survey with 84 students, all under 20 years old

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Survey with 84 students, all under 20 years old. 1. Have you heard of Malay Village?. Chinese : 45.1 % showed that they have heard of the Malay Village Indian: 62.5 % showed that they have heard about the Malay Village Malay: 100 % have heard about it Others: 100 % have heard about it - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Survey with 84 students, all under 20 years old

ChineseIndianMalay Others

1. Have you heard of Malay Village?Chinese: 45.1% showed that they have heard of

the Malay Village Indian: 62.5% showed that they have heard

about the Malay VillageMalay: 100% have heard about itOthers: 100% have heard about it

Therefore, this shows that the Malay Village is relatively more familiar to the minority races, but less familiar to the majority such as Chinese.

2. How did you hear about the Malay Village?




This shows that most people heard about the Malay Village through formal means such as school and newspaper, but not much through word of mouth.

3. Have you visited the Malay Village?YES: 69%NO: 31%

This shows that for those who have heard of the Malay Village, most have visited the place.

4. Would you be interested in visiting the Malay Village? 5. Why?

Educational place to learn about Malay culture

Interested in finding out about Malay culture

YES: 49.1%

This shows that out of the 55 people who have never heard about or visited the Malay Village, around half wants to visit, mostly because to desire to learn about the Malay culture.

4. Would you be interested in visiting the Malay Village? 5. Why?

Too busy to visit

no need to visit (not interested)

no need to visit (already know about Malay culture)

Malay Village inconvieniently situated

Malay Village is unauthentic therefore not worth visiting

Pricing is too expensive

NO: 50.1% This shows that out of the 55 people who have never heard about or visited the Malay Village, around half does not want to visit, mostly because they are either too busy to visit or just not interested in visiting.

6. What is your impression of the Malay Village?

Heritage site to educate public on aspects of Malay culture, informative

Interesting, antique, traditionalCalm and sereneEngaging performancesNot necessary as Kampong Glam existsNot frequently visited by people (except for

tourists and Malays themselves), old, ‘ulu’Boring, not impressive, contrived, provide the

same usual information about Malay cultureToo commercialized

7: Rate on the scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least and 10 being the most, do you think that it has fulfilled its purpose of showcasing the Malay culture and heritage of Singapore? Why?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100






•1&2: Never heard of it thus not effective in publicity.•3&4: Exhibits the Malay culture, but not enough to fulfil its purpose. It is also not that interesting to go down and visit during free time.•5&6: It is not widely known, and many have not visited the place. It showcases the rough image of the physical aspect of Malay culture, but not so much about the way of life, values, etc.•7&8: It does show the Malay culture well and was a good experience, but it seems to be altered/commercialized to much•9&10: shows the Malay culture very well.

Conclusion: The Malay Village may be an

interesting and informative place to learn about the Malay culture. However, more can be done to

showcase the Malay culture as it may lack authenticity. In

addition, publicity is not effective enough to attract large number of visitors to The Malay Village.

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