,t,collections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard... · 2017-07-07 · sni. to saddle...

Post on 08-Apr-2019






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t •

........ DEAI;RllS I ........ . I An tli~ Complete Blatory Reaftn.

General Fishery Supplies Coals B&Jlocla of Britiab Histor,, . • ' I Siepaa'a Freach Courae. ~~-·--'" MyFintGqrapby,

A Large Stock of N. 8. Coal on Newfoutadlaad Geocrapby. - c. School Geometry. Part I, ll, m.

othand at LOWEST PRIOBB. g:.~mC:~~~!e~'~ood.

Premfles-PODf'l' OJ' a•&OB, BABBOa GBAO., HWLD ' BraDch Businee~ at Grady. Labrador.

\Vayto UeaJtb, Slate P,V.cil ill wood. 'J'JpeWrlten, Eruen, Ezerdse Boob, eo, Booka, Saibblen, Pocket Booka,

au. nat of a. l~wllo may .,, Boote "' ~ur of Oaria -=~ Nlr&etl Assuue» Cl Ltt ~~.....,-J:!.b7~ ~ .,

A Splendld Food for all the FamUy. Be sure and gtve the Children a cup before they go to School in the mom1Da. Ask your Grocer fer

1:1t..:A-J • :;:=~=If Fire Department ~ 4-UU amatlOD. ~ or if tC ESTABLISH:£0 r8J6. on. ar v. .. 1 ... .a n-nft S ·

--~ ~ 4 urift at "' ... u DQWII JMillfiUt OCiety Guardian QE~ff: J:::!lllJ;. ::~ .:u::~~= Aberdeea-1 Union Terrace. BSTABJ.TBBJm 1874.

..... J..u..J'~B#f(. be~tlaetitH-tatllllfatthe~ Loudoa-1 Moorpte .Street. ~ IIGlbenblp 20,000. • .ua 011c1 r,..,_,, Ia ireof, lia4 shall c1eeaa it ""i~ "''bJeat. are 1o 114Yance uae lultrt~w or :!ilfaJuae'D and their d-endauh bJ

I =~.BrllfiA~ 9roptr ftt .. t1ie I&IDi' without •~--'-"-"' v.. .. ..a. n7990 000 pro 'DI a a'Drt aad -r&aiD meanaor g~~ delay,tlae aifd Jadre ma1, alid be -~~~~~WMCN ~........, ,;g • • aua proltOUoa Ia u- or aiGicn ... IJt ~ Ea- ia bp-eb1 aathorisecl tD opea aDd . =:..'!::J .:at!.: ~~i::Jh::d tl:: ,, I'Mfa. bolcl Oar laii1 Court OD aa, otber Aberdeen Board of Dlreolon: laodll ~ IIOU baYercpled..

Whereu We~ it apedtat day or daya thaD thoae bereusbe- Sn TBox.u B•MiiWft, BU'l'. m~:.a : .. :r.i.,, ~':~:!"~;~'::!


f London. 'sul!Krl Capital ..• cz,ooo,ooo atr Total Ia. eated li'IUida

npwara of •••••• •• l.750,000"atg A.IUlual Iacome ap. aad aecesaary to ~---or for~ apedfted; aDd to lreep the FILAl'CIS JAIOtll ()v:nall, Eeg., at. •Ill -otdeat.b\!100; death or wile

Sessioaa for the O.u aaaae opea for the reapeeti•O' Fugosu1011 T. Guou, Beg., taOj.J:~!·~~ ~e ~:Sr!~~ ~~~ Supreme Court 011. fot the periocla bereiabefore atated, u AUXAIIDn IAomGJLUr, Beg. doU.,.Ior au .... ap to eo. t The GOdlllAii belar a lirat-clau Nortbern nistrict of oar aad of &foraaid, if be should fiad ~t DAVID M. M. Nn.uGd, Keg., t.b~11S.'t~11':'-f.'l.b~~~~u~fs:l:!:: EnglWl Illa~¥Uce CompanJ', !>Bera

W'ardl of...... .. .. .. 350,000 atg

Newfoaadlaad, attbe d- ~eeeii&IJ' for the despatch of bust· Sr:a DAVID STawAH, L.L.D., or Sllla1r t-ot-, O'fe&oaemWIOn aud a all thoee adftllt:aa'ea moat dessnble ud plac:ea hereiaafter mendoaec!J a .. to do 10. G.a•o• J.AJOS W.a.x.xu, EeQ, tart- dollare Ia rellet otdla&nN, or to ia.aaren, 'ria., uadoubted atabiU·

We do, theref~re, declare to an Aad of tbeae Preaeatl all r.::!! DO .... lo the point, ~prneD l1o f&YOrable terma and prompt act-Our loriar au~ecta i!l Our aaid Magistrates, the Sbedff, Officers D Tlat aOote&J bN a to• rate bot excel· . tlement·on c.laiaaa for lou. Ialaad tb4t it 11 Oar:wdl aad plea· ol tbe eo ... ta-.;..,~ -..._,..., •wd JilES Ull LIIIITED, leaUobeaaeotUt. w~. ~ I The uadenle.d hl'filll' been ap-

to di t d ppoi.llt tb t ,.. .,... r.,.._,. - ,. Partlcnalareeaa be bat from Dlt~~tbtr• 1 poiuted ~(Uti for Ne'll'follDdl&.ad Ch:es r~Cout a Cil 't fa ,fl Balliffa, Coaata lea, Keepers ST. JOHN'S. Lod~"DtanlondJobUH,".No.ae, Ba" a~ - prepared to Jaaao Policies

r upreme utrir OD f Ourrau ~r of raola i aad all other oflicen Agents for 'Newfoundlaod. bor racoe. John w. oarter, -apiaat lou bJ F'i~ • . tbe l{ortbens Dia ct 0 aaid ia tbe executioa of their oflic:era Sop. Gntld leo~ Toroatt>. T. A K. \\FDC'l'D, St. Ioha'a Ialaad, a\all be opeD aad holdea- about the premiles, aad all ud · J L PtniPauy Hr Gr&ce.•

At BrifUI oa Frictly. the ~= aiaplar other penoDI whom Willow Fanw ~Jrl)llraa ttc. J- ·J~ w h 't w. H. BU'l'T, R•b.afent. teeath, aa\l.. SaturJI-f, tbe Se-nn· theae Preaeata do, aball or may . I I man' I Carbcmear., teeatb d&tJ of Not.ember aext. coacera, are hereby reqWt'ed to : :~ l g

.., G J 11.1 d take due aotice ud ronra. them- FOR SALE. . X I ....... T Ill I u~titr.. piiU..A•1•11Jg,. At uarbor race OD -oa ay, aelvea accordlarly. I r ~ .... the NiDetee.atlt, Tueaday, the Htoa GaADR, Pon-auo A V..· • OUR. KOTTO: ' ' T•eatietb, WedDeaday, tbeTwea· Givea uader the Great Seal of SRntB CATTLk, CLVDJtSDALlt Our Stock of Suit~frl, Orcr· u Brulf , QMlift. t nwMf Pri""J " ty-fint, aad Tbunday, the Twea· Our aforesaid hlaad of Newfound· BoRsn AND YoaJCSH11Ut Pios. coatiiap a ad Trouaenurs of all litl UIWlJ. ~l w , ty-secoad daya of No•ember aext. laad. Alto a special ty ia taoiee (amily kia.da lathe 1_,-geat aud beat we We bue ..U rradealol Lumber in

At Carboaear oD Friday, the Witness Oat trusty ud well g rade cows. Also for aale a-eaeral ever ~~-amoa~t them tbe etoek, aad ouly au tbi public to in· Tweuty-third, ud Saturday, tbe beloved Sir WATJttEDwAtD purpose and caiTiage'hona. Have newe*t a ad 1U~t fatbloaahle apecrt: o"r stock .,fD_~t our pricea.

. . .

we qre incre~sing.


• J

' -

DON'T SHOOT hit or miss any more

~ and




best to use "grade ..

VERBENA' fiour. W. A. MUNN, • - Wholesale Agent. Hon:wood Lumber, Co., Ltd~-~

\ . - Full stocks of all kmds of LU!\1BER on hand, as well ac;-

Doors. House·Finishings, Sashes, Stair Rails, Glass, Nalls, Paints, OUs, Turpentine, &c., &c.

Articles nof in S\OCk ~n be supplied ; t sho~t notice.

And also would like to remind them of the old Motto :

EVERYTHING FROM sni. TO SADDLE .. 't:a-- Of Good Manufacture and Low Price.

'Harbor Grace Branch.


Just a small amount invested in a perfectly safe place for the lll'O~otion of our family

or ourselves in old age.

_.For full particulars as to privileges aad prices for meu, womt a ud chUdrea, apply to


l6S Water Street, St. Joha'a· JOHN DAVIS, local a-geut, Harbor Grace.

Tweaty·fourth da- of Hovember DAV"IDSON, Kairbt Com· fiae carriare hone .S yeara old, shadea,, a-l!a;~!!:telyd litiaitalledth ~e ... ~L~er .~- M suitable for a D.lctor to drive. C\Som work of all kitsds eae- .... &... u o er ~uery

aext. maader of the oat Dis· Alao fine pair matched reaeral dcuted •chat l01rett prieet aad ,.-lth ?~aua.ryte ".!~ doiDI~I~I~ ~-~p'!t· ~·-•.uu!.• ................. tl:"t •atbot @tau c:a:.tan~a~ll A ad the said Court ahall be kept tiaguiahed Order of Salat eapa, """ av__. ~ .. _,. .... .. - CARD t ~ y i101 u • o.v" for the periodt bere1abefore Michael aad Saint Georre, purposea mares, 'f 3046 yEan old, M • "'·-·'· partc:l to IU all orders. We c:an aleo · -.t.AD-r--cri Governor aad Co••u .. aader· full t1isters, rood workers aad euure ...._..,. and patterns eouey lumber or other Cooda by .

pres bed at each of the r~- iu-Cbief ia aad ~ Our fioe drivers. . suppMed ou applfUUou. me.ua of o~tt new motor boat to - .- OO~O&l'TJON BAT ADVBR'l'li!JJ:.tt tive pl•~t u aforeaa.id pro ded ••id IaJ•ood of Ne-fouad· nave be"n ~ellia.,. stock to N.aw. ~Fit. &Qle, .Ucl Workmaaahip ay of the atr01lDcUOC llfltt1eaaeuta.~• MISS J Q'\J. II pnu&-s and publllb-s nery 'PTid&oJ tbe prmdiar Jadre aball ban - - .. ... ,. a .. ~n•uaateect.~ CoastaJStly lrrima -8hl I • ' ~ nenlna, at the 8T..,.DA1lJ) odice VI~ busiaeu to do thereia i and, if ae- laad aad ita Depeadenciea, foundlaod for some years, aild ' •- ( pmenb •1111 If G d ~na St., Harbor Oraoe, bJ !«lUlu & Olla

) ceuary, auch Judre sr:.t eztead at St. John's, ia Our l&id aloclc arrivea o.Jc. a ad rivea rood --== ~ .. ..:................... Ot ~~~~0~-Jf ~~ ... ~· .___ "-· .. "' qtry aqcy ID ' 8ablorlpUoa Rat .. :--To •ohurl"'-t• "·' d tb1- 2•th d f aa•r'sfaclioa. Stork l••v,·a.,. my V!.~ ~· - a.._ -•IUII.Ia· (old ud .... ) '"" tb• '"'" at atty of the 4 pl...,, ~aa • ~ • ay o • •• • n. • .,..,_ ~ Jar• .. pplld at _, oo11oo. ;0 lat .. t ud moat f.,bionabi< ••~ •m•o •• ""•~••,u.oo

for a period aot eaceediar tw, July, A. D.,l91'7, ud iD the FariD in a.m .• tall for Nftd aame ...... :~~· Snd n u Oftl.er_.lt wiU re- materlal ud 11tytea. fJ'~Cr~:~~~P:!n~aJ!s~~~a'f 'ft~ :iaya, aad uaUl the deteraiaatiou Eil'ht year of Our Reip. day. All s tock prise wlauera at ~:,:1 f!l•c: prnmpt ~ atteatioa.. ~ _.A. apeclal lint o( ~ooda ~ ll<l'&ace. Tootuera,olct rake. of the trial of aay caae thea pro· B1 BU &c:dleacey'l ~- Ex · it ions wbenuer ebowa. .., • i -.~.·be dl'terl•l ~ the beet, t.be pricea for preae.ata. Ad•ertfaloa Ratoe-a~ oeoaa p.r ioefl ceediar. . lll&Dd, • AaTBO'I S. Durlfll, . 4F ~atd \O ,t, WATU STa&&T • B.a. GtACit lor llral loaerUon; 2a centt pu lllob

R. A. SQnTDIHI W' ll F Ste J k ll61.. •ssE Ill sa• I lor u.cb OODUDu•Uun. 8J>tOiaJratt• for

ur;t:~ ::.~~ ~e:t p~~\~ # Actf"'' CoJoaillm, ' uw ~j~~ter•c:.= ~S. .:• ~ ,nlr !iPA~lARl>'S UY ·"' • .. :~s:.·!~.~~!~:~.~~·~~~~:~ .. =~D8~~~::=~=bt~ et

-......., __ , .. ·.





HarbOr Gra~~ Stangar~ ""'

~ \.

d · Go~ee~tiorli -~~ay ~C:JVertiAer.~ -, I

' $1.0~ a '


; otllerwDe, $t.56. I

GOOD BLOOD "'Blood will tell.. BlOtches and bJenriabes. like murder, wiB out. unless the blood is ~

Its . is restored aDd ~~~faithfuluaem


-Tbe N~ Sydney Poat aaye that t here baa b«D a ~rreat ruah of New­f•luc.dlandera there' to j!'et perm ita to return home. Some of the exodu.a may be the naual return home; but in the cue o r the fit. i1 Mhe ru b for the purpo11e or j'>lnin~ be ora ?

Thete and their fellnw youog


1917 OCTOBER 1917


A Bo:v Hero. . • I

(By Cbarlt's A. Hoyt. ) roar of the atorm he coUld (COatiaued.) hear the cbildrea· ~riar ia the

"Tb . ' h I" W pu~. qfe IS!J t aay ousc .. ~r- He ltood woade.riar what was


An~ s.a-t.tve Let­ter,,.. White .. y. 4--·

October 4&b Mf.

men lll.'re would do well to cooaider. Anyth ing elae for the man that oul(ht to r o ia to waader Ia the wllderne .. wbilat hie valiaat com· r.adca crou the Jordan to 6cht lor the prumial.'d laod -lbe laorl of fu. turc 1 ,r .. r, and fr-eedom.

rea sbo\\_ted ~a her ear. Were ·to become of them aU, aad ia his l~at. aaC\you ve got to fleep the weariaeas aad half . delirium sat lnds cov,red up w,hlle. I lead the clowa to rest. Be dimly tlaourht team. 'fbey woa t dnve. Do Y0 '!' that llwould aot do to lit· tbere u~yen~ctf"b If bbed. _t 'lf!6J toac. bat ia aa iaataat be

es, ~. a so , as .ue ...a fu\ uleep. . crept uader the ahelterl11,r robea,. (To be coatiaued.) ·

WW yoa .,.n:al& .... Mr. i;ftaor, a epaoa Ia. yoar ••• ,.,... (Uie llarbor Graoe ,.,.lrl».ub) &o ~:a ••on ao­OCK1D&ot~ov-71o~le ~

~':!~b7~if ... ~..,; l7. WaWUba aad-.a,;;;.'";u

--WE J@BP THE BEST and largest variety of stoves in the 0\uot.ry, and many other goods .n the same line too aum• erous to menuou, at

~. CALLAHAN'S, St. Joba'a. Nfid,

SKINNERS' la~ullleqtal Art Works, .


