swt lecture session 2 - rdf

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Mariano Rodriguez-Muro, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/




The Data Model


Syntax: Turtle, N-triple


Syntax: XML




URI = Uniform Resource IdentifierURL = Uniform Resource Locator (has a location on the WWW) IRI = Internationalized Resource Identifier (uses Unicode)

Used for identifying resources (web, local, etc.)

Resources can be anything that has an identity in the context of an application (books, locations, humans, abstract concepts, etc.)

Analogous to, e.g., ISBN for books URLs ⊆ URIs ⊆ IRIs


scheme: type of URI, e.g. http, ftp, mailto, file, irc

authority: typically a domain name

path: e.g. /etc/passwd/

query: optional; provides non-hierarchical information. Usually for parameters, e.g. for a web service

fragment: optional; often used to address part of a retrieved resource, e.g. section of a HTML file.

Good IRI design is important for semantic applications. More later.



Used in RDF as shorthand for long URIsIf prefix “foo” is bound to http://example.com/

Then foo:bar expands to


Not quite the same as XML namespaces Mostly the same as CURIEs

Practically relevant due to IO restrictions

Necessary to fit any example on a page! Simple string concatenation


RDFThe Data Model

+RDF is…

Resource Description Framework

+RDF is…

The data model of Semantic Technologies and of the Semantic


+RDF is…

A schema-less data model that features unambiguous identifiers

and named relations between pairs of resources.

+Unambiguous Names

How many things are named “Boston”? How about “Riverside”?

So, we use URIs. Instead of “Boston”: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Boston QName: db:Boston

And instead of “nickname” we use: http://example.org/terms/nickname QName: dbo:nickname


The graph data structure makes merging data with shared identifiers trivial (as we saw earlier)

Triples act as a least common denominator for expressing data

URIs for naming remove ambiguity …the same identifier means the same thing

Why RDF? What’s different here?




RDF graphs are sets of triples

Triples are made up of a subject, a predicate, and an object (spo)

Resources and relationships are named with URIs

RDF is…

A labeled, directed graph of relations between resources and

literal values.

subject objectpredicate


Resources are: IRI (denotes an object)

Subjects: Resource or blank-node

Predicates: Resource

Object: Resource, literal or blank-node


A triple is also called a “statement”

+Turtle syntax

Simple syntax for RDF

Triples are directly listed as such: S P O IRIs are in < angle brackets > End with full-stop “.” Whitespaces are ignored


<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Massachusets> <http://example.org/terms/captial> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Boston> .

<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Massachusets> <http://example.org/terms/nickname> “The Bay State” .

<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Boston> <http://example.org/terms/inState> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Massachusets> .

<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Boston> <http://example.org/terms/nickname> “Beantown” .

<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Boston> <http://example.org/terms/population> “642,109”^^xsd:integer .

In Turtle


Prefixes (simple string concatenation)

Grouping of triples with the same subject using semi-colon ‘;’

Grouping of triples with the same subject and predicate using comma ‘,’

@prefix db: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>@prefix dbo: <http://example.org/terms/>

db:Massachusets dbo:captial db:Boston .db:Massachusets dbo:nickname “The Bay State” .db:Boston dbo:inState db:Massachusets .db:Boston dbo:nickname “Beantown” .db:Boston dbo:population “642,109”^^xsd:integer .

@prefix db: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>@prefix dbo: <http://example.org/terms/>

db:Massachusets dbo:captial db:Boston ; dbo:nickname “The Bay

State” .db:Boston dbo:inState db:Massachusets ;

dbo:nickname “Beantown” ; dbo:population

“642,109”^^xsd:integer .


Represent data values

Encoded as strings (the value)

Interpreted by means of datatypes

Literals without a type are treated the same as string (but they are not equal to strings)

An literal without a type is called plain literal. A plain literal may have a language tag

Datatypes are not defined by RDF, we reuse XML datatypes.

RDF does not require implementation support for any datatype. However, system generally implement most of XSD datatypes.



