sun-dac annual report fy11/12

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Annual Report of SUN-DAC for the financial year 2011/2012.


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Annual Report


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Our Vision & Our Mission 3

Chairman’s Message 4

FY 11/ 12 Board 5

Our Staff 6

Donor Honour Roll 7

Choa Chu Kang Journal 8

CIP by Bukit View Sec School 11

Sales at Causeway Point 12

Bedok South Scrapbook 2012 13

Excursion to Singapore Flyer 17

Pasir Ris Park Excursion 18

Case Manager’s Report 19

Therapist’s Report 20

Caregiver’s Testimonial 21

Sunshine Thrift Shop 22

Volunteer’s Reflections 23

Editorial Team 24

Financial Statement 25

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Admission Criteria :-

Candidates must be intellectually disabled between ages of 16 years to 55 years.

They must not be mentally ill, aggressive and / or require nursing care.

They must not suffer from contagious serious illnesses.

Referrals :-

Applicants interested to apply to our day activity centres are recommended to apply through

Centre for Enabled Living (CEL). Walk in applicants are not encouraged.

Admission Process :-

Intake assessments and interview at our centre will be scheduled upon the first point of

contact with the applicant and their family members. This will be followed by a home visit

and 2 weeks trial at our centre. Successful candidates will then have to undergo a medical

check up and furnish documented family income for the fee computations. Our fee charges

are subjected to Means Testing, which is a standardised government assessment of total

family income. However families who are facing long term financial difficulties and in need

of subsidies are advised to furnish our centre with relevant documents.

Our Vision

To be a premier day activity centre for people with disabilities.

Our Mission

To provide day care and constructive developmental activities for

people with disabilities and improve the quality of life for our

clients and their caregivers.

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SUN-DAC was started in 1990 by the legacy firm of Coopers & Lybrand as part of its centenary celebrations in

Singapore. It was the first Day Activity Centre (DAC) to occupy a HDB void deck. I became Chairman of SUN-DAC in

1997. In those days, we had one centre at Block 41 Chai Chee Street, which had a maximum capacity of 35 clients.

We served clients in the east area of Singapore. In 1999, we opened a second DAC at Block 213 Choa Chu Kang

Central, which allowed us to serve clients in the west of Singapore. Chai Chee DAC was closed in 2006 because the

block underwent upgrading and we moved to Blocks 39 and 40 Bedok South Road in 2008. Today, our two DACs

serve approximately 100 clients in total.

Why did I serve on the Board of SUN-DAC? Looking back, it all started with my firm’s partners encouraging me to do

community work and give back to society through helping the less fortunate. It was not a calling then, but I felt

obliged to do my duty as an employee of the firm and serve on a charity supported by the firm.

Over the years, as I got more exposed to the clients and, to a limited extent, caregivers, I began to appreciate more

deeply the importance of the service SUN-DAC provides. The few hours the clients spent each day at SUN-DAC

meant a lot to them. For the clients, it was an opportunity to get out of their home to experience a welcome change

of environment, meet and interact with other people in the community, and learn daily living skills. For the

caregivers, it meant a few precious hours where they could get some rest, go to work and run personal errands.

Overseeing SUN-DAC has its challenges as would be expected. Issues and challenges have arisen, and will continue to

arise, on client, caregiver and staff matters. Occasionally, there would be incidents which required handling with

understanding, patience, empathy and a human touch. At the staff level, finding the right people and retaining them

are perennial challenges. It is not a job many would eagerly seek unless one had a sincere and compassionate heart

for the disabled and financial compensation was not one’s highest priority. Board members deserve special praise

too as governance in a charitable organisation has its special challenges and being a Board member of a voluntary

welfare organisation does not always bring recognition and fame.

I have therefore been very fortunate that over the last 15 years, I had very dedicated Board members and staff

members who have served with distinction, without whom my job would have been all but impossible. I would like

to sincerely thank all current and past Board members who have given so many years of their lives in the service of

SUN-DAC. I would also like to thank all current and past Executive Directors/Directors and staff members. You have

quietly worked so hard and diligently away from the limelight to ensure our clients stay safe, are well taken care of

and their caregivers retain their confidence in SUN-DAC to look after their charges.

Special thanks must also go to the scores of unseen volunteers who have lent their hand at SUN-DAC over the years,

some giving their time and others donating cash and goods as well. I would also like to thank the many corporations,

foundations and other non-profit organisations for the strong support they have given SUN-DAC. I would like to

highlight the partners and staff of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Singapore (PwC), who have over the years

supported me as Chairman of SUN-DAC and allowed many of the other partners and staff to serve on the Board. In

addition, PwC has supported SUN-DAC in donation drives and other Corporate Social Responsibility projects year

after year.

Last but not least, I must express my sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and

the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) for their very strong financial, resource and moral support.

To all stakeholders and supporters, please give the new Chairman and his team your very strong support. It has been

a rewarding and life changing experience for me at the helm and it is my sincere wish and prayer that you will help

the new Chairman and his team find the same going forward.

God bless and every success in the years ahead.

