sunday, july 10 morning service ~ 10:00 am · *if able, please stand prelude pre-service singing:...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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W elcome and thank you for worshipping with us! We pray that what you hear and experience

here today will speak directly to your heart and that you will feel at home.

Welcome to our visitors and guests! We feel blessed that you have chosen to join us. We would love to

get to know you. Please take a moment to fill out a welcome card and place it in either the collection bag

or the office mailbox. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to give during the offering; today

you are our guests. We hope to see you worshipping with us again! Hearing impaired? See one of our

ushers to receive a hearing assistance device during the worship service.

Joining the Church... After attending our services on a regular basis, we hope you are led to a deeper

relationship with this community—one that involves sharing in our covenant with God. Are you willing to

make that commitment? A decision to join any community of faith requires prayer, experience, and

discernment. We welcome everyone who is thinking about joining the church to meet with one of our

pastors in order to pray about and to explore this desire.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Today’s Sermon: “The Spirit’s Work Amidst the Church”

Preacher: Dr. Michael Goheen

Worship Leader: Pastor Andrew Beunk

EVENING SERVICE ~ 7:00 pm (in Meeting Hall)

An Evening Series Through the Ten Commandments

“The First Commandment: No Other Gods Before or Beside Me”

Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 34

Pastor Andrew Beunk

Volunteers Today Next Week (July 10)

Greeters 10:00 Guy & Ann Budding, Lieske Van Der Kooi 10:00 John & Teresa Mayhew, Carol Vandemeyden

Ushers 10:00 Alan Pel, Andy Beimers 10:00 Mark Noort, Bill TeBokkel

Nursery Theresa Mayhew, Julie Van Tol

Rebecca Visser, Marissa VanderMey

Keri Oosterhof, Steffany Pel

Dennis Herfst, Jessica Noort

Refreshments Walter Verwoerd Peter Baelde

PowerPoint 10:00 Annette Faber 10:00 Aaron Pel

Sound 10:00 Peter Baelde 10:00 Peter Baelde

Library Gaileen Cox Betty Adema


Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM

Deadline for Bulletin Submissions: Thursday @ 10 AM

8255 13th

Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2G6

Phone: 604.521.0111

Email: (general mailbox)

Calendar of Events at New West Church from July 4 to July 10

Wednesday, July 6

7:30 pm Prayer Meeting at Church Room# 204 and Chris de Groot’s

7:30 pm Council Meeting at Church

Thursday, July 7

10:00 am Deadline for Bulletin Submissions

7:30 pm Worship Practice

Sunday, July 10


Preacher: Youth Pastor Dave Groen

Worship Leader: Dr. Michael Goheen


New West CRC on Facebook. Subscribe / Like the “New Westminster Chris-

tian Reformed Church” Facebook page in order to receive regular updates on

worship services and ministry activities. A great way to keep informed!

*If able, please stand


Pre-service singing:

Overhead The First Place

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Songs:

Hymn#8 Lord, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name

Binder#37 All Heaven Declares

*Call to Worship

*Song: Binder#16 God Most High

*Prayer of Invocation

*God’s Greeting and Mutual Greeting

*Song: Overhead The First Place

Call to Confession


Song: Binder#4 There is a Redeemer

Assurance of Pardon

Song: Hymn#23 The Lord My Shepherd

Thank you for worshipping with us today!

Everyone is welcome to join us in the Meeting Hall (or outside if weather permits)

following the morning service for coffee and fellowship!

Childcare is provided for children ages 0 - 3 years during the morning service in the upstairs nursery.

Children aged 3 through Grade 3 will be invited partway through the service to join in a time of Children’s

Worship. Children aged 3 through grade 3 will first gather in the Meeting Hall for a time of singing, and then

go upstairs to the classrooms, from which parents may pick them up following the service.

Grades 4 through 6 from the Indonesian Evangelical Church Sunday School meet in the Beehive.

Order of Worship

- 2 - -7-


Offerings during the worship service are for New

West Church and local ministries as well as denomi-

national ministries. There may be a designated spe-

cial cause identified below. Please place your offer-

ings into the bag, using your current envelopes if

you have them. There are also envelopes in the pew

if you are a guest or forgot yours at home. Cheques

should be made out to the New Westminster CRC

and should indicate the ministry you are donating

to. All donation dollars and loose change will be

applied to the following second collection:

Today’s Offering is for Christian Education Fund

(CEF). This fund was established by the deacons

shortly after John Knox Christian School was started

in 1955 and is there for families that are members

of the New Westminster CRC. The CEF provides

short-term tuition help to families experiencing fi-

nancial difficulties. Your generous donations help

make it possible for these children to receive a

Christ-centered education.