(Efrr.UIIllJDID 1874.)

. rr '' ~ ~- ~ . .. I . .

. ' I' -.. . . 0 .... .....~~ - . ' "'"T -

:\ . ' t:

Now on baad a Jarp stodr of BJw)tiTOIII'U aad Mo•DKDTa. all siaea and prices. Our new cata-1ocue of Photo DelifD" aad Price Lfst witb Wail Order S1stem eeat to aay addreu on reqaest. Write to-day JoHN DAVJS, Agea.t for Hr. Grace.

Oaly two well .abe koew tbeil- · peril. From iafaacy abe beard After llaDJ "Dan. tbe gruesome tales of froea mea HomeAeJ4.1!ua., Feb.l4, 18k -dead sometimes a few yards Thew. B.OomacookOo. from their own doora-lost ou Dear 81rw:-For ll:r:eara mywlte wu tb•ir ow a acr--. a lllfl:lyr to &batctrUd ~~~· P' " ,... aiL R"o~lq r.U•.....,'f:j p •

Twisting the lines ro,uad his weN ooanlfed aDctm ak a111ct, h hi wllhoo& av.U. Ooa ctoa&or llllvlucl a

arms, Warrea t rust a arms ohao1aofollma~•oa••!Da MaoUoba deep into his pockets, beat his u • ct•lrahla - We aetecl upoo hrad tO the wind a ad with tbe &hillel rice, OOID here hro rearw 110• 7 The Ohlllpofollm&liWTOCaab IOhiDII

pole of the puag proddiar him ia IDAield, ho& ror ~· w~ u abe o'!l! the back evert time be lagfred for ~!.oOO:!,\,~ to.~· ::!r':a~'h::Oolct a a iaatant began bia .now famous live boa a mooth looaer. 4 oel.hbor march. Tbe team cr.owded to- aama &o'" her ooe clay who hacr-bMD

b · h b · b ~ 1 ... nadiJur your Almaoao. ~he &olcl her get er Wlt t etr eiiUS c ose ....- of &be ~Umoolale abe react lo u,or &be biad him. The so~ piled up ~""'' alDoaot "' aooct th•y w.,.. ctotoa, upderfoot ia drifts D&vet. iskaees; U4 ldv1Mcl her &o tr>' • bo~t nr Dr.,

.., ""' lloi'M'I Iadi&G Roo& Pilla. She ctld eo, the ,iad at times nearly awept 'lfaa Nllevect, kept lmpro-,tor, aoct 11 him off his feet, but he aever fa}. Do"' able to do bOUM work. aod coo· tered. Darkne~ c.ame oa a ad all Uou• the UMY~a:o;:'.:~':' the fury of the ~rth pc?Ured itself GEO. OUNN, upon the patient, ploddlar firurl . 1 At tbe weatqer obserY&t<Wf ia - Wa at home are all · the (time Bul'\)a the thermometer regtster- aayiar ~·lfiere is aothior \ that ed thirty-two degrees below a:erq, we ca.....-do tor the boys at1 t!le' aad the wiad was sixt1 miles aa Front ~at is t?O good for traem. hour. We hue for a loar tim~nted

I a a little two-room shack oa out that oae .,, we u a Coloay tiJe lost road behiad them a rray- could aid tbem.. aad the cause ia faced mao aad a womaa with Ia lettiar preseDts to them of staring eyes restlessly walked the "comforta" ro poatare free. If ftoor. They talk iu low toaes. as parcels to them weat poatqe free. people talk of tbe dead; taey atop- pareats aad otb~ frleads would ped to liatea to t',very ahadderiar be able aad willia~r to ~ead them

.blast of the storm that rocked the more "comforta." aad to aead Clak'l CattGa RoaC "'D'IIfl"M cabie. them ofteaer. What joy it ri•es

• At times the father weut to the our lads to receive a rift from ~ ""'a!,1'r.~ door, looked out for a momeat, home I Bow much pleasure to ..- .. ~No. l. Sl: . fro h I k

• No. a. sa; No. a. 11 perboL and started to takt blS coat m ahare t e choco atea. ca es, etc., ~aJ:r :'; ~-·• a nail oa the wall, only 'to haac with tbeircomradal How much .,... ...,.p~o~oo.. ~ it back apia with a rroaa. A better they ftrbtl Aad thea, it

nm COOK •ntc:t~~a co.. buadred mea could 11ot hope to may be a matter of coaalderatioa -"" 1'UOftO, .,..,. c..-r,......, &ad the lost oaea ia tbe snowy that the more lellt printeiJ, the

8-.t ... ,l 1 wute. leaa draJ. oa tbe coaaaal.adat de-lqda'' IR&H UfllfJ. Back ia the paar the cbildrea parlaulat. At alleYeatalt 1881U ___ told stories. abiYered, wept aad to aa tlaat e'lf!6Jtblac II ia fnor

IU. CLEMENT YETMAN of doat'd. At Jut. about 11 o'clock, of tbe waou coutry (tlml the B G h they all weat to sleep. tc. of .,_tare) beatliaa' the cost. H~ey Street, arbor race, u Up Ia froat their dghteeQ:Jear- iaatad of J.al~ aacla a beaYJ

beea appoiated Ageat for the old brotber kept up Ida slead7 drala. oftea oa -poor pueata. Let Foathill Naneries - Callada'a tramp. lfad 11ot 1di fa&laer teat it ao loacer be aid tbat they aot Greatest. See him or write. Seacl b!m fCJ! ~e ~ilclrea aad ttalted oalyleDCI their aoaa, but are tax·

h1m wttti the team ? Be would ed uaaaerclfully if they nat to Jd•Jour orcled'eariJ. briar tltem all hoaae Jet. cleapatda aome tokta of"decdDa

• u_ ..-::-:.... Bil feet ......t lib lead; aacl to . tbelr ckar •• Qlltiae for Fall 1917 u.t ~ ~6· bla buffalo coat.JOJCied wltlt uqw, couatry, aa4 ttiole of 111 at home 8~ 111t Q(.BII'dJ rult aacl made 1a1a ~ aebe aab'iu- 11aable (or a.~ to p. If iZZ:1 =.:!,ta'rJ;-:i ably. At diMi 114. felt be coald atay·at-.._. .......... to beer

II 1...,. ,._ A~ St.- tot tab uot•• ·~ a proportiotilte part of tbe aniD/ c __ .. Tile ~ luMai Of t1ae aJclat ~~oftbaa to ~d which == Raa ,..., ~ al0wl7 b.J• Oae &ad two wall tbat free! .,_ eataiJL

o'clock Ia t1ae ~ caaae aii4 We are aare oar pie art

QARD. wut. aaclltilllie 11Wdae4 ieu4- wllllal' to do that.. aore tbaa Dyoa. ~leP.-..~7 daat. ii'Ulef0l'tbebo1'L Webope ttaclla1a ~ ~ ODf e...,.etlc P.M.G:'..W at oace of tbe .... ~ tile aatter. fte more Jalaa. wuiiDIDb ... .. at ctce~a aut, tbe lllerrler for the

.. Jolut'eo , 'time., aacl at otiMI' ..._ e4 ,. aid aa aU.

._ , wltla dartlal' --. BOaa4 dae - - --L 111111'1- ---~~ JOwer part of ife. · cap where Jda BPBOU'JO POB BBOlfOIIITI&

liJI ,.,~~'" ._.. ... bad •• •1 a ca1ra of let fte ._u .. ....S Ia Dr. m. ... •• '1IOaaalaK ;g--flosea eo1l4, 'nd Jie coal fl::=~~.:.r:.:

Onu:a-- 0 'iilof'eei•'"- ~.'!_ heacl oaly al~htlJ Ia :.": .._ l::':.-.;!:'.t1,. ~ ~-· -~ ................. ~ ...., BalldJDt, .Daokwonb St., .IDCietcl be bad UlaU oc:culo11 to liiMd wtlla oU.• ftl~• ~

, · look oa eitber ai_de, fw a wall of : •.:.'::.=.7.;-.I:J.Ia:-.:! 1o1m .. Bll. aaow blew stra•rht by ia iakJ raof _.,...,_of &be ttarou, bron-

tll-:-0 ~A.•d ' 0 0 S. blackaeaa. He could see aotbiar elalal taM~ ... lUflo ne\le \JUU WID, • I Ia froat, IIOtbia. OYerbead, ao- -TJse Btapln IIIIP.!fl ~

• .... tbinr uaderfoot. All wu covered eo .. C1eo!P ~ Preelcleat. ·ol Gra4ut. of PldJadalplala by the blanket of darlraeaa aad. 105 109 Bi4Mnl Street. lftew York,

• i)etal eo .. ail4 J1oe. amo~ by the clrivlafaaow. bu ded4ed to eatabUIIa a braDcb Ill . pltal of Onlllllflery...... w aacl thea vi•id uhes ia tbl• cOioDy, J(•d llr. Jaa~ea IIIUw,

fr t of his eyeS atarUed bim. He Muqet'. Wb to laft for the aortJa. _ Datal DSc.e : Victoria st .. a.ut cadR'ht bimaelf talkiar aad laarh· ward.::_ Wedllead&J oa ~for

Glial. material &" barra1L Wa are alrlld7 awalUo • R11val ot tiM herrtDa, ll &hey w 1 he -. kllld u &o oo-10 &blahay:'l Webave11Nec17-D -.m-. &act liMn anaomep&lbaaiD aata; bar th• ct.aab U4 eqaJct, ,llerally •PnkiDa. Ml up .. ore thaD thr .. foar&be ol &be benlaa DaMhUD IM .. !It Ull fllh· eraaa. p&oaly &Mil ... aact bOtle, wha& &hey leave, balW. hns.e wbeo &he tam· ~•bare of &be Mill• .. oo~r, UlnqaJd wlllllolr Ia ct•p water aocl treJrl)teo &be berrtJaala &o ,._

I !lave bien Ia lhll Oolooy more lbao ( )Mrw; aoct bav*avellecl all aroaDcl Uie But. w .. a. 8ecl&ll _.. bot DlftJ' IIW I bet dlhloa ba7 &ball th .. , Thera .. plenty of .Dab hera In varlout ctepthe or water; r ooly ~e dabermaa wu able &ooatola flod care ~e clUrereot k.IDcl.apf dab IDIIabiL

The Codfteh loUie tall o1 Ule J'IU'"m to .,_ lh• beet, bat &be ftahermaa baa ou eattable boat. Do 19lteble ·aur, aact oo OD.rta& .. lablleb~eot. They ~o hblng •l&b a kind of a t~wlwhloh Ia DOUIIIIr· oleDt to IXP.eOUn~forll-.au, bot ID eplte of their laenftloleD& .. .,, lbey Ill& \belr liMa. oaarly loaclect Dear the barbor IDOGth. tt:

Ia Ule bot&om ll"b17 th= -m to be more eoarce< me& a a hom the bottom; be Ia~ o oat to & Arm ftehiDif. He etay.,.tberea fewcta711 bo& than WU DO b~ aDcl Ill bad to liMp ID a email thbi,M pt!il aboa& 17 IM& lou wbere all the ctlrt of aqaf4 aocl .Dab r• lll&alu wert. The• wu plaDt.J' of Alih bal t:ae ••• oo b .. way home wliea I me& IIIID. Be abowllllfDe b .. band~ wlllo11 were eore, pai::Jaoct bact froaa dabloc lber~ ·

ID U4 lrODDcl .. bay UltN aN VIr}' emallMtUeiDeo~r ttie nllle of thaaa. If there wu al e motor boal&olDII: uoalld &h .. ha)', t .,.,let be a &rMt ldvaoteae &o the 'Pie, for &bey woolct .,_ able lo &rave wheN &be ath were mon pleotllal; t a& pr-o& eoma of Uae peopJa bav• lo trant.a hu.Delrect mu .. ID • •mall i.DIIatolr boat aboat to f•& loor. If tbe:t:=•r• a motor boat 110 tau, oet, 'lri&b • .. mo&oJ' eoaloe 80 hp. aod ..U.. It . oolct grMU.J' Ull8& &be people Ia daefl! wort. .

I . p~ &ba& &bla boa& uoolcl .,_ etyllilhly ball&; wli.ii arran~~:emeota for

· tretcht aoct ~.pra. Tbt. bo&&COCLlcl

"·--~- ... ......... ...... !E -ld 0111 a&QIMPGttlaa , of maoy1 ...... .._.., oan, all Uae lrelaba, ud pa ID Md boaa &baf'por1tot1Mo 111t1.1antaoru.e ~~ aocl &bla eoabla tile -tal bllilt to aaMI morf &rtpa &baa abe ao• a& P-=~m lll• Govenameot ot •• be able to help &II or ' Bay wltb Uaelr

... IIDID .. tiOe& • ••oUoold, ooolct .,_

Ia &be wlater ......, uact oo &he WHl -• for dahi.D& porpoeea, &o aooct ad· ~.:t:-. aay lat-~1 I IIDcl a goocl wllh &o all my trMDcl.a ~Harbor Grwoe; aDAI I dO!J'l forp& all Odilia lt. . .Joha'l.

, oorw~, K. B. BiMo••m.

tr the B.i--.-t ...... ,-cua-altylilt of 54 lads rec:er.ect ba Saturday, the sadly loar -:.r, 43 aames wu added to tb re seat oa of killed ia the at Allied drives ia Fraace. 0, tilde departed Jaeroic fellows ~ut olle half bad beea for so•e • ia actl•e aer­'lice, the.cest w.re aewer arrivala. ao•e perbapa recei•ed at o•ce tbelt fint aad ll~t baptism of fire. a .. with their comrade. of older reaowa tbat feU oa the fatal 8th •d 9th, joiaed b1 the nlballa of nliaat souls U.elr fellowa that. fell Ia former firhtL To the pareata aad aear relative. of these tbe ·couati'J tead~n ita sympath7, at1d will ead....tJt--to show lt. we trust, by deeds as well u by wordL

The followiar from.a receat de­spatch ri•es some idea of the ter­rible aature of I tbf coatest • iu which our Regimeat apia aulfe.r­ed aad apia "fOD uadyiar re. aowa:

J!:vea ia the w~ter beyoad their belts the mea tried to cleaa their .JOOrT,o th• ST.&wouo Otlice. far 1rildly. His arma ached aad tlae

tlarobbed h~m the repeated jerk- ='========~==========-===-==o~:=::o: Jar they had recelnd whea the Belie~-- s~e ~sr •• Sa.,..!!.l team tried to tu.ra aa4 10 back. y ~ 1D · n "'"' -..ell Be maa:sg-ed 1q tie the Jiaes rouad

~eetb anractec1 abeohtte.ly with· Gilt pain b1 all of vlt.lhed alr or perfect an ... tbetle.

ia order to Jo've hia arms free; f ... om Stroke =-.1! D.!...·.:........lvlll• D A B LE H R after that be' got a lit til! relief by a · , VI" .-~., ·

R. · · ' sla_pplar his. bauds together. l..>'ENT.IST. Siagiaa ,u the songs he kaew,

ia order"- 8gbt off delirium, he --h .r~ L" kept up hia s teady walklar. The

Best q ualily teet • .p2.op r::r gray daypme aad fouad bimstlll S e t. Tee th ~..xtracted, isc. trudgiatr ia a sort of due. At

times h1s bead felt light as air; "~tala be tboag bt that he was climbiog aa eodless stairway. Now aod thea ht alfpped aud fell on some patch of let ; lbat ua~lly

-· • .203 W A TERSTREET.

