super amazing earth science final exam review!. big bang theory occurred about 13.7 billion years...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Super Amazing Earth Science Final Exam


Big Bang Theory

Occurred about 13.7 billion years ago

Nebular Hypothesis

The Sun, Earth and solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of dust in space

Scale of the Universe

Galaxies in the universe

Scale of the Universe

Our galaxy: the Milky WaySpiral-shapedA collection of millions of starsOur Sun is one of them!

Scale of the Universe

Our Solar system

The Moon orbits Earth in about a month(Not to scale)

Shape of orbits

Precession: tilt angle doesn’t change, only the direction of the axis does

Reason for the Seasons

Nutation: increases or decreases tilt by .5 degrees

An increase In tilt can lead to stronger seasons.A decrease in tilt can lead to less seasonal Effects.

Barycenter: the point at which two objects orbit each other

Planets going around a star cause the star to “wobble.”

Tidal effects

Caused by the pull of Earth’s moon, and also the Sun.

Earth’s Circumference

Earth is wider around the Equator as a result of its rotation.

Nuclear FUSION: How the Sun makes power!

Hydrogen atoms smash together to make helium atoms and ENERGY.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

All these types of radiation come from the Sun.

The ozone layer filters most harmful UV Radiation

Earth’s protective magnetic field

Earth’s magnetic field shields us from most harmful cosmic rays, gamma rays and X-rays released by the Sun.

Layers of the Atmosphere

Atmospheric Composition

Winds and Air Pressure

Air Density

Relative Humidity and Temperature(Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air)

Cold Fronts

Produce heavy rain and thunderstorms when a warm air mass touches a cool air mass

Warm Fronts

Produce lighter precipitation over a larger area

Dew Point

Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense from moist air that is cooling.

Temps. Decrease with Altitude

Clouds form up high because temperatures drop, causing tiny water droplets to condense.

Land and Water Heat and Cool Differently

Convection: the movement of heat through air or water

The atmosphere and oceans move air (wind) and water (ocean currents) in an unending effort to balance heat across the planet.

Coastal and Inland Temperatures

Coastal cities have less extreme summer and winter temperatures than inland cities.

Infiltration and Aquifers

Infiltration occurs when surface water seeps down to become groundwater.

Weather vs. Climate

Weather is the current state of the atmosphere at a certain time and place. Climate is average temperature and rainfall in a region over many years.


Climate: depends on temperature and precipitation (rainfall)

Major Climate Regions: Based on Latitude

El Nino

Causes a countercurrent in the Pacific Ocean, which forces warmer water toward the West Coast of North and South America

This causes unusual weather in many places

Sunspots and Climate

Some studies show a correlation between more sunspots and higher temperatures in North America.

The Rock Cycle

Physical Weathering: breaking rocks into smaller pieces physically

Chemical Weathering: breaking down materials through chemical reactions

Oxidation (rust)

Dissolution due to acid rain

Agents of Erosion: carry sediments from place to place




Tectonic Plate Movement

Tectonic plates move mainly due to convection currents in the mantle.

Fault Boundaries



Ring of Fire/Circum-Pacific Belt

MOST volcanoes and earthquakes occur here!

Magma and Lava

Both are molten rockMagma is under Earth’s surface, but lava has

been extruded on top of the surface


When volcanoes erupt, snow can melt and mix with ash to form a lahar, or volcanic mudflow.

Volcanoes and Climate

When volcanoes erupt, ash can block out sunlight, causing temperatures to get cooler.

Earthquake Focus and Epicenter

The focus is where an earthquake originates underground.

The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus.

P-Waves and S-Waves

P-Waves are fast, seismic waves that push and pull the ground. S-Waves come after P-Waves and shake the ground up and down.

The time difference between when P-Waves and S-Waves are recorded can be used to determine how far away an earthquake occurred.


Plants and algae use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make food (glucose sugars) for themselves and oxygen.

Human ImpactsUrbanization (living in cities)

Deforestation Agriculture

Pros •Resources are easy to get•Jobs are more plentiful

•Trees are needed for lumber and paper products•Trees are a renewable, potentially sustainable resource

•Produces food in higher quantities

Cons •More concentrated air pollution•Paved surface increase temps. and keeps water from infiltrating disrupting water cycle•Destruction of habitats

•CO2 is not removed from air as often, which contributes to global warming•Habitats are destroyed

•Increased use of pesticides and fertilizers, which can run-off and pollute water•Soil erosion•Air pollution due to equipment (if traditional)

Urban Heat Island


Nonrenewable (cannot be replaced)

Renewable(Can be replaced within a relatively short period of time)

•Fossil Fuels -(Oil, Coal, Natural Gas)•Minerals•Metals

•Trees•Food Crops•Cotton•Livestock•Solar Power•Wind Power•Geothermal Power

Sustainable Use

Using resources at a rate at which they can be replaced

Conventional vs. Sustainable Farming

Conventional Sustainable

•Large-scale farms•Rely on heavy machinery/equipment•Use lots of fertilizers and pesticides•Monocultures (single type of crop)•Use fossil fuels to ship long distances

•Small to medium-scale farms•Rely heavily on human labor•Use less or no fertilizers and pesticides•Grow many different, diverse crops•Sell locally