Next week’s offering will be for Vacation Bible

School. For more information and video of last

year’s VBS, please visit the church’s website: http://

Thank you for your support of New West Church

and of our various ministries.

Canada Day Weekend! On

Friday we paused to remem-

ber the birth of our nation.

Consider this quote from our

first Prime Minister, Sir John A.

MacDonald, “God and nature

made the two Canadas one—

let no fractious men be al-

lowed to put them asunder.” Unhelpful dualism

aside, MacDonald does acknowledge the hand of

God in forming our country. As we witness much

national unrest in our world, especially in the Middle

East, and as we remember the high price that has

been paid by many for blessings and freedoms that

we can easily take for granted, let us give thanks to

God for our country. We are thankful for stability in

government, for good infrastructure, education,

heath care, and social programs. Let us remember to

pray regularly for our political leaders, civil servants,

and all who contribute to the blessings we enjoy in

Canada. Pray too that Canada will be an instrument

of peace and justice in our world. Hope you have a

happy Canada Day weekend!

Children’s Message & Prayer -Marianne VanDelft

Children Leave for Sunday School

Prayers of the People -Pastor Andrew Beunk

Offering: (please mark clearly)

New West Church and its various ministries

Christian Education Fund

More information on page 7

Sing: Hymn#424 Spirit of the Living God

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:42-47 (pg. 1057 ~ NIV)

Sermon: “The Spirit’s Work Amidst the Church”

-Dr. Michael Goheen

*Song of Response:

*Hymn#417(tune H#319) Filled with the Spirit’s Power

*God’s Blessing

*Parting Song: Binder#62 May the Peace of God


Devotional Booklet (Large/Small

Print) for July-August 2011 are

available in front of the sanctuary.

Groundwork: Right with God? The

Bible tells us that in Christ we are

accepted and made right with God,

but how does that work? Can we

ever be sure that we are truly

saved? Join the Groundwork July

10 conversation on Galatians 2:15-21 to find

answers to these challenging questions. Find a

local radio station or listen online at

Our Church Family

Please pray for Johanna Meyer. Just over a week

ago she fell in her room and broke her right

kneecap. She continues to experience pain and

discomfort and will be confined to a bed/chair for

several weeks. Pray for peace, patience and healing.

We continue to pray for Margaret Vandop. She

remains in Queen’s Park Care Centre as she slowly

recovers from a severe break in her right arm. Pray

for comfort and peace.

We continue to pray for Rev. Henry and Aileen

Numan as Aileen battles cancer.

“Hello everyone! I have been home from Honduras

now for about a month and it has been at times a

difficult transition back into life here. It was an

amazing trip and I have been deeply impacted by

all the things I learned there. Thank you so much

for supporting me and the entire team financially

and in prayer. We appreciate it so much!”

-Allison Heinen

What’s happening next week?

Lord’s Supper: will be held during the morning


New west news & announcements

Pastor Andrew will be away on vacation from July 9

-15. Following that he will taking a week-long study

leave to attend a seminar at Calvin Seminary called,

“Engaging the Text, Preaching the Word”. Pastor

Andrew will be returning on July 23.

Honduras Ministry Trip is going to

be held on November 13-24, 2011

with a limit of 12 people. We plan to

have a meeting tentatively on Sunday, July 17th


after the morning service at Dave and Brittany

Groen's place. We will go over the plans that we

already have and also the expectations over the

-6- - 3 -

Birthday Blessings This Week

July 4 Billy Do

July 5 Margaret Van Dop

Arie VanderKooi

Fred Noort

Kim Beunk

Kevin Breedveld

Benjamin Zimmermann

July 7 In-Kyeong Kim

July 9 Chris Eyzenga

July 10 Allan Meredith

If we have missed your birthday this week, or you

do not wish to have your birthday shown in the

future, please contact Fera at the office so we can

update your information in our database.


If you would like people to pray for you,

please call Willy VanDelft at 604-526-3556.

All prayer requests will be held in confidence.

upcoming months that we must commit to. An

overview handout will be provided and discussed

together. We would love you to come and join us in

this meeting. Got questions?? Please see Mike/

Colleen Hoyer and Dave Groen. Please find more

information and the video of our most recent trip to

Honduras at the church’s website: http://

-Mike Hoyer

Vacation Bible School's theme of

“Son Harvest” will encourage the

participants to demonstrate the fruits

of the spirit but also teach them about

rural life! Jam tastings, food growing, vegetable

guessing are just a few of the things in store from

July 18-22.