ST. JOHN'S. . - - - - ---v

Squires &:. Winter BoN. R A . SQutRns. K.C. LtB. Ma:- J . ~\ . W tNTRII


roused him somewhal

-riftes aacl &lleir bolta fro• tbe ..a which foll1ecl tbem. kaowiac t ... t lat~r oa their li~ mlrht 4e~ oa tbi8. It ia a woaderfa( tif\al' that eome coater-a~clrl were actuall7 reptalaecl by riBe "&re aad by macblae raaa. which jam if aay apeck of dirt ceta i.ll the mecbaaiam. That wu oQ the leit wbea the Guards aad some old couatry recfmeata of Earlaad aad a little body of. Newfoud· laadera bad foucht forward a loag way with rapid success. .

Oa the eecoa' objective there wu hea•y fiJbtiar at a stroar place called Stroade Houae.

Furtlter aoutb the Earlish troops aad the Newfoaadlaoden weat atrairht throurh to their ob­jec .. n, u far as Ciaq Chemias Faraa, !lad they bad to resist a aeries of coaater attacka. startiar before 8.30 Lm. Tile first of tbe.e wu alaat&ered · bJ ri8e fire aad tile leCOad bJ ·arulle.ry ftre, but afterward, owiaJr, 'ao doubt, to heavy abefliar. the British liae withdrew a little ia froat Qf tbe Poelcapel\e itoad. ···-Ihrke~ Report

St. Joba'a, Oct. 20. Fla11' uo 0~

Louare Medlam aad Small Mer· chao table . .... •.. . $9 50 to 10.00

Lure, MecUpm aad Small Malftira .............. &50 to 9.00

Labrador Soft .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 80 Labudor Shore Core . . .... . 9 50 tare-e & Small Weat Iadia 5 00 Haddock. per qtl .......... . ... 5 00 Herrlar.per brl., Scotch pack .. 14.00 Split Berriag, Ordinary

pack . .. ; .. .. .. . . ... .. $5 00 to 5 50 Salmoa, No. 1. larre. per t.rc .. l&OO Salmon, No. 1, amall. per trc .. l4 00 LobeLerc&, per c. No. 1. .. . .. ... 19.50 Cod o I. per tuD-Bardwood pig .... .. .... .... $220 00 8 •ftwood pkll . . ........... 210.00 Cod Li•er 011, per gal. L50


Ma.aitoba &rat patent• 14 30 Ma.altoba 2Ad pateata 14 30 Kaaaaa patent. . . . . . . 14"':!0 ~aaltoba aad Ontario 14 20 Pork, r-u brL P'. Back . . . .. • 47 50 Bam Butt Pork • • . • 47 50 Pork, per brl, f. men · ... . ... aooe Beef. per brl. . . .. .. .. 34 00 to 36 00 BIUll per poand, American . . .... 30 Bam " · " Belfaat ...... . . 45 9acoD .. ~· . .•••• •• • • 'Z1 to 36 Chee.e per " . . .. .. . . . . .. .. 30 B er. " " Caaadlao .. 50Jto 52

teriae per pouad ..•• l9-" to 35-" ota.sae., RDD&. per pJ. 58 to 60

Sapr,L browa.p 100 lb. 1{10 to7 20 li1lju araa. p. 100 lb. ) .... 10.50 811(1! .[oaf, per 100 lb. .... .. • .. .. 9. 50 BrUd, perbq,!No. l . ........ 9 30 Bnad. per bq. No~. .. ... . .. 9 00 Potatoea, Local • .. • .. .. .. .. 2 20 Tataipe .. . .. . .. .. . .... .... . '2 00 Peaa. per aack. roaad . . .... . . 6 75 Pea.a, per aadr, epllt .. ... . . ... 12 00 Car rota. P. E. I. .. .. . . .. . .. . 2 75 Calanaces per poaod .. . . 10 to 11.1( Oatmeal per barrel...... . ~.. 11 75 Rolled Oata per barrel .. . . • . . . 11 00 Rolled Oata per half barrel. . 5 75 Salt per hophead ..... . 4 00 to 4 25 Keroaeae Oil per ralloo . . :. 25 to 26 Guolene. ateel pkJ'. fler ralloa .. 41 Tobacco per poUDd.. • . •. .. 62 to 85

PRODUCE, FRUIT. ETC. Bay per toa, per 2000 lba .. •• .. 30 00 Fo3der per too .. ... ,_. . 13 00 to 15 00 Oata per baahel, wh1te •. •• . . • :1 20 Oata .,..- baabeL black . . . ..... 1 25 Br&D per aack 100 lba . . ........ 2 90 Cattle Feed, 100 lb. aack .... .. 3 30 COra per aack ..... . .. . . , . .. .. . . 4 40 CorDmeal pet aack ............ 4 40 Oaloaa. 50 lb. crate ..... .. . .. .. 3 40 It(,... per dozea, I~. . •• . . • • . 50 Ralaiaa, per boJ:, Callforala .. , . 7 00 Corraata per lb . . .. . ..... 16-" & 17 Apple• per brl ....•...•• 4 75 to :S 75 Cal. Oraorea per .e&N .• 6'00 to 6 75


North Sydney per too ... . .. .. 13 50 Victoria ..... . . ..... . . .. . . .... 12 80 Aqtb"'oite .. .. .... . . ...... . . 2150

LUMBE~ JIUIIper.... .. .. .. .. .. 00 to 30 00 Shlarlea. Cedar, No. 1.

· perl{ .. . . .... 4SOtoSSO Shiarlea, tir, No 1.... .. .. • ... ~50 IAtba .. . . ........... . . ... .... 4 00 Pallor-.... . .• , . ..••... ~ 00 to 2 60 Spruce Board. No. 1. .77 00 to 34 00 Spruce Plaall, jolstlar 35 00 to 40 00 Studdlar & Scaatllor " ·• l Ia. p. & t. apr. ftoorlat " " l .l( Ia. p &t.apr. tll)()rinr 28 00 to 32 00 l H la.p &t. apr.llooriag" " " Paoe Board clear. . . . • 50 00 to 60 00 Bard wood Plank ... . 30 00 to 35 00 - Trade Ruiew. -- ----- F . B . Taylor of the C. Iii F . eon or tbe Ru. E . Taylor of Strat· ford. Ootar!o, wbo Ia a nati•e of Caroouear. 4u been raased at tbe Weatora Froat,

- A lumber mill beloaglag to John Blsh<lp at Bay Roberts wu destroyed b>; firt Friday week. T he luss is estimah:'d at $10,000. - ---- Aootlll:r H.trw r Cracian b paic.l tbe "supreme aacri6ce." W liam Jolin .Lilly, 1110 of Mr. J a Lill r . co 'per. and nf Mrs

Worth tlllirleigtit in Bold , n M ' I d. .. .. , ,.. .. ....;, .. G.M o.-.... . Jr. orse s n tan Jto&JUJI, Oat..Jaltllar7•J. •9011.

R t P.ll •o:...~~~~~~ .. ;D41a .. •-oo 1 S. Pll'-" .,.. t1oc bell rqw_l&l« for t1oc ant..,. lUI __ ......;.~...:..-------- ln&maocty caa - · Y.lfe Ia u tile lime·~• - !ralhod"c~maayo(~.t. -n, Alln1

Dr. Morse's lndJ'an pa.nkle of I n boc.AD« • clhuu &o \I t · .._ om.ll-wbccl t1oc wotltl, aacl wloallt 11,. ••· • IIIIU-el ~~! aiJci.A diJfcnnq: u pt-1>

R P•}} Ublc la U.. DIJiilr.. bot& -.1& JOU :aa •h f)ot 1 S oboru.alool __ ille- lnu'll'-ri.'y becoiU ... • CTUIU, uaUlal laat, ww cooaldha•c !wen rHO I

- ....------- 1<6- with UUic UOtlbl<rlla lh: ~nlar • ...,II -- .1 aow reqv.~,. ~care a lboroaablr, clta1Uia•1 l)r. l\Korse's Indian, tbcurtitc-u. aott tata lnuuot rc-a.u1v 1•(.1 ct..ra.a,...... '- l"'':lccl..S. lt IT<!WO a nd ,,..

-- laa~lbly •• 6rat, tiH•• rapldl1

R P•}} u alll wloat ..,.lef, lp u.... bqiaolar. u" ....._ oot l s cum! wllh lillie trollblc, lwcomc.o · ·- !aa. t

----...... · l!cl:~tt'; a:,.~·~t·~~~,~.~ :>~: ~ pt-.crrt :taW a.acl Y!Ullly. Yo.Aoro falthluiiJ, Dr. Morse's Indian · n. r:.,.,..au..

TIN r,..,..,.u ... Y.s._, •. c.a.-. Root Pl'I"Is. • .... o•o- l'oliD, N ........... •ll'IX w. B . Coaca~t<, Co., L-r-o.

Da.t, • • lht<,-Por maay ycaro I loa9C bttu . a,. Dr. Morse's Indian

Root Pilla. ~To Save Doctor's Bills, use Or. Morse's fnd!an Root ~Ills

c llc¥ti' Ia yoor ··~. IIIOhc't l acllan ltoot Pilla~ Not wl1b 'a bllacl raltb, bu:l a coaldtncc wroul!lt t by •• adual _,., ..,.~.,,.. •f llld• .-.tau • a Dd •nil. illy bt161a- J.a _. tllal 1 apo ...: aliCia ot • Y tho<r away !roe loc-. • eel I •-;.: .-- couldir lramllq oatllt coao~. '"'"' ..-- a bas PUlL '!'loun.. It ;_.1 • • M. P~ .Wc.ll<l<:a

A Voluol>l• rlld• S••l.l d t. ~ W.B.~~: g:l -r- a, N.S., Ja 1\.I?OL

DIU4 l t.a,"'"Tb'llla 10 ccnlly tb l 1 .:eat 1~ hleal Jrledlclacs, loehodloL .,. • l .,..;, <of

·148 •1ST P'A ... ILY P'la..&. IH U88 ~l:' tL!:11.;<'~t>J.., ~ :':.' l.:f"•~ Fo: Sal• b,y all Deal..... ..-u ...... .ut•lllc::a..,. ~..··:;a..~ .. ~

FOR J4'ALL 1'917.


Ri((bt from the ceatre of Fashioa come these beautiful creations whtcb we aow offer to you for iaspectiott'~ad selection. AddecJ to aumben of earlier arrivals tbey make our Fall Stocks com­plete aod as varied aa you would wish to ~boose from.

-LADIES' RAGLANS-The Rarlaa, the coat for all ..l.eat.bers, come ia a pleasing· varie ty of shades, shower-proof coats, warm eadugh f'o r Fall wear. Be­fore deciding oa a Raglaa SEE OURS. '

-BLOJfSES-Who caa describe their beauty aad exquiait e trimmiars. their faultless cut aad perfect fit. White, Faacy aad Colored, low " aeck aad long sleeves. We have some beauties at SSe., others up to $8..50.

:J HATS I HATS 11--Rddy·to-wear trimmed aad untrimmed. smart !,lyles, the latest

from London aad New York.

Dress Goods and Sillts. Our aasortmeat of t e aew weaves ia Dress Goods aad Silks j reveal scores of b&J\J)Y colour combinations aad patterns that will make up admirabt.7 iato handsome frocks.

FALL COATINGS, Warm Blaaket Coatiap that (ive the aecessary warmth without acy exceaaiv~ weirht. Warm shades of Navy, S.txe, Fawa, Brown, Greea. Crlmsoo aad Check, etc. Lowest ia tbe Ciq-.

Prlcea from ~ 715 to $3.50 per yard. \

Men's arid Boy's Overcoat . We have a rraad display of these. aad aotable IT.llues ia a SAlQI.t.W Lnnt, just oae of a kiad. Coats t bat defy the cold oa tbe coldest ai(hta. Prices raore from $~00 up to $15.00. See theee .. 800n aa you can.

Their value will clear them quickly.

""'"'"""'"'''"""'"'"'""""'"'~ FRID~Y, SA~RDAY I · ·& MOND'Jl Y · ~ --BARGAIN DA YSe -~ --~~lU~WW~lWU~~UW1U1l~~~~ your Orders.

guatantee satisfaction Mail


. ' St. John's.

.A.hp~t niae o'clock be stopped aiuS twi:lted rouad to look at tbe team Tbe poor !Jrutes s tood wilh ti.Jeir bead• down. Their eyu were s wollen ebut from the cllttiog ,,f t be ba rd snow, aad lhei r cars were frozt:a solid. Their

flnnk ••I Nu~n. Scod" fluiMmtr !er a trembled aad tbey awared ia N ' S NI='LD tbelr tr;acks.

ST. JOH • :: · Jerkinr at the liaes. Warrea Miwanl'• Liaimeat shuul\ d savagely at them, but

Cures D~d.ruff Lbey did ao,t respond. .Above Uae

William J ohrt went \c) th.: Frc.n ~&1>4\ut tw.• :tnd a half )'l'strs ~ cro aad was oae of the mur t"ha t d id t not acet'pt discharge, but foug ht to life's end. He aufft red fur -ome time from ,.lrlcneas hut PIIC~JlNl wounds uolil bis last f<ttal '""'~ To his sorrowing pareat' :trd othe}' frleads thf! STANDARD and

• ita readers leadt r deep sympathy.

~ ~==~~================~========~·: " 4d\'ertlse in Harbor Gracr S t apdard. ·'

• .. .

• . , .

-...:...... .... . . . \

.. , .

