susan h. yoon, professor...

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Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 1 of 16

Susan H. Yoon, Ph.D.

The Ohio State University

College of Social Work

1947 College Road, Columbus, OH 43210

Phone: (614) 292-3289



Ph.D Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 2016

Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences

MSW Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea 2008

Graduate School of Social Welfare

BA Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea 2006

Major: Social Welfare, Minor: Psychology


Assistant Professor 2016-Present

The Ohio State University, College of Social Work

Affiliated Faculty

Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, 2016-Present

The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology

The Institute for Population Research, 2016-Present

The Ohio State University

The Research Methodology Center 2017-Present

The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology


Principal Investigator 8/28/2018–7/31/2020

Defining Resilience in Maltreated Children from the Practitioners’ Perspectives

Funded by the College of Social Work, Ohio State University, Total cost: $21,131.

Co-Investigator 10/1/2017–9/30/2022

Enhancing Permanency in Children and Families (EPIC) program

Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of, and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for, Children

Affected by Substance Abuse

Funded by Children’s Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, USDHHS

Co-PIs: Bridget Freisthler, Ph.D. Kathryn Maguire-Jack, Ph.D (Grant Number 90CU0083-01-00),

Total cost: $2,999,557.

Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Cecilia Mengo, Ph.D) 3/22/2018–2/28/2019

Building Recommended Practices for Working with Domestic Violence Survivors who Use Opioids in Residential

Services: A Community Engagement Approach

Funded by The Ohio State University Opioid Innovation Fund, Total cost: $50,000.

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Principal Investigator 7/1/2017–6/30/2018

Fathers, Child Maltreatment, and Adolescent Substance Use

Funded by the Institute for Population Research, Ohio State University (Core support from the NIH center grant

P2CHD058484 awarded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), Total cost: $27,931.

Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Alicia Bunger, Ph.D., Kathryn Maguire-Jack, Ph.D) 6/1/2017–4/31/2019

The Role of Behavioral Health Services for Opiate-Affected and Child Welfare-Involved Families in Rural


Funded by the College of Social Work, Ohio State University, Total cost: $37,656.

Fellow 9/30/2014–9/21/2016

Multilevel Protective Factors that Promote Well-Being for Maltreated Children

Fellowships for university-based doctoral candidates and faculty for research in child maltreatment.

Funded by Children’s Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, USDHHS

PI: Megan R. Holmes, Ph.D. (Grant Number 90CA1817-01-00), Total cost: $200,000.


Women’s Council Mentor Recognition Fund 2018

Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

Early Career Achievement Award 2018

Korean American Social Work Educators Association (KASWEA)

MSW Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award 2018

Ohio State University College of Social Work

The GADE Award for Excellence in Mentoring of Doctoral Students (Nominated) 2017

The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work

The Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention) 2017

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)

Fellowships for University-Based Doctoral Candidates and Faculty for Research in Child Maltreatment

Dissertation Fellowship ($60,000) 2014-2016

Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children’s Bureau

The KASWEA Outstanding Dissertation Proposal Award 2015

Korean American Social Work Educators Association ($500)

The Ruth Barber Moon Award 2014

School of Graduate Studies, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) ($1,000)

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (* Current or former student collaborator)

32. Pei*, F., Wang*, X., Yoon, S., Tebben*, E. (In Press). Pathways from Neighborhood Disorder to Children’s

Externalizing Problems in Early Childhood: The Roles of Parental Stress and Physical Abuse. Journal of

Community Psychology

31. Blair, K., Zhang, L., Voith, L.A., & Yoon, S (In Press). Risk and Resilience across the Lifespan Among At-Risk

Men. The Journal of Men’s Studies.

30. Wang*, X., Wu, Q., & Yoon, S (In press). Pathways from infancy father engagement to late childhood

aggression: Mediation through mother’s parenting stress. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.

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29. Yoon, S., Pei*, F., Wang*, X., Yoon*, D., Lee*, G., Shockley McCarthy*, K., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2018).

Vulnerability or resilience to early substance use among adolescents at risk of maltreatment: The role of

maltreatment and father involvement. Child Abuse & Neglect, 86 (2018), 206-216. doi:


28. Yoon, S., Cage, J. L., Pei*., F., & Barnhart, S. (2018). Risk and Resilience Factors for Psycho-behavioral

Symptom Trajectories among Child Welfare-Involved Youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:


27. Yoon, S., Tebben*, E., Bellamy, J. L., Lee*, G., Yoon*, D., & Kim*, W. (In press). Predictors of Father-Child

Relationship Quality in Families at Risk of Maltreatment. Journal of the Society for Social Work and


26. Kobulsky, J. M., Yoon, S., Bright, C. L., Lee*, G. & Nam, B. (2018). Gender moderated pathways from

childhood abuse and neglect to late adolescent substance use. Journal of Traumatic Stress. doi:


25. Yoon*, D., Yoon, S., & Park, J. (2018). A pernicious cycle: finding the pathways from child maltreatment to

adolescent peer victimization. Child Abuse & Neglect, 81 (2018), 139-148.

