sunday: 5 june: 10th sunday ordinary ·...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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FROM THE PASTOR Dear Parishioners, Both Elijah and Jesus raise people from the dead but they would have to eventually die again. Jesus promises us resurrection from the dead for all eternity. In Heaven there is no more death. Let us follow Jesus as Saint Paul so beautifully converted his life to Christ. Deacon Matt Hebert has arrived, newly ordained. He will be here for the months of June and July. He is from St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Abbeville. His father is a permanent deacon. Please welcome him when you see him. Congratulations to Deacon Ben Soileau from OLQAS parish. He was ordained yesterday at the Cathedral as a permanent deacon on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This coming Saturday the Bishop will ordain 3 men to the priest-hood. Next weekend as well we will have a missionary appeal from one of the Spiritan Fathers. See elsewhere in the bulletin for more information about the Spiritan Fathers.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Thomas Voorhies

A layman is talking to God and asks, “Hey, God, what does 100 million years seem like to you?” God answered, “One hundred million years? That’s like a

second to me.” Then the man asks, “So what’s $100 million seem like to you?” “One hundred million dollars?” says God. “It seems like a penny to me.”

So the man says, “Hey, God, could I borrow a penny?” And God replies, “Sure. Just wait a second.”

Fr. Tom’s Joke of the Week

Summer Vacation Bible School

Sacred Heart & Queen of All Saints Churches

Deadline to register is June 1st! Vacation Bible School July 18-22 from 9:00am to 12:00pm noon

Registration fee $15.00per child ($30 per family) There is a $5.00

late fee for any registrations turned in after June 1st.

Forms can be picked up at OLQAS, Sacred Heart Church, and on our

website. Please send registration form to Queen of All Saints!

Summer Vacation Bible SchoolStudents in the 9th-12th grades can sign up as a helper for the week.

Helpers should fill out the same form and write HELPER across the top of page. There is no fee for the helpers. Helpers should commit to working the whole week so as not to create rescheduling problems. All helpers must attend a mandatory

helper meeting on Thursday, July 14th at 10:00am at the Family Life Center. If you do not attend the meeting, you cannot be a

helper! MOMS: We are in need of adult

helpers. A lot of mom helpers from previous years will be unable to help this year, so please consider giving of your time and talent to make this an

enjoyable and memorable Bible School for your child.

Returned to Christ through death our prayers and sincere

condolences are offered to the families of Willie Mae Fuselier,

Donald J. Fontenot and Verna “Sis” Guillory

Welcome into our Catholic family by the Sacrament of Baptism

Amelie Greer, daughter of Cody Ryan Wilson Greer & Adelaide

Dowell Greerand

Addison Kate Lee, daughter of Brandon Christopher Aymond &

Ashlyn Dawn Lee

The next upcoming Baptism Class will be on Monday, June 6th at 6:00pm

at Our Lady Queen of All Saints Family Life Center.


ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 11 & 12 JuneSat., 4:00 p.m.(BC) Evan MillerSat., 4:00 p.m. Morgan Fontenot Sun., 7:00 a.m. Cade Fontenot Sun., 10:00 a.m. Gabe Fontenot, Chase Bordelon, CJ Dupre, Vic ParksSun., 5:00 p.m. Nick Bellow

READERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 11 & 12 JuneSat., 4:00 p.m.(BC) Albert & Keitha LejeuneSat., 4:00 p.m. Patsy VeillonSun., 7:00 a.m. Terry FitzgeraldSun., 10:00 a.m. Kermit Miller Sun., 5:00 p.m. Rebecca Rhodes

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE WEEKEND OF 11 & 12 JuneSat., 4:00 p.m. (BC) Edna Soileau Sat., 4:00 p.m. Leonard & Brenda ArdoinSun., 7:00 a.m. Ann Fitzgerald & Suzanne Estilette Sun., 10:00 a.m. Elena DeRouen & June Hamlin Sun., 5:00 p.m. Ruth Fontenot & Sybil Vidrine ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEK OF

6-10 JUNEMon. June 6, 6:30 a.m. Laura Manuel Tues. June 7, 6:30 a.m. Wed. June 8, 6:30 a.m. Thur. June 9, 6:30 a.m. Nick Bellow Fri. June 10, 6:30 a.m.

