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    What happens to asylum seekers who are granted asylum?If asylum is granted, the applicant obtains a residence of ten years and access tosocial rights. It can work. The OFPRA shall issue documents in lieu of civil status(art. L.721-3).

    If OFPRA grant him protection alternative, the plaintiff obtains a residence permitfor one year, renewed annually (Article L.723-5) whether the circumstances of itsissuance have not changed (art. L. 712-3). He has access to social rights andlabor.

    In which case asylum may be refused? What recourse?The asylum application is rejected if:

    persecution and threats are not proven;

    the person can safely access a region of the country of origin and stay therewithout fear of persecution or serious threats (art. L.713-3);there is reason to believe that the applicant has committed acts which wouldrender the unworthy (Article 1F of the Geneva Convention);the applicant poses a serious threat to public order and public safety or the safetyof the state (only subsidiary protection, Art. L.712-2).The person losing the right to asylum may challenge this refusal by entering theCNDA in the months following the notification of the decision of the OFPRA(article R.733-9) and remain in France. This procedure is free of charge (ArticleR.733-2). The CNDA reasons for its decision and, if released, the State Councilmay be arrested without the right to extend the stay.



    September 21, 2011

    Prime Minister Sheikh HasinaPrime Ministers OfficeOld Sangsad BhabanTejagaon, Dhaka-1215Bangladesh

    RE: End war on freedom of media in Bangladesh

    Dear Prime Minister,I am William Gomes, human rights activist and journalist. Journalists in

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    Bangladesh are frequently subjected to physical assault, harassment, andintimidation as the country has been wracked by political and criminal violence.Freedom of expression is the mother to all other freedoms. For a democraticgovernment it is essential to maintain a media for promoting respect for differencesof opinions and discussion, free from any kind of censorship which can fulfill itswatchdog function.By the years Bangladeshi news media played a brave and praiseworthy role inupholding democratic values in the country whether it was during the time ofillegal army regimes or autocratic democratic regime. Journalists are in battle fordemocracy while the government has declared war against media.I am deeply concern about the ongoing suppression of speech or other publiccommunication, raises issues of freedom of speech, suppression on media evenafter the landslide win of Bangladesh Awami League which has formed the presentgovernment with overwhelming support given by the people of Bangladesh after

    the last election. A range of restrictive laws and violence against journalistscontinue to hamper media freedom and undermining the democracy.Bangladesh is still far from being free which brings us near to the point thatdemocracy in Bangladesh still has many challenges to overcome where thechallenge of media freedom is a vital factor.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Your government has a record of not toleratingcriticism from the media.I am concern about the pressure placed on news organizations by the weak rule oflaw and the perceived lack of judicial independence in Bangladesh.I recall the impunity in the crimes against journalists and judicial harassment of

    journalists in connection with their reporting are two of the most serious threats tomedia freedom and investigative journalism in Bangladesh.Bangladesh already has an appalling record for unsolved journalist murders, 11thworst in the world, according to CPJ's 2011 Impunity Index.I am noting some of glimps of attack on media and media personals the notablefacts during the time of your office:In March 2009, the video-sharing web site YouTube has been blocked by yourgovernment after a recording of a meeting between you and army officers was


    In October 2009, F.M. Masum, a journalist employed by the English-languagedaily "The New Age", who was arrested and tortured by an elite crime and counter-terrorist force, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).In March 2010, a photo exhibit about extrajudicial executions "Crossfire," byShahidul Alam, features photographs and installations relating to allegedextrajudicial killings by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), was forcefully closed

    by police. Although your government had lift the ban on the Drik gallery's"Crossfire" exhibition, When the high court convened on 31 March 2010 to heargallery owner Shahidul Alam's appeal against the closure.On April 2010, privately-owned Channel 1 TV station, which has been

    broadcasting for four years. The closure was announced on 27 April byCommunications Minister Raziuddin Ahmed Raju, who said it was because the