24. Yoon, S., Barnhart, S., & Cage, J. L. (2018). The effects of recurrent physical abuse on the co-development of

posttraumatic stress symptoms and externalizing behavior problems among child welfare involved youth.

Child Abuse & Neglect, 81 (2018), 29-38.

23. Yoon, S., Voith, L.A., & Kobulsky, J. M. (2018). Gender differences in pathways from child physical and sexual

abuse to adolescent risky sexual behavior. Journal of Adolescence, 64. 89-97.

22. Maguire-Jack, K., Cao*, Y., & Yoon, S. (2018). Racial disparities in child maltreatment: The role of social

service availability. Children and Youth Services Review, 86. 49-55.

21. Yoon, S., Bellamy, J., Kim*, W., & Yoon*, D. (2018). Father involvement and behavior problems among

preadolescents at risk of maltreatment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(2), 494-504. DOI:


20. Yoon, S. (2018). Fostering resilient development: Protective factors underlying externalizing trajectories of

maltreated children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(2), 443-452.

19. Holmes, M. R., Yoon, S., Berg, K., Cage, J., & Perzynski, A. T. (2018). Promoting the development of resilient

academic functioning in maltreated children. Child Abuse and Neglect.75, 92-103 doi:


18. Yoon, S., Kobulsky, J. M., Yoon*, D., & Kim*, W. (2017). Developmental pathways from child maltreatment to

adolescent substance use: The roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms and mother-child relationships.

Children and Youth Services Review, 82 (2017), 271-279.

17. Yoon, S., Yoon*, D., Wang*, X., Tebben*, E., Lee*, G., & Pei*, F. (2017). Co-development of internalizing and

externalizing behavior problems during early childhood among child welfare-involved children. Children

and Youth Services Review, 82, 455-465.

16. Yoon, S. (2017). Child maltreatment characteristics as predictors of heterogeneity in internalizing symptom

trajectories among children in the child welfare system. Child Abuse and Neglect, 72; 247-257.

15. Yoon, S., Tebben*, E., & Lee*, G. (2017). Early childhood aggression among child welfare involved children:

The interplay between the type of child maltreatment and ecological protective factors. Children and Youth

Services Review, 81:72-80. doi:

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14. Holmes, M. R., Yoon, S. & Berg, K. (2017). Maternal depression and intimate partner violence exposure:

Longitudinal analyses of the development of aggressive behavior in an at-risk sample, Aggressive

Behavior, 9999, 1-11. 10.1002/ab.21696

13. Yoon, S., Steigerwald, S., Holmes, M. R., & Perzynski, A. T. (2016). Children’s exposure to violence: The

underlying effect of posttraumatic stress symptoms on behavior problems. Journal of Traumatic Stress,

29(1),72-9. doi: 10.1002/jts.22063

12. Kobulsky, J. M., Holmes, M.R., Yoon, S., & Perzynski, A T. (2016). Physical abuse after child protective

services investigation and adolescent substance use. Children and Youth Services Review. 71, 35-44. doi:


11. Crampton, D. & Yoon, S. (2016). Family Group Decision Making. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. 1-8. doi


10. Crampton, D. & Yoon, S. (2016). Crisis nursery services and foster care prevention: An exploratory study. Children and Youth Services Review.61, 311-316. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.01.001

9. Minnes, S., Min, M. O., Short, E., Wu, M., Lang, A., Yoon, S. & Singer, L. T. (2016). Executive function in

children with prenatal cocaine exposure (12-15 Years). Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 57: 79-86 doi:10.1016/

8. Yoon, S., Kobulsy, J., Voith, L. A., Steigerwald, S., & Holmes, M. R. (2015). Gender differences in caregiver-

child relationship mediation of the association between violence exposure severity and adolescent behavior

problems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 50, 104–15. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.10.012

7. Holmes, M. R., Yoon, S., Voith, L. A., Kobulsky, J., & Steigerwald, S. (2015). Resilience in physically abused

children: Protective factors for aggression. Behavioral Sciences. 5, 176-189.

6. Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Lang, A., Yoon, S., & Singer, L. T. (2015). Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on early

sexual behavior: Gender difference in externalizing behavior as a mediator. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,

153, 59-65.

5. Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Yoon, S., Short, E., & Singer, L. T. (2014). Self-reported adolescent behavioral

adjustment: Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55 (2), 167-174.