Advertiser of the Week

Please do not forget! Our advertisers make this bulletin possible at no charge to the parish.

Please call on them when you have need of their services. Thank You!


SACRED HEART $ 6,627.35BELAIRE COVE $ 367.00



**The second collection this weekend (June 4/5) is for the Building and Maintenance Fund.

PRAYERS FOR OUR DIOCESAN PRIESTS:Each day, please remember the following Priests in prayer:

Sunday, June 5: Rev. Gregory Cormier, Monday, June 6: Msgr. Douglas Courville, JCL; Tuesday, June 7: Rev. Robert

Courville; Wednesday, June 8: Rev. Angelo Cremaldi; Thursday, June 9: Rev. Barry Crochet; Friday, June 10:

Rev. Hampton Davis; Saturday, June 11: Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, VE; Sunday, June 12: Rev. Michael DeBlanc

Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide

them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

“Adopt-A-Baby” 2nd Month Update

Keep praying for me. I am 2 months old now and about 2 inches long. Look! You can see my eyes, nose, and mouth. I hope I can use these to experience God’s world after I’m born. From this moment on, your baby grows and refines his body. All of your baby’s major body organs and body systems, including the brain, lungs, liver, and stomach, have begun to develop. The first bone cells appear during this time. Eyelids form and grow but remain sealed shut. The inner ear is forming. Ankles, toes, wrists, and fingers are developing. If you do an ultrasound scan, you may see your baby wiggling and

waving! Everything he needs to survive once he is born is already present by the end of the eighth week.



•Universal: That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find – even within the huge cities of the world- opportunities for encounter and solidarity.

•Evangelization:That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission.


Please remember the souls of these departed Priests, Deacons, Bishops, and other religious who have served our Diocese: Wednesday, June 8: Rev. John Cooney (+1946); Rev. Peter L.M.

van der Knapp (+1960) Thursday, June 9: Msgr. John M. Langlois (+1947), Rev. Edwin J. Bourg (+2003) Saturday, June 11: Rev. Gene Maurice Lafleur (+1989)


Monday, June 6: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday, June 7: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday, June 8: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday, June 9: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26 Friday, June 10: 1 Kgs 19:9a,11-16; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday, June 11: Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday, June 12 reading for Holy Mass: Worship Hymnal page 1141

Weekly Reflection from Pope Francis: “In the presence of a repentant people, God’s

justice is transformed into mercy and forgiveness. This challenges us by inviting us to make room

for this same inner attitude. To become merciful, we must first acknowledge that we have done

many things wrong: we are sinners! We need to know how to say: ‘Lord, I am ashamed of what I have done

in life’. If we act in this way, how many good things will follow. With

this attitude of repentance we will be more capable of being

merciful, because we feel God’s mercy for us.”

— Pope Francis

Upcoming Retreats…Marriage Enrichment with Jim Schellman: *Save the date* for a day of formation for married couples to deepen their marriage covenant

in Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Catechumenal Model of adult formation, couples will have the opportunity to focus their hopes, dreams, worries and sufferings on Christ. The full day of workshop will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2016. There will be more information in the month. Divorce Recovery Program: The Office of Marriage and Family Life offers a 6-week divorce recovery program for those who have suffered from divorce/separation. Our next series will begin July 10, 2016. Please visit our website, to register or to find out more information. A Catholic Journey through Grief: The Office of Marriage and Family Life will offer two A Catholic Journey through Grief retreats a year. Our next retreat will be on October 2, 2016. Pre-Registration is required, to register.