· ·· Parties ~ndebted. wili plea$e discharge- iii it. ob,igations premptty. See our · Liberal fCiub ~nd Subscribe at once to .th~ .Home Paper. 1 New~udlanflers abroad, keep in NATIVE LAND. One Dollar a year. Clergy,nlen. t$-Oc: · .. t. ·

~~~~-=~~~~--------~~----~--~----~-------~~~~------~--------------~~~~~~----------­rrnm bo~ 1-ft·· h. l • aaawered I _ .. No ~cceptable f'C!ace ttr.ms NEW HEALTH fOR WOIAN .

The most fateful years ia a woman's life are those bctweeG forty-five aad fifty. Maay ot the ~ex enter thi<~ period under depres­sing cnntllliua" 1hruugh overwork or worn· alJout tbe home, or thru a COI'Ini;in" in which lhe blnorl i' weak""'' w.ol~· r\' an.J so tb~~· f>Uf·

fer bea\'ily. Amoug the common· est sylllptom!l are headaches. feverish flushes. palpitation of the heart, dizziness, bafkache, de­pression and other well recotr­oiztd"disturbances of the heal\h which §ignilies that tbe blood re­quires atteatioa. Women urgeat­lt aeed ric'!J, r~ blood all tbdr hv~s. but ~ore 10 than ln middle-life, wbea the nerves ap: also weak aad overwrought.

Now every womaa caa prov the prompt help afforded to her health by reaewiag and building UP. the blood. It is a teat that any alliag woman caa make bT. taking Dr\ Will lams' Piok Palls, for the.Se pills make rich, red blood. which ia turn stimulates tbe ap­petite, strengthens tbe nerves and restores full robust health. Thou· saads of woman have' fouad io Dr. William's Pink Pflls ne• health and strength aad with these a new happiness aod inter­est in life.

So if you suffer, avail yourself at oace of the splendid home treatment which Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs so easily alforc!. and will be among those rbo rejoice io regained health.

So~ a time ~o. wit1i a. v'iew lll 1

l'et a knowledge of the compa~.) j tive food value of the potato ..a ad 1 the ordinary wbutea Bour, we obtained from the Chemical Divi­aion of the Departmeot of Agri· culture at Ottawa (j. Do!partmeut that we and we l)c)ieve others have fouod exceedingly courteous and rudy to rive information) .1 pamphlet from which we calcu· lated as followa. which we tbiak m.a.y be re,arded 1.1 trustworthy : -A barrel of potatoes tl80 lbs.) if sold at $3 a barrel furnishes for a dollar 20 thouaalld calories­their value aa a food. A barrel of 8our {196 lbs.) at 514 and a quarur contains the aame amouat of feedlar value for the dollar.

Of course, io usiar as a . food be potato or the -.fbeaten Bour. he knowledge of how maby Cjlb­

ories each coataias i' as everv re­ftectiflr. experienced housewife or other reader kaows, must be sup­plemeated by otber lraowledge when oae. comes to consider which to uae. not only as regards tbe~r cOmparative cost. but even th..!lr food value. W~ have DOl the space..rvea if we had Lbe specific knowledge to deal exhaustively with the subject. The grower. the householder, the political ecouomiat must pursue the matter ia ita nrious ramifications for themselYu.

Flatter.ID8 to th8 Or181ftal ..

But ....... .._. Oal7 Dlaappolnt

'fb.,.. are IIWIJ' iml~Uoaa or' t.bl& l'feat treatma&at tor coaalla, colds. eroap, broadllt.ll u4 whoolllo.a couab. __ ,.,.~ T h e 7 aaaal17 have IOIDe a&le OD ·the IDtrtb of the orta\Jial, bat It lhoa14 be ~ID.Ulbe·T e 4' that t\lt7 are Uke It Ill name o11J7.

maaylrtlr,.,.... •l ~U•h·, bat u lam ia a~b\" aaya ~Junl G.:orge. afraid lbey '·HDt <Iowa Ia the .~- · , IQ&ils of 10111.: ,,f theateamen that • -The ~euoa ~e. shoul~ u!e wlere ~~~~ abvpt tbat time, I -~ leaa aurar &a 'that ll ll acarce Jn ha•c. to duphcate them, or ·my Earope. . ,. fde.ads will tblak me aeglectfol -The f~oat of the British·

My hUllband lsltOw 21 daya ea- Maaoaic Hall bas received a ae11f't ~ate to St. 'Joba'a witb uh from Spaia ia the &e:hr. Jeanie Joaa coat of pa~at that adds much to which he ia ta~-- ltrOSa ' to Mr. ita appearadces. ~ ..... .. -l4oaroe.. He ahould aooa arri•e. ....C.aada baa raiaed over four Be •ill retura by the mail boat. bull4red tlloalaad heron as brave Toa willlibl'- tee him aa he is u uu faced a foe aad will coo­pial' to Yi11t Har~r Grace if tiaae to keep ber armies ia full polllble. (Capt. Ellis baa .. lace atrearth at tbe froat udlil the UriYed,aad Ilia friends were rtad laat abot ia thia nr of liberty has to tee him.] . • beea 6~. ao matter what the

'Your letter Ia' the for~ of a cost may be. • pleaaant walk through the old -~ waa • YUJ iotereatlq aad I' d rather be a bootter ~at. What a lot of people The amalleat oae ia towa w~ aer ud cb.a\lcd witb, but I Tbu, tbe bigg·eat kaocker ~ to aee oar old fritad, And try to tear it down. ~Coanell, ~led to take • rd ratlaet be a booattr, curfap. owlac to ber recent And oaly booat a mite &ClCldeat. Tbla must be nry try· • Tbao be a kaocker kaockiar iar oa one wbo waa always 10 At enrytbing in sia-bt. adti•e. It Ia a MtPia~r abe is ~ -E&change.

. h h . ed b al hi ooateDted ia her rreat afBictioa. mar t ave trtoamatt e t er Aad howapleadld ..,(her daughter -Fiahermea who reklnled bJ bodies to tbeinona aad daug-hters; Auaa (Mra. Keaaedy of Boetoa) the S. S. Diaoa aay tbat there ta aad bad these and ucb reaua- Ha b d f b · 1 tioo since acted in the aame way, to lean ber bome aad ro to r- aa a ua &liCe o emaga a oar tbe race now m~bt be e.ajoyiDr bar Grace to attead to her ·~ the Labrador cout, aod hu be.e.a close on to a tbouaaad years of plinata for a time. Pleaae fin for tbe past six weeks. The

them all my cooc1 wi,bes. lshes are much larrer than the life oa tbls planet before old are Glad to . bear yoar c:rona are fJcrrtDra taken io our home baya, set ia. Tbe fact that the averqe - r- d h i food of life is slowly climbing up, ud l~ldag up well. ne ia EDglud u t e qual ty u a , super-that maay weakly ia fnme, felt the waat of potatoes laat ior. hue by years of daily ea~eavor apriar. For a loag while we did -The call comea ~nt of all to the throuKb selection of food and ab- not hue aay, but aince early ia 1oaoar mea who are pbJaicallJ 6t, stiaeac:e ' tried io uadue tbe ill JUDe there baa been pleiat1 of all aad bue ~o depeadeata. We do bJ.alth traoamitted to them by our Yetetabl~ ud U for fratt it ia aot kaow liow maay th~re are Ia Bnt pareata aad their aucceason. t•t but aeuoa for years ; cheap St. Joha'a or ia tbe Out porta who aad have lived to a rood.old age, t~ lb maay parb of .the coiUitry baM DOt offered, bat it Ia juat .. ia calcul..tted to ~e the "e~pecta- i~ aot paJ..to fic:k. It leeiDI much their. dut1 to ealiat 10 this J.ioa or life'' moQbt up higher r~a- aacb. a pity. \f~DS 0 plums aroiog cau,e. aa tbeJ would Ualok it their ueratioa after ~eratioa until Me- to wute owlar to tbe I act that clatt to AYe a child from a a aoary

"' we are 011 aurar allowance you dog'. or uae force to preuat ·a bully tbusalahs of 1 yeara oace more llnow. Supr ~ards .ue ilsued barttar a email boy. Tbe laaae ia


• . t • •f ' • " I Ia vaew of tbe restnclJOD!. on the .export oj Sug:tr from the I

't!nit!d St~tea, aad the limitrd amount :no:!ilable f.,r con10ump- 1 lion tn thl!~ couotry, ull pcr:;.ous art; rLqu.:sted tu w:rkc tlueir pur­c)lasers of Sugar in small quantities. aud to cut down its use io I the making of brea«t, cakes, pastry. puddings and confebtiooery.

Retailers ar'! requested nut to sell to Householders or other perwns aay quantity of sugar above the amount of one pouod "pe! bead for each Wf!ek. It will be necess~ry at preaeat for re­taJlera tc: observe ll-lrs requ'!St in order that· tbe limited supply may be fairly distributed. __..

By carryio( out the fore~oing rcqu~ts the public will per . form a patriotic duty an( gtve those wb.o caanot buy i11 large quantities a chance of obt.1ining their needful sufplies.

Oct. 12,3i

l'wo illin per week for aay .. • • PIISONERS OF WAR


one man. Th Armv Couacil have • inottructca t Ceot.ral P. of W. C.tmmit tee to the effect that they may not )CCept gifts of foodstuffs ~

JN or cl!>~hrDg from members of the pllbhc, whether for despatch to a particular P. of \V or as a contri­bution to the general stock of the Association. This instruction has arisen through ao arraa¥­ment with the German Authuri­tics that all p3rcds forwarded should be packed aod fonullnlett by the association.

The following regulations, gol'"­eru'ior the regulating and d(. apatcb oJ parcels · and money to Priaoaers of War ia Germaay are published for the information of the public. · ''Dbe Newfouadlaud War Committee to baa'dle all matters appertaiainr to the for­warding of parcels and moaey to Newfouadland P. of W. ia Ger· many.

Rel:~otives may rest assured that eve.ftbing possible is ~inK d,..,e in London for the comfort and wei fare of Prisoners of War · ha Germany.

J . R. BB.NN:Jn"!'. octlO, 4i. c Miaister of Militia.

.. "'9i •• .,.. -.Cot .. ..-,;:.. ===-:.

S· . ' ..

<. .. ,

Sold by all dealers iu me•icine or will be sent by mail, post paid at 50 cents per box, or six boxes for $2 70, by addressing easrs. T. McMurdo & Co .• St. Joha'a. or W. H. TbomPsc>a & Co., Harbor Grace.


Roughb apeakiag a barrel of ftour (,.Pl\c we presume, browa would 'be of more nutritive value) a band of 8our at SH ~5 is equal in price aad autritive value to 4 3-4 barrels of potatoes at $3. At that rate, it talrea 4, 1·4 lbs. of po­tatoes to rqual 1 lb. ol Hour in au· tritive vnlue. This. we presume. applies to white wbeatea ftou good quality. If ~e brow~ or graham Oour were added, or .Pme of the ordinary braa, to the brtad· batch, the nutritive value would be raised.

walk or race aroond as commoa as 10

that e...-wnae will ,_. -ae ~a. It Ia tbeir daty to eallet.and whorls bere-QL.)jlackberriea in the ·-·~- .. ~ - we belie•• tbat Ia the next tbree oltf land, to the joy of tbe gearral auordiol' to the uumber of their moat be theJ will ace th11l it ie ao.-

The N. W. C. A. forward a regular supply from Loadon to Germany as follows :-

(a) FooD-Three parcels eer "For the Blood u tbo LJ;e. •• - -

WHEN VOU A~EJ ·1 commuaity, iC to tbe despair of family. Our share will be half a Ad•ocate. · mao per fortaight coataJn•

Let other• aiajr ofSoutbero clime• or 'floe· clad billa and roay bowera.

Both for the si.ke of the boya at the Froat, oa~ Allies ia Europe. our potato rrowera at home, the cousamer'a purse. if uot healtb, as '111Ucb potatoes, a a much browa 8oar, Indian mul (maize), abould be used this aeasoa as possible.

the life inauraace compaaiea. Aa po$ad a week. • ..... ""'or of potatoea remiada -Ratller tbaa face bla 37 letter• 1

to the fair sex, the atory is aa old ,....... ell f '-1 b • me that my huabaad picked up a of poetry t •al' o • a an:ung

oae of the liUf that whea he wu potato an the street oae day lut loYe. J~pb Pitman. of thia city

iog such tbiaga as tiaaed beef, tiaaed aalaioa, bi• cuits, mille, 11ugur, mar-

, . !ll . W1th •$111• dl...;. .. d..,• to ,,..'"',.. .,,,;;; t 1

• tJ:t.Aa c..r-.ma. .. ,..ftfl&a, .. ...,""Yt C.•' Where a a tare ria,.. her .. aweeteat

cbjmea. 'M•d verdant •ales aod fr_agraot

flowera: • • MI humble l]re more proudly waku

To themes that woo a muter'• haod-

The clark·browed hili., tbe rafBed lake..

told by hia teacher or was it his (late1J marrl-.a to •Rother ~rt] baa spriaa, aad like a dutiful mao be ""' -Pareat, that Methuselah lived to • Mttled tbe breach of .-.rom ae caae bron ... bt it home. Not cari~to r • be 969 .Jean old. exclaimed;- • aatered a.calqat blm bJ one Geaen

"Aud d&d Mra. Mum Tbuaelum eat aucb a rare article we 4 Bufttt. a Newfoaadlaad firl of live to be tba.t old. too?" Which to plaat it with gnat. care ia a Placentia Bay Ne.tpfoaadlaod. Tbe 1 ad b 11 k 8o,rer pot, aad aooa the delicate term• of aettlement were $300 heart e

8 us to

111• " at we a

00"• taber 8ouriabed 1rith~ u&Uted balm for \btJoual' lad1 and legal

that many of the so-called weak- attention to the bei... of three .feea for tbe plalaUtf'a couaael. A.. er ~do reach nearer the Mum • Tbuaelum "aotch!' thaa theiro =r::::;:f=o=u=r=ia=c=b=es==w=e=·=tb==ea==•tra=-n-• ~1Ga:!~iaatJar to $150.-Syd·

' gariae, dripping, bake~ beaus, carbolic ~ap, cho­colale, cigarettes, tob~cco aod a few toilet aeces-sariea,

(b) \t.OTBINO. The followin g outfit is seqt periodically tp N. C. O.'a and mea ia' Germany by the Pay aad

...... ._.... ..... u ....... Qlaf\«<lollltf aw.aar,., UoJI., 1-..m:.:..,!)o.-.. , • ._.~., 1Unel1 ,. ..... \U..Md .... .._..,,.~.w~t iC M-t • ~~, ..... ............ JWUU...uol · ,..~ ,. - '"" ........ C".oU~t-.ctU.J. •c:tt ca-..c .. lc!u.rr ~~ofs!M,.:.i.,. \\'U!J~ .. .. &t. loo .,....,.,.thotwlllt~alllyhcil.cChlll oltiao ,...._ -nw w~ldt .._II tle<.rw "''' .. ol all ,.,.., •olrcri~. O...&or'o lAood an ...... ~.~,....~ h lo-.,.....s · ol io.lr<-l:n." ,.~ '~"':..,. npd'"""' .,. bb;J all lnr,lo:titloo. ..,.. .. ""- co ... u Wa,:, ud..,. .-.,., h cJ.e ....S p.JV

:::...':.~:' .. ~.!: ~itlc--~-::::r::; • ...,....~'.:.i.--...... The homea and rirla of New·

foandlaad. / Wbat though apoa her ru~ced


Aa it takes about 4 1·4 lbs. of pltatoes to equal in calories 1 lb. of white wh~atea Oour, it is well to coaaider that t~ proteiD (leu meat elemeat) ia potatoes 10 wholesome ia o~ber respect8 ia 10 low that it is aeceaary to add to tbe daily dietary aomethiar that coataiaa protein io abundance.

male contemporari~· ofte.a lure- Tbe ~ fartbl1' aaya that the ly becaUJt they are more &IIQCler· pabllcatio)leome tJme ago of tbe " ate' ia eatlug, aot to apeak of ta poetic letters created a aenaatioo Ia

Record Office : 1 great coat, 1 jacket. 1 piU' trob· sera, 1 cap ( the foregoing ta ~special uniform for P.

0nr $,1011' ........ ' '""'"' ..

Tbe atorm-luh'd billow• madiJ loam ?

They bear a race. uur pride aod boast,

Wbo lo•e their aea &irt Jalat cl bome : ,

And tbourh her hiiiL roc:k·ribb"d aod bare, ,

A.Je aeldom klaaed by upbin blaad,

They ahel&er bomea ~ere beaat7

A~lbe ri~la of Newfoaalaad.

• Wlthla theae•bom~ dwell maaly wortll. •

ADd paerou bearta aad frieadlt baDda, ..1 •

Aaclllmple JClfa. aad ralleea alrth. Aad claildraa'a meny prat~

baada; ADd apirita bold u eYer dared·

Old oc:eaa'e 11*Ua. wilcl aad rraad: Bel"bo ... ..a pia tlley'll ,_dlJ

raard-Tbe baniJ' A6Da.of N .. foaadlud. -=-- fair. with beallhJ ~·JUt 1tcp. 1 ... pau by: ~ rJ&ace the laaruace

~~ thrillla~ witchery: Their ..-....u..aad willlnr arta.

Wbal II!AIJ' boeom can with­ataad?

Supreme t1aeJ 1'1111 o'er wllliar bearta-

[ Tbe maida ucl wlftl of New· foualaad. ·

Ft;m iroa·boaad. at«ra Labrador, To fair Placeotb'a aaa~'1tue.

To wio a part of Oco a a 'a •"re. Her aooa the treacheroaa billow•

bran : Aad wbeo returned with baret-won

a poll. What joy to clup iach lo•iag

baod ?-BtaY'aa chtlic:et~t bleaaiDg oa tbem

amite: The Bomea and Girla of New­


-The American f'chr. R<>~ well of 478 t.oaa, bOutrd to Fraace with a car~ of oiJ went ashore. at Cape. Enrlilh,' and is a total wreck.

driakiar; aad that they would the aaeophiaticated miain1 town U'P ·add rreatly to their record coold JOI!der. z:rer Gaoa. bowne.r, they oaly ret more work out of Mllaotly • bi• a-roaad ia aelte

doors aad less ia the coaftaed at-· j~=~~~~~~;~~l of tbe rueoa• fumea of barola&' rbyme aad uen. it Ia aadenUlocl~ moapbere io wbicb tbe uera'-e will ~read' to pat in uotber of. hoJJsewife prosecutes tier dally feaalYe ehoald a •lmUar aapllaat tub. pia ia alarre water bucket. atte~pt be _made to tri8e wltb a

Yea. ia the rood old tim~ to oat ia the back J&rd. Aft.:r maay lady • atfect ... 'o_a_•_· __ come wbea war ia baaiabed, aad week,, behol4 tlle reward or labor • erron in dietary aad ~Ditatioa -1$ potatoes of cWferent aisea. aDd ecouoiaic:a aad. 10 bU. uaiab Su&tcc it to aay tbat _. caa rrow

-..J- 1 h ~-~ there will be maay a Mn. Mum S:!3t So aa 1a b ~-..,_ the orcl aary 0~ TbUJtlum or MiaaMumT.._•Iam oea. 1111 a1 Ul ,u ... keeper raer&lly doa. Amourst _... e did our aelrhbon aad our-tbeM thlar. are qrs.leaaaaeata, ttardilJ maaqiq aJiain (boue- aeb~ ve9 Aftea,bu&. itjuat alaowa aacllah o aay 10rt, fresh or aalt· bold, cil'i~ atate Ud iateraatioa· what caa be doae, wbea people eel, pea &ad beau. milk. either al) ia oar~laaet la atarcty co-opar· decide to Jfelp out of a batt"' aahlr, aoar milk. nlmaae4 atiOa wltfitbeir' -taale 'bretbftll- bic_ tiialculty. or wbole, oa~. Wbea UJ' of both looktar back 'With 1*{cle aad . Ji"lab ia'6ab. ben 1 went U.eae are,Wah ia price. tbe ordl• p&tftacle OD tbeir OW&l a11cl tbefr fa to a Ia"'-.... day and allred aary laodltialder bu to atudy eceaon• achinemeata. tbe-Drice of alobeter. They told 11ow anach aaore to aae of the &LJ:J:PLJ:a lUOB'1'8 me :lt wu ouly' . fiye abiJllap. chea~ Ida ... ucl it Ia .. riaable WI'l'll B~8M4. P'~ prioe thJt., .clon't )'OU thiak. ~ otl.r. to Uft' a ,...._. kaow· ~~~ Lhlk. 1J Walter st.. ~ltu, If, At ]Jar\or Grace I could bllJ the .., tbf)llloW ~~li_~cl~~ f= ~~'::.;; :=r~~-=~· aJabta m~~ the ••me abe for about 10 or u 0 tM pro..-~ I Cenlblt MHGll!o_ aD4 all• .,..DI o ... r CleD~ 8aJIDOII WU also aelliar Jlet4 foe the 4o11u, t &lao to • dona n&aediM wttJa• ob&alalnf re.uoaable (?) at tbzee •llilliagoa reme111ber that Ia pai:tlcalar 10111e ~:fa'==; :f.':~~~~ a piuad. of theaa are aot ao =ly dfceated b.7llll .. Dr. ObiWI O&as-a. Afc.r H0\:1 ia JOUr adt letter yO\&