4. Biegel, D. E. & Yoon, S. (2014). Social Work Education: Research. Encyclopedia of Social Work. Retrieved

data, from


3. Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Lang, A., Weishampel, P., Short, E. J., Yoon, S., & Singer, L. T. (2014). Externalizing

behavior and substance use related problems at 15 years in prenatally cocaine exposed adolescents. Journal

of Adolescence, 37, 269-279.

2. Minnes, S., Singer, L. T., Min, M. O., Wu, M., Lang, A., & Yoon, S. (2014). Effects of prenatal

cocaine/polydrug exposure on substance use by age 15. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134 (1), 201-210.

1. Yoon, S. (2011). A study on predictive factors for and gender differences in career maturity among elementary

school students. Social Work Practice and Research (Korean journal), 8, 97-124.


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13. Yoon, S., Quinn, C.R., Shockley McCarthy*, K., & Robertson, A.A. (Revise and Resubmit). Child Welfare and

Juvenile Justice System Involvement and Academic Outcomes: Gender and Racial Differences. Youth &


12. Showalter, K*., Yoon, S., Maguire-Jack, K., Wolf, K., & Letson, M. (Revise and Resubmit). How does dual

exposure to intimate partner violence and physical abuse impact trauma symptoms? Exploration in a

children’s advocacy center population. Journal of Maltreatment, Aggression & Trauma

11. Yoon, S., Dillard*, R., Kobulsky, J. M., Nemeth, J., Shi*, Y., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (Under Review). The type

and timing of child maltreatment as predictors of adolescent cigarette smoking trajectories. Child Abuse &


10. Voith, L. A., Yoon, S., Topitzes, J., & Brondino, M. J. (Under Review). A Feasibility Study of a School-Based

Social Emotional Learning Program: Informing Program Development and Evaluation. Evaluation and

Program Planning

9. Kim, I., Burlaka, V., & Yoon, S (Under Review). Gender differences in suicide ideation: Mediating effects of

alcohol abuse/dependence on suicide ideation through psychological distress and hopelessness. Archives of

Suicide Research.

8. Lee*, J., Schoppe-Sullivan, S. Logan, J., & Yoon, S. (Under Review). The roles of children’s DRD2, family

socioeconomic conditions, and mother’s parenting in heterogeneous child behavior problem trajectories.

Development & Psychopathology

7. Yoon*, D., Snyder, S., & Yoon, S. (Revise and Resubmit). Child Maltreatment Types and Adolescent Substance

Use: The Role of Deviant Peer Affiliation. Journal of Child and Family Social Work

6. Wang*, X., Maguire-Jack, K., Barnhart, S., & Yoon, S. (Under Review). Racial differences in the relationship

between neighborhood disorder, adverse childhood experiences, and child behavioral health. Social

Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

5. Yoon, S., Shi*, Y., Yoon*, D., Pei*, F., Schoppe-Sullivan, S., & Snyder, S. M. (Under Review). Child

Maltreatment, Fathers, and Adolescent Alcohol and Marijuana Use Trajectories. Substance Use and Misuse

4. Yoon, S., Howell, K., Dillard,* R., Shockley McCarthy*, K., Rae Napier, T., & Pei*, F (Revise and Resubmit).

Resilience following Child Maltreatment: Definitional Considerations and Developmental Variations.

Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

3. Cage, J., Yoon, S., Barnhart, S., Coles, C., McGinnis, H., & Starns, A. (Under Review). Measuring school

engagement for child welfare involved youth: Assessing the dimensionality of the Drug Free School Scale.

Child Abuse & Neglect

2. Miller-Graff, L., Yoon, S., Paulson, J., & Maguire-Jack, K. (Under Review). Pathways of depression and

posttraumatic stress symptoms across childhood and adolescence: Findings from two longitudinal studies.

The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

1. Yoon, D., Yoon, S., Yoon, M., & Snyder, S. (Under Review). Developmental Trajectories of Deviant Peer

Affiliation in Mid-Adolescence: Associations with Types of Child Abuse and Substance Use. Children and

Youth Services Review.


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Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Yoon, S. & Singer, L. T. (2017). Adolescent behavior as a result of prenatal cocaine. In V.

R. Preedy (Ed.), The neuroscience of cocaine: Mechanisms and treatment. San Diego, CA: Academic



Freisthler, B., Bunger, A., Hutzel, M., Collins, A., Maguire-Jack, K.. & Yoon, S. (2018). Ohio START: Interim

Evaluation Report December 2018. Columbus, OH: Author.

