symptoms and treatment options for meniere’s disease

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Symptoms and Treatment Options for Meniere’s Disease

Three of the more identifiable indication

of Meniere’s disease are vertigo,

tinnitus, and intermittent hearing loss.

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the

inner ear which induces problems with

balance and hearing. Whilst medical

science hasn’t yet discovered a cure for

this condition, there are a number of

things you can do to reduce its

symptoms and lessen its impact on

your day-to-day life.

The symptoms of Meniere’s disease tend to occur in clusters of episodes. An

episode may begin with a feeling of fullness in the ear accompanied by

tinnitus and a decrease in hearing. Vertigo is likely to come next, causing

you to feel as though the room is spinning around you. You may feel

nauseated and your balance may be impaired. An episode may last

anywhere from twenty minutes to four hours.

Clusters of these Meniere’s disease episodes (multiple episodes occurring

within a short period of time) are sometimes separated by longer, symptom-

free periods of “remission”. The frequency and severity of each symptom can

vary from episode to episode. Since these symptoms are not unique to

Meniere’s disease, it’s very important to check with your physician to rule

out other potentially serious health problems.

Medical researchers and clinicians are not certain what causes Meniere’s

disease, but some experts believe that it may have to do with abnormal

volume or composition of inner ear fluid. Your ear relies on very specific

levels of fluid volume and pressure to function as it should. Triggers such as

improper drainage, allergies, head trauma, and viral infection could all lead

to fluid abnormalities.

Audiology Affiliates | 718-530-0394 |

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Despite the fact that Meniere’s disease has no known cure, it’s symptoms

can often be successfully managed. If you experience nausea during

episodes of vertigo, your doctor may prescribe medications to help you feel

more comfortable. Prescription medications that help reduce fluid retention

can also help control the disease. Rehabilitation can help counteract the

balance problems associated with vertigo, while hearing aids can help during

episodes of hearing loss. Be sure to sit or lie down immediately if you are

experiencing vertigo, and avoid triggers such as television or bright lights to

help lessen an episode’s severity.

While the symptoms of Meniere’s disease can certainly pose challenges, the

good news is that there are strategies for minimizing them so that patients

suffering from this condition can live near-normal lives.

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