USA),

one of 44 member

churches in the worldwide

Anglican Communion.


T H E S T A R April 2013

We are in Eastertide. Yes, I know Easter Sunday is now past. I know that

we have had the Easter Egg Hunt, shared the baskets filled with choco-

late and jelly beans and Peeps, had our lamb or ham dinners, and have

put away our Easter bonnets, if we had them.

But we are still in Eastertide, that season when the disciples adjusted

from the shock of the empty tomb and began to understand what it

means to be the church. It lasts for fifty days – from Easter Sunday to

Pentecost – and is intended to be a time of celebration of the Risen Lord,

and in way, the rising of the church.

That has a bearing on our life as a parish. Just as Lent was a time during

which we examined our own hearts and our own relationship with God,

and prayed to more faithfully live into that relationship, Eastertide is a

time when we should examine who we are as a church, as a faith com-

munity, praying to be the church that God asks us to be.

What this means is that today, we enter into a period of prayer and dis-

cernment to understand our mission in the parish, in the community, and

in the world. We enter into a time of asking questions and being silent

enough to hear God’s answers to us. We let go of our attachment to “this

is the way things have always been done,” and reach up to God for a gift

to unwrap: the gift of who we as a parish are meant to be in this time

and place.

Deacon Harrison Higgins will be leading us through a series of conversa-

tions about our hopes, our fears, and our sense of God’s purpose in this

place. These conversations will take place during Adult Forum time

(Sundays at 9:30 am) in the Parish Hall, as part of a simple continental

breakfast. These conversations will begin on Sunday, April 14th and will

continue for several Sundays. Come to one of them, come to all of them,

join in the conversation, and discern together joyfully in this season of


Easter Blessings,


Worship Leaders 9


Flying Squirrels


Bingo Night



Days of Blessing 12


Just the Facts 14

The Star—April


The Vestry met on Tuesday, March 12th. As always, we began with a brief Bible study. We were happy to hear that the finances continue to improve. The deficit for the month of February was just under $1900. We noted that Jeannnie Riddick has retired as chair of the ShrineMont committee. That committee is focusing this year more intensively on the programming and a little less on the fundraising, although it will host the Yard Sale in mid-May. Building and Grounds will most likely replace the thermostats in the sanctuary to pro-grammable ones that will be easier to use. We were also happy to hear about new ideas in the works for Deacon Harrison’s evangelism activities, and other outreach ideas into the community. We also discussed our summer seminarian, Judy Davis, and look forward to meeting her. Mary+ told us about a project she is doing for her doctoral work, studying the history and traditions in our parish kitchen, a symbol of hospitality through the years.

Mary+ will be in Texas for a CREDO Conference April 22-28, during which time Harrison will be available if there are any pastoral emergencies. The next meeting is April 9th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. All are wel-come. - Kristin Carver, Register.

Vestry Highlights

Senior Warden’s Report ~ Ann Henderson

March 1 & 2, we had our annual women’s retreat at Shalom House in Montpelier. It was a wonder-

ful way of spending time together in a small group and we will continue to meet the first Wednes-

day of each month to continue exploring the rule of life. I hope to see many more of the women

join us for the discussion on the Twelve Rules of Religion that we begun at Shalom House.

Women played an integral part in the early start up of the Christian church. I have always thought

that women being the ones to go to the tomb and discover it was empty and being among the first

to see our risen Christ, to be God’s way of showing the importance of women in the church. In

those days women were second class citizens, yet many of the stories of the bible centered around

the women— Mary, Martha, the woman at the well, and many others. Modern times have now

found us with a woman priest and senior warden at Epiphany, oh how the times have changed.

Women continue to play an important part in the church, so I hope you will join us as we explore

our role more fully. We will meet in the parlor April 3rd

at 7:00 PM.