Freisthler, B., Hutzel, M., Bunger, A., Collins, A., Maguire-Jack, K.. & Yoon, S. (2018). Ohio START: Interim

Evaluation Report February 2018. Columbus, OH: Author

Schubert Center for Child Studies (2016). Examining resilience among maltreated children. Research & Policy

Brief. Retrieved from


Beaujolais, B., Pei, F., Mengo, C., & Yoon, S. (October, 2019). Domestic violence, opioid use, and the experiences

of domestic violence service providers. Abstract submitted for oral presentation at the Council on Social

Work Education, 65th Annual Program Meeting. Denver, Colorado

Shockley McCarthy, K., Yoon, S., & Quinn, C. (October, 2019). Child Protective and Juvenile Justice Involved

Youth: Academic Outcomes, Gender, and Race. Abstract submitted for poster presentation at the Council

on Social Work Education, 65th Annual Program Meeting. Denver, Colorado

Yoon, S., Howell, K., Dillard, R., Shockley McCarthy, K., Rae Napier, T., & Pei, F. (April, 2019). Resilience

following Child Maltreatment: Definitional Considerations and Developmental Variations. Poster

Presentation at ResilienceCon 2019, Nashville, TN.

Yoon, S., Maguire-Jack, K., Mengo, C., & Mendoza, N. (April, 2019). Family Violence and Resilience across the

Lifespan. Hot Topics Panel at ResilienceCon 2019, Nashville, TN.

Pei, F., Wang, X., & Yoon, S. (April, 2019). The Community Resilience of Early Childhood Externalizing

Symptoms. Poster Presentation at ResilienceCon 2019, Nashville, TN.

Yoon, S., Pei, F., Wang, X., Yoon, D., Lee, G., & Shockley McCarthy, K. (January, 2019). Vulnerability or

resilience to early substance use among adolescents at risk of maltreatment: The role of maltreatment and

father involvement. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual

Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Yoon, S., Dillard, R., Kobulsky, J., Nemeth, J. & Shi, Y. (January, 2019). The Developmental Timing of Child

Maltreatment and Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Trajectories. Paper presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

Yoon, S., Pei., F., Cage, J. L., & Barnhart, S. (January, 2019). Risk and Resilience Factors for Psycho-Behavioral

Symptom Trajectories Among Child Welfare-Involved Youth. Poster presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

Barnhart, S., Yoon, S., Cage, J., Miller, J. (January, 2019). Single Mothers' Economic Hardships and Symptoms of

Depression and Anxiety Among Their Teenage Children. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work

and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 7 of 16

Shin, S.H., Yoon, S., & Cage, J. (January, 2019). Exploring the Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment and

Problematic Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Warmth. Poster presentation at the Society for

Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Quinn, C., Yoon, S., & Robertson, A. (January, 2019). Gender and Racial Differences of Youth Exposed to Violence

and Maltreatment: Understanding Academic Outcomes of Dually Involved Youth. Paper presentation at the

Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Showalter, K., Yoon, S., & Maguire-Jack, K. (January, 2019). Dual-Victimization and Trauma Symptoms. Paper

presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Pei, F., Tebben, E., Wang, X., & Yoon, S (January, 2019). The Direct and Indirect Effect of Neighborhood Effects

on Early Childhood Externalizing Behaviors. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work and

Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

Yoon, D., Yoon, S., & Snyder, S. (January, 2019). The Impact of Maltreatment Type on Adolescent Substance Use:

The Role of Deviant Peer Affiliation. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd

Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Wang, X., Maguire-Jack, K., Barnhart, S., & Yoon, S. (January, 2019). Neighborhoods and Child Internalizing

Problems: The Mediating Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Poster presentation at the Society for

Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Cage, J. L., Pei., F., Dillard, R., & Yoon, S. (November, 2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Psycho-Behavioral

Symptom Trajectories Among Child Welfare-Involved Youth. Oral presentation at the Council on Social

Work Education, 61st Annual Program Meeting. Orlando, FL.

Quinn, C., Yoon, S., & Robertson, A. (November, 2018). Challenges Facing Black Juvenile Offenders:

Understanding Maltreatment and Academic Outcomes. Paper presentation at the 2018 American Society of

Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Tebben, E., Yoon, S., Wang, X., Yoon, D., Lee, G., Pei, F. (June, 2018). Sad and Mad: The Co-development of

Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Child-welfare Involved Young Children. Poster

presentation at The 2018 Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) National Research Conference

on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.

Yoon, S. (June, 2018). Promoting resilient development: Risk and Protective Factors underlying Externalizing

Trajectories of Maltreated Children. Poster presentation at APSAC's 25th Annual Colloquium, New

Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S., Tebben, E., Lee, G., & Maguire-Jack, K. (June, 2018). Early Childhood Aggression among Child Welfare

Involved Children: The Interplay between the Type of Child Maltreatment and Ecological Protective

Factors. Poster presentation at APSAC's 25th Annual Colloquium, New Orleans, LA.