Typed literal: “Mariano”^^xsd:string, “12-12-12”^^xsd:date

Plain literal and literals with language “France” “France”@fr “Frankreich”@de

Equalities under simple RDF interpretation (lexical form matters): “Mariano” != “Mariano”@es != “Mariano”^^xsd:string “001”^^xsd:integer != “1”^^xsd:integer

Equalities under typed interpretation (lexical form doesn’t matter): “123”^^xsd:integer == “0123”^^xsd:integer Type hierarchy: “123.0”^^xsd:decimal = “00123”^^xsd:integer

Literals (cont.)

May 12, 2009


+Type definition

Datatypes can be defined by the user, as with XML

New “derived simple types” are derived by restriction, as with XML. Complex types based on enumerations, unions and list are also possible. Example:

<xsd:schema ...> <xsd:simpleType name="humanAge"> <xsd:restriction base="integer"> <xsd:minInclusive value="0"> <xsd:maxExclusive value="150"> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> ...</xsd:schema>

+Modeling with RDF

Lets revisit our motivational examples and do some modeling in RDF ourselves.

Given the following relational data, generate an RDF graph

+Exercise: Data set “A”: A simplified book store


<ID> Author

Title <Publisher>



id_xyz The Glass Palace id_qpr 2000

<ID> Name Home page

id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://www.amitavghosh.com

<ID> Publisher Name

am Amazon

bn Barnes & Nobel



StoresGenerate the RDF graph. Keys marked with <>. Primary keys are underscored.Steps: 1) Generate the graph 2) Adjust identifier 3) Adjust name of relations and types

+Relational to Graph (not yet RDF)

+With proper uri’s and bnodes

+Complete with rdf:type

In the lab: generate a turtle file for this graph. Additionally, transform it into n3 and RDF/XML file using Sesame or Jena


ToolsSystems and Frameworks


Triple stores Built on relational database Native RDF store

Development libraries

Full-featured application servers

Types of RDF Tools

May 12, 2009


Most RDF tools contain some elements of each of these.


Community-maintained lists http://esw.w3.org/topic/SemanticWebTools

Emphasis on large triple stores http://esw.w3.org/topic/LargeTripleStores

Michael Bergman’s Sweet Tools searchable list: http://www.mkbergman.com/?page_id=325

Finding RDF Tools

May 12, 2009


+RDF Tools – (Some) Triple Stores

May 12, 2009


Tool Commercial orOpen-source Environment

Anzo Both Java

ARC Open-source PHP

AllegroGraph Commercial Java, Prolog

Jena Open-source Java

Mulgara Open-source Java

Oracle RDF Commercial SQL / SPARQL

RDF::Query Open-source Perl

Redland Open-source C, many wrappers

Sesame Open-source Java

Talis Platform Commercial HTTP (Hosted) Virtuoso Both C++




Available at http://jena.apache.org/

Available under the apache license.

Developed by HP Labs (now community based development)

Most well known framework

Used to: Create and manipulate RDF graphs Query RDF graphs Read/Serialize RDF from/into different syntaxes Perform inference Build SPARQL endpoints

Tutorial: http://jena.apache.org/tutorials/rdf_api.html

+Basic operations

Creating a graph from Java URIs/Literals/Bnodes

Listing all “Statements”

Writing RDF (Turtle/N-Triple/XML)

Reading RDF


Querying (through the API)

+Creating a basic graph

// some definitionsstatic String personURI = "http://somewhere/JohnSmith";static String fullName = "John Smith";

// create an empty ModelModel model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

// create the resourceResource johnSmith = model.createResource(personURI);

// add the property johnSmith.addProperty(VCARD.FN, fullName);

+Creating a basic graph

// some definitionsString personURI = "http://somewhere/JohnSmith";String givenName = "John";String familyName = "Smith";String fullName = givenName + " " + familyName;

// create an empty ModelModel model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

// create the resource// and add the properties cascading styleResource johnSmith = model.createResource(personURI) .addProperty(VCARD.FN, fullName) .addProperty(VCARD.N, model.createResource() .addProperty(VCARD.Given, givenName) .addProperty(VCARD.Family, familyName));