The vestry is on tap to produce the lunches for Lamb’s Basket on April 6th at 8:30 AM. Kristin

Carver, Christine Couturier and Carole Noe will join me in preparing and delivering lunches for

Lamb’s Basket.

Have you ever wondered where our donations to the diocese go? The diocese has put together a

brochure called “Setting God’s Table” which you will soon be able to find posted under the Out-

reach bulletin board. Here are just some of the things that the diocese is able to do with the funds

they receive from the churches: Multicultural and Ethnic Ministries; Evangelism and Proclamation;

Youth and Young Adult Ministries; Strengthening Existing Congregations; funding a full time Epis-

copal chaplaincy in our Diocese; Increase support for mission projects by growing the Mustard

Seed Fund; just to name a few. Your financial support to Epiphany allows Epiphany to continue to

provide financial support to the Diocese and their outreach programs, and we would like to take

this opportunity to thank you.

The Star—April


April Parish Calendar

The Star—April


Judy is coming! We will be blessed this summer with the presence of Judy Davis, a seminarian at Vir-

ginia Theological Seminary. Judy has answered the call to ministry after life experi-

ences as a coordinator of events for a legal association. Her sponsoring parish is St.

Stephen’s and she will be participating in all aspects of our life as a parish, with a

special focus on youth and on adult spiritual formation. We expect she will start in

Epiphany’s Women’s Breakfast

May 5, 2013

T H E A N N U A L W O M E N ’ S B R E A K FA S T W I L L


8 : 1 5 A M S E RV I C E O N

S U N D AY, M AY 5 T H

Harrison Higgins will be talking to us about his work as a maker of fine furniture and showing us examples of what he does, and how it connects to his spiritual journey.

The annual ECW collection will also be held on that day.

As you may know, the Diocesan ECW supports many worthwhile ministries especially focusing on women’s and children’s issues. This year the Diocesan ECW has three special projects: Child and Human Trafficking Awareness, Campus Ministry and the Youth Camp Scholarship Fund.

The Epiphany ECW makes prayerful decisions when distributing these funds focusing on local needs first.

The Star—April


The Sr. High Youth would like to thank Ann Schaefer for the donation of the stuffed zebra. It

was raffled off and won by Betty Van Valkenburg during coffee hour on March 17th. Through

everyone’s generous donations, we were able to add $209.00 towards our mission trip this sum-


We would also like to thank everyone who has supported our Book ‘N Bake sales. The one on

March 24th raised $232.00 also to be used towards the mission trip. Our next Book ‘N Bake will

be in the early fall.

We had an excellent turnout at our March movie event when we went to see OZ.

Our April events will include a three day trip to Twin Lakes State Park to go canoeing and relax

with our friends. Please check the youth group facebook page if you need more details. Also

on April 28th we will be doing coffee hour.

We will have a lock-in sometime in May, details to follow soon.

Our mission trip is scheduled for July 28—August 3. We will be heading to Tazewell this year to

work side by side with Greg Wood and the Tazewell Presbyterian Church youth. If you are over

the age of 14 and interested in attending the mission trip this summer please talk to either

Mary+ or Diana Stone. We would love to have you along.

Sr. High Youth Group News

Zebra Raffle

Congratulations to Betty Van Valkenburg who

won the drawing for the unique Irish Zebra, Zebe-

diah O’Zebra, last Sunday during Coffee Hour.

Shrine Mont Yard Sale: You can start bringing ‘unloved items’ to the church for the April yard

Sale. They are storing things in the Youth Group room—-If you will just note Yard Sale on the

items and leave in parish hall, they will move them downstairs. Also, if you need large items

picked up, you can contact a committee member and they can come and get it from you. Re-

member when you start your spring cleaning—save your ‘white elephants treasurers’ for the

Shrine Mont yard sale.