th • -.. :.....ted U tfltllalr!l or fotarUI ID~doa of tlala W&'lJ J-•ft.Jaati'oa fO -Jlh ...., U 0 .,._.or .,_m un I pe ,lnad otataaeo• I obt.rilattl rtU.f, aDd ' ...._. • ""• _.. aad .,..... Tb01e of weak cfa,es- a tew ~~oz .. ,..,. •alftoteal to matt a up aa4 Yiait the Sblpbuildiar tioa,'tho-e at worlr that doea aot &1aoroa1b oare. OO:"i"pR~Abea. No doubt it wlU call for alacb masculer ikertioa, ~~cr TDt be unere.tlar 10 I aj2all be look-especiallJ ia-door work, thOle ad- IRT-8 & BZTBAOTB iar ·tonrard to it with plusare. vaacipr ia yean, the very jouog, From a letter rec:ei•ed from Mra. It Ia aloe readiar to bear that c:aanot aa we all more or , leu dear ol4 Harbor ~ace l,a about kaow. iadulre In the n me food W. H. EIUa of PIJ~QOQth a few to blOUIS~g forth o&ice. more. ft ia that otben aaftly d(). Many tho days aro. aa4 baa~ to Ill by IQY tara~t wiab tbat IUCh will of tbe cuelesa eatera (aod wbo ia a lriead ; bappe.a, l aboll14 like to tee Lt aot mcwe or leas 1aeedlesa ia thia Your letter of Auf:. Hth wu arai... Perhaps l may wben tbia rnpect 7) oaly iadulre ia such terrible war ia Q.IIU. D. v. fooda to exc:eu 1 or. iadulae to ex- received yesterday Se~. :tOtb) Kl~ re,.rtfa to e•erybody.

" • after a paaaage of 35 daya. What "~ ceaa ia other proteiaa) with a11lqw a difference to pre-war daya,wbea '• or impunity. Tbe milia of God a letter would coaae from the old -"Haa,, me lf..,oa like." aaid rrlad alowly but they do p-int/. home in a week or eo. aa oatlaw aataed Noorea, "'b he apd alas exceedinalysmall 10 thia r _ wu beiDI' aeattac:ed to als montb•'

• ..,.,t me tbaak you. too. for the l ri 1 '- h rd ~y aa iu or hera. . 1 mp IODIDeat w t.. a labor o&!e

beautiful pyot og you sent ~:qe of d 1 tel t 1 d tJ 1 As rt:"gards tbe misuse of foods, tbe Harbor, "itb dear old Harbor ay a y or a eoea y asuq t·

the doctors tell us-it would be Grace bland, Salvage, Tbe Sis. lor a follr-7ear-old ~1 azul beat-well l· r they bad tt"me to t•ll ua a'u th d h f h iar a alae-year old rirl. "I wiah

... tera, e rugge • ore o t e outer 1 ""' fl " •I l eel J llue upon line. precept upoa pre• harbor, so well paiated, and M co...-:- or "'J'U. ret.o a udre cept, :aere a little and there a lit- wbich brought tn m, aniud 110 orraa. wbo added, ·you're aa old tie, huttbey ,.aonotunder the pre· h 11 · brut,aad a teprol)ate aad a mea-" many apnv reco ecttuoa We ace to '--at 1 " T 1 . eat l .. atem atrord to do- t•·y tell ~ d·'l brv 1 1 <n: a_rJ_e. - e egram. ~ rn: _,uat c:.o g t to- ook at t daily a1 Ul tha t we a.ll more or less <eat, or lt banga OD the wall to adora, -Capt. •• Hal" Tait a A..M c. over-eat. ourselvu ioto earlier witb other Harbor Grace viewa, arrived ia St. Joba'a, Mo~day.' 0~ rraves. They say. noq who can our parlour. a brief furlo h d · 1 '"l del)",·, llla' t if we only kaew aad I ur aa II ee. or • i!ave oot bad aaaay letters remarkably 6 t. praclilled what we do know. what. ~ wben, huw, food ..., much, to rat . the fr:tm•• of the j'r .. a t cnAjr:ritf or the hum '" r:u.c ..... ulrl llo! .....

str .. n~e that ro>~ nv of t ho: disease~ th;lt now cut '\burt nur livt !l wnulcl either no· attark U!l, or would be routect q.J ·c·lrh C\\lt or our bodies bv 1htt w rite llady g-uardt io our blrK)d

Wtbtllnt MtlU.RD'8LIN1M~NT I• .... belli NaUalu Poley1 _01& OU7, O'at. J-pb tnnw, "Qrw~, Me. Cbul .. WbiiOIID, l'aYt, N.8. Rev. a. 0. Armll.roDJ, o~rave._N. Fl. Plene Laoden. tka., PoktmotiOJia, N.B

-Mn. M. Graham, of 108a St. FaZDille •treet, bu received word tbat ber adD, Pte. J. J. F. A. Graham, is at No.6 Caaualty Clear­l•r Statloa, autreriag from a guo­abot woaad in tbe leg. Pte. Graba ... woo ia Afteea years of are. enl~at d in the battalion command oy Lt.-Cot. Maree as a bugler. Wben the battalion arrlnd i aafaac1 be waa traoa· ferred to e Rlrblaad battalloa coaamau4e4 by Lt .• Col. (aow Bri~r.-Geaeral) ~mia., Before _ioi&i1~r Ute Qolon be ••• attead­lar St. Patrick,• School, aad liyed with bit IQotb~r.-Mootrtal Gaaeuo.

Tl&la youaa fellow Ia a soa of the late Mr. Joaepb M. Graham, a w~ll koowa former Harbor Gracian whoae death three yean aro wu lduciL. lnaeated by bit many frieacla bere aad e1aewbere. Tbe late Joaeph Graham. Senior, was the rrndfatbu of the plucky lad, JDd M.ra. P. Graham Walab oJ tbi• towa ia au aaat. ala mot bot bad a aephew, Bruce Gillis, aged ~ nara. ldlled ln actioa Aupst the Uth last. w.e all 11mpatbiu with bia ~ldowed mother. aad other felatif'ea, and hope the )'Ol111 lad w~lt aoon be co~ptetel1 reoo•ered. l

The phil11s ' phic: hi11lr"r~ nrnuns:st

I ua 1(0 a . ,,., fu rc h r ancl r. n .. ..: c ch01 t ha•l .\•l•rn •:·•cl fo;~c· .... · ~ h •:n ll .. much rn .1 • .. 1 • • ·• '"I!· .,.,, ,., I taki"l( g~rwr~ l c.Areof th~ir b.:altb ;.a 1h ~y dlight have been, the{

, • '


of W.), 1 pair of dra~ers (woollea), 1 uadervest (woollea) . 2 toweja, 3 handkerchiefs, l pr. boots.

(c) MolfKv. ) It ia Inadvisable to send money,

uoleaa P . of W. ask lor it.. The amount which may be seat is


.~ lfllliOIJfl .~of--Packages

Of tbia famous War-time Sweetmeat are aent to the soldiers,saDors and MJiatora at the front. U you have a friend there, see that every parcel or letter contains a few bars or a paclraae of lfiiiiii.D'S. the great c:bellr·. iDg «'4Dfection tbat Is uaea around the world.

The Ela11our·~ lasts


.... •

'IJt JQntbor ~tnre s;tanlosrirb U D

·coHCBPTIOM BAT !DVEBTI8ER. __... ... __ ... _... ..... __ ... ,_ ...... _, - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917

The Shipbuilding Premises Visit­ed. A Gigantic Enterprise.

be fair to those that bne invest- ~ ed their money and are prepared \o invest more in developing the resourcee of tbe Colony, and that 1

will tead to the extension inate'd of curtailment of the cntcrprl~

A Cull and fair formal atatemeot by the Compa~y to ~be Gctvero­meot of tbeu tntentaons, and re--

On Wedneadayafteruoon tbe N«!W· quirements and a careful con­roundlaod ShipbuildiDJr Compaot" sideratfon of them bl the Gov­prcmisc:a here were the ecene 0 a erament. and the a.rraving at &D vis it by a large number or ~illlin· au ...... ~ .. -t that will be adnn-guiabc:d gueat. from St. John a and h h ....., ad


We produ~ the ,best v. ...... ea shown Ill SL John's, O~R-BI(fB CLA

a number of our prominent citizeoa.. tageous to b:>t t e coan •• J a wbo were present by in•itation or tbe contpany, aod. ati~ulate the TO the Managing Director to bave a iovestmtnt of capttal, lS what ia lMG TR PaoPL&.- ia a &rm _, look over the prcmiAea. inl'pect the wanted. We trust there is boad- dolne baaia- Ia tbia city tlaat baa ltcT&R)(IW14Ta Gau .. -Tbe alx plaue and learn other Inform lion ness nf .!iew enough and atates- aacceaafally e•aded 11M C.atoma" open aohorarebipa of $25 .each bate aa to the undertaki,ng r I ereet manJhip~l oouJh in our i~lers to Act tlae put tweQtJ .Jeare ud Ia been tak~n by Uae puplla of the St. and deep concern to tbe· w ole peo· accompr 1" to t 6e full exte~- aialC:U.~ the re~ae of tho1ieuda Jobo'a Collegea. . . pte or the Colony. At 2 30 a epe.cial . of d91lara ever1 ,ear. N'ot oal1la Use Taae wiaae,.. \of t1ie foa~ Jubilee train arrived at tbe eiding near tba posSible. Caetoma~tecl, bat &lie people of ColJeriate Sda~hiP.e of $100.00 worka with the vieitora from the n;c,~rD&D.·-'IJ Newfouqdlaaduoeoaked t.Otu\aae •cla~Coa&...a Oatport echoola) cit ... andoneormore taken up on FoaT~re Stcx •teo., tbouuadaofdoDaralDU..~re- -J.L.Balle&J, raad :ralla Ac:a·

J I tb il · ..... The J:larbor Grace collection• (or '"""te. Tbey .:....-........ •"e article at .o-y·, Mlll~B-- ..._ ... odlet tbe way. where a AO e c: 1...... F d t tall I So ,.. ._ .., - .... -. • ._..

cn•eeta were nreeent at tbe Com· tbe Cot un are no ye n. $15 aad otiiJ payd•t7-~WIIera- Saperlor. W ~: Bert1aa: P. "pa-n ... ·• invitation to welcome then1 rar ll8 we can learn. the pro:~:zct i~ a• tbeJ aell t1ie aatlie article to the By~.R. C., rt an Port; G. A. to Jtowo. Tb~ viaitora were the tbat uoleu a big-ge~plrtt aiwlng- people for $75 to taO. F. Btra~ 2. C. Academy, Ba.rbor

P 1 prc:nll. only abOut balf the $1100 G t late ,.__..ld d Bon . W. F . lAo .d. Actin~ rem er: that was cooeldered our miahnum Thla Ia 1\n ontnp, aQd tbo woa- race. e COG@ u ..,... u Boo . W. W. ll~tlfyard. Minlater of will be ~cured . Wbllet it iaaot io der ie that the Cuatoma' aathori- hla three com"ra 011. thelr (feat Agriculture and Minu: Mr. J . G. our power or province to eay bow. 1.iea bava allowed them to carry on aacceaa. · Stone. Minieter of Ma~;ine and Flab· much anyone ehoald give (bumao thle game 80 lone without ti.adlnr Ia Special Sabjectt, amoof!t the eriee: BooL W. F. Coaker and W. being• are poor judgea of oae aa· out the tricker1. Theeooda are in· takera of priaea ware the fol owing­] . Elli•: Bou. T;u;,ker Cook. Nor.we. otller·a circumelaoc:ee or da...,) it ia •oiccd at oae·&flh of the Ale price. 'ODlport school papUa; gian Consul; Meaera. Eric Bown.ng. ·r aad aboat half of wbat It coeta to -6Criptare Biatory_.Geanleft G. w. A. Munn. C. W. G. Teeater.. only rifht to aay that •• a com· maoafacture. If the poor people Delaney, R. C. Blrb. Bay. Robettpt•

B l k Ll d munitJ we ebould do better tbaa ou 00

Geo pb ;_a b Bo Fred. aayward. Jaa.. ac . ~ s that. The people of the town, aa of wbo bar thae article• •ere ,elUa~ -· . gra 1 ra am Suneyor. J. P. Blackwood, C. • tbe c:ounlrJ in ge.neral. ba•e aa a an{ beoe&t out of tbla Clietoma klaa. !llethodlet f.c:ademy. Carboa· tbe Sbipbuildiol!' Compaoy·a Solicl· whole In apite of tbe(hl_gb, eome- aw odie the caee woald a9t be 10 ear, Sr4 00. · Aritlametlc-Ccdl Rey· tor J. W. N. Johnstone. G. P. A • time& ex.ce~tiYely big~ ~ce of oe· bad. bllt uen thea there would he aold;. Method&.~ Saperior School. Reid NOd. Co .. Captain J. Tborq_· -•nriea, eoJ·o•ed Q$ol'e Pf;oaperity no jaat16c:atloa for tbla barefaced Salem, S4 .00: ~et&.y-Mllllceot ham: and. a• Preae repreaentativu, ...... J W ba t hdpoeition. Bowae. Metbodl,'l' Saperlor . Bchool, "'eaara.. P . .K. Devine, T. 1. Foran. even than lut year. e •e. 00. We call 00 the aathorlUes to pat Weatey•llle. $-' (19. Bookkeeplar-.w u d v J up to the present been bleued with l!lll M B'ft c R Bl b F ...

0 W.lJ. Crotty. M. J. o.ean, ao • · peace and eecurity amldet the hor· a atop to thl_, aad to 11 • "" • · r• • 0 • Pueoue, aleo C. E. Raaaell. rep:e · b make a thoroaeb of $4.00. ile• L Dawe· seating the Bay Roberts Guardian. f:!~~~ •0~rde:;}.~~g ty~,a:yatot tb: tbla affair. 1£ they C. & .• Shi .,de Gra•e· The Pre.sa was a flO repfeaeoted at Front for whom tbe relle ie needed, tioa, name and S4 00. -the ac:ene by the editor of tbe Bar- mo'Jao than uer, are worthy of lt. bor Grace STANDARD. J t f

The Harbor Grace. citheo• p 1e- Tb towo'a quota-at eaa 80 ar · Lo "'·hi Bl h as Harbor Grace. North Ia coaar·~u

tent c:omprieed hll r.a P • t P -tbie town·• quota of •olaateera March, the real of tbe clergy, Judge creditably lar~::e . Yea our quota eke and other offic:ialt of the Cout t aoldler and eailor boye i• farce aod and the town, beeidea a number te- their nlor great. Should we not­pretoeotiag- ita bueiaell Interest a.. to' uee the word a of the m&DIJ pmea After mu£aal greetio(•· tbe party -ehould ,.e not aa a commaalty of repaired to the exteoeave preailees, atay·at-homee play up to their on­where they were cordially recel~ ward rueh, and eend aa much of our by the Company·a etatJ and abown meane aa ever we cao to help aurae arouad. The maga\tude of the DO· atH! otherwiee ca~ for thoae of dertaking aa ladica~ed by the workl them and of their comradea-lo-arma io proeeu or cooetntctioa, by look· that are or will be aick or woaaded . inc over tbe plana and other Ialor· Bow many more glvere of cote for matioo f'tsrolebed of the ~reat pro- tbe year caa we fumbh, how maay i£c:t wu auch as nideotly to im- more: donaUona o£ 10 c:eata to aa p.rell the vieitora deeply. u ebowa manJ or more dollare c:aa be "raked by their rema.rk• and by the utter- tt t b r 11 1 ? aa«a ot the daily prell. It etrikea up, •· or be er, aen c eer a y a

• the"' ae a •ery biJ uodertalciog Ia oof • PCOCCM of malur10 ...... that w. ill;aot - LOST.-..A man'a water·pr

• ('e~~ t o•trcoat. A reward to the &acler only aa oae espr~• •t "reJu e.na e oa Jeavln"' it at thla otice.

f't'at page.

the town of Harbor Grace. but •bed • aye of pr011perity o•er the whole -A meu age to llialater of lliUtla c:oaatry.. $300.UOO hae alre~dy S _._ "-ted th t th beeu apeot. and ctoae to a mllhou 00 aturdar we-. •- a e muft be, io order to build the oue laat draft had arriftd eafely-all woodea aaxiliary·ehip llmoatb pro- well •ided fur, aad lll&ay millioaa to ac- - St. Paul'a Womea'aAaeociatioa comr.IU.ta the nat poeaibilitiee of intends ~ldlar a eale of work at at.ee -abiphaildlnc ia protpect U1l· St. Paul'• BaiL oa W.taeeda.J and du proper encoaraJeme.nt. Thursday~ the 21at aac1 22Dd of

', (To be coatlaaed.) .Nonmber. i'urtber p&rtlc111&ra later.-Ad•. ' It JD&f aot be out lJf place to

y.y a few worda~caaoot dwell _ w. p. A.-Tbe Womea'a Pat·

at leagtb to-day-with reaped to !::ri~==ac.: thl~ealtmFDfiille, ia rieW" of tbe tee

the a-,. .. _., t~~~,=~''! ~~~!'!:~



Biverhead, H. G., «ot.. Reid Newfoundland Company Mr. Joba Duo atad hie d&llfllter., .MI•• Nellie. arrim from Labrador by tbe 8. '8. Tbetla oa Monda,_

A meetlo( of lbe Ag-ricaltaral So· cletJ wae held Ia St. Joseph·• Ball on MoadaJ ni(ht.

Wat~r Street Stores .~Partme-nt: ·" Mr. Peter Guilfoyle .llrrlwed on

Tauday from New York particu· larly to eee hi" i&ther, l{r. Ed. Guil­foyle who Ia Yeryl61l

Captala k . T . Kehoe aod Mr. Michael ~adtey we.at to St. Joho'a oa TueadaJlaat.

There afned from Labrado( by the S. S. Dlaaa tbe followinr pllnt­ere:-•eaara. Michael aod Thoma• Gallfo1te and Patric:k .. and l!ldward Ra&ll



·. M~~OR SUPPLIES, . I. Casolenle and Motor Oils. . .._.,..

ur COLUltlBIA CELLS and MULTIPLE BATTERIES give resulu unhearct of before. 4


T . & J . ,Duna·a ecbr. , Willie C .• anincl from Labrador no FTiday laat brl•cfor a great many c:rewa from bere. •

11"'- C. BaUey retara.ed to St. II:FCALL 08 SEND FOB QUOTATIONS. ,----

Reid Ne~fo~mdlin~P~Y Joba'a on Tuesday after a abort etay with her pareata. Mr. aad Mra. P. Dawley. · .

Mr. aa" Mia. Jol&a ~lor aad tbelr IOD J"ohn who~ beea apend· lor a ti•e here with Mra. Taylor'• mother. Mra. B. McCartbl• returned to'thelr-home ia St. Jobo • oo Toea· day.

A few mea were emdloyed laet week repairing- eome of lbe road• io thie v-icinity.


. SUGAR! i SUGAR1 i ...:........,.. ___ _ Miaard'a Linlmeat

for sale eve.rywbere

-Ioformatioa cooeeromg- tbe con· aecratioa of Blehop-etect White le not expected for fi•e or eix weeki.

-The K. E. Brig-ade will attend the Memorial Scmc:c! in St. Paul's Cbarcb on Sunday oig-bt to the memory of their late comrade. Pte. Cbarlea Snow. ----The-W. P . A. hae not quite eooarh chocolatea aad le mach ebort of cigarettee to make up need· ed quantity for o•r "boya.. .. 'Pleue aend in, and u quicklyae possible.

-Jola Poetcard Club, receive poet­card•. letters from nerywbere. only 10 cents. Escbange or eeod New· fouadlaad 'a to me. 15 poatcarda, 30 centa. -Alb. Aodrewe, 75 Bond St., St. Joba·e,NewfouodJaad.-ady

- Mr. aad lira.. Thomu Rou re· cclved a tefernm oo ldonda.J from their 10n Cbarlee at Barry, fadlcat· lac that be. aad doubtle .. a large a r of ble comrades there were

11t to leave for the Front.

-GIUUiet"Normaa Dow~r. C. E. F ., 100 of Mr. Uriah Do alog-, ie reJ:lllarly heard from . II wa.a one of tbe Yery early Caaadlaa Coutia­«Ub to croaa. aad haa escaped eo far witb a alight woaod Ia the le~. 8i1 comradca aad other former towaapeople wiah blm all aacceaa ud a ufe retara.

-Another Harbor Gradan, a qalet. bra•e lad. baa ghea hie life for Ill• COilotry- Pte. Lui .Muon Nlcla.,la. No. 3283, youngest IOD of ldr. and Mra. Arcblbatd Nichola of Dowaiar Street, Weet End. Be waa killed laaetioa oa October 8th. To hie father. oow very ~rioaely Ill. hi• mother aad other r:elatlves the deep •Jmpathy of the c:ommuai· ty roea out.

. . =: ------------~------------------------ == To arrive abou\ October 17th . 3

500 'Barrels ~ ~erican ~