Can't help during out VBS week? Mark your

calendar now for TUESDAY, JULY 5 at 7 p.m. as

our preparation night at the church. We will be

painting backdrops, preparing crafts, building a few

wheelbarrows and scarecrows and putting together

workbooks. Plan to attend! Registration forms are

available at the church office or you can call Fera to

sign up your children and their friends. Pre-

registration helps us plan for a terrific week. If you

have any questions, please email

Sunday School: As of July 3, there will be no

Sunday School for grades 2 and 3 for July and

August. They will resume again in September.

“From the Deacons”: You may have or not yet

read the letter that was put in your mail slot last

Sunday from the deacons. It’s regarding how the

10/10 Challenge fund is being applied and a

recent refugee development. The document is

posted on the church’s website under the

Members Page with the title of “From the

Deacons”. You must register on the website in

order to access the letter. One of the 10/10 fund

From the Persecuted


Indonesia: A missionary training school was at-

tacked by mobs consisting of 85 Muslims. They

raided each classroom and dorm room, removing

pictures of Jesus. They commanded the staff to

close down the school. The Muslims were accom-

panied by local polices and soldiers from nearby

military base. Even though the school residents

get along well with the neighbors, Muslims want

to convert the country to Islam. Please pray that

the school can continue training missionaries, and

also for the Christians in the country that they will

remain strong in their faith in Jesus Christ and that

many will join them.

Iran: A Christian man is being held captive in the

infamous brutal “Evin” prison in Tehran. He was

detained during a raid on Christian homes and he

has not been officially charged. His family may

visit him once a week. They had to sell his father-

in-law’s business in order to survive. They don’t

have the means/money to bail him out. Please

pray that he would be freed and that his faith will

remain strong. Even though many Muslims have

come to Christ, the persecution in the country is

still fierce. Many Christians have died while in

prison. Please pray for the leaders that they will be

influenced by the Christians’ faith.

Egypt: As the government gives permission to

rebuild ruined churches, some Muslims have be-

come angry and caused riots. Many clashes have

been happening between Christian and Muslim

groups, causing Christians to flee to Libya for their

safety. On June 12th

, two (2) Christian girls, Chris-

tine (16 years old) and Nancy (14 years old), were

kidnapped on their way to church. Their parents

were very desperate, trying to raise the requested

ransom money of 200,000 EGP. However, when

they went to the kidnappers with the money, they

were told that the girls were already sold to an-

other group, who is asking even more money

which the parents can’t raise. Mostly, in similar

situations, the girls would be married to a Muslim

man and live in a very difficult situation. Please

pray that the girls would soon be released and

pray that the faith of their parents will remain

strong. Please pray for the Christians in Egypt as

some Muslims intend to Islamize Egypt and estab-

lish Sharia law. Lord, have mercy…

In closing, a nice story came from Ghana on how a

young Christian girl made an impact on her sur-

roundings. She is very active in her church and ea-

ger to tell people about Jesus. She regularly

teaches Sunday School and her teaching attracted

two young Muslim girls to sneak in and listen to

the story about Jesus every Sunday. How we see

the power of God’s Words! It’s powerful because It

is alive! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Have a blessed

week. -Willy VanDelft


- 4 - -5-

recipients, the 2nd Street Community School

sent us a “Thank You” newsletter for the

generous donation towards their playground.

You can find the letter posted on the Community

Bulletin Board in the hallway to the Meeting Hall.

Saturday Morning prayer meeting

Please note: The Saturday morning prayer

meeting will “rest” for the months of July

and August due to various vacation

schedules. We look forward to resuming again on

Saturday, September 3.

Community announcements

Thank you for helping us reach our goal!

John Knox Christian School is very

pleased to announce that as of June 30,

2011, which marks the official end of the Capital

Campaign, we have raised $1,512,727 for our new

building! This even surpasses our $1.5million goal.

