swachh bharat mission - world bankpubdocs.worldbank.org/en/...bharat-mission-india... · swachh...

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Swachh Bharat Mission

India’s Sanitation Revolution

Pa ra m eswa ra n I ye r

S e c re ta r y, M i n i s t r y o f D r i n k i n g Wa te r a n d S a n i ta t i on

G ove r n m en t o f I n d i a

600,000,000 defecated

in open(60% of world)

600,000 villages

700 districts

35 States/UTs

22 official languages

720 dialects

2014: The ChallengeIndia achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6.2 (sanitation for

all) critical for the world to achieve SDG 6

Degree of Difficulty: Selling a product to a consumer who doesn’t want it

15th August 2014: A Defining Moment

39% (Oct 2, 2014)

< 30%

31% - 60%

61% - 90%

91% - 99%


Over 550 million people changed their behaviour

93 million toilets built (96.5% usage: NARSS ‘19)

555,000 villages ODF

616 districts ODF

30 States/UTs ODF

99% (As on date)

2019: Swachh Bharat Outcome

What did SBM do differently?

• Leveraged the power of 1.3 billion peopleScale

• Built a sense of urgency and avoiding drip-dripSpeed

• Targeted generations-old beliefs through extensive IECStigmas

• Making sure people don’t slip back into old habitsSustainability

Scale: Team Swachh Bharat

120 million school students

1 million masons (55,000 women)

600,000 Swachhagrahis

250,000 Sarpanches

700 District Collectors

400 Preraks (YPs) 20 Brand Ambassadors

1 Communicator-in-Chief

Speed… and the Power of a Sunset Clause!

A Man on the



habits of 1.25

billion people

May 25, 1961 – July 20, 1969 Aug 15, 2014 –Oct 2, 2019

Stigmas and Myths

Twin pit toilet emptying by the Comptroller & Auditor General

of India

Toilets needed only by women

Having a toilet at home is


Someone else should clean

my toilet

• Engaging influencers and celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan

Mass Media campaigns

• Inter-personal Communication in every village in India

Grassroots engagement

• Demonstration of safe sanitation technologies

Debunking myths

SBM leveraged an IEC spend worth $3.75 billion (BMGF 2019)


Capacity building at scale

Contd IEC for sustained usage

Focus on ODF Plus

Growing Swachh Credit

$62 bn sanitation market by 2021

Keeping the buzz alive

Satyagraha Se Swachhagraha

• April 2018, 20,000 Swachhagrahis "triggered" the State of Bihar

Swachhata Hi Seva

• SHS 2018 got over 20 crore individuals offering shramdaan


• 55 Ministers & 200 representatives, from across 70 countries gathered to share WASH experience

Swachh Shakti

• SS 2019 brought together 15,000 women champions from across the country

Swachh Sundar Shauchalaya

• Over 13.4 million toilets beautified in January 2019 alone

Swachh Kumbh

• Biggest religious conglomeration on Earth, themed as "Swachh"

SBM saves lives

• 307,000 diarrheal deaths avoided when India becomes ODF

SBM improves health

• 32% lower cases of women with lower than normal Body Mass Index (BMI) in ODF villages

SBM saves money

• Household in an ODF village in India saves on average approx. $720 per year

SBM saves the environment

• ODF villages 21.7 times less likely to have groundwater contaminated

Impact so far

Lessons Learned I: Believe and Disrupt

Status quo and skepticism

- Infusing young blood- Building a dynamic team

Target phobia- Sunset clause

- Quick wins reinforce belief

State subject -"not my


- Personal engagement with CMs- Connecting with districts

Remaining faceless

- Engaging with media- Making sanitation glamorous

April 2019

Lessons Learned II: The 4 Ps

<1 1.00
















1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021

Rural sanitation Coverage %

The Swachh Bharat Concorde Slope

Oct 2014

• Political will and leadership from the top is criticalPolitical Leadership

• Put your money where your mouth is (Over $20 billion committed) Public Funding

• Engage with Dev. Partners, NGOs, pvt sector, civil society, mediaPartnerships

• Sanitation not a government programme, but a jan andolan

People’s Participation

@swachhbharat facebook.com/sbmgramin tinyurl.com/sbmgramin

Thank you

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