Saturday, 4 June 2016 4:00 p.m. B.C.: Rollins G. Fontenot; Katherina Yen Nguyen4:00 p.m.: Fr. Josh Guillory; John Lee & Olga Fontenot & family; Mr. & Mrs. Juan Brignac & Family; Eddie Beauregard; Andrew Pitre & family, Intentions of Sacred Heart of Jesus & Immaculate Heart of Mary; Becky Lafleur (3yr. Anniversary), Gloria Ardoin; Zach Guillory, Cloynise Lachney (June 2nd - 12th anniversary), Pearl McDaniel Foret, Bonnie & John Fred Fontenot Jr. & Fred Sr. Edna & Verby Pitre Sunday, 5 June 2016 7:00 a.m.: Huey Foret, Mrs. Octave Soileau (Birthday); Jessie & Rogers Brown, David Sebastien, Adam Corona, Emily & George Catoire; Lezy, Ada & Jimmie Ardoin; Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Deshotel & Evelyn Guillory, Rudy Guillory, Therman James, Margaret Ray, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Firmin, Mr. & Mrs. Elridge Deshotel10:00 a.m.: Meris Dupre ; Sally Duplechin, Charles Nat Fontenot, Mary Arden Duple-chin, Harry & Leavana Vidrine; Lowell & Mamie Deshotel; Nick, Huey & Rynell B. Fon-tenot, Cris Morales, Mr. & Mrs. Ned B. Fon-tenot, Andrew Pitre & family, Intentions of Sacred Heart of Jesus & Immaculate Heart of Mary; Mercedes & Harrison Lafleur, Hattie & Arville Lafleur, Edveez & Orterre Thompson, Hermosa Lafleur, Gloria Ardoin; L.P. and Olga Demoruelle; Jack & Joyce Miller; James G. Lafleur & family, Mr. & Mrs. Ira L. Fontenot & family, Bonnie Ardoin & family; Andree LeBas5:00 p.m.: For Parishioners Monday, 6 June 2016 6:30 a.m.: Nasen Fontenot family, Ches-ter Smith Family, Ellen Vidrine, Stephanie Broussard (Birthday), Russell Soileau, Randy Lejeune, Ricky Lejeune (June 3rd-9th anni-versary) and family, Steven Broussard (June 3rd- 9th birthday), Tillman Charlie (June 3rd - 14th anniversary) Adeline Dupre (June 3rd- 14th anniversary) Holly Andrus (June 3rd


Eucharistic Procession Along Bayou Teche

Monday, August 15th Feast of the Assumption

In honor of the Arrival of the Acadians

• Begins with Holy Mass and Homily by Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, D.D., Bishop of Lafayette, at St. Leo’s in Leonville at 8:00am. •Procession to Landing 9:00am, Boat Procession departs at 9:30am•Stops at each Church on the Bayou: Arnaudville, Cecilia, Breaux Bridge, Parks for Rosary and Benediction •End up in the evening at Evangeline Oak in St. Martinville•Disembark and Process into St. Martin de Tours for Benediction•Process down Main St. to Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel for Vespers and Benediction. For more information, contact Fr. Michael Champagne, CJC (337) 394-6550

- Birthday); Rudy Guillory, Therman James, Margaret Ray, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Firmin, Mr. & Mrs. Elridge Deshotel Tuesday, 7 June 2016 6:30 a.m.: Souls in Purgatory, Praise & Thanksgiving, Eric, Monita, Lucille, Izola; Mr. & Mrs. Herbert BullerWednesday, 8 June 2016 6:30 a.m.: Thomas Trung Nguyen, Francis Sylvia Le Ho; Percy David, Special Inten-tion, Bruce & Geraldine Soileau & family Thursday, 9 June 2016 6:30 a.m.: Dr. Curtis Attaway (53rd Anni-versary), C.L., Ursula & Inez Attaway, Alex & Rose Demoruelle, Thomas & Mary ReedFriday, 10 june 2016 6:30 a.m.: Mary Joyce Johnson, Roudolph Fontenot, Pierre “Tiny” Fontenot, Doward Frank Fontenot, Lou Elda RichardSaturday, 11 june 2016 8:00 a.m.: Marjorie Vidrine; Peter Huy Hoang Nguyen

Mission Appeal

The weekend of June 11-12, 2016, Reverend Joseph L. Nguyen, C.S.Sp., will visit our

parish to speak at the Masses about the missionary work of the Church and in

particular that of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit “the Spiritans”, earlier known as

the Holy Ghost Fathers. To learn more about the Holy Spirit Fathers, visit their website at

This visit is part of a national program whereby annually a representative of one of the missionary groups visits parishes of the

Diocese to enlist support for the mission work of the Church. The Congregation of the Holy Spirit is an international community engaged in a wide range of missionary activity in many

areas of the world. Fr. Nguyen was recently appointed to serve the Spiritan missions

in Vietnam and will leave for Vietnam this summer.