Beach Stabilization


Sea Wall

Protects areas behind the wall, but increases erosion down from the wall

Replaces sand that has been lost

Mountainside Slope Stabilization

Add hardy plants that contour with the slope

Netting or slope controlblankets can also be used

Wells and Aquifers

Pros Cons

Provide fresh groundwater to people

Withdrawing too much water can lead to:•water shortages•subsidence (sinking)•saltwater intrusion , if near coastal areas (pulling saltwater into areas where fresh groundwater should be)



Pros Cons

•Store water•Can provide recreational areas•Can be used to generate hydroelectric power

•Alters a river’s natural flow•Can disrupt the life cycle of fish•Destroys habitats•Reduces biodiversity

Nonpoint Source Pollution:pollution which has no single, particular source

Sedimentation: too much dirt in the water can block sunlight from aquatic producers like algae

Stormwater run-off: washes road waste, oil, and harmful chemicals from urban areas into rivers

Arsenic: a toxic substance found naturally in minerals, but also added by humans through mining and industry

Fertilizer Run-off

1. Rain washes fertilizer into nearby surface water.

2. Algae grows out of control, then dies, removing oxygen from the water during the decomposition.

3. With no oxygen in the water, fish die. A fish kill

Greenhouse Effect vs. Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect Global Warming

•A natural process•Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane, and water vapor absorb some heat from the Sun during the day•Keeps the planet from freezing at night•Necessary for life

•More greenhouse gases, primarily CO2, are added to the atmosphere than normal•Caused by human activities (burning fossil fuels)•Earth’s temperatures are higher than they should be

The Greenhouse Gases

Carbon Dioxide: (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas. It comes from burning fossil fuels/vehicle exhaust.

Methane:Methane’s primary source is…cow farts!

Water vapor: released into the air through evaporation and transpiration (from plants)

Effects of Global Warming

Ice caps can melt. Some species may experience habitat loss.

Due to melting ice caps, sea levels can rise, flooding coastal areas.

Warmer water temperatures can increase the number of hurricanes each year.

Acid Rain

Coal-burning power plants and factories can release sulfur and nitrogen compounds into the air which can turn rain into a weak acid.

Ocean Acidification

CO2 in the air dissolves into the ocean, creating carbonic acid (the same type of acid in sodas.)

Similar to how sodas can dissolve your teeth, carbonic acid keeps ocean life with shells, like coral reefs, from forming properly

Decreasing CO2 Locally

Buy local, fresh produce…it doesn’t require as much transportation (less exhaust). Eat less meat…produce requires fewer resources to grow, and no methane-farting cows!

Use energy-saving lights and appliances…and turn them off when you are done!

Carpooling reduces carbon dioxide emissions from exhaust!

Decreasing CO2 Globally

Use alternative energy sources, instead of burning fossil fuels

Reduce deforestation…trees takes CO2 OUT of the air!

CFC’s and Ozone

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are chemicals found in some aerosol cans and refrigeration units. They damage our planet’s protective ozone layer, which could increase our exposure to dangerous UV radiation.

In North Carolina, we live in the temperate forest!

In the temperate forest, many trees’ have leaves which change color with the seasons.

Summers are warm and humid, with mild winters.

Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors of an Ecosystem

Biotic (Living Parts) Abiotic (Non-living Parts)

•Plants•Animals•Decomposers (Bacteria and Fungi)



All the different species of plants and animals in an area

Important for maintaining ecological relationships, food sources, medicines, and beauty

Where is biodiversity greatest?

Terrestrial biodiversity is greatest near the Equator

Aquatic biodiversity is greatest also around coral reefs

Invasive/Exotic Species in NC

They do damage mainly by consuming native species, competing with them for food or space, or introducing disease. 

Lionfish Kudzu vine

Alternative Energy Sources

Pros Cons

Solar •Sunlight is free•Non-polluting

•Doesn’t work at night•Panels are expensive

Wind •Wind is free•Non-polluting

•Must be done on flat land with high winds•People think a wind farm is an eyesore•Has been known to kill bats


•Fuel made from renewable corn and other plants•No need for mining or drilling like with fossil fuels

•Releases CO2 when burned•Raises cost of corn

Alternative Energy Sources (continued)

Pros Cons

Nuclear Fission

•No CO2 emissions•Produces a lot of energy

•Requires mining of radioactive uranium•Produces radioactive waste, which must be carefully disposed of•Carries a danger of meltdown and release of radioactive material

Hydrogen Fuel CellsSeparates water molecules to burn the hydrogen

•Clean burning (no emissions)•Has potential to be a great fuel source for cars!

•Creating the hydrogen requires electricity•Currently, not energy efficient


•No burning necessary

•Must be in a location that has active stores of underground heat

Carrying Capacity

The number of individuals in a population that the environment can support

Populations will no longer continue to grow, but will level out due to lack of resources (food, water, nutrients, etc.)

These resources are called limiting factors

Ecological Footprint

A measure of the amount of land and resources that an individual uses to maintain their lifestyle

Many developed countries, like the U.S., have a greater ecological footprint, than developing, poorer countries.

(We use more stuff!)

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