+Result (internally)

+Listing the statements of a model// list the statements in the Model

StmtIterator iter = model.listStatements();

// print out the predicate, subject and object of each statementwhile (iter.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = iter.nextStatement(); // get next statement Resource subject = stmt.getSubject(); // get the subject Property predicate = stmt.getPredicate(); // get the predicate RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); // get the object

System.out.print(subject.toString()); System.out.print(" " + predicate.toString() + " "); if (object instanceof Resource) { System.out.print(object.toString()); } else { // object is a literal System.out.print(" \"" + object.toString() + "\""); } System.out.println(" .");}


http://somewhere/JohnSmith http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#N anon:14df86:ecc3dee17b:-7fff .anon:14df86:ecc3dee17b:-7fff http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#Family "Smith" .anon:14df86:ecc3dee17b:-7fff http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#Given "John" .http://somewhere/JohnSmith http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#FN "John Smith" .

+Writing RDF

Use the model.write(OutputStream s) method Any output stream is valid

By default it will write in RDF/XML format

Change format by specifying the format with: model.write(OutputStream s, String format) Possible format strings:


+Writing RDF

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns:vcard='http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#' > <rdf:Description rdf:about='http://somewhere/JohnSmith'> <vcard:FN>John Smith</vcard:FN> <vcard:N rdf:nodeID="A0"/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0"> <vcard:Given>John</vcard:Given> <vcard:Family>Smith</vcard:Family> </rdf:Description></rdf:RDF>

// now write the model in XML form to a filemodel.write(System.out);

+Reading RDF

Use model.read(InputStream, String syntax)

// create an empty model Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

// use the FileManager to find the input file InputStream in = FileManager.get().open( inputFileName );if (in == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File: " + inputFileName + " not found");}

// read the RDF/XML filemodel.read(in, null);

// write it to standard outmodel.write(System.out);


Prefixes are used in Turtle/RDF and other syntaxes

Define prefixes prior to writing to obtain a “short” rendering


Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); String nsA = "http://somewhere/else#"; String nsB = "http://nowhere/else#"; Resource root = m.createResource( nsA + "root" ); Property P = m.createProperty( nsA + "P" ); Property Q = m.createProperty( nsB + "Q" ); Resource x = m.createResource( nsA + "x" ); Resource y = m.createResource( nsA + "y" ); Resource z = m.createResource( nsA + "z" ); m.add( root, P, x ).add( root, P, y ).add( y, Q, z ); System.out.println( "# -- no special prefixes defined" ); m.write( System.out ); System.out.println( "# -- nsA defined" ); m.setNsPrefix( "nsA", nsA ); m.write( System.out ); System.out.println( "# -- nsA and cat defined" ); m.setNsPrefix( "cat", nsB ); m.write( System.out );

+Navigating the model

The API allows to query the model to get specific statements

Use model.getResource(…)

With a resource, use .getProperty to retrieve objects resource.getProperty(…).getObject(…)

You can further add statement to the model through the resource

// retrieve the John Smith vcard resource from the modelResource vcard = model.getResource(johnSmithURI);

// retrieve the value of the N propertyResource name = (Resource) vcard.getProperty(VCARD.N) .getObject();

// retrieve the value of the FN propertyResource name = vcard.getProperty(VCARD.N) .getResource();

// retrieve the given name propertyString fullName = vcard.getProperty(VCARD.FN) .getString();

// add two nickname properties to vcardvcard.addProperty(VCARD.NICKNAME, "Smithy") .addProperty(VCARD.NICKNAME, "Adman");

// set up the outputSystem.out.println("The nicknames of \"" + fullName + "\" are:");// list the nicknamesStmtIterator iter = vcard.listProperties(VCARD.NICKNAME);while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(" " + iter.nextStatement() .getObject() .toString());} The nicknames of "John Smith" are:

Smithy Adman

+Last notes

Key API objects: DataSet, Model, Statement, Resource and Literal

The default model implementation is in-memory

Other implementations exists that use different storage methods Native Jena TDB. Persistent, in disk, storage of models using

Jena’s own data structures and indexing techniques. SDB. Persistent storage through a relational database.