When Jesus said: “You shall witness to me in Jerusalem and in Samaria and to the ends of the earth” He made

the spread of the Gospel an essential part of our Catholic


We urge you to respond

generously to Father Nguyen’s


Stuff a Suitcase ~ Honduras Bound!

For the Ville Platte Christian



clothes: shoes, socks, flip flops,

underwear/boxers, ball


Adult/Child Medicine: Vitamins, fever, stomach,

band aids, cough, Neosporin, mini first aid kits.

Sport Supplies: sport balls & pumps School Supplies: Coloring books/

crayons; pencils (plain & colored), pencil sharpeners,erasers, incentive stickers, staplers/staplers, glue stick,

sheet protectors, scissors, rulers/metric, markers: washable, dry erase &

sharpies Miscellaneous: toothbrush, toothpaste,

soap, wash cloths, disposable razors, brushes/combs, mini sewing kits, hand

sanitizer, single sheets/pillow cases, hair accessories, reading glasses,

SUITCASESDonation Drop Off Box will be in front of our Blessed Mother Mary’s altar in Church. Please drop off donations by

June 5th.

For more information, contact Winston Lafleur (337)230-5811

Stewardship Prayer for June : Lord Jesus Christ, You came to bring peace and offer reconciliation. You sent your Spirit to heal the separation between people, and to reveal how it is possible for women and men to

overcome their differences and celebrate their unity through your body and blood. You revealed your Father as the Father of all people; a Father who cares for every single individual and embraces them with love and mercy. It is that love and mercy, made manifest by your cross, that shines your light on us all, creates new life, offers a new way of living, and brings a Gospel message that is a sign of hope. Give us the courage to

live your Gospel fully even when it brings risk, to share your word vibrantly even if it leads to scorn, and to respond to others generously even when we feel like holding back. Show us the way to live as good stewards

of your presence among us, and in doing so, may we shine your light on a darkened world. Amen!

Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration with BenedictionOnly Holy Thursday, the night that Our Lord gave us His

Body and Blood, he asked his disciples to spend one hour with him in prayer. Sacred Heart of Jesus Church has a Eucharistic Holy Hour with Exposition and Sol-

emn Benediction on the third Thursday of each month. The next Holy Hour falls on Thursday, June 23rd 5:30-

6:30pm. All are invited to attend!

PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Fr. Jonathan Janise- Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Fr. Gene Tremie, Deacon Ray Gibson, Jr., Leslie Ritter, Kary Fontenot, Joy Smith, James Briley, Shirley Darbonne, and Mitch Attales

Ministry for the DyingWe are members of the Secular Order of Disclaimed Carmelites. As sons & daughters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, it is the duty of all Secular Carmelites to pray for the salvation of souls. Because “the most important hour of life is the hour of death,” the Secular Carmelites from Ville Platte have chosen as our apostolate to pray the souls of the dying. After calling a priest, if you would like for us to pray for someone who is near death, please call: Karen at (337) 336-1775. ALL CALLS ARE CONFIDENTIAL.

Stewardship Moments….10th Sunday Ordinary Time, June 5th: Saint Paul begins today’s second reading by stating that he was “called” to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As baptized Catholics who have an opportunity to share in Christ’s life through the Eucharist regularly, we too are called to proclaim the teachings of Christ. We are stewards of Christ’s Gospel.

But how are we responding to that call? Do we listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do we evade, dodge or ignore the Lord’s call? Do we attempt to proclaim the

Gospel in a spirit of compassion and love? Reflect on how you exercise stewardship over the Gospel.

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