~~~w~ww~~~~w~~w~~~~~~ww~ LOCAL AND OTHfR ITfMS. -Ml. R. T•Uord & Son were the

paiotera oY the Brit:ieh·Ma10oJc Halt frout. J

' -There waa a eip of herrin« at Boone Bay on Taeaday ·aad Wed· aeaday.

-Ru. F. S . Goffin atfh ed by laet aJght'a train from hie •lelt to hia home. at Charlo\tetowo, looitiq well. ' · ,

-W.P.~.-We- bave eeot to St. John'a oar 23rd ahlpmeat of work:-150 paire eocka.-M.uoAatr J. A. W .utD, Secretary, Oct. 25th, 1917.

-The Baak of Non Scotia hae received at the banda of lr(r. Robert Lee a palatine and .,eaeral reaon­tloa that adda to lte -looks aad dar· ab!Uty.

-Ottawa. Oct. 24-"The adcce ... ful operation of tbe Military Service Act 11 auared," u~ 0 . D. New. Combe. Mlaleter Juetlee and Cbairmaa of the M tary Se:nic:e Coaacil.

-At $t. Paul'e et?u'r~b on Saaday morning- the eubject wiU be the Bible. ~· lbe day Ia known ae Bible Sunday. At nirht a Memorial Ser· vice for late Pte. Cbarlee Snow will be held.

Oar eoera-etlc nteran ltow clti· . ·~ zen, Mr. O.V. Tra,era h beeu coo· fined to the hou11e for the moat par t thl• week autlerlng- from a toach or an old coibptaiat. ewelllnc ia the haad.

-Mra.. J. D . .Mona aad ldra. Bainr' paid a Yielt oo Tuesday to Alder­dene. the Goutde. oa the occaeioo of tbeJr motber'e ~irthday. Her mau frfeoda wieb her maoy happy t'e­turoe .

- A cablecram ,..._ reeei'ed from New York 011 Tuesday con•eyfag­tbe ead oewe that Mr. Colin camp· bell, the well known Commlealon Merchant of St. Job.nff. had died follow lor aa opera~ioa. •

-A boy aamed Pierce Caatwell. aged 16yeare, waa cruebed ~tween two care ia the plaat of the A..N . D. Co. at Graad Fal.lt aad waa iaetaat· lylcilled shortly after ~Yea o ·clock Taeaday moraia~. . •

- Re•. Father Naagle'a meu&Jre from tbe Rqimeut ma1 be brie1!y eammed up Ta the wo.rda. " We ue bappy, but send u.s ~ men! " Thie ia the loeietent (lon(iog) call {rom the treoc:bu, and we muet eee tbat It ie obeyed or forfeit tbe re· g-ard of tb' lade who are maintain· fag our goOd name ou. the field of booour. - Newe.

-Tn c.t.~ru.1Since Sep. tember 24th, when t ¥: .Newfound· land Rqime.nt. welft beully into actioa rec.utly. ila death roll bae beea lnc:reaaed by about ~venty-6ve officcre and men. while aoleu there . baa been au uaueuallyamalhaumber..._ of woaoded, tbe liet of tbe wounded will 11mouat to about 200. Tbis mean• that prob&biJ one·tbird or tbe etJec:U•e. atreacth of tbe 6rtt battalloa oo the &ring-line io France baa been wiped oat ll!ld that practi· cally all tbe lit m~o aow at AJl wtn ba•e to be eent to France to make good the .waetage io the fighting battlallion: Tble, Ia turn. will mean a further call lor recruit• in thie Coloay. and will empbaeize the aeed !or a bl( eolietment to which at­teatioa tiae been eo freqaenUy call· ed of late, aad for which a ble re­c:rnlth•« campaig-n ie rtow being or­poiz~d.-Berald.


. ltNI.Ess

My Companiee had promptly and caneiate.ntly paid all loua (larg-e or email) in Newfollodlaad darlag- tbe ma.oy yeara of m7 a,ency, could they e.er hue gauttd the abeolute eoa6deoce aad remarkable popular. lty Lbat they aow e.njoy?

Tbey are to-da1•• religioueiJ per· eieteat aa enr Ia ghh:Jg reaeonable ratu.

May I hue your balioeea? P ERClE JOHNSON.

lneuraoce Atfeal.

Loet- Between Capt. James Parmiter'a and Pipe Track Road, -ria Barve1 Street, A Work Bag made of shoe lac~. A reward for return of aame to MRs. TaoMAS ColntAGB, West End.

A.tra.y-A Horse-black, with white star in forehcad,"'"holc io one ear and top off the other. $10 Reward to the pefson finding him. • JoHN Y n"Tl!AN,

Hrraot's Cove.

fOR SALE. -.Jr-~S't While Le~;_bor n

............. " • " Ancoaa Coc:k· ~~f'~'a.~-11!.' rela. A Aood op to: pouually 10 lm·

prove lloc:k. Apply 10

J on :or 0RIPI'I!'l. ''f'ater Streel.

Public Notice 1




. ··



• 1o



. , .


• Since the outbreak of the present great War, this. Colony. in common with all other parts of the British Empire. has sent forth her brave.~t and best men to uph~the glorious traditions of our Flag and Empire. . .

Amongst the fighting' Forces of Great Bri-tain and her splendid AliH;s the men of the Newfoundlanc! Reyiment have establish~·(;.a name and recor for themselves and their be­loved Country, that willliwe for generatioQS to come, and will redound to the lasting glory and honour of this most and loyal Colony.

