superconducting rf cavity preparation and testing...srf cavity testing: the challenge 1. cool down...

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1Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Matthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias LiepeMatthias Liepe

Department of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSEDepartment of Physics, CLASSE

Cornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell UniversityCornell University

Superconducting RF Cavity Preparation and Testing

2Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008


• Why do we test superconducting RF cavities?

• How do we test SRF cavities?

• How do we make and prepare SRF cavities?

• What do we find?

3Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Why do we test superconducting RF






0 25Accelerating Field







50 MV/m


4Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

• Superconducting RF cavities look simple…

• … but making a good cavity is not simple at all

– Took 30+ years to learn how to prepare the surface of Niobium cavities for highest RF fields

– Fabrication and surface preparation involve a long list of critical steps = “recipe”

“Understanding” SRF Cavities

5Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Science and Art

• How did we arrive at this “recipe”?

– Science: Understanding superconductors in

high fields at microwave frequencies (GHz)

– Art: working in clean rooms…

– Persistence: Performance tests of 100’s of

cavities to find out what we got…

– Luck: found that drying cavities at 100 C not

only helps to save time, but also reduces the RF

surface resistance at high fields dramatically…

6Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

SRF Cavity Performance Tests• Goal: Measure RF surface resistance of the cavity

wall as function of RF field gradient and temperature

• Typical results:

1.5 GHz

Exponential drop

Residual resistance

Q0 = intrinsic quality factor ∝∝∝∝ 1 / Rs

good1.6 K

2.1 K

Bsurface, peak [mT]


7Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

How do we test SRF cavities?

8Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

SRF Cavity Testing: The Challenge

1. Cool down SRF cavity below TC to make it superconducting (usually ≤≤≤≤ 2K)

2. Couple RF power into the cavity to excite RF fields in the cavity at certain frequency (“mode”)

3. Keep field amplitude constant to measure power dissipated in the cavity walls at this field level (this gives as the intrinsic Q0)

4. Increase power to increase cavity field, measure dissipated power again…

9Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Cavity Test Stand

• After fabrication and surface treatments, a

SRF cavity is mounted on a test stand,

evacuated and immerged into LHe.

10Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Field Excitation

• RF power from CW or pulsed power sources is

coupled into the cavity to excite EM fields in

the cavity (at GHz frequencies, 10’s of MV/m).

RF Power

11Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Keeping the Field Stable…

1,299,999,500 1.3e9 1,300,000,100


ty fi



. uni


drive frequency [Hz]

• SRF cavities are oscillators with extremely high quality factors

of 1010 to 1011 !

• Width of resonance curve at GHz frequencies is 0.1 to 0.01 Hz!

• To keep field amplitude constant, need to drive oscillator on

resonance ⇒⇒⇒⇒ drive needs to follow cavity resonance!

Lorentz forced on the cavity walls

deform cavity and thereby shift the

resonance frequency ∆∆∆∆f∝∝∝∝ E2

12Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

…with a Feedback Loop

• The cavity is driven with constant amplitude (RF power)

• The drive frequency is adjusted to follow the natural cavity frequency

• This is done by a phase-looked-loop (PLL)

13Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

The Phase-Locked-Loop

Cavity field signal


ard power signal

IF signalMixer as phase detector:

X x)sin( 222 ϕω +tV)sin( 111 ϕω +tV

{ }[ )()(cos2

1212121 ϕϕωω −+−= tVVIF

{ }])()(cos 2121 ϕϕωω +++− t

Filter high f component

ω1 = ω2 (driven oscil.)

{ })(cos2

12121 ϕϕ −= VVIF

tan ϕϕϕϕ = 2Q ∆∆∆∆f / f

-10 0 10-100





∆ f [Hz]



14Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Temperature Mapping• 100’s of temperature sensors are used to map the

distribution of the losses in the cavity walls with mK resolution.

15Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

T-Mapping: A powerful Tool

• Allows to distinguish field limiting effects

• Gives “local” Q(E) curves

1200 mK0

Local defect ⇒⇒⇒⇒ quench

Electron field emission

J. Knobloch et al.

16Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Quench Location Detection with Second Sound in superfluid Helium (I)

• Second sound waves in superfluid Helium: The normal and superfluid components oscillate in counter flow leaving stationary (to first order) the center of mass.