The Star—April


Mark your calendar for Sunday

April 14th for Garrett Russell’s Eagle Scout Award Ceremony. It

will be held at 2:00 PM in the parish hall. Garrett designed,

planned and provided leadership for the new Children’s Play-

ground off of the nursery. This project involved acquiring re-

sources to work weekends and evenings, determining the proper

amount of materials to build a fence, installing the fence, selecting

and installing a playground set and mulching the area.

Garrett Russell with Suffragan Bishop Susan Goff

and Mary+ after the blessing of the new play-

ground in January.

The Star—April


A Closer Look At….

Women’s Rule of Life Group—Chapter 12

We begin our monthly meetings on April 3 (Wednesday) at 7 PM as we continue the work

we began on the women’s retreat. How do we who do not live in monasteries or abbeys

follow a rule of life? Can we shape our lives in ways that are spiritually life-giving? Join

us, whether or not you attended the retreat, as we continue to pray and talk about the

choices we make in our lives.

Men’s Retreat:

Deacon Harrison and friends are planning a weekend men’s retreat. This is still very much a

work in progress, but do let Harrison know if this is something that intrigues you, or if you have

any ideas about what you would like at such a retreat.

Epiphany’s Got Talent:

We have more talent than we realize! Do you play an instrument (like Stephanie Holden on cello

or Milton Jenkins on the sax or Garrett Russell on guitar)? Let Mary+ and Anita Williams know if

you would be willing to help out with our music ministry as a soloist or as part of a group of mu-


Sit N Stitch Gathering!

Join us on the 4th Tuesday, April 23rd @ 7:00 PM in the parlor.

The Star—April


Adult Forum for April

Sunday, April 7th — Two influential women of the church:

Dame Julian of Norwich and St. Catherine of Siena. Mys-

tics, theologians, servants of the poor: what do these women

have to teach us today? This session will meet in the parlor

at 9:30 AM, lead by Deacon Harrison.

April 14, 21, 28— Discernment Breakfast Club: who do we feel

called to be as the church? Enter into the discussion over a

continental breakfast in the parish hall at 9:30 AM.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Class will meet with Mary+ on the 2nd Tuesday,

April 9th. Bring a bag lunch and convene in the parish hall at


The Book Group

The Monday Book Group will resume on Monday, April 29th at 11 AM. We will be

starting a new book, “The Screwtape Letters”, by C.S. Lewis. It is a fascinating &

funny book, constructed as a series of letters from a senior devil to an apprentice

devil, helping him in his evil work of turning humans from God toward evil. Please

let Mary+ know if you would like her to get a copy of the book for you. Cost is


St. Giles Gate Program

Will meet on Saturday, April 20th @ 10:00 AM in the parish hall.