Up to a few months ago a steady number of recruits were available to fill up the gaps in the ranks that were continually occurring owing to our Regimerrt being tailed upon to p:mici­pate in all, o~ most. of the important battles in F ran~e and Flanders, as well as the earlier days in GallipoiL But unfortuna.~ely for the past few moqths there has not been sufficient men offering to replace those wbo are no longer able to1otd their places in the fighting line, who have tolretire through wounds or sickness-in addition to those who have laid down their lives in the righteous cause for which we are fighting. Are we, the kinsmen at home of. these glorious. soldiers_or Newfoundland, toturo


~ bers lerYfal' tberefa, pnmdlaj and a 4for their rnpective de-peDdeata.

."f· "Allo~ace"......_ he tat of these Reru­JataoDs meaat "!epar&lioa A11owaace." ' 4. "Depeadeata" wlthta;lhe meaaial' of these JVrulatloas. iactudes : ·

(a) Wife; ~ (b) Moth~-' .. c;,ild~; ~') w~..fed mother, if the officer or soldier ia

iakeote support, aad is UDmarried whtbia the meaalal' of these Rerulatioaa ;

(d) Mother, 'Wbole husband is alive but totallJ iacapaciated from earaiar a.liYiD(, if the o&icer or eoldier ia her sole • support a ad is wuaarrled wfthlu the meaaiar of th-'e Re-platioaa. ...

5. "O&icers" withia tbe meaDiagof thue Regu· l'tioaa iac1Mes a'll olicen appoiated to the New· fouDdlaocl:Eapedltioaary Force, a.ad.pa.id u mem· bera Qf aacb.

6. "Solclien" witbia the meaDiDg of tbtte Re· gulatiou i•cludes aJJ ranks, except officers, proper­IJ attested aad auvia~r oD. tbe.streDgtb of tile New· fouadlanct &spedftioitllry Foree, aad pafd u melD· bera of aucl1. '

7. " Mouter" •itbia the aa•adiDg Qf tiJete 2eru· JatioDs iacludes i'ot&ar·IDOtii.-1Uid Stet-IDOtbt!'.

8. "Wido"ed trotlet" .tthla the •eaaial' of ,tbeae Regulatiopa, htdad• wicAwed foetu-daotber aad widowed ste.,..,theT.

9. "Cbildrea" wltbla 'be meaaial' of dine R~ gulatioas iDcludes st~lilJdieit.

10. " Unmarried ofliceWlild soldiers." will W held to iaclude •·wido•en•• wl&Jaou& diMdr-. aa4

a deaf ear to the call for help that they )ue ~n­tinuaJiy sending forth ? And are we 10 let go for. naught the great and valiant ~ .th&t they have accomplished, \,y ilolding blu:lt and failing to keep ~e gaps filled up ?

In y much as the lads who have fougHt and suffered and died io heroically and nob\J for us,

-our cou~try ~nd cju~ ho~es, iu th~ ~-are t~o are left ~hind e»ntent to anow their aeeds and sacrifices ~ go for naught, ud have he world real~~.t the young m~n qf New·

foundlaild who still remain' at home. are not made of the same goOd stock as those .ato wan distinctions in tile British Isles. No. I f~ that there- are hundreds-of young men wbo ohiy want to be awakened to a realization bf their responsibilities, wbeo they will 'come torward and take tbe places of those who are -gone, or incapacitated. and relieve for a time At least, those bra~ boys (e5pecially those of the first five hundred) who have borne the heat and turmoil of the Batde, .,hould be given an op­portunity to return to their homes for that wet). earned rest which -they naturally desire and long for.. , ·

W -"-...:... . I .. e ate IIUUUl to &taR 011-"in l&eCJYC recruauaa • campaign, and recruiting pardes will be sent to

wJU _. iadiiMJ.-rled ollten aad eoldlert, pro­~to ~tliai J.llowaace fa bluable aq tile~ ,wafa ot ~~ ...al14nii. ~ · ·~u~~ ~

• 11. m. ... ,.... ~ for tiM ..... of Se~AnOwu~ ;;a\~ .. from t~elnt da7. ,, .. , .... ~ 19\7,411ifttbe ,...Ualq petiod of \IIi Wu, ~lie repidtd aa elatlloriti•ldirec:­li~ Ia tile aatter of ....,_tloa Allow~_aab­ject tO aaaead•eab b1 Q.ider ia CoaacU~

fteJ. wW baYe oo retroacUYe effec:L

. !"i!!?; Batla of £Dowuoe.-Tbe rates of ~lowaace

.-au 1le u folJowa : Per .-aoath

Raak aad File ................ ~ .... ....... : ..• , ......... $20 00 &erJia!b aa4 bieber raak below that of W.

0. (let c:llll)..................... ..... .... .. 25 00 Warralll 05c:er (tat ct .. ) . .......... ............. 30 00 Lleuteaaata.............. .... .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ... .. . . .. .. . 00 00 Captalaa .................................... .... t. ...... 40 00

~·~i'ii~i4'~~k .. b~b·~· ih~··tb~t-~f 50 09 • llajor............ ......... ......... ..... . ...... 60 00 13. No peno ..... hall receive more thaa og AI·

lowaace for hit O(,_le, owa beaefiL 14. Oat1 oae Allowaace ma1 be iuued op aC..

coaat of aa1 ofticer ot eolcHer, a ad that will ~ paJd to aacl for his cJepeacleata. Ia exceptloaal c;ues, however, u for iastaace whea there Is a wife Yb oae locatily, aDd chitdrea b1 a forme, wlfe ia Udther, the Allowance may be diYided.

15. Soldien oa whoae accouat Separation AJlow­aace is issuable, should a•lp to til~ recipieot aot I~ thaa 15 daJs pay of ,.ak (W~ar Pay1 aat Field Allowaace excladed). Ia CU.S w._ere ablsuc• ualc'aaaeat llu beea made. ~ut where it hu bfea deddecl that the clepud .. t u e--.utied to Separatlea AllowaaiC, aa usttaaeat of 1S days pa1 of rMk (Worlriat Par aad;J'ietd Allowaace excluded) may be pat1a force •iafast the accouat of the oflicer or IOJdler. · Ia ca..- where such ad" auipmeat !put ia force al'aiast aa ofllcer or soldier the ofll or IO)dier 'irUI belloti8ecl forthwith of tbe adloa ea. Mould be object aacl submit reuoas for his o ·~

:tfc;aa, It will be~ 4eclded whether tke usl.-..eirt ~11 be coatiaueclor aot. , 1

lea&io.D IIJ.-Cuulttea to tbe Oflla6r or ;:. " · 16. S~ect to corrHpoadlar iDcreue of A ra• . • ed-Pa1, paraUoa Allotfaace wUllacruae aa •·

tU.IlJ w promotioa, provided that auch ~ 1ioll hu a co•ftttaed and published Ia Pi~C II. DaflJ Ordefl. .qaotlar coaapeteat authority, b1'­.-tloa to actiar raalc will aot be accepted u • ~for iacreue of Separatioa Atlowaace. Su -~ wUI- take t•ect ftoa I'M lnt day o( , tbe

'all parts o_f the l~nd, so that every man who ifr:~ligible for serviee will be given an oppor­tunity to enlist. Every provision w~U be made for the comfort and care of those dependents whom they leave behind. In the case of mar­ried men and others leaving dependents, separ· ation allowances are provided under Reg\Jla­ti~)DS just pubr&abed.

P~nsions will be provided for those ~bo are incapacitated through wounds or sickness, os well as the dependents of those who make the supreme sacrifice, Theref:>re, I .confide_ndy • appeal to the young men of the Country who are of Military ae-e, to offer them¥lves as re· cruits for a Regiment \hat every man, be Jte Newfoundlander or otherwise. might well feel proud of. Do your duty' now ; play tht: man's part, and never let it be thrown in your faces or t~ fjtet of your children that you failed in your ~ty to yQur Country !r her hour of great· est trial. I appeal to ~ mothers, to the fathers, and 'to the aisterT, to help the boys to realize their duty, af\d spur them on, to qnit themselves like men, so that they may partici­pate in the great victory that is surely coming,

.. ana which cannot be delayed much longer.

If this appeal, and our preSent recruiting ef· " I

• 17. The rate of Separatioa AllowaDce will aot be nclucecl whea aa ofticer or'IOIAler voliUitariiJ re­w.erta 1o lower rdk ia order to proceed. oweraey from Bal'laad to the Froat, but upoa a recluctioa or re­•airoa for aay other. cau.e, Uae rate of AllowaDce will aatCND&dcallJ decreue to the rate authorized for aach lower raalc. 8ach d$eue wfll tall~ effect froaa the first clay of the IDOilth followia&' that ia wbicb s•ch ~uctioa or n~w ... coafinatd.

18. Ia tiM cue of offic:en eoldien who die while ~UYial', or •ho are re "miltlag," and wlloM depudeab are ia ipt of Se~tioa AI ... Jowuc:e. Separa~ioa AUowaoce aball coatiaue tb be paid moatblJ thereafter at the ratea laid dowD ia Clauae (a) below, aad AaJpe4 Pay shall coa· tiaae or be(ia to bo.,paid at' the ratea -laid dow a ia Claaae (b) ~w. uatil such time u peatioa is rtad1 for .ue. is c:uet where a Jllaalcna is to be awar.ded. I a C&JeS where ao peaa1oa I. to be award­ed, Separa'ioa Allowtace aad Auiped Pa1 shall ceue u .ooa uS. A._aad A. P. DiYiaioa hu beea aoti&ed of the 'fact thtt ao peasloa is to be awarded. If the proofs aeceuat1 ~ tbe·paati.al' of a peatioa are befar uareuoilab11 delayed, the Board of Pea· 1ioa Cni.aa.iuloaen- will eo ad'liae the 8. A.. aad A. P. Diwialoa, with a •lew to hulax paymnta cease. Prodded that ia ao cue shall Separation Allow aace· aad Auiraecl Pa1 be iasaed for more th,.aa three moatha aftu the ftnt d&J of the mouth follo'tr· lal' that ia which the o8ieer or eoldier was ol!idaliJ reported cJead. . "'

(a) The rate, at which Separatioa Altdwa.ace ahall be paid ia the aboYe caaea •m &e that to which' the o8lcer or ~ler wu eatitled at the time of h~ death or wJaea he wu reported •'miltfa,.."

(b) Aaair'atd Pay will be~ .,OatblJat a rate .._ual to 15 day. pay of raak. of tbe officer or eoldler, (Worttar Pay aad P'ield Allowaace ucludecl).

Section t.-Wi&bc!Jawal. Ceaation ud Supeaaion. t 9. Tbe allowaace wlll be discoDtiDued to a de·

peadeat who Is owiDf to serious miscoDduct ua· wortlly to reeeiYe it.

,...-: "20. Except aa ia proYided ia Paru. 21 aad n tbe Allowallce, if otherwise luuable, will aot ~ witbel• for periods for which the ollcer or _,Idler forfeits pay. •

2t The allowance ma1 be suapeadecl if the eolclin oa w)loae behalf it bu be•a i•aect. fa lCD· teaced by ••1 properiJ coaatitated authority to im­priaoameat for a period of siz aaoatba or oYer. Tbe _ Allowaace wht be resOled from the date oa which the sol~fer ap~a c:qm•eac:n to draw P•1 after the C01Dpeti4D ofh11 ttateace. ,

. '

• I ~~ .

. . ·{

forts are not fruitful of the necessary number of . . ,recruits before the end uf t~e. year, we will then

have reached the parting of the ~ays \ we mus1

then take one of , two courses-either witharaw

our Regim~nt as a separate uparwhicb would

be a most unfortunate and deplorable occur.

renee, or the Governrpent of the Colony will

be reluctantly compelted to consider ,Jrtef'ns of

acquiring men to keep our fighting Forces up

to the required strength. ..-P,rove; ,therefore,

men of Newfoundland, that this a.ndent 'and , •_ioyal Colony is able, and is prepared. to keep

at leut one Battalion in the fighting line. com.

posed entirely of volunteers, to maintain the "

. magnificent record already gained right through

to the close of hostilities.· ·

Men who are n~ altogether fit for active I

service will find an op~?<>rtunity to do " their

bit" by applying for admission into the Fores· •

try Cocnpanies, w,J;ich are also badly in need Of

more men. '

Minister of Militia.

22. Pa1meat of the AJlowaace will be' aus_pead· • ed upoa- tlte officu or aolcller 'tl•r reported a bleat withollt leave a ad the ac:coaat ~11 be closed from the date oa which it. .... sutpeaded tlpoa the officer or ~Idler beiar declared a deserter bJ a Court of Eaqalry. . 23. If the ol!lcu or eoldier rejoiDt fro~ deaer­

hoa, -,.,_.ata suspeacled uader the provisioas of th~ forephtK pafa&'rapla ma1 be retulme<J from the date oa which be acaia c:oases oa pay.

c; • 24. Departaaeata of ofllce.rlaad so)diera reported

"Prieoaen of War" WUI c:oatiaue to draw the aJ • lowa~ft u if tbe-OSA::er or soldier were atilt oa active '-"ice.. '

25. Whea the .9Jicer or soldier it diecharl'ed without ~oa. SIMratioa AllowaDce«acl A.Uifb· ed Pa1 m&J be coatfaued to the depeadeats to the ead of the moath ia which the officer or soldier ia diacharred. f. · . Bectlon v.-Wivea and~iftim&1e Obi.ldren.

' 26. ..The -AIInwaace may be iauecl i.a fuor of auch motherless le(itimate cbildrea as, in the case of boys, are U9d~ tht ae-e of lfi a.ad, ia tbe O.ae of airJa, uader tb~ are of 1'1. .


~7. Whea the Allowaace ia claimed b__1 aa officer or soldier for hia motherless childrea, a Guardiaa of the"'hilclrea ahould be ~lamed ia writiar bJ the offi. cer J>r 110ldler for the purpose-of reeelviag the Al-1 lowaaee.

28. ;I'he Allowaace will aot be iuuecl {or d~ • pe~cfeata whq are m.a.iataiaed ia a Goverttmeat or Be..evoleat laatitutioa at the ape1111e 'o()f t)le Gov· era111eat or public subscription. ~- Where a wife i1 separated !rom her buabaad

bJ wdttea Separ'atloa Aa-reeme11.t or " Juclidal Decree of .. SeParate from becl and board., or other similar Judlcaf Decree parthll' her from her hua· ba~, a ad ia eatitled uader aucb AgreemCD\ or by order of a CCMapeteat Court to paymeat from her husbaDd, such paymeat shaH be made from tbe Se­paration AJiowaace iuued to her, aD<l if the Separ· ' atioa Allowaace doea Dot equal the amount so agreed upoa or ordered to be pafcl by the Court, a compultorJ uaiR'Jlmeat of paJ, equivalent to the differeace bet.eea the Separatioa Allowance aad auch paymeat, but Dot exceediar 15 daya' pay or raak. (WorkiDI' pa1 aad field aUowaace ueluded}, of tbeofllcer or eold.ler, may be put iato effect araiaat the ol!cer or soldier. ,

(a) Where the 'wlfe fs separated from her husbaad u aboYe, and ie livitlg apart from the chUdrea, aad ia aot charged with the.ir.oare, Separatioa Allowance or ~ira" P&J, or a portioa thereef, subject to &DJ valid claim of the wife


. '

. (h)

by virtue of ~paratloa Agreemeat, or J udical Decree. m~y be iuued to the Guardlaa ff the chUdreo.

If the wife }lu ~a •(*rated from ·her hutbaad by Separaltoa Agreemeat or Judical Decree. aacHt doe• aot appear .. kfnl Olalma-on!