Gerard Tan


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~ Our FY11/12 BOARD ~

Mr Gerard Tan


Ms Linda Low


Mr Basil Ho

Honorary Secretary Mr Stanley Lim

Honorary Treasurer

Ms Sheela Parakkal


Mr Peter Allen


Ms Cheng Sai Fong


Mr Maurice Loh


Mr Andrew Sansom


Mr Reymond Fernandez


Mr Lional Tseng


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Ms Cristina


Mr Raymond

Ng See Wai

Mr Md. Jeffrey

Abdul Mugni

Ms Nazimah


Ms Revathi


Mdm Hong Ah


Ms Nancy Ho

Chwee Hwa

Ms Zhang Ai


Ms Caroline To

Mui Ling

Mr Rajantra

Mathavar Mr Mahalingam


Ms Hanzar Majid

Mr Vareingam


From Left (Front row) :

Ms Diane Tay Xinyi,

Ms Shirley Yap Yoon Lian,

Mr Ravi Philemon &

Mr Chew Teck Guan

From Left (Back row) :

Ms Jepamoney Devaraj,

Ms Seah Hiang Lee,

Mr Patrick Tan Ban Song,

Mdm Leong Suey Oi,

Ms Zaleha bte Bakar,

Ms Pearlina Tan Poh Choo,

Ms Ranjini Gansean,

Ms Sakinah bte Ramdan &

Mdm Seah Soon Huay.

Not in picture :

Mr Muhd Faqih Ahmad Ralip

Our Staff

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Donor Honour Roll

The Singapore



Brahmana Sabha

donated $7 000

to SUN-DAC’s

Client’s Welfare

Fund in August


The San Wang Wu Ti

Religious Society

donated $38 500 to

SUN-DAC in Dec 2011

designated towards the

purchase of a centre van

for our Bedok South

branch. We should have

delivery of the new

vehicle in Sept 2012

Inner Wheel Club of

Singapore West

donated $6 200

towards the

refurbishment of the

built in kitchen cabinet

in our Choa Chu Kang


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Choa Chu Kang Journal

On 28 October 2011, Acting

Minister for Community

Development Youth and

Sports, Mr Chan Chun Sing

visited our centre in Choa

Chu Kang. He connected with

many of our clients, making

handicrafts and chatting with

our clients. He also spoke

with the staff at our centre.

We presented a token of

appreciation to Mr Chan at

the end of his visit.

Caregiver Staff Meeting

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We participated in Centre for Enabled Living’s

(CEL) “Live Enabled” showcase.

Choa Chu Kang Journal

Client Safety is one of our paramount concerns.

Fire drill at Choa Chu Kang.

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Choa Chu Kang Journal

Our clients doing their bid for the community – Cleaning the

Senior Citizens’ Corner in the Choa Chu Kang


Christmas celebrations with all the frills

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On 28 February 2012, a bright and sunny

Wednesday afternoon, about 40 students

from Bukit View Secondary School

thronged SUN-DAC Choa Chu Kang. With

their energy, enthusiasm and zeal, they

brought joy, fun and laughter to our

clients through the following activities

which they organised for them:



By Patrick Tan

(Senior Training Officer)

· Arts & Craft

· Origami (aeroplanes and ships)

· Zig Saw Puzzles

· Ice Breakers (Musical ball)

· Sing-along

The teachers and staff who came along

were hands-on in working with their

students at the seven different groups as

they went around guiding, demonstrating

and motivating and encouraging them.

Our clients had a ball of a time that day;

they enjoyed not only the activities

organised, but also the company and

attention of the students, teachers and

staff. There was much laughter, cheers

and clapping throughout the two hours,

and everyone wore a smile on his face . . .

the sweet memory lingers on . . .

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I had a wonderful opportunity to display and sell our client’s

handicraft at Causeway Point. Amongst the items that SUN-DAC

sold were photo frames, flower pots, bracelets, cards, five

stones and many more. These items were made with a lot of

effort and hard work from our clients. The members of the

public were generous and very supportive in purchasing our

items. When the sales initially started, I was actually very

nervous and afraid. However the encouragement from our

Training Manager helped me to enjoy the sales. The event has

provided me with a very good experience and exposure. I thank

SUN-DAC and Community Chest for this rather educational and

illuminating opportunity.


By Ranjini d/o Gansean (Training Officer)

Displaying the handicraft

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“Salutations to All,

We hope that the year has

been kind and that you

are well.

Please do enjoy the

pictorial highlights of

memorable events in our


Your continued support is

greatly appreciated…”

“ Bedok South SCRAPBOOK 2012”

Jan 2012 : The Singapore Flyer experience


Jan 2012 : Trip to Pasir Ris Park. SUN, WATER & TREES


Our curious


Md. Jeffrey A.M.

Centre Manager

Aug 2012

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Feb 2012 : Chinese New Year

Celebrations @ Bedok South

Feb 2012 : UWCSEA—East Campus Lunch &

Interaction activity invitation

“ Bedok South SCRAPBOOK 2012”

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“ Bedok South SCRAPBOOK 2012”

Mar 2012 : Ping Yi Secondary School student


May 2012 : Dunman High School Student


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Aug 2012 : National Day


“ Bedok South SCRAPBOOK 2012”

Jun 2012 : Caregiver Staff


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Our outing at Singapore Flyer on the

6th Jan 2012 from 9.30am to 2.00pm was a

successful and memorable one for the

clients, staff and volunteers. Ms Viola and

her team from Faith Community Baptist

Church organised this excursion for our

fifteen clients and two training officers.

The volunteers accompanied us in the bus

and assisted us with the clients. Upon

reaching the Singapore Flyer, we checked in

to the main wheel or capsule. It was smooth

transfer with the help of the Flyer’s staff and

volunteers. It took about 5 minutes for us to

fill up into the capsule space of 25 people.

Once safely inside we were treated to the

spectacular view of the Singapore cityscape.

The ride of the observation wheel was about

40 minutes. Some of us sat on the central

bench while others moved around to view

Marina Bay from the large glass panels. It

was a perfect backdrop for photo taking

sessions with the clients and

volunteers inside the capsule.

The moment was breathtaking and exciting at

the same time. The premise also offered

many colourful activities and a wide range of

retail, eatery and spa facilities there. We had

delicious