survey responses complete

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Survey Responses

This particular result, Shows that my magazine should mainly aimed at male readers.

The aim of this question was to discover what type of magazines appeal to the public. The large majority of people that took part in the survey tend to purchase ‘Kerrang’ Magazine. Therefore, I may be inclined to use this type of style.

The aim of this question was to discover what genre of music appealed to the public.The responses I received show that the most popular music tends to be that of rock. Although, a large majority of people also find Hip-Hop appealing. Therefore, my magazine cannot be set around one particular genre.

It was important to know the age of respondents, so that I could establish whether My magazine would appeal to my target audience. The replies show that 85% of my target audience will be between the ages of 16-20 and therefore it is vital I take their interests into consideration.

The basis of this question was to discover which elements of a magazine, respondents found most important. Generally, most people believe that strong photography is keyTo a successful music magazine. This was closely followed by the inclusion of mainstream artists. Therefore, it is important that I focus on both these elements when designing my magazine cover.

The aim of this particular question was, to find out what ‘freebies’ appeal to my target audience. A large percentage of the respondents (81%) found CDs the most appealing, whereas a mild 14% took a liking to stickers.

The purpose of this question was to find out whether the respondents, would rather See ‘mainstream artists’ or ‘up and coming artists’ within my magazine. To my surprise the large majority would rather read about new artists, rather than those that are mainstream. This therefore, has been taken into consideration for my magazine project.

The responses collected from this question, are particularly important, as they determine whether my magazine will be text led or picture led. As displayed, the large majority of respondents value more picture led magazines. Although, as stated In some responses, it is important to create a good balance of both. Therefore, I feel My magazine should include a large amount of photographs, but will not be completely picture led.

The objective of this question was to Identify whether the audience would like to see live acts presented in my magazine. Also, they identified stadium rock acts such as muse, and Linkin Park as bands they would like to see within the magazine.

The object of this question was to discover if the audience purchased magazines regularly. And if so, how much money did they tent to spend. The large majority of people revealed that they do in fact spend an adequate amount of money on magazines, on a regular basis, some even admitted to spending around ten pounds a month.

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