The Star—April


Worship Leaders for April

10:30 Ushers: Chris Tignor, Randy Holden, Jeff Pegram, Jim Eppes

Counters: Darel & Aggie Gallagher

April 7 — Easter 2

Altar Guild: Betty Fore, Susan Josenhans

8:15—Morning Prayer

Usher: Herb Williams

Reader: Tad Blackburn

10:30 AM—Morning Prayer

Lessons: Sarah Fore

Layreader: Gray Corbett

Acolytes: Megan Tignor, Caroline Couturier,

Lucas Couturier, Meliissa Durrer

Greeters: Aggie Gallagher, Christine Couturier

Nursery: Karen Holden, Stephanie Holden

April 21 — Easter 4

Altar Guild: Dottie Strabley, Lucy Whitlock, Lauryn Boyd

8:15 AM—Holy Eucharist

Usher: Chris Tignor

Reader: Tad Blackburn

Chalice: Harrison Higgins

10:30 AM—Holy Eucharist

Lessons: Jeri Anne Townley


Chalice: Herb Williams, Harrison Higgins

Acolytes: Stark Gallagher, Camille Wood,

Ava Whittlesey, Sara Lassiter

Greeters: Sandy Ruder, Carole Noe

Nursery: Scott Blackwell, Dwight Ludwig

April 28 — Easter 5

Altar Guild: Jean Riddick, Charlotte Lovelace

8:15—Holy Eucharist

Usher: Chuck Strabley

Reader: Harrison Higgins

Chalice: Harrison Higgins

10:30—Holy Eucharist

Lessons: Randy Holden

Prayers: Jeri Anne Townley

Chalice: Gray Corbett, Harrison Higgins

Acolyte: Garrett Russell, Zack Nixon,

Bailey Nixon, Stephanie Holden

Greeters: Ann Henderson, Brian White

Nursery: Joy Baynes, Peggy Wilson

April 14 — Easter 3

Altar Guild: Joyce Melton, Karen Holden

8:15—Holy Eucharist

Usher: George Baynes

Reader: Harrison Higgins

Psalm: Harrison Higgins

10:30—Holy Eucharist

Lessons: Randy Holden


Chalice: Sarah Fore, Harrison Higgins

Acolytes: Hana Elionai, Claudia Abernathy, Anne Claire Wood,

Sarah Elionai

Greeters: Kristin Carver, Joyce Melton

Nursery: Jennifer Axselle, Melissa Durrer

The Star—April


Fellowship Activities

Want to go to Brunch in March?

Sunday, April 28th, after the 10:30 service,

the ‘lunch brunch group’ will be going to

lunch at Anthony & George’s Restaurant, 7505 Staples Mill.

If you are interested please contact Jean Riddick, 264-0935,

or call Lucy in the office, 266-2503

For Sale! A single Forest Lawn Cemetery plot is offered for sale by a

friend of Sarah Fore. It is in Section 22, lot 180. The price

is $1995.00. If you are interested, please call Beverly

Batcher at 1-757-427-0510.

Flying Squirrels Ballgame! We will have our annual parish outing to see the Flying Squir-

rels, Richmond’s minor league baseball team, on Saturday,

June 1st. A sign-up sheet for tickets will be on the bulletin

board across from the parlor—please do sign up so we can re-

Volunteers Needed!

Help with Church Cleaning: Timon will be away for several weeks in April.

Scott Blackwell is coordinating volunteers to help while he is out. Please call or

email Scott if you can help with a post-service cleaning on a Monday or Tuesday

or a pre-service cleaning on Friday or Saturday.

(Phone: 746-2936, email hopball@msn.com)

The Star—April


Sympathy The prayers & sympathy of the congregation are extended to Kristin Carver

and family on the death of her aunt, Ellen Garlinghouse who died on Sunday,

March 24th. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Welcome We welcome through Baptism, on Easter Sunday, March 31st, Brody David Col-

vin, Harley Rae Colvin and Jaxon Parker Colvin children of Matthew & Jessi-

ca Colvin, grandchildren of Jeff Strabley, and great-grandchildren of Chuck & Dot-

tie Strabley.





FRIDAY APRIL 12, 2013 AT 6:30 PM






The Star—April


Happy Birthday

April 1 Gareth Mitchell

April 2 Jeff Campus

April 5 Grant Ruder

Jordan Skinner

April 10 Mary & Anna Rawlins

April 11 Michael Young, Jr.

Charles Poindexter

April 14 Harry Wood

April 15 Jeannette Donovan

Molly Scoggin

April 16 Leslie Lineberry Guyer

April 17 Rebecca Poates Mitchell

April 18 Lucas Couturier

April 19 Catherine Tuck Turner

Ruth Williams

April 20 Wren Blackwell

April 23 Benjamin Holden

April 24 Walker Williams

Dwight Ludwig

April 25 Paul Jones

April Craver

Gerald Craver

April 26 Carina Hope Dolci

Caroline Couturier

April 27 Avery Drew Craver

April 28 Christopher Johnson

April 29 Bruce Lovelace

Rebekah Donovan

April 29 John Stone, Jr.