BnHstmeM. . '

,. fpr a d~adeatahiW re lo t._, ~~ of

~.-For t~e pay set forth ia Scbeaute 1 htreor.

3.-Subj~ct to tbe Army Act, the King's Regu·· · · latioaa. aad to sut:b ordiaances u may

apply rr may be fnade to apply t~the Britialf Regtalar Army.


4.-Subject to tbe Newfoua(lland Volun~eer Act, 5 George V., C6apier IV., and amendmeats tberdo, copy of which form•


"" ..

a tbe husbaad l•tabtolved from tap­ag her, aad if the wife furaith \a

. factory uptan·~·o for aot hariag obtaiaed a judraae~ r alimoay, Si-paration Allowaace y be. iuued to the wife. · ,

35 Oa •l>poiat-t, eYVJ oflcec. aad cua ealiat-~ meat. every solcti~ Claia ~aratJoa AJtowaace

hia Wlit qd 611• a ~tJoa 1

f':lwaaceaad . Auiraed Piy CUd: AU •PIIk~~be Allow­~ce 011 the l'roallda of "Sole apport" aad u · • Guardiaa., mut be aa:ompuied br a Statalor7 .

· Schedule 11 hereof. --30. Where the wife it aeparated from" her hat­

baud not by virtue ef a writtea Separatioa ~ee­meat or Judical ~ree., aad the wife for a rea.-. able time prior to the ealislmeat of ..... ;otlcer -or · sotd\er. was teparated from him ucl WM ao~!!" ceipt of any paymeat from him, do ~of T~ .. ·

· tioa Allowance will be made. · . \. .

declaradoa aad ,ach other docamattar.J mdeace .... ma1 be f!.C!Wred';to aabltaatiate the-dal111. . ~ !ti ,.ho .... a.,......, but coo side,.

~-. ~tioa Allow-; 'WID bi f'i«luired tcJ~e.o

40.' ' Aa o&icer or soldier who bu Dot, o,a ealist­meat_ claimed Separatloa AUowaace for a depen· deat, may afC8'warda submit a claim tbtough his pa1muter:.

Dated at St. John's, Newfoua.dland, this ?lh day of October, 1917.

Regimental Rates-All Arms.

SCHEDULE t. • Field

Pay Allow'cc Colonels .. < .............. ....... ........ . S6 00 • $1 50


f 31.-A. mother, whose husband is, through phy·

sica! or meatal diaabil\iy, eatirely lacapadlated lrom eanaiag a liriag, will be tre«ted at' a widowed mnther, hd graated the Allowaace proYicled the officer or soldier prior to eal_.iatmeat wu or 1u~ queat to eallttmeat has become her sole 1.2_port, aad the officer or soldier Is aamarried wit~ the meaaing of Para. 10, . ·

(a) An1 material ftaprovemeat in the 6naa­caal coaclitioa of a mother receiviag the Allowaace u a wido~ed mother, . must be at oa~ commaaic(,ted to the officer issuiag Separation Allowaace aad Aaalgaed Pay, aad the withhold· iag of such iat.naatioa whereby pay· meata have beat obtalaed ahaU be deemed to coaatitute fraudulent actioa.

liver to the Paymuter of his aal~ a atateme.at UD- t der oath of the rea~ll why he coaald"- aacb de- 1

peadeat aot eligible for the Allowaaee. Other· 1

wfae if such depeadeDt will make a claim for Sew· paration Al)Qwaace it will be takea for graated that tbe officer or eoldier lraowa 'bo nlicl reuba I WhJ tbe Allowaace should aot be graatecl aacr • compulsor7 auigameat put iato force qaltlat hial. r

37. Where the claim for Separatioa Allowaace auader Para. 35 f.a refused at uaadmitaable, the 1 amoaut of pay uai&:aed b7 the eoldler wlll be paid · to the penoa flamed, ualaa it appean tbat,the soldier hu a de~adeat eligible for Separatioa

~l~ Iii caaea of dapeadeata other tbaa wives and lelitl' ... te childrea, ualcu the applicalioa for Se­puatroa Allowaace ia made withia thirty (30) days of appolatmeat or e.allatmeat, DO arrears of the AI· -lowaace. will be iuaed for the period prior to appli­calioa.

Lieut.-Colonels .......... .... : ............ 5 00 1 25 Major-. ..... .. . .. .... ... .. ... .. . .. .. . . .. . .. 4 00 1 00 Captaiat ........................... ... ..... 3 00 0 75 Lieuteaaats ... ...... ~: ....... ..... . ..... 2 00 0 60 Adjutaata ia addition to pay or rank 0 50 ~ Paymastert ................................. 3 00 0 75 Quartcrm .. tters .......................... 3 00 0 75

' lowaace, ill whacb cue S.pua~oa Allowaace may be-graated to a h depuulent aad aa .. lgomeat 1

may be ~~ce agaiaat e solctier -Ia favor l iilform f what actloa bu a talrea by the• de-


32. If otherwise eligible, a widowed mother de­peadeat oa two aamarried soaa. oae of whom hu allitted ia the Forces. will be eatitled to the Allow· aace wbea the re.maiDiag soa ealists ; and a widow with three or more aamarrled aolla. oa whom she is depeadeat, will M eatitled to. the Allowaace whea ·the third wa hu ealf.ated,

,pf lllCh~deat. Ia auca tbe apldier will be

PJUtmellt aad a similar ao loa will be aeat to the depeadeats co11ceraed. •


Claima After Bnlf•kDeat. 1 38. 'A"ofticer·OP ~ldiet1ateadiag to mtrty must

iarorm bia pa7muter of his iateatloa 'to marry a aufllcieat time aa advaace of tbe JD&rrlap to allow atepa to be takea to dlscoatlaae the i•u~ of aDy Se· paratioD Allowaace cw Aalped Pay pre•iously authorbed for aaotber depeadeat oa bla ac:couat. I He will at tbe aame time. state whether &DJ' such 1 iuue of Separatioa Allowance or Auigaed Pay baa· beea authorized, aad if eo to wbo111.

Oa the rec.ommeaclatioa of the Mlaiater of Militia, aact aader th~ provbioaa of the Act 81 ~- y ., Cap. XVII, Bu E•celleacy the Goveraor aa Council baa beea pleued to approve of the followiag Terms aai Cpaclitioaa of SerYlce ia the lat Newfoundland Re,-imeat Foreatry Compaaiea:-..

"-' Tenu &Dd Ocm4l&lou of 8eniof ill t.be Fim New-33. The Allowaace to .. a widowed moth'er will

cease oa her re-marriage, or .apoD the marriage of • her soa, ia respect of whom the Allowaace hu beea

granted. ,

34. Tbe Allowaace may be graated for lltCh adopted children of aa officer or soldier as are la the

oct.12,2l DAVID STOTT,



dor. Oil Sept. 12tb, A MOTOR BOAT. For par\lcaJanapply to

CAPTADf A. No•am. care of w. a Jackmaa,

oct.4,3i • St. Joba'a. ==

NOTICE! Persons killiog Crow• will be

paid Tweaty Ceata for each Crow killed, oa applicatioa (witb proof) at the office of the Game and hi· laad Fiaberiea Board.

Oct. 3, 3iaa.

Kiaard'1 Liaimeat llelines Nearalgia.


- NOTJCE.-Subec:rlben to the Harbor Grace fiTAIJDAaD aad von· treat Fa•ily Herald Club will take aotice tbat owlaJ tb the price of tbe latter beiaJ rai,ed to $1.25-maay $1 Caaadtan and United Statea pa­pen bne rale~d their price to Sl 50 - the Club Rate for the Old Bome Paperlnd Caaada"• Great Weekly la aow ll.80 for b.'ltb t.ct.ret)ler. oLn add NEW labaeribefl RD41InJ io..4abtcrifltloot will. un funbtr nollce, recehe FREF. one of the Berald'a ne'J. biJ. colored War Mapt, 2M b,1 3~ ft et wbicb the Jl'amlly herald ••1• woald coet 12 00 e:a:cept produced "In eucb larre qua.atitlea •• the Il'arally H~rald caa uae." Tbie map ie not for aale. Order aew.

· .

lcnmdl&Dd Belimut ForeatrJ Companies. ,

Ia aDch caaea, if S.paratioa AJlowaace or Assign· 1

1.-1 hereby ealiat ia the Forestry Compaaies for service. ia the Uaited' Kingdom for tht' claniioa of the preaellt war or uatil

. my .. l'll\'harge. • • )

durlag the aut few moatba are uked to commuaicate with tbe Departmeat ot MUitia, St. Joba't;

A. MoRTdo11•a.or, Major. For Miaiater of MllitiL

St, Joba'a Sept. 10tb, 1917.

Ne. II PMier Typewriter ' For further particulan apply to

ANNIE GARLAND. Harve• Street.

11-Tl!at •plendld gl,nt of a pe~r. tbe Moal~eal Fa~y Buald Sl . 25 a 7ear. Tli• Old Bl me Paper Sl 00 a year. Both (wiT• a biJ". new. ex· pensi•t. ii~tal<t. Colored War-Map 1h n~at cuea fot Sl.ll't in 11dnnce. J)rd~r at ooce Otfu appli· • to •• "EW.tL II well aa "&W lllbtcribftt.

• Minard's Linbaeat I

Cutes Buras Etc· ,

Ia yo\ar owa Jatereat aad ia the interest of the Em· pi~ aad~ur Allies, ifia aec:aaaty to advise you that

.Jt ia aow iaU, kao,.a tha.l tbe amt'UDt of wheat avail· able for es~rt fm10 tbe UalWcl Sta••• aad Caa ada will 1'00 BUlQ)BJID IIILLIORJ BU8DI.S 8119'1' f tbe requireaaeatt · of ~the A \led NJrt.loaa, ..a of ' auppl7 tbat IDUit be aet ulde ror Neutral peoplea. . . Ttl-qe i' a vltalmeDace. to the well·be-iac of alted States la aptareat by the ap~al to all Aa ... receatly luued bJ the Food Admi!li•· tratloa ~ of-tbat COuatry, ukiar that a pouacf of IDeal or ar, Of~ther fl&ftiS. or of potato 8our, be tUb­tthated a poaad of wlaeat ftoar weeklJ per bead, 10

~or e the ooaaamptioa of wheat 8our weekly per

froat tlve poaad--.whlcb is the coaaump-tio.-to ur pouadL . ~

If ~l'll~it7 for this reductioa la forced upo the people of dae Ualted States, it f.a eYldeat that a ave 1m aeed for etea _greater et:Oaomt uiata here.

It is qbite within our power the preseat year to re~ dace the ciaaamptioa of flour very materiaJiy by aub­atitaial' odaer cereals. aad eapedally by· utUialag to a greater ateat tb•a prevlouly tbe bouatifal potato crop Of tlda ..UOa. • Tbla m&J be doae la lll&DJ acceptable waya that wm be specially referred to throucb the Pr~.

We ban cbcerfull7 mye dcri6ce tiace the out­brealr of tbe War hs the iatrreata of. tbe Empire aad of the we&B aadoaa, aad Dow we must t~ot hesitate to take thia p-ecaadoa to protect ouraelvea. froiD'& serious aborta .. e m the-future.

Bt dot- eo ·~will aot aloae a•ure tbia protection, · bat we wJI11leJI',td'eaaure the requl-tte 1Uppty for Our Baya, wb• nlor at the Froat wlaaiawGior.JaDd Repu· tatloa for tlaia Couatry aad ita people that will live for all dme.

Let ul. therefor, pledge oanehea to ecoaomize in 8our, aad "us aid those fightiar for and 'with us to wia tlae War.

W. E. DAVIDSON, • Governor ..


ActiDa Prime lllDb~r.

i ~8 ' -We (b.dvocate] lea~a tbat oar My Compaal P.rompUy and &abermeo are now 'Utillzial' the con•tete.atlJ oa.. (lar•e ,:~r llten of tJae dOirlala to make oll,aadt •mall) ln Ne bd 1luH11r the tbeJ ftaa tbat It malru a bll'b class raaa7 yean of~ a~J· coald labricattar oil, of quiet a djtf'&reat tbeJ. e.,,; ban ed -tb' abeolute aatal'e to tbe cora moo cod cSU. cot16deaoe aad rea rlrable popalar. l lty tllat.they aow •joy? ~ ..

Tbey are to-day ~uellgk>ae1y ~r· -Lrt'at. Oommander Rndel He· elet.eat u uer Ia I"IWnr reuonable Cowaa, tblrd 10t1 o( Mra. aad late ratn. laapNtor Geaeral lrlcCow•n. baa

Hay I ban JOar ~ualaeaa 7 ben IDade Commaader-ald 'to be PIDRClE JOBICSON. tbs lnt Newfoaadla11der tD bold

taaaranceAJI!DL 18Cb a post ill the BriUab ftaYy.

Warradt Officers ... .................... 2 00 0 30 Sergeaat Millwrights ........ ...... ~:2 00

Qaartermas\er Sergeant ............... ! 80 Sergeaat Foremea a ad Sa'!yers ...... 1 65 OrderlJ Room Cler)cs ... : ............. 150 0 20 Pay Sergeants......... ...... .... .. . .. ... 1 50 /' 0 20 Squadrpn, Battery or Company Ser-

geant Major ........... ; ......... 1 50 Co leur Se~eant or Staff Sergeaat... 1 60 Sergeants ......... ·•:""" ............... 1 35 Corporals ................................... ' 110

Q, ~!> 0 20 0 15 010 0 10 Bombardiers or Second Corporals... 1 05

Trumpeters, Buglers and Drummers i 00 , 0 .10 Privates, GuaDers, Drivecs, Sap-

pera, Cooks, etc-.................. 1 00 0 10

' ..

. . . . . ' . . "


FREE·. \

With The Harbqr Grace Standard & Conception Bay

4dvertizer\ and Montreal Family Herald.

JUS'-. ISSUED--Most Complete New War Map ~r Fighting Area ia Europe-a mane! of detail ; of tpeciat interest to Canadiaaa aad Newfouadlaaders \ every poiat of iaterest easily located ; aize 2~ x 3~ feet, 1n four colors.

~;;:~~~w~ "ifa;e;;:pf~.;~~i;D ~:t-talioaa. Each map ia cover of very aeat desiga, The very map our Caaadiaa soldiers will endorse, and the map that make~ tbe war uo­deratood. Progreu of Armies easily followed. eoutt not be pro­duced uader two dollars a copy, the Family Herald says. . , FREE Witb tbe FltmilY Herald &-Weeklv Star of Montreal

And tbe Hr. Gra~ Stannard :\nd t:anccpuoo liav

Ad.es\trerv N~w Club Subscription prict, $1.80 a year. Every

home in Newroundlaod should have it( Doo't he without a Waf

Map-Without it, ttae war is a m7stery. - ;

Only$1.80 for the wort~ of$3ormore

+-..,.,.zc;BUDA FLOUR . ..,. best Satisfaction to D ealers and

' Our prices are Jower tban you would e.xpet.t, <.oosideriog the

high quality o{ this Flour, which bas stood tue hi~rheat test for over 60 years. If you waat a Flour tbat will gtvc liberal profits and repeat orders, buy Buda Flour. Car lots aad upwards at lowest milling pric:e.s.. Wire.

J. B .. HARTY, Pictou, N'.:S. The Millers' Wholesale Ageot for the M"ritime Proviaces

and Ne• {ouadlaad.

top related