Maguire-Jack, K., Cao, Y., & Yoon, S. (June, 2018). Parental Behavioral Services Use, Child Maltreatment, and

Child Outcomes. Poster presentation at APSAC's 25th Annual Colloquium, New Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S., Shockley McCarthy, K., & Maguire-Jack, K.. (April, 2018). Resilience to adolescent substance use

among youth at risk of maltreatment: The role of father involvement. Poster presentation at ResilienceCon

2018, Nashville, TN.

Yoon, S., Maguire-Jack, K, Shockley McCarthy, K., & Pei, F. (April, 2018). Promotive factors for resilient

behavioral functioning in child –welfare involved youth. Poster presentation at ResilienceCon 2018,

Nashville, TN.

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 8 of 16

Yoon, S. Barnhart, S., & Cage, J. (2018, January). Longitudinal Association between Posttraumatic Stress

Symptoms and Externalizing Symptoms Among Child Welfare Involved Youth: The Role of Physical Abuse.

Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 21th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Yoon, S., Voith, L., & Kobulsky, J. M. (2018, January). Gender Differences in Pathways from Child Physical and

Sexual Abuse to Adolescent Risky Sexual Behavior. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and

Research 21th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Kobulsky, J.M., Yoon, S., Lee, G., & Bright, C. (2018, January). Gender Differences in Trauma Symptom

Pathways from Childhood Abuse to Substance Use Severity. Oral presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 21th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Yoon, D., Yoon, S., & Park, J. (2018, January). A Pernicious Cycle: Finding the Pathways from Child

Maltreatment to Adolescent Peer Victimization. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and

Research 21th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Yoon, S., Tebben, E., & Lee, G. (2017, October). Father Involvement and Behavior Problems among Children at

Risk of Maltreatment. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education, 63rd Annual Program

Meeting. Dallas, TX.

Yoon, S., Bellamy, J., Kim, W., & Yoon, D. (2017, January). The importance of fathers in social and behavioral

development of children at-risk of maltreatment. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and

Research 20th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S., Bellamy, J., Kim, W., & Yoon, D. (2017, January). The role of fathers in maltreatment: Differential

effects on maltreatment type. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual

Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S. Kobulsky, J. M., & Lee, E. (2017, January). Individual-, family-, and community-level pathways to

adolescent substance use. Symposium at the Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual

Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S., Kobulsky, J. M., Yoon, D., & Kim, W. (2017, January). Developmental pathways from child physical,

emotional, and sexual abuse to adolescent substance use. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work

and Research 20th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Yoon, S., Yoon, D., Kim, W., & Kobulsky, J. M. (2017, January). The underlying effects of the caregiver-child

relationship quality on adolescent substance use in at-risk youth. Oral presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 20th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Kobulsky, J. M., Holmes, M. R., & Yoon, S. (2017, January). Physical abuse safety concerns and substance use

among child welfare adolescents. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 20th

Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Kobulsky, J., Holmes, M.R., & Yoon, S. (2016, November). Physical Abuse Safety Concerns and Substance Use

Among Child Welfare Adolescents. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education, 62nd

Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Voith, L.A., Topitzes, J., Yoon, S., & Brondino, M.J. (2016, October). Peace Program: Findings from an

Evaluation of a School-Based Violence Prevention Program. Oral presentation at American Public Health

Association Annual Meeting and Exposition. Denver, CO.

Yoon, S. (2016, August). Protective factors underlying developmental trajectories of externalizing behavior

problems among maltreated children. Poster presentation at the 20th National Conference on Child Abuse

and Neglect. Washington, DC.

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 9 of 16

Yoon, S. (2016, January). Heterogeneity in developmental trajectories of internalizing behavior problems among

children who have experienced early childhood maltreatment. Poster presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 20th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Yoon, D., Crampton, S., Yoon, S. & Bearman, S. K. (2016, January). Increasing adherence to Team

Decisionmaking through improved family participation. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work

and Research 20th Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Yoon, S., Kobulsky, J., Voith, L. A. & Steigerwald, S. (2015, October). Violence exposure and adolescent behavior

problems: Parent-child relationships as a mediator. Interactive poster presentation at the Council on Social

Work Education, 61st Annual Program Meeting. Denver, CO.

Holmes, M. R., Yoon, S. & Kobulsky, J. (2015, October). Resilience in physically abused children: Protective

factors for aggression. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education, 61st Annual Program

Meeting. Denver, CO.