We’ll see more features as we advance in the course

Third parties offer their own triple stores through Jena’s API (OWLIM, Virtuoso, etc.)


Advanced RDF featuresn-ary relations, reification, containers

+Data set “A”: A simplified book store


<ID> Author Title <Publisher>



id_xyz The Glass Palace

id_qpr 2000

<ID> Name Home page

id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://www.amitavghosh.com

<ID> Publisher Name

am Amazon

bn Barnes & Nobel




<Book> <Store>


ISBN0-00-651409-X am 22.50

ISBN0-00-651409-X bn 21.00


+N-ary relations

Not all relations are binary

All n-ary relations can be “encoded” as a set of binary relations using auxiliary nodes.

This process is called “reification” in conceptual modeling (do not confuse with reification in RDFS, to come later).

+Data set “A”: A simplified book store


ID Author Title Publisher Year


id_xyz The Glass Palace id_qpr 2000

ID Name Home page

id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://www.amitavghosh.com

ID Publisher Name

am Amazon

bn Barnes & Nobel




Book Store Price

ISBN0-00-651409-X am 22.50

ISBN0-00-651409-X bn 21.00


+Blank Nodes

Nodes without a IRI Unnamed resources Complex nodes (later)

Representation of blank nodes is syntax-dependent In Turtle we use underscore followed by colon, then an ID _:b0 _:nodeX

The scope of the ID of a blank node is only the document where it belong. That is, two different RDF file, that contain the blank node _:n0 DO NOT REFER TO THE SAME NODE

+Blank Nodes

+RDF Reification

How would you state in RDF: “The detective supposes that the butler killed the


+RDF Reification

How would you state in RDF: “The detective supposes that the butler killed the


+RDF Reification

Reification allows to state statements about statements

Use special vocabulary: rdf:subject rdf:predicate rdf:object rdf:Statement

+RDF Reification

Reification allows to state statements about statements

Use special vocabulary: rdf:subject rdf:predicate rdf:object rdf:Statement

Warning: The triple

<Buttler> <Killed> <Gardener>

Is NOT in the graph.

+A reification puzzle

Know the story?


Express the following natural language sentences as a graph: Maria saw Eric eating ice cream The professor explained that the scientific community

regards evolution theory as the truth



Groups of resources rdf:Bag. Group, possibly with duplicates, no order. rdf:Seq. Group, possibly with duplicates, order matters. rdf:Alt. Group, indicates alternatives

Use rdf:type to indicate one type of container.

Use container membership properties to enumerate: rdf:_1, rdf:_2, rdf:_3, …, rdf:_n


+Collections (closed containers)

Containers are open. No way to “close them”. Imposible to say “no other member exists”. Consider merging datasets.

Group of things represented as a linked list structure

The list is defined using the RDF vocabulary: rdf:List, rdf:first, rdf:rest and rdf:nil

Each member of the list is of type rdf:List (implicitly)



SyntaxTurtle and N-Triple


We already covered ALMOST the nuts and bolts

Missing: Blank nodes, Containers

+Blank nodes

Use square brackets to define a blank node

ex:book1 ex:title "RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)"; ex:editor [ ex:fullName "Dave Beckett"; ex:homePage <http://purl.org/net/dajobe/> ].


Use ( )

ex:course ex:students (


) .


Advantages and uses: Easy to read and write manually or programmatically Good performance for IO, supported by many tools Turtle is not a W3C recommendation YET


Turtle minus: No prefix definitions are allowed No reference shortcuts (semi-colon, comma) Every other shortcut

Very simple to parse/generate (even through scripts)

Supported by most tools

VERY verbose. Wastes space/IO (problem is reduced with compression)


W3C Standard since 1999, revised in 2004

Used to be the only standard

Standard XML (works with any XML tools)

Different semantics than XML!

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