Happy Anniversary

April 12 Gail & Harry Wood

April 15 David & Ellie Tuck

George & Joy Baynes

April 29 Buddy & Pat Dunn

Days of Blessing in AprilDays of Blessing in April

Those who are ill or have special needs:

In Our Parish Family: Carl Burley, Ray Hampton, Peggy Adleman, Dot Hudson, Walter Reid, Irene Morris, Tillie Freeze, Ray Lovelace,

Wayne Whitlock, Bob Jimerson

Those in Care Facilities or Homebound especially:

Pat Dunn, Connie Neal, Marian Noe, Mary Ruder, Marietta Spring, Roseanne Stockwell, Ruth Williams, Juliet Wynne

Those Serving in the Armed Forces especially:

Matt Guyer, Amanda Hoffert, David Hoffert, Daniel Keefe, Patrick Lineberry, Caitlin Mitchell, Bryan Murphy, Billy Tucker,

Andrew Smith, Ryan Casey, and Chris Tuck

Prayers for those preparing for the birth of a child: Emily Durrer

Prayers for family & friends:

Prayers for Healing, Wholeness, Comfort, Guidance, and Safe Travel: Kathryn Cook-friend of Connie Neal, Mary Stockdell—daughter-in-law of

Susan Josenhans, Heather—friend of Melissa Durrer, Stuart & Jean Swink—sister & brother-in-law of Irene Morris, Kent Jenkins—brother of Sarah Jenkins, Becky

Smith—friend of Melba Shumaker, Jeff Eppes—brother of Jim Eppes, Conrad Lawrence—Aggie Gallagher’s brother, Anne Stockdell-Giesler—Susan Josenhans

daughter, Gary Peper—Lucy Whitlock’s brother-in-law, Spalding Garlinghouse—Kristin Carver’s uncle, Rob Lockridge—friend of Carole Noe, Patty Sue—niece

of Ann Schaefer, Peggy Turner—friend of Megan Nixon, Steve Farmer—neighbor of Betty Van Valkenburg, Debbie Williams—Herb Williams sister-in-law, Rev.

Jon Dephouse—friend of Mary+, Christi Byrd—co-worker & friend of Diane Durrer, Freda Bush—friend of Susie Wasiluk, Shirley Jamyson—friend of Lydia Calla-

way, Karen Botha—-friend of Doug & Mary Thorpe, Bucky Turner—friend of Jenn Whitlock, Andrew Monsalve—friend of Stephanie Holden, Joan Fuess—friend

of Herb & Anita Williams, Jeff Whittlesey—Kathy Jimerson’s son, The Rev. Roger Robillard & wife, Lydia—friend of Mary+, Elsa Francisco—friend of Diana Stone.

Prayers for the departed: Ellen Garlinghouse (Kristin Carver’s aunt)

Standing in the Need of PrayerStanding in the Need of Prayer

The Star—April


Just the Facts:

Leadership and Contact Information at

Church of the Epiphany

Office address: 8000 Hermitage Rd, Richmond, VA 23228 Phone: 804-266-2503 inquiry@epiphanyepiscopal.com

The Very Rev. Mary Brennan Thorpe,, Rector Cell phone: 804-221-3421 mary@epiphanyepiscopal.com

Lucy Whitlock, Office Administrator lucy.whitlock@epiphanyepiscopal.com


Ann Henderson, Senior Warden

Aggie Gallagher, Junior Warden

Marty Shephard, Treasurer

Kristin Carver, Register

Carole Noe (2013) Sandy Ruder (2013)

Brian White (2013)

Christine Couturier (2014) Aggie Gallagher (2014)

Ann Henderson (2014)

Kristen Carver (2015) Sam Craver (2015)

Joyce Melton (2015)

Office Hours :

Lucy is in the office Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm. Mary is usually in the

office Monday through Thursday, unless she is out visiting parishioners or attending meetings.

She can always be reached on her cell phone (221-3421).

May the light of God’s blessing, like the Epiphany star, always guide

you on the path toward Him.

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