Riley-Behringer, M., Cage, J. & Yoon, S. (2015, October). Helping direct practice social work students embrace

their inner policy wonk. Interactive workshop at the Council on Social Work Education, 61st Annual

Program Meeting. Denver, CO.

Yoon, S. & Holmes, M. R. (2015, January). Child exposure to violence: The underlying effect of trauma symptoms

on behavior problems. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 19th Annual

Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Crampton, D., Bearman, S. K., Corteselli, K. & Yoon, S. (2015, January). Ongoing efforts to develop the Evidence-

Base of Team Decisionmaking. Oral paper presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 19th

Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Crampton, D. & Yoon, S. (2014, January). Racial and ethnic differences in crisis nursery service utilization and

subsequent foster care placement: The role of engagement. Oral paper presentation at the Society for Social

Work and Research 18th Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX

Yoon, S. & Crampton, D. (2013, November). Crisis nursery services and foster care prevention: The importance of

engagement. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education, 59th Annual Program Meeting.

Dallas, TX

Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Short, E., Yoon, S., & Singer, L. T. (2013, June). Self-reported adolescent behavioral

adjustment: Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure. Poster presentation at the College on Problems of Drug

Dependence Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Minnes, S., Min, M. O., Short, E.J., Wu, M., Yoon, S., & Singer, L. T. (2013, June). Executive function in children

with prenatal cocaine exposure at 12 and 15 years. Poster presentation at the College on Problems of Drug

Dependence Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Minnes, S., Min, M. O., Lang, A., Yoon, S., Wu, M., & Singer, L.T. (2012, June). Predictors of substance use in

prenatally cocaine-exposed adolescents. Poster presentation at the Annual Neurobehavioral Teratology

Society (NBTS) Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

Joo, H., Park, K., Sung, J., & Yoon, S. (2007, October). Examining social welfare policy for poor children and

women in Bangladesh. Poster presentation at the International Academic Symposium of the Korean

Academy of Social Welfare. Seoul, Korea.

Park, K., Jung, J., Yoon, S., & Im, S. (2007, October). Pilot study on improving school adaptation skills of poor

students in Bangladesh. Oral presentation at the International Academic Symposium of the Korean

Academy of Social Welfare. Seoul, Korea.

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 10 of 16

Nho, C., Yoon, S., & Jun, E. (2006, September). Differences in level of school satisfaction, behavioral problems,

and social support between alternative high school students and regular high school students. Oral

presentation at the International School of Social Work Conference. Pusan, Korea.


Yoon. S. (2018). Promoting resilience in young children after early exposure to trauma. Training workshop at the

Schoenbaum Family Center. Columbus, OH, February 19, 2018.

Yoon. S. (2017). Introduction to Growth Mixture Modeling. Oral presentation at the Research Methodology Center

(RMC) Methods Festival. Columbus, OH, July 18, 2017.

Yoon. S. (2017). Healthy Relationships. Oral presentation at the Minority Health Month’s Healthy Relationship

Workshop. Asian American Community Services, Columbus, OH, April 8, 2017.

Holmes, M. R., Perzynski, A. T., Kobulsky, J. & Yoon. S. (2016). Resilience in adversity: Promoting positive

outcomes for maltreated children. Oral presentation bridging research, policy and practice as part of the Schubert

Center for Child Studies Conversations Series. Cleveland, OH, April 14, 2016.


Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2015-2016

Longitudinal Effects of Family Violence: Sibling Factors and Maternal Parenting

PI: Megan R. Holmes, Ph.D., Funded by NIH/NICHD (R03HD078416)

Assisted in the recoding and analysis of data (NSCAW-1); assisted in submitting the R03 grant; conducted

a literature review

Study Coordinator, Case Western Reserve University 2014-2016

Sibling Relationships and the Psychobiology of Intimate Partner Violence Exposure: A Pilot Study

PI: Megan R. Holmes, Ph.D., Funded by CWRU, MSASS Research & Training Development Grant

Assisted in the development of the study protocol; assisted in preparing the IRB documents, prepared study

material for data collection; conducted primary data collection with mothers and children

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2012-2015

The Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on Adolescent Development

PI: Sonia Minnes, Ph.D., Funded by NIH/NIDA (R01 DA 07957), $4,856,935

Conducted a literature review; co-authored publications; presented at peer reviewed conference; assisted in

grant proposal preparation

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2014-2015

Linking Team Decisionmaking (TDM) Adherence and Outcome Data in a Child Welfare Sample: Another Step

towards Establishing Team Decisionmaking as an Evidence-Based Practice

PI: David Crampton, Ph.D., Funded by the Anne E. Casey Foundation

Created a dataset that merged the previously studied TDM meetings with the TDM database and the child

welfare services database Managed the data; conducted preliminary analysis

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2013 –2014

Gender Differences in Developmental Pathways of Substance Use Problems and Risk Behaviors among Poly-Drug

