systems analysis and design with uml introduction to... · lif...

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Systems Analysis and Design With UML Systems Analysis and Design With UML Systems Analysis and Design With UML Systems Analysis and Design With UML 2.02.0

An ObjectAn Object--Oriented Approach, Second EditionOriented Approach, Second Edition

Chapter 1: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Designa d es g

Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom, and David Tegarden© 2005John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Copyright © 2005J h Wil & S IJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted in Section 117 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. p py gRequest for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his/her own The purchaser may make back up copies for his/her own use only and not for redistribution or resale. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.

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Chapter 1

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K IdKey Ideas

Many failed systems were Many failed systems were abandoned because analysts

d b ld d f ltried to build wonderful systems without understanding the gorganization.The primarily goal is to create The primarily goal is to create value for the organization.

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K IdKey Ideas

The systems analyst is a key person The systems analyst is a key person analyzing the business, identifying opportunities for improvement, and opportunities for improvement, and designing information systems to implement these ideas.It is important to understand and develop through practice the skills needed to successfully design and implement new information

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Major Attributes of the Lif lLifecycle

The projectThe projectMoves systematically through phases where each phase has a standard set where each phase has a standard set of outputsProduces project deliverablesp jUses deliverables in implementationResults in actual information systemyUses gradual refinement

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P j t PhProject Phases

PlanningPlanningWhy build the system?

AnalysisAnalysisWho, what, when, where will the system be?

D iDesignHow will the system work?

l iImplementationSystem delivery

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A “Simple” Process for Making LunchA Simple Process for Making Lunch

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Pl i

Identifying business value


Identifying business valueAnalyze feasibilityDevelop work planStaff the projectStaff the projectControl and direct projectp j

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A l i



AnalysisInformation gatheringProcess modelingData modelingData modeling

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D i

Physical design


Physical designArchitectural designInterface designDatabase and file designDatabase and file designProgram designg g

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I l t ti




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Processes and D li blDeliverables

Process ProductProcess Product

Planning Project Plan

Analysis System Proposal

Design System Specification

Implementation New System and Maintenance Plan

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What Is a Methodology?What Is a Methodology?

A formalized approach or series A formalized approach or series of stepsWriting code without a well-thought-out system request thought out system request may work for small programs, but rarely works for large onesbut rarely works for large ones.

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St t d D iStructured Design

Projects move methodically Projects move methodically from one to the next stepGenerally, a step is finished before the next one beginsbefore the next one begins

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Waterfall Development Method

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Pros and Cons of the W t f ll M th dWaterfall Method

Pros Cons

Identifies systems Design must be Identifies systems requirements long before programming begins

Design must be specified on paper before programming beginsbegins begins

Long time between system proposal and system proposal and delivery of new system

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P ll l D l tParallel Development

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Alternatives to the SDLCAlternatives to the SDLC

Rapid Application Development Rapid Application Development (RAD)Phased DevelopmentPrototypingPrototypingThrow-Away Prototyping

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Rapid Application D l tDevelopment

Critical elementsCritical elementsCASE toolsJAD sessionsFourth generation/visualization Fourth generation/visualization programming languagesCode generatorsCode generators

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Rapid Application D l t C t iDevelopment Categories

Phased developmentPhased developmentA series of versions

P iPrototypingSystem prototyping

Throw-away prototypingDesign prototypingg p yp g

Agile DevelopmentExtreme DevelopmentSlide 23

Extreme Development

How Prototyping WorksHow Prototyping Works

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Throwaway PrototypingThrowaway Prototyping

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Selecting the Appropriate M h d lMethodology

Clarity of User RequirementsClarity of User RequirementsFamiliarity with TechnologySystem ComplexitySystem ReliabilitySystem ReliabilityShort Time SchedulesSchedule Visibility

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Criteria for Selecting a M h d lMethodology

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Project Team Roles and Project Team Roles and Skills

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Information Systems Roles

Business analystBusiness analystSystem analystInfrastructure analystChange management analystChange management analystProject managerj g

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P j t T R lProject Team Roles

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S P t 1Summary -- Part 1

The Systems Development Lifecycleconsists of four stages: Planning, g g,Analysis, Design, and ImplementationThe major development methodologies:

Structured designStructured designthe waterfall methodParallel development

RAD d l tRAD developmentPrototyping (regular and throwaway)

Agile development

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g pXP streamline SDLC

S P t 2Summary -- Part 2There are five major team roles: There are five major team roles: business analyst, systems analyst, infrastructure analyst, change

t l t d j t management analyst and project manager.

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EOC Q ti Ch t 1EOC Question Chapter 11. Compare and contrast phases, steps, techniques and deliverables.

ib h j h i h d l lif l ( )2. Describe the major phases in the systems development life cycle (SDLC).3. Describe the principal steps in the planning phase. What are the major deliverables4. Describe the principal steps in the analysis phase. What are the major deliverables?5. Describe the principal steps in the design phase. What are the major deliverables?6. Describe the principal steps in the implementation phase. What are the major deliverables?7. What are the roles of a project sponsor and the approval committee?8. What does gradual refinement mean in context of SDLC?9. Compare and contrast process-centered methodologies with data-centered methodologies.10. Compare and contrast structured-design based methodologies in general to RAD-based

methodologies in general.11. Compare and contrast extreme programming and throwaway prototyping.12. Describe the major elements and issues with waterfall development.13. Describe the major elements and issues with parallel development14. Describe the major elements and issues with phased development.15. Describe the major elements and issues with prototyping.16. Describe the major elements and issues with throwaway-prototyping.17. What are the key factors in selecting a methodology?18. What are the major roles on a project team?19. Compare and contrast the role of a systems analyst, business analyst, and infrastructure

analyst.20. Which phase in the SDLC is most important and why?

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