swt entral orders group outings 2016 (1) ettrick marshes ... · swt entral orders group outings...

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SWT Central Borders Group Outings 2016

Photos by Alison Smith

(1) Ettrick Marshes 23rd April

The Central Borders Group spring and summer season of events got underway with a trip to Ettrick Marshes, a Borders Forest Trust reserve, on Saturday 23rd April. Thankfully, the previous very wet conditions had improved and the group was rewarded with a very pleasant walk along the extensive boardwalks at lower levels and at higher level above the marsh areas. It was a bit early for the migrant birds to have returned but spring was in the air with trees budding... and some early flowers. Good examples of fungi were noted and a footprint in the mud was collectively agreed to be an otter print. The day was nicely brought to a conclusion with an ‘out of season’ opening up of the James Hogg exhibition at Ettrick School that Jim Russell had thoughtfully arranged.

Otter foot print (left)

Turkey tail fungus


(2) Duns Castle 21st May

Perhaps due to a pessimistic (and inaccurate) weather forecast, only a small number of us visited Duns Castle reserve on 21st May. We were glad we did. Our excellent leaders, Murray and Ron, showed us a range of exquisite woodland plants mostly tiny and likely to escape notice. We learned to recognise Pink Purslane, Sanicle, Three-veined Sandwort, Moschatel and Common Wintergreen and tried to master their scientific names. We were led further into a miniature world as we looked through magnifying glasses at the tiny fungi (or “rusts”) which lived on these small plants. And then there were brighter and larger attractions too – exotic estate trees from all over the globe, Purple Toothwort and Cup fungi on the leaf-carpeted woodland floor, Orange-tip and Comma butterflies in unexpected sunshine, Redstarts and Spotted Flycatchers, and the lovely views of coastal Berwickshire, the estate, the loch and the castle. A super nature reserve and well worth visiting!

Reserve views (left)

Moschatel (right top), Comma Butterfly (right middle), Purple

Toothwort (right bottom)

(3) National Moth Night at Glenkinnon June 10th

The theme of National Moth Night 2016 was Hawkmoths. Three species of

Hawkmoth are known to fly at Glenkinnon, but all decided to give that

night a miss! Nevertheless seven of us, braving drizzle and midges,

recorded 24 species of moths, with several beautiful species including The

Coronet, Peppered Moth , Scorched Wing, Green Carpet and Welsh Wave.

Another three better-slept enthusiasts enjoyed inspecting the catch the

next morning.

Welsh Wave The Coronet

Peppered Moth Scorched Wing Green Carpet

(4) Grey Mare’s Tail and Loch Skene 16th July

Fifteen of us enjoyed a superb hill walk led by National Trust Ranger, Richard Clarkson. Richard explained

the management of the site and the pleasures, challenges and difficulties encountered. We then

ascended the steep path to Loch Skene enjoying spectacular views of the waterfall and the glacial valley

below us. We examined an array of montane and bog plants with the highlight for many of us being

Britain’s rarest fern, Oblong Woodsia (albeit one of the re-introduced plants , the original small

population having been exterminated by Victorian fern collectors). Other botanical treasures were

Roseroot, Cloudberry, Lesser Twayblade, Dwarf Cornel, Downy Willow, Fir Clubmoss, Starry Saxifrage,

Beech Fern and Round-leaved Sundew. Birds and insects were not showing well on a cool windy day, but

we saw Dipper, Pied and Grey Wagtails, Meadow Pipits and Wheatear while a cold, sluggish Bilberry

Bumblebee was found beside the path.

Round-leaved Sundew


Oblong Woodsia Fir Clubmoss Lesser Twayblade

Bilberry Bumblebee

(5) Yetholm Loch SWT Reserve 17th September

On a glorious autumn afternoon 14

of us journeyed to this delightful

reserve nestling below the Cheviots.

We saw Gadwall (internet photo

below) and the very large assembly

of non-breeding Mute Swans. We

also admired a number of plants

including a very fine specimen of

Turkey Oak , its acorns covered in

mossy bristles.

Photos by Alison Smith and Malcom Lindsay

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