Exposed Adolescents

PI: Meeyoung Min, Ph.D., Funded by CWRU, MSASS Research & Training Development Grant

Submitted IRB documents; conducted a literature review; screened a longitudinal data set, performed data

analysis using SPSS; assisted in writing a R03 grant proposal

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2012-2013

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Measuring Adherence to Team Decisionmaking (TDM): A Pilot Study

PI: Sarah Kate Bearman, Ph.D., Funded by the Anne E. Casey Foundation

Recruited study participants; Conducted primary data collection with mothers and children attending TDM

meetings; Presented analysis of the combined dataset to community partners including DCFS employees

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2011- 2012

Child Welfare Outcomes of Children and Families Served by Providence House

PI: David Crampton, Ph.D., Funded by Providence House

Collaborated in creating a data set that matches the crisis nursery participants data to the public child

welfare records; analyzed data using SAS 9.2; collaborated in writing reports

Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University 2011- 2012

Team Decisionmaking (TDM) Survey

PI: David Crampton, Ph.D.

Prepared study material for data collection; created an online survey; collected data (via an online survey

tool Survey Monkey); conducted data analysis using SPSS; assisted in writing reports

Research Associate, National Child Protection Agency, Korea 2008

National Child Abuse and Neglect Report 2007

PI: Kyung-Hee Ryu, Ph.D. Funded by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

Conducted a literature review; analyzed national statistical data of child abuse and neglect; wrote reports

Research Associate, National Child Protection Agency, Korea 2008

Developing Safety Plans and Policies for CPS Workers in Korea

PI: Kyung-Hee Ryu, Ph.D. Funded by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

Designed the study; conducted a literature review; collected and analyzed data; wrote reports



Developer Fall 2017

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

Online course development

SWK 6301 Social Work Perspectives on Development and Behavior Across the Lifespan (MSW level)

Co-developer Spring 2017

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

SWK 8503

Developing Knowledge, Skills, and Strategies for a Successful Job Search (Ph.D level)


Guest Lecturer Spring 2019

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

ESQREM 8895 Advanced Structural Equation Modeling (PhD level)

Topic: Introduction to Growth Mixture Modeling

Guest Lecturer Fall 2018

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

SWK 6301 Writing Seminar (PhD level)

Topic: Writing the Methods Section of a Manuscript

Instructor Fall 2018

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 12 of 16

ONLINE SWK 8101 Social Work Perspectives on Development and Behavior Across the Lifespan (MSW level)

Co-Instructor Spring 2017

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

SWK 8193 Independent Study

Developing Knowledge, Skills, and Strategies for a Successful Job Search (Ph.D level)

Instructor Fall 2016, 2017

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

SWK 6301 Social Work Perspectives on Development and Behavior Across the Lifespan (MSW level)

Field Liaison 2016-2017

The College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

Instructor Spring 2015

Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, CWRU

SASS 426 Research Methods in Social Work (MSW level)

Teaching Assistant Fall 2014

Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, CWRU

SASS440 Human Development in Context I: Child and Adolescent (MSW level)

Instructor: Sonia Minnes, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant Spring 2014

Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, CWRU

SASS618 Measurement Issues in Quantitative Research (Ph.D level)

Instructor: Aloen Townsend, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant/ Lab Instructor Spring 2014

Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, CWRU

SASS 426 Research Methods in Social Work (MSW level)

Instructor: David Miller, Ph.D.

Teaching Mentee Spring 2013

Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, CWRU

SPPP 529 Child and Family Policy and Service Delivery (MSW level)

Mentor: David Crampton, Ph.D.

Instructor Spring 2010

School of Social Work, Daeduk College, Korea

Social Work Practice in Mental Health (Undergraduate level)

Instructor Spring 2010

Department of Child Education, Mokwon University, Korea

Child Welfare (Undergraduate level)


Faculty advisor for 6 MSW and 8 BSSW students

Supervisor for Graduate Research Assistants, Fei Pei and Karla Shockley McCarthy, PhD students 2018-2019

Faculty advisor for 6 MSW and 8 BSSW students

Supervisor for Graduate Research Assistants, Fei Pei and Karla Shockley McCarthy, PhD students 2017-2018

Faculty advisor for 20 MSW and 7 BSSW students

Supervisor for Graduate Research Assistant, Guijin Lee, PhD student 2016-2017

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 13 of 16


Guijin Lee, PhD student, OSU College of Social Work 2016–

Erin Tebben, OSU College of Social Work 2016–

Xiafei Wang, OSU College of Social Work 2016–

Fei Pei, OSU College of Social Work 2017–

Karla Shockley McCarthy, OSU College of Social Work 2017–

Dalhee Yoon, Case Western Reserve University, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social