We are so grateful to God. He has provided for this

Christian school for many, many years, and he

continues to be faithful and gracious to us! Thank

you for your part in helping us reach this goal--

whether through donating money, giving time, or

offering prayers. You continue to bless your school

and your community richly. We know full well that

without the support of our surrounding church

communities, and particularly New West Christian

Reformed Church, we would not be where we are,

so we Thank You!! As a school we promise to

make stewardly use of the gifts we have been given

as we do our best to educate God's children in the

light of his Word. To God be the glory for the

things He has done! -Brittany Groen

Indonesian Evangelical Church would

like to invite you to SedapRasa*, an

Indonesian food fair and family fun day at

John Knox Christian School Gym -

Saturday, July 16, 2011 from 10am - 2pm. Free

admission. Come and taste a wide array of delicious

foods and drinks. Kids are more than welcome. Bring

your family and friends to this exciting event and meet

some new people, too. For information, please e-mail

F e l i x - f m m e s a k @ y a h o o . c o m o r I v a n —

Kom en geniet van heerlijk Indonesisch eten! We are

looking forward to see you there!

*Proceeds of sale will go towards IEC Bible Camp 2011

Volunteer with the CRC - and be

impacted for life! Some of the current

opportunities include a Theological

Educator in Nigeria and a Service & Learning Team

Assistant for the Dominican Republic - both with

CRWM. Additionally CRWRC is looking for an English

Language Facilitator in Cambodia as well as Medical

Volunteers in Tanzania. For these and other volunteer

opportunities, please contact ServiceLink at or visit


CRWRC - Thank you Canada! The

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee

(CRWRC) would like to thank Canada for all

their support over the past year. Matching

funds from the Canadian International

Development Agency (CIDA), combined with

contributions from other Canadian Foodgrains Bank

members, enabled us to do $10.5 million in disaster

aid programming this year. In addition, when CIDA

denied our request for funding for community

development programs, Canadians stepped up and

helped us fill the gap through our Harvest Hope

campaign. We currently have less than $5,000 to go to

meet our $825,000 Harvest Hope goal. Thank you!

Newsletter from the Sawyers: Please check out the recent

newsletter (July-August) sent from

Hungaria by Frank and Aria Sawyers. It’s posted on the

Missions Bulletin Board in the hallway to the Meeting


International Student ministries

national conference

July 8-12 at Trinity Western University. Plenary

sessions are open to the public. All are welcome to

be encouraged and equipped in developing cross-

cultural relationships. See

national-conference/ for more information on times

and dates.


Bulletin Summary of Council Meeting Held June

1, 2011:

- The undated Church Governance document will be

provided to all elders and deacons in September.

- Marianne VanDelft met with council to discuss

Coffee Break. Marianne confirmed that as of the date

of the council meeting no one has showed interest in

taking on the leadership of the Ministry. Marianne

emphasized that Coffee Break is not our ministry, it is

God’s ministry. Thankfulness was expressed for all

the ladies who have come through the Ministry and

this Ministry is sending women back into their

respective churches better equipped for ministry in

their those churches. Council also expresses its

appreciation to Marianne for her 7.5 years leadership

in this Ministry. Council agreed together with

Marianne to let the Coffee Break Ministry rest for a

time. It was noted that some of the women formerly

involved with Coffee Break are now involved with a

Small group. There is always the possibility of

forming small group- ladies only - if there is

sufficient interest. Andrew Beunk offered a prayer of

praise and thanks for this Ministry.

- Council congratulates Marianne VanDelft as the

first New West CRC graduate from the LDN 3 year


- Council compliments the Hospitality group for their

organizing of the Sunday morning, May 29, Nasi

meal with the IEC church.

- Council received a letter from former Pastor, Peter

Sinia, who is working on his doctoral thesis on

Children at Lord’s Supper, requesting permission to

review NWCRC’s Council and Pastoral Elders

Minutes as it relates to the discussions held and

decisions made. Council provided approval for Peter

to review the Minutes as it relates to the topic of

Children at the Lord’s Supper.

- Council wishes to express its appreciation and a

huge thank you to George and Marianne VanDelft

who presented New West CRC with a beautiful book

entitled “The Way to the Cross” which not only

contains pictures but also the sermon topic and

scripture verses for each week in the “Cost of

Discipleship” series. As you may recall, George Van

Delft created the display adding new items each

week until it reached its climax at Easter. Marianne

took pictures of the displays. The book is included

in a link on our church website. Opportunity will

also be available for people to see a hard copy of

the book by signing it out with our church library.

Arrangements are currently being made to provide

the library with the book. Thank you George and


- Sunday School leadership and Pastoral staff will

meet to share thoughts and opinions on Sunday

school and involvement of children in Sunday

school and Worship Services.

- Next Council Meeting will be Wednesday, July 6,


- If you wish to receive an electronic copy of the full

Council minutes please email the Council Clerk, May

Baelde, with your full name at Hard

copies of the minutes are available at the Church


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