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    station had violated the 2001 Telecommunications Act by using broadcastequipment as collateral for loans.In May 2010, access to Facebook had blocked in Bangladesh on 29 May 2010 ,reportedly as a result of both the posting of Mohammed cartoons and "shocking"satirical images of prominent politicians, including Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the country's first president.In June 2010, The Dhaka office of Bangladesh's Amar Desh newspaper wasstormed by police on Wednesday, just hours after Dhaka's deputy commissioner,Muhibul Haque, ordered its publishing license suspended. Police also arrestedacting editor Mahmudur Rahman on fraud charges.In June 2010, charge of sedition had been brought against Mahmudur Rahman, thechief editor of the opposition daily "Amar Desh. In the space of a few days,Rahman has been accused of fraud, obstructing the police, printing an outlawedgroup's posters and then sedition. Mahmudur Rahman became the victim of

    political persecution and this case marks a tragic return to the old anti-democraticpractice of harassing leading opposition figures.In June 2010, Mahmudur Rahman, the chief editor of the opposition daily "AmarDesh on the open court said "Your honour, please save my life," The editor wasquoted by local media as telling the court. "I am not supposed to be alive after thelevel of torture I have experienced at the cantonment police station. I was

    blindfolded and stripped by five men in the lock-up. I fainted after they pressed meon the chest and back."The editor was he was tortured in police custody.In August 2010, Amar Desh newspaper editor and former politician MahmudurRahman was sentenced to six months in prison for publishing an article thataccused the Supreme Court of bias towards the state. On 17 March 2011,Mahmudur Rahman was released on completion of an arbitrary jail sentence forcontempt of court. He was held for a total of nine months and 17 days.In January 2011, rulling party activists filed a false murder case against Farook

    Nawaz Khan, staff reporter of the daily Bhorer Kagoj with Chunarughat Thana,Habiganj. To avoid arrestation and tortured by police he left Bangladesh. Hisfamily is also under threat by rulling party activists.In June 2011, Five journalists were injured in violence by ruling party supporterson 5 June 2011 in the town of Comilla, 100 km southest of Dhaka; two of them

    Abul Kashem Hridoy, the Comilla correspondent of Channel-i TV and news agency, Pradip Dey, a cameraman with BangladeshTelevision (BTV) were hospitalized.Two days before that, four journalists on 3 June were Prothom Alo correspondentTouhidi Hossain (Towhidi Hasan), RTV correspondent Shiekh Hossain Belal,Ekushey Television correspondent Zahurul Islam and Ekushey Televisioncameraman Ahmed Sajeeb were attacked and injured by the employees of acompany that is restoring a cultural site in the western district of Kushtia. Thesupporters of the ruling Awami League have no respect for the democratic processor for journalists.

    In July 2011, In Narail, Moshiul Haque Mitu, 48, president of the Kalia Press Cluband a Kalia upazila-based correspondent for the "Somokal" daily, suffered serious

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    injuries after criminals threw bombs into his bedroom, on the morning of 11 July2011. His wife, Rina Parvin, was also critically injured. They were taken to KhulnaMedical College and Hospital and later transferred to the Dhaka Pongu Hospital.In the same month, in a separate incident in the northern district of Rangpur, a gangin Kashiganj village, Badarganj upazila, attacked the Rangpur-based correspondentfor Ekushey Television (ETV), Liakat Ali Badal, leaving him seriously injured.The incident took place on 11 July when Badal went to the village, along with ETVstaff reporter Johnson Mahbub, to cover a story about the torture of two women.Imran Hossain, correspondent for the Rajshahi-based daily "Sonar Desh" in Tanoreupazila, is in hiding in order to avoid arrest following an extortion case filed againsthim. Police ransacked his home and assaulted his wife.In August 2011, Ekramul Haq, founder and editor of the Bengali-languageSheershanews Web site and Sheersha Kagoj weekly was arrested by police allegingthat the editor was trying to extort 2 million taka (US$26,800) from him for

