sunrise for us ghettos

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Since I appear in United States ghettoes has been in the same patetic ondition plenty of poverty,violence and drugs... Today immigration reform can be the engine for move on to the prosperity enforcing illegal immigrants to share economy living and consuming to blackamerican businesses in order to create multicultural communities.


Sunrise for US ghettos


By: Luis Aviles






Guatemala is a small country in Central America. It is located about 3,000

thousand miles from the United States South border. This is the place that God

designed for me to be born, it is known as the " The country of the eternal spring" and

it is absolutely true.

Our infancy was great, we had nothing in terms of toys and material things, but

we were rich in creativity and desire to live and be happy. After school we played with

the one bike one of our friends had and as we grew older we made motorcycles

excursions to the mountains, rivers, volcanoes. Our country was so safe that no one

feared for their lives. Nobody wanted to leave our country, there was no interest in

abandoning this joyous paradise. I heard about the United States because my father

worked for a Transnational American Company and his boss always gave him Children

books, toys and clothes than his kids did not use anymore. That was the time when I

learned about “gringos” and where they came from.

I grew interest in American books because of the full color images in them, but no one

could read these books for me because they were written in the English language.

Fortunately, one day, magically, a bilingual dictionary appeared in one of the shelf's of

our house and I could then translate the books into Spanish. Then my father decided to

immigrate to Washington D.C. because he had cousins there. He traveled there by plane

but only for a of couple months because my mother became sick and was desperate for

him. I Remember one day she was writing a letter for my father, and she asked my

brother and sister to put something for him, and they said “tell my dad we are sad

please come back soon”. When she asked me, I said "tell him to buy me a bike!" she got

mad… At that time, the dollar and quetzal were even one to one even less obviously it

made no sense to immigrate to the United States for money. My mom had to pay ten

cents for each dollar she exchanged.

My mother use to hear planes overhead and cry because of my dad's absence, and

because of that she loss weight and got a nervous system breakdown. Because of this,

she was in bed for several weeks until my father returned home. She was under medical

treatment for a long time and finally, she recovered.

When my father returned home I was 7 years old. I was experiencing some

changes in my behavior as a result of his once-gone state, and it wasn't for the good.

On the day he arrived, I unfortunately was caught in a fight with a fellow student he

was very short but very fast and punched me dozens of times until finally I landed one

left hand and knocked him down. As he was one the ground, I asked him "Do you want

more?" Everybody around me laughed because I really took a beating from him, and to

see myself rise above him was a great moment for me.

Seeing my father at home was a great relief and happiness when I told him about

the incident at school, he decided to train me in boxing. The next days were spent in full

training, learning technique and toughness. With the days going by, one of my father's

friends visited and had offered him a job, and he took it. Because of this, our family

continued united and living graciously until the years of the 80s. This was because

Communists had entered our country in this time of our life's. They plagued our homeland

and created destruction and brutal affliction to all that lived here. Our once wonderful

country lost its eternal spring, and thrust us began a cruel winter where the worth of

life was nothing.

There was a day where I was playing basketball at a local park with my friends

when the unfortunate struck. An army truck had appeared, and soldiers began to pour

out of the back and took my friends for military service. I luckily escaped in the niche

of time in my motorcycle and immediately once I gained distance from them, I gave

notice to each of their families and with this, Their families each made their way to

release their children after being proved students, and having a clean record. As for my

family, they were very concerned for my friends and I's safety. At this time, the

Government started brutal persecution on all youth manifesting some disagree with the

political system. Many students were endangered to be killed. One of them was the

famous singer ¨Ricardo Arjona” who was a schoolmate of my brother and also played

basketball with them.

Communist promoters would enter public areas and greatly enforce their spread

of communism to create pressure on young students to enroll in violent activities against

government institutions.

We was adolescent our hobbies basquetball, hiking forested mountains even visited

discotheques had turned in dangerous places because always some undercover rebel and

also undercover army informant could be infiltrated and a little commentary about

government were sufficient to be abduct ,tortured and murdered

That happens too many of my close friends. Young dreamers that wishing a better world

found cruel death. Even MLK and all Black American community suffer the institutional

terror against their ideals that today everyone recognize as a sane human develop.