• Measure second sound waves from heat at cavity quench location with oscillating superleak transducers (porous membrane is driven by the normal-fluid component of the wave)

0=+ nnss vvrr ρρ

17Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Quench Location Detection with Second Sound in superfluid Helium (II)

π−π−π−π−Mode 1.96K








0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Time (s)



@ T = 1.96 Kvs = 17.8 m/s

∆t = 13.2 ms∆l = 23.5 cm

∆t = 18.3 ms∆l = 32.6 cm

Time [s]





oscillating superleak


D. Hartill, Z. Conway et al.

18Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

How do we make and prepare SRF


19Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

The Fabrication of an SRF Cavity (I)

Sheets are scanned (eddy current; measures change of electric resistance) to check for foreign material inclusions (40 µm defect diameter sensitivity)

Electron beam melting on Niobium (done several times to purify Niobium)

Rolling, annealing, levering,

…gives Nb sheets

20Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

The Fabrication of an SRF Cavity (II)

Electron beam

Half-cells are deep drawn and welded

together in vacuum with an electron beam

21Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

1400 C Bake with Ti-Getter

• Thermal breakdown (quench) is usually triggered by a small normal conducting defect, when it heats the Nb above the critical temperature (100µµµµm defect sufficient!)

• Tolerate unavoidable defects but “neutralize” them by thermally stabilizing them.

�Improve the thermal conductivity of niobium.

�Improve puritypurity of the niobium.

22Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Thermal Breakdown

CuNo foreign materials found

Tungsten inclusion

copper inclusion

Breakdown field given by(very approximately):

Htb =4κ T (Tc − Tb )

rd Rd

κT: Thermal conductivity of NbRd: Defect surface resistanceTc: Critical temperature of NbTb: Bath temperature

Scales as κT

J. Knobloch et al.

23Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Thermal Breakdown

Scales as κT• After cavity is produced

– Heat in vacuum furnace to ~ 1400 C

– Evaporate Ti on cavity surface

– Use titanium as getter to capture impurities that diffuse to the surface

– Later etch away the titanium

– Doubles the purity

24Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Thermal Breakdown and Heat Treatments

DESY results

25Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Surface Preparation: Etching/Polishing

• Removes damaged surface layer (100 µµµµm)

Chemically etchingBCP = HF + HNO3 + H3PO4

Electro-polishingBCP = HF + HNO3 + H3PO4

26Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Chemically Etching vs. Electro-Polishing

• Electro-polished cavities each (often) higher field gradients (but not always)

• Difference from surface roughness? Likely not…

Chemically etched


27Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

High Pressure Rinsing and Clean Rooms

• All cavities and vacuum components are cleaned and assembled in clean rooms.

•• Dust particlesDust particles on the cavity surface are removed with up to 1000 psi ultra-pure water jets (High Pressure Rinsing)

28Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Electron Field Emission (I)

Micron size particles cause FE.

• Emission of e- (QM electron tunneling) from µm size defects

in high E-fields.

• All emission is associated with (conducting) microscopic


• Acceleration of electrons drains cavity energy.

• Impacting electrons produce heating of the surface.

29Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Electron Field Emission (II)

• QM tunneling theory predicts exponential Fowler−−−−Nordheim emission current density.

• Need GV/m fields!

• Fields in cavities are much lower than those

theoretically required for field emission.

• Electric field enhancement model (tip-on-tip)?

jFN = C1E2 exp −



30Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Before and After High Pressure Rinsing



31Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

High Power Processing

• In some cases

applying of high

power can cause the

destruction of field

emitters and improve

the cavity


• ���� Reduction of field

emission after the

cavity is installed in

the accelerator



32Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

A final low Temperature Bake• In-situ baking of the cavity at low temperatures

(100 – 130 C) for 50 hours is good

– Reduces the low field BSC surface resistance by 50%

– Often allows to achieve higher maximum fields and lower surface resistance at high fields

• Why??? Many models…nothing conclusive

G. Ciovati et al. KEK results

33Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

What do we find?

34Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

State of the Art Cavity Performance


0 10 20 30 40E acc [MV/m]




Low field Q-dropMedium field Q-drop

Sharp drop of the quality

factor at B ≅≅≅≅100 mT

Recovered by low temp. (110 C) “in-

situ” baking

Linear BCS + residual

resistance. Hypersoundgeneration

and acoustic resonances?

Vortex penetration at

weak spots, grain boundaries,

surface roughness, oxide

diffusion, pollution layer ?


resistance. Heating and



35Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Wall Heating Distribution at High Fields

• See areas with increased heating / surface resistance at high magnetic RF fields (hot spots)

• ??? G. Eremeev et al.

36Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Recorded Intrinsic Quality Factor

37Matthias Liepe April 18, 2008

Record Field Gradient (2007 @ CU)

• Accelerating gradient = 60 MV/m

R.L. Geng et al.

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