    suppressing. The arrest was part of a harassment campaign in retaliation for Haq'sreporting on government corruption. The government cancelled media accreditationfor the outlets' 10 journalists, including Haq. He was tortured in police remand andwhile I am writing to you he is still in prison and the news media was forced toclose.In September 2011, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) reportedly assaulted twomembers of the staff of the Bangla Vision TV channel in a neighbourhood of thecapital city Dhaka, on September 12.Cameraman Russel Mizan and broadcast engineer Hasanul Islam Raihan wasadmitted to hospital for emergency medical attention.Bangladesh Television (BTV) work as mouthpiece of the government, regardless ofwhich party is in power. Presently BTV is functioning as propaganda tool of theruling Awami League government and highly controlled by the government andlacks professional standards.Dear Prime Minister, I want to draw your attention although Bangladesh'sconstitution guarantees freedom of the press, it defines this freedom as "subject toany reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interests of the security of theState, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality.Which is also often used a profound ground to suppress and oppress the

    information from the media and stopped the media to freely publicize theinformation .Basil Fernando: Director for Policy and Programme Development of Asian HumanRights Commission commenting on the present situations of Bangladeshi mediafreedom said For a democratic government it is essential to facilitate a free

    platform of discussion and one of the important instruments of that platform is afree media, which is free from censorship. A free media signifies the right of freespeech and promoting respect for differences of opinions in public discussion.Without a free media a democracy is blind, deaf and dumb which are lead towardsviolence not justice and peace. The Bangladesh government has totally lost the

    characteristic of democratic government.I want to recall what eminent human rights personality said Bangladesh

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    government has totally lost the characteristic of democratic government. Pleaseurgently insure the freedom of Media in Bangladesh. I want to remind your electionmanifesto, which was called a charter of change, I urge you not to sacrifice justicefor political interest.I trust that you will take immediate action into this matter.

    Yours sincerely,

    William Nicholas Gomes

    Journalist and Human Rights Activist

    E-mail:William@williamgomes.orgSkype: William.gomes9

    Face book:

    Link: End war on freedom of media inBangladesh

    The code of the entry and stay of foreigners and asylum repeals and replacesOrdinance No. 45-2659 of November 2, 1945 on the conditions of entry andresidence of foreigners in France and the law n 52-693 of 25 July 1952 on theright of asylum.

    The full text can be found at Legifrance.

    You will find below the book VII of the Code relating to asylum.






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    Chapter I

    Refugee status

    Article L. 711-1

    Refugee status is recognized to all persons persecuted because of his action forfreedom and all others on which the UN High Commission for Refugees has amandate under sections 6 and 7 ofstatus as adopted by the UN GeneralAssembly December 14, 1950 or meets the definition of Article 1 of the GenevaConvention of 28 July 1951 on the Status of Refugees. These people aregoverned by the provisions applicable to refugees under the Geneva Conventionreferred to above.

    Article L. 711-2

    A foreigner who has obtained refugee status in accordance with this seventh bookand signed the contract for the reception and integration under Article L. 311-9benefits from a personalized assistance for access to employment and housing.To this end, the administrative authority concludes with local authorities and otherentities involved or interested in participating in this support a contract for theorganizational details of it.

    Chapter II

    Subsidiary protection

    Article L. 712-1

    Subject to the provisions of Article L. 712-2, earnings of subsidiary protection isgranted to anyone who does not qualify for recognition as refugees referred to inArticle L. 711-1, which establishes that his country is exposed to one of thefollowing serious threats:

    The death penalty;

    Torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

    Being a civilian, a grave threat, directly and individually against his life or personbecause of widespread violence resulting from armed conflict or international.

    Article L. 712-2

    Subsidiary protection is granted to a person if there are serious reasons forconsidering that:

    She has committed a crime against peace, a war crime or crime againsthumanity;

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    Has committed a serious crime law;

    He has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN;

    Its activity in the territory is a serious threat to public order, public safety orsecurity of the state.

    Article L. 712-3

    The benefit of subsidiary protection is granted for a period of one year. Renewalmay be denied to each maturity when the circumstances which justified thegranting of protection have ceased to exist or had a change deep enough that it isno longer required.

    It may be terminated at any time for the benefit of subsidiary protection for thereasons listed in a, b, c and d of Article L. 712-2.

    Chapter III

    Common provisions

    Article L. 713-1

    Refugee status is recognized and the benefit of subsidiary protection is grantedby the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons inaccordance with Chapter III of Title II of this book.

    Article L. 713-2

    Persecution reflected in the granting of refugee status and the serious threats thatcould give rise to the benefit of subsidiary protection may be the result of stateauthorities, political parties or organizations controlling the State or a substantialpart of the state, or non-state actors where the authorities defined in the followingparagraph are unwilling or unable to provide protection.

    The authorities may offer protection may be the state authorities and internationaland regional organizations.

    Article L. 713-3

    May be rejected the claim of a person who would have access to protection on aportion of the territory of its country of origin if that person has no reason to fearpersecution or be exposed a serious and if it is reasonable to assume that it canremain in this part of the country. It is considered the general conditions prevailingin this part of the territory of the applicant's personal circumstances and the

    author of the persecution when it ruled on the claim.

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    FRENCH THE OFFICE OF PROTECTION of Refugees and Stateless

    Chapter I


    Article L. 721-1

    The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons, underthe authority of the Minister for asylum, is a public institution with legal personalityand financial and administrative autonomy.

    Article L. 721-2

    The Office recognizes the refugee status or give the benefit of subsidiaryprotection to persons who meet the conditions specified in Title I of this book.

    It has the legal and administrative protection of refugees and stateless persons aswell as the beneficiaries of subsidiary protection.

    It provides, in conjunction with the competent administrative authorities, respectthe fundamental guarantees provided by national law, the following agreements,international agreements or arrangements concerning the protection of refugeesin the territory of the Republic, including the protection provided by the GenevaConvention of 28 July 1951 and the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967relating to the Status of Refugees.

    It cooperates with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and facilitates itsmonitoring mission in accordance with international agreements.

    Article L. 721-3

    The Office is authorized to issue, after appropriate investigation, refugees andstateless components to enable them either to execute the various acts of civil

    life, either to enforce the provisions of domestic law or international agreementsrelevant to their protection, including parts in lieu of civil status.

    The Office is authorized to issue under the same conditions the same parts tobeneficiaries of subsidiary protection when they are unable to obtain from theauthorities of their country.

    The Director General of the Office authenticate records and documents submittedto it. The acts and documents that have established the value of authenticinstruments.

    These various pieces for the absence of acts and documents issued in the

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    country. The documents issued by the office are not subject to registration orstamp duty and are dutiable chancery which proceeds go to the general budget.

    Chapter II


    Article L. 722-1

    The office is managed by a board comprising two members, one appointed by theNational Assembly and the other by the Senate, a representative of France to theEuropean Parliament designated by order, representatives of the State and a staffrepresentative of the Office.

    The board determines the general guidelines for the activities of the office and, as

    provided by the Community provisions in this regard, the list of countriesconsidered at the national level as safe countries of origin, referred to 2 of ArticleL. 741-4. It deliberates on how to implement the provisions for granting refugeestatus or subsidiary protection.

    The chairman of the board of directors is appointed from among its members bydecree on a proposal of the Minister for asylum.

    The delegate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees as well as three expertsappointed by decree attend meetings of the Board and may present theircomments and proposals. At least one of three qualified persons representing theabove agencies involved in the reception and support of asylum seekers andrefugees.

    Article L. 722-2

    The office is managed by a CEO appointed by decree on a joint proposal of theMinister of Foreign Affairs and Minister responsible for asylum.

    Article L. 722-3

    All staff of the Office are bound by professional secrecy regarding the informationthey have received in the line of duty.

    Article L. 722-4

    The premises of the office and its records and, in general all documentsbelonging to or held by him shall be inviolable.

    At the end of their period of office by the current administration, the records ofasylum seekers whose application has been finally rejected are in the custody

    services of the Minister for asylum.Only persons authorized by the Chief of theOffice have access.These archives can be freely consulted at the end of the

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    periods provided for in Article L. 213-2 of the Code of heritage.

    Article L. 722-5

    The expenses of the office are covered by a grant from the state.

    Chapter III

    Examination of asylum applications

    Article L. 723-1

    The board decides on asylum applications before it. It is not competent to hear anapplication by a person to whom the permission to stay was refused on theground provided for in Article 1 of L. 741-4.

    The board rules by priority over applications from persons to whom the temporaryresidence permit provided for in Article L.742-1 has been refused or revoked forany of the grounds mentioned in 2 to 4 of Article L. 741-4, or have been deniedfor one of these reasons the renewal of this document.

    Article L. 723-2

    When allowed to stay in France in the provisions of Chapter I of this title, the alienapplying to be granted asylum is given a temporary residence permit allowing himto apply for asylum withFrench Office for the Protection of Refugees andStateless Persons. The office can be entered after the furnishing of this documentto the applicant. After filing his application for asylum, the applicant is issued anew temporary residence permit. This document is renewed until the boarddecides, and if an appeal is filed before the National Court of asylum, until thecourt rules.

    Article L. 723-3

    The board shall convene the applicant to a hearing. It can be dispensed with if itappears that:

    The office is about to take a positive decision from the information in itspossession;

    The applicant has the nationality of a country that has been implemented thestipulations of the C 5 of Article 1 of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 onthe Status of Refugees;

    The evidence provided in support of the application is manifestly unfounded;

    Medical reasons prohibit performing maintenance.

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    Article L. 723-3-1

    The Office shall issue a written decision to the claimant. Any decision to reject isdriven by fact and law and outlines the means and periods of use.

    No decision can be born from the silence of the office.

    Article L. 723-4

    At the request of the administrative authority, the executive director of the Officeshall provide authorized officers of civil status documents or travel to establish thenationality of the person whose application for asylum has been rejected or failingthat, a copy of these documents, provided that such communication is necessaryfor the implementation of a removal and does not affect the safety of that personor his relatives.

    Article L. 723-5

    The board decides on the renewal of subsidiary protection at the end of the periodof one year for which it was granted.Conducting its own initiative or at the requestof the administrative authority to review, it may terminate at any time for suchprotection as provided in the second paragraph of Article L.712-3.



    Chapter I


    Article L. 731-1

    The National Court of asylum is an administrative court, under the authority of apresident, a member of the State Council, appointed by the Vice President of theState Council.

    Article L. 731-2

    The National Court of asylum rule on appeals against decisions of the FrenchOffice for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons, adopted pursuant toArticles L. 711-1, L. 712-1 to L.712-3 and L. 723-1 to L. 723-3. To be eligible,these remedies must be exercised within one month of notification of the decisionof the Office.

    Article L. 731-3

    The National Court considers asylum applications made to it by the refugees

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    referred by one of the measures provided by articles 31, 32 and 33 of the GenevaConvention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees and formula anopinion as to the maintenance or cancellation of these measures. In this matter,the appeal is suspensive effect. In this case, the right to appeal must be madewithin one week.

    Chapter II


    Article L. 732-1

    The National Court of asylum has sections each comprising:

    A chairperson appointed:

    Or by the Vice President of the State Council among the members of the StateCouncil or the body of the administrative courts and administrative courts ofappeal, or activity fees;

    Be the first president of the Court of Auditors on the bench of the Court ofAuditors and regional chambers of accounts, active or fees;

    Or by the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, among the active judges andmagistrates of the judicial fees;

    A qualified person of French nationality, appointed by the UN High Commissionerfor Refugees on the advice of the Vice-President of the Council of State;

    A qualified person appointed by the Vice President of the State Council on aproposal from one of the ministers represented on the board of directors of theOffice.

    Chapter III

    Examination of appeals

    Article L. 733-1

    Interested parties may submit their explanations to the National Court of asylumand make them legal counsel and an interpreter.

    Article L. 733-2

    The president and branch presidents may, by order, settle cases whose naturedoes not justify the intervention of a college education.


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    Chapter I

    Permission to stay

    Article L. 741-1

    All foreigners present on French territory that is not already allowed to stay inFrance under a residence permits under this code or international conventions,asks to stay in France under the form of asylum this request in the mannerprescribed in this chapter.

    Article L. 741-2

    When abroad, being inside the French territory, applies for asylum, considerationof his application to stay the responsibility of the competent administrativeauthority.

    Article L. 741-3

    Admission to the stay can not be denied solely because the alien is deprived ofvisas and documents mentioned in Article L. 211-1.

    Article L. 741-4

    Subject to compliance with the provisions of Article 33 of the Geneva Conventionof 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees, the admission of a foreigner inFrance that needs to be granted asylum may be refused if:

    An examination of the claim within the jurisdiction of another state pursuant to theprovisions of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing thecriteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible forexamining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by anational of a third country, or commitments identical to those required by the

    regulation with other states;

    An alien who applies for asylum has the nationality of a country that has beenimplemented the stipulations of the C 5 of Article 1 of the Geneva Conventionreferred to above or a country considered a safe country of origin. A country isconsidered as such if it ensures compliance with the principles of freedom,democracy and the rule of law, as well as human rights and fundamentalfreedoms. Taking into account the course of the country of origin can not interferewith the individual examination of each application;

    The presence in France from abroad is a serious threat to public order, publicsecurity or State security;

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    The asylum application is based on deliberate fraud or an abuse of asylumprocedures or is presented in order to defeat a removal order made or isimminent. Is in particular the abuse of asylum procedures fraudulent presentationof several applications for residence under the asylum under different identities. Is

    also an abuse of asylum procedures, the request for asylum lodged in acommunity overseas if it appears that the same request is being processed inanother Member State of the European Union.

    The provisions of this Article shall not prevent the sovereign right of the state togrant asylum to anyone who would be still in one of the cases mentioned in 1 to 4.

    Article L. 741-5

    The 1 of Article L. 741-4 does not apply in the overseas departments or Saint

    Pierre and Miquelon.

    Chapter II

    Duration of the maintenance on French territory

    Article L. 742-1

    When allowed to stay in France in the provisions of Chapter I of this title, the alienapplying to be granted asylum is given a temporary residence permit allowing himto apply for asylum withFrench Office for the Protection of Refugees andStateless Persons. The office can be entered after the furnishing of this documentto the applicant. After filing his application for asylum, the applicant is issued anew temporary residence permit. This document is renewed until the boarddecides, and if an appeal is filed before the Appeals Board, until the commissionrules.

    Article L. 742-2

    Notwithstanding the provisions of Article L. 742-1, the temporary residence permitmay be revoked or renewal denied if it appears after its issuance, that the alien is

    in one of non-admission provided for 1 to 4 of the Article L. 741-4.

    Article L. 742-3

    An alien allowed to stay in France has the right to stay there until the notificationof the decision of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and StatelessPersons or, if an appeal has been lodged, until notification ofDecision of theNational Court of asylum. The I of Article L. 511-1 shall apply.

    Article L. 742-4

    In case the permission to stay was refused on the ground mentioned in Article 1

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    of L. 741-4, the applicant is not entitled to enter the National Court of asylum.

    Article L. 742-5

    In case the permission to stay has been refused on the grounds mentioned in 2 to

    4 of Article L. 741-4, an alien who wishes to be granted asylum may apply to theOffice of the request. This is examined in accordance with the second paragraphof Article L.723-1.

    Article L. 742-6

    An alien present in the French territory of which the claim falls within one of thecases referred to in 2 to 4 of Article L. 741-4 has the right to remain in France untilthe notification of the decision of the French Office for the Protection of Refugeesand Stateless Persons in the case of a rejection. Therefore, any expulsion

    mentioned in Book V of this code can not be implemented before the decision ofthe Office.

    If recognition of refugee status or the granting of subsidiary protection, theadministrative authority repeals the decree of deportation which, if any, wastaken. He shall immediately issue a refugee resident card provided for in Article 8of L. 314-11 and the beneficiary of subsidiary protection the temporary residencepermit provided for in Article L. 313-13.

    Article L. 742-7

    The stranger to whom the recognition of refugee status or earnings of subsidiaryprotection has been finally rejected and can not be allowed to remain in theterritory in another capacity, must leave French territory, failing to makethe subject to deportation under Title I of Book V and, where applicable, thepenalties provided for in Chapter I of Title II of Book VI.



    Article L. 751-1

    When the claim is made by a minor without legal representation on Frenchterritory, the prosecutor, advised by the administrative authority, it appoints anadministrator ad hoc. The latter shall assist the minor and shall represent it in thecontext of administrative and legal procedures relating to the claim.

    The ad hoc administrator appointed under these provisions is designated by thecompetent public prosecutor from a list of natural or legal persons whose terms ofincorporation are set by decree in Conseil d'Etat. The decree also specifies the

    conditions of their compensation.

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    The mission of the ad hoc administrator shall terminate upon the issuance of asupervisory position.

    Article L. 751-2

    The rules for implementing the provisions of this book are defined by decree inCouncil of State, including:

    The conditions for examining applications for asylum with the French Office forProtection of Refugees and Stateless Persons is seized;

    The authority competent to enter the office of an application for review referred toin Article L. 723-5;

    The terms of appointment of state officials and the staff representative on the

    board, as well as qualified persons;

    The procedures for appointing and empowering agents mentioned in ArticleL. 723-4;

    The term of office of members of the National Court of asylum;

    The conditions for exercising the remedies provided for in Articles L. 731-2 andL. 731-3 and the conditions under which the President and the Presidents of theNational Court of asylum may, after investigation, determine by order of therequests that have no element that could seriously undermine the reasonsfordecision of the Director General of the Office;

    The deadline for issuing the temporary residence permit referred to in ArticleL. And 742-1 to apply for asylum;

    The period within which a claimant has received temporary residence permitreferred to above must file an application to the Office;

    The deadline for the issuance, after filing the claim with the Office of the newtemporary residence permit referred to in Article L.742-1 and the nature and

    duration of validity of the document;

    The deadline for issuing residence permits after the grant decision by the Officeor the National Court of asylum refugee status or subsidiary protection;

    The period within which the agency must decide when it is acting under theprocedure set priority in the second paragraph of Article L. 723-1.



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    Chapter I

    Provisions applicable in Mayotte

    Article L. 761-1

    This book is applicable in Mayotte subject to the following modifications:

    In Article L. 741-1, the words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by thewords "in Mayotte";

    In Article L. 741-2, the words "within the French territory" shall be replaced by thewords "in Mayotte";

    In Article L. 741-3, the words "visas referred to in Article L. 211-1" shall bereplaced by the words "visa required by Order No. 2000-373 of 26 April 2000 onthe conditions of entry andResidence of Aliens in Mayotte ";

    In Article L. 741-4:

    In the first paragraph the words "France" are replaced by the words: "Mayotte";

    The 1st is not applicable;

    At 3, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in the territory of theRepublic";

    In Article L. 742-1, the words "France" are replaced with the words "in Mayotte";

    In Article L. 742-3, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in Mayotte" andthe words "French territory" shall be replaced by the word "Mayotte";

    In Article L. 742-6:

    The words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by the words "in


    The words "mentioned in Book V of this Code" shall be replaced by the words"adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 2000-373 of 26 April 2000 on the conditionsof entry and residence of foreigners in Mayotte";

    After the second sentence is inserted a sentence:"If the board decides to hear the asylum seeker out of Mayotte, it receives thenecessary permits."

    The last sentence reads:"He shall immediately issue a residence permit as provided by Ordinance No.

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    2000-373 of 26 April 2000 on the conditions of entry and residence of foreignersin Mayotte or temporary residence permit under Article 17 of that order. " ;

    In Article L. 742-7, the words "French territory" shall be replaced by the word"Mayotte";

    In Article L. 751-1, the words "on French territory" shall be replaced by the words"in Mayotte."

    Chapter II

    Provisions applicable in the Wallis and Futuna Islands

    Article L. 762-1

    This book is applicable in the Wallis and Futuna Islands subject to the followingmodifications:

    In Article L. 741-1, the words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by thewords "in Wallis and Futuna Islands";

    In Article L. 741-2, the words "within the French territory" shall be replaced by thewords "in Wallis and Futuna Islands";

    In Article L. 741-3, the words "visas referred to in Article L. 211-1" shall bereplaced by the words "visa required by Order No. 2000-371 of 26 April 2000 onthe conditions of entry andresidence of foreigners in the Wallis and FutunaIslands ";

    In Article L. 741-4:

    In the first paragraph, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in Wallisand Futuna Islands";

    The 1st is not applicable;

    At 3, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in the territory of theRepublic";

    In Article L. 742-1, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in Wallis andFutuna Islands";

    In Article L. 742-3, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in Wallis andFutuna Islands" and the words "French soil" is replaced by the words "the Wallisand Futuna Islands";

    In Article L. 742-6:

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    The words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by the words "in Wallisand Futuna Islands";

    The words "mentioned in Book V of this Code" shall be replaced by the words"adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 2000-371 of 26 April 2000 on the conditions

    of entry and residence of foreigners in the Wallis and Futuna ";

    After the second sentence is inserted a sentence:"If the board decides to hear the asylum seeker out of Wallis and Futuna Islands,it receives the necessary permits." ;

    The last sentence reads:"He shall immediately issue a residence permit as provided by Ordinance No.2000-371 of 26 April 2000 on the conditions of entry and residence of foreignersin Wallis and Futuna Islands or temporary residence permit under by Article 17 of

    that order. " ;

    In Article L. 742-7, the words "French soil" is replaced by the words "the Wallisand Futuna Islands";

    In Article L. 751-1, the words "on French territory" shall be replaced by the words"in Wallis and Futuna Islands."

    Chapter III

    Provisions applicable to French Polynesia

    Article L. 763-1

    This book is applicable to French Polynesia subject to the following modifications:

    In Article L. 741-1, the words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by thewords "in French Polynesia";

    In Article L. 741-2, the words "within the French territory" shall be replaced by thewords "in French Polynesia";

    In Article L. 741-3 the words "visas referred to in Article L. 211-1" shall bereplaced by the words "visa required by Order No. 2000-372 of 26 April 2000 onthe conditions of entry and residenceforeigners in French Polynesia ";

    In Article L. 741-4:

    In the first paragraph, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in FrenchPolynesia";

    The 1st is not applicable;

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    At 3, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in the territory of theRepublic";

    In Article L. 742-1, the words "France" are replaced by the words "in FrenchPolynesia";

    In Article L. 742-3, the words "France" are replaced by the words: "Polynesia" andthe words "French soil" is replaced by the words "French Polynesia";

    In Article L. 742-6:

    The words "on French territory" and "France" is replaced by the words "in FrenchPolynesia";

    The words "mentioned in Book V of this Code" shall be replaced by the words

    "adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 2000-372 of 26 April 2000 on the conditionsof entry and residence of foreigners in French Polynesia" ;

    After the second sentence is inserted a sentence:"If the board decides to hear the asylum seeker out of French Polynesia, itreceives the necessary permits." ;

    The last sentence reads:;

    Chapter IV

    Article L.

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