Sciences 2016–


Amy Tate, MSW student 2017-2018


Kathryn Showalter 2017- present

Ashleigh Hodge 2017-2018

Rebecca Dillard 2018-present

Fei Pei (Co-chair) 2018-present


Child Protective Services Worker 2007-2010

National Child Protection Agency, Seoul, Korea

Provided intensive case management services for abused children

Coordinated child placement and arranged psychiatric and psychosocial counseling

Social Work Intern 2007

Community Center for Children and Mothers of Gulsan, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Developed and conducted educational programs to improve children’s knowledge of sanitation

Social Work Intern 2006

Seoul City Counseling and Therapy Center for Children, Seoul, Korea

Provided individual counseling for maltreated children

Conducted group counseling for children with behavioral problems

Social Work Intern 2005- 2006

Ewha Community Social Welfare Center, Seoul, Korea

Assessed and counseled children with school adaptation problems

Provided outreach services to help homeless, delinquent adolescents



Member, Ph.D Program Committee 2018-2019

The Ohio State University College of Social Work

Co-facilitator, The Job Search Club for Ph.D students 2016

Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 14 of 16

The Ohio State University College of Social Work


Graduate Faculty Representative 2016- present

The Ohio State University

Judge, Denman Undergraduate Research Forum 2017

The Ohio State University

Committee Member, The Sexual Misconduct Prevention Education Committee 2014-2015

Case Western Reserve University

Committee Member, The Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention Sub-Committee 2014-2015

Case Western Reserve University


Member, Board of Directors 2018-current

The Ohio Domestic Violence Network, Columbus, Ohio

Member, Board of Trustees 2017-current

Youth Advocacy Services, Columbus, Ohio

Member, Family Violence Research Collaborative 2017

The Center for Family Safety and Healing

Grant reviewer, Ohio Children’s Trust Fund 2017

Grant Review Committee for Ohio Children’s Trust Fund; served as a grant reviewer for grants to county

maltreatment prevention programs.


Grant Reviewer 2019

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Special Emphasis Panel for RFA-CE-19-005, Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury

Associate Editor 2018-present

The Journal of Child and Family Studies

Consulting Editor, Editorial Board 2019

Psychology of Violence

Board member, Editorial Reviewers Board 2016-present

Journal of the Society for Social Work & Research (JSSWR)

Member, Program Committee 2019


Mentor, The Coffee with a Scholar Program 2019

The Society for Social Work & Research (JSSWR)

Conference Abstract Reviewer

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The American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Conference 2019

The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 22nd Annual Conference 2017

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting 2017-2018

The National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Office of Child Abuse and Neglect, Children’s Bureau,

Administration on Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2016, 2018

Journal Reviewer

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 2018-present

Journal of Adolescence 2018-present

Journal of Family Violence 2017-present

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 2017-present

Child Abuse and Neglect 2017-present

Child Maltreatment 2017-present

Children and Youth Services Review 2017-present

The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 2017-present

Evaluation and Program Planning 2017-present

Journal of Marriage and Family 2017-present

The Journal of the Society for Social Work & Research (JSSWR) 2016-present

Advances in Social Work 2016-present

The Journal of Child and Family Studies 2016-present

Perspectives on Social Work 2014- 2016

Editorial Assistant

Journal of Korean Family and Social Welfare 2006-2007


Statistical Seminar (Structural Equation Modeling) 2014

Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Science, CWRU

ICPSR Summer Program Workshop 2014

Growth Mixture Models: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

The Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.

Applied Biostatistics in Clinical Research Seminar 2012

The School of Medicine, CWRU


Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC)

The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

The American Psychological Association (APA)

Div 37-Section on Child Maltreatment

Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice

The Population Association of America (PAA)


Updated: 01.01.19 Susan Yoon | Page 16 of 16

Americans Love Families. American Policies Don’t. (2018, June 24). “In the child welfare system, case workers

frequently neglect the role of fathers, despite mounting evidence of their importance for children’s well-being.”

The Upspot, The New York Times.

Retrieved from

Troubled girls, boys have different reasons for having risky sex: CWRU study (2018, May 18). Retrieved from

Risky sexual behavior stems from physical abuse for boys, marijuana use for girls: study (2018, April 2). Retrieved


Fathers Crucial in Helping Children Develop Resilience (April, 2018). Retrieved from

CWRU social work researchers to study why some children endure abuse and witnessing violence in the home better

than others (2014, November 17). Retrieved from



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