Immigration reform could be extreme positive for transform entire American hemisphere

if the Latin-American community initiates our own “Hispanic Spring”

If they didn't take part in their devious goal, they were harassed and violently

conducted in beatings and other misbehaviors. As youth we got forced to do three one of

three options…

A) ENROLL EN THE GUATEMALAN ARMY…and being exposing to be killed by

insurgents but at least we was defending the rich class reluctant to pay fair

salaries like the teachers were in that time pay 80 Quetzals/Month when a lower

army official makes 500 Quetzals plus new car, free fuel quote, groceries and

medical attention. So obviously to keep the outrageous system was more

attractive. These economic disparities make possible to create the conditions for

the armed insurrection.

B) ENROLL IN THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY..Sounds attractive if we are in the

loser part of the society. The leaders offer dramatic changes and opportunities

for education and work. Also total control the production system that has been

like slavery economy forcing labors to work extenuates long hours and barely

survival salaries, similar situation suffered by the Chicago workforce when they

called to general strike demanding 8 hours of work instead 16 they were forced to

do without overtime or social security even not medical care. The leaders were

arrested the first of May of 1886 then judged as traitors and found guilty and

killed by the “justice” (Samuel Fielden,Oscar Neebe, Michael Schaab,George Engel,

Albert Partson, Lily Gonzalez and others who gave their lives for our current work


C) IMMIGRATE TO DEVELOPMENT NATIONS. Even were a heart break decision

abandon our love family our home comfort and initiate a dangerous unknown journey

and if we succeed start to adapt a new language, new culture and suffer

discrimination and to learn new life alone. Facing emotional weak down for our love

ones we left behind.

I decide enroll in the Army at 14 years old.

I strongly believe in the Democratic System, for this way is equal and full of

opportunities that offer prosperity. The beliefs and ideas that communists held do not

make sense for me.. Until I was graduated as Agronomist from a military system school

and I were assigned to work at one inaccessible rural area “zone Reina Ixil triangle” were

only by air was possible to arrive. I was witness with my own eyes how miserable was

the life for our indigenes they was being killed like flies for both violent forces National

army and communist invaders. That region was border with Mexico so I could learn was

Cubans involved who bring weapons, training and logistic support. Several times offer me

to get a scholarship in Cuba or Union Soviet. Some friends did and were trained for

terrorist actions when they return got jobs in the National University and to continue

spreading the Marxist doctrine to youth. We as professionals serving the military

government share with the army forces development activities but guerrilla actions

destroy our work blowing out bridges, electric towers and terrorizing rural villages. For

doing my work I had missions of 20 days visiting the communities and be hosted in the

community the villagers did everything for make feel comfortable despite their lacks.

I heard their stories from the first hand and saw awful situations and felt compassion

however nothing could help them exemption abandoning the place and to emigrate before

to get killed.

That was the time we think seriously about move for another safe city. I choose explore

Mexico and then move to United Estates. Also visited Costa Rica and was so surprise

that they did not have guerrilla conflict. Were two differences they had high grade of

education and they don’t have national army. People were so friendly and communicative

may be in excess, in few minutes they make me feel like family. Also I could to observe

so many tourists from United States and European countries. Meantime Nicaragua, El

Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were engage in terrible civil war confrontation and

auto destruction.

Central American had no option fight against ourselves killing brothers, cousins, even

parents and sons or to emigrate to the nation always has been democratic, prosperous

and plenty of opportunities for every one looking for honest works and freedoms.

Make decision to emigrate is so painful mainly when you leave family, wife, kids, parents

Etc. Also change your customs your communities and then appear in one city where you

don’t know the culture, the language that is not funny at all.

But immigrants have to swallow their tears and transform pain in energy because to

achieve put a foot in this promise land did cost a lot of physical emotional suffering, and

money that always has been borrow from relatives, friends or in the worst case from

criminal organizations that offer money with easy terms than when the lender demand

much more money with extreme voracity and aggressively endanger family or own

immigrant life. That is strong motivation for don’t quit or return botched.

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet friends with different cultures and my sight get

more complete about to be part of the diversity enhance my own culture. I did travels

but always get informed and respecting the country laws. Now is my background for write

this book spread and sharing my experiences giving my opinion and decided to document

this one, with real images and the humans being that were protagonist of this trans-

cultural process that to produce a developed modern society example for the world and in

compliance with Christian principles. Strongly I believe we are the number ONE nation

and we don’t hold problems for long or pretend ignore worse put blind eye on them NO!

We are prosperous because God reward our fair humanitarian actions!

Being happy living poor is 100% possible

Guatemala is beautiful land

Guatemala has the best weather and landscape in the world

The Guatemalans get surprise when discover that prosperity comes in the middle of

desert instead we can’t achieve prosperity living in a green country plenty of natural


Before 1980 nobody had

interest to emigrate

because we are plenty

of work and peace in

our land.

Wa s after 80s. when

Cuba sent rebels to in

order to export its

communist revolution

sponsored by URSS


Guatemala city











Was my first nice experience when I visited Mexico City share with Mexicans the

culture, music, the food tacos, burritos and traditional beverages. Also romances as

well. Same nice and better was when I appear in California and share with African

Americans White Americans, Asian American, and Hispanic Americans Etc. Etc.

Hispanics be come to share our culture and to adopt African American culture in order to

develop a better community where our families can enjoy friendly. Majority of immigrants

arriving to ghetto areas because is cheaper and a Christian community always takes care

and supports us at all. There two types of immigrants those ones to come poor and those

ones to come with money for invest. I will refer essentially to the first because are the

majority and expect fix the legalization problem.

We are learning that sharing wealth each other and make our communities more friendly

and better quality of life. Of course there are positive and negative customs that we

have to eliminate the negatives through the process in order to grow up. And to make

new better cultural patterns for the next generations



Black community has very important celebrations one of them is Martin Luther King birth

day on January, white community also celebrate the thanks giving, Hispanics the Cristobal

Colon discovery of America, five of May, and four of July. So we can to observe that

throughout time life we are learning and blending part of our history, culture and

feelings. I never has been in Georgia, Peru, Philippines, Nigeria Spain, Holland Etc.

however because my friends belong to these countries I get interest in their news and

activities. I like listen jazz our country music and has been fan from Whitney Houston

(rest in peace)


His dream just begins to get reality today; is most common see Hispanics and blacks

sharing good time but the way are still too long and irregular. The problem start with

Hispanic cultural roots..

Is it a complex historic process since 500 years ago that keep us a mental slavery

culture in order to live working hard for to produce abundant wealth for our loved kings.

Meantime the entire population has to continue facing poverty and violence.

Youth of Liberty City well know as a dangerous ghetto plagued with drugs and crime,

killing themselves with high rate of assassinates however here in this celebration you see

all the opposite happiness and abundant wish for enjoy the life.

All cultures make enrichment when have opportunity to share everything this is the

reason United States is a powerful nation. All divisions are destructive and put this

leader nation in a vulnerable point unacceptable for our life style.

We are exemplar society inspirited in freedom and respect for diversity at all

There are many ways for enjoy the life without drugs consumption but the decision

depend how has been formed in your infancy how has been your experiences about human

relations and education. Here are these images we can observe how this crowd spends

the time without smoking or violence just relaxing friendly

Black community is a great example of human being of quality they have extraordinary

sense of humor, artistic qualities and compassion sense…they has been holding for

centuries constant hostilities however they still have a dream for better future

The memorial weekend a hip hope celebration that reunite almost half millions of black

young people at South Beach Miami. Is welcome for everybody however few Hispanics of

white join here. I always come and enjoy a lot with them and usually I forget being

Hispanic at all.


We can live in poor conditions but in peace and hoping better future, however when your

neighborhood became like war field where every day defenseless human being are killed

just for pleasure or “culture” life turn miserable and infernal

U.S. Mexico border California State. Immigrant road

America must be for the Americans One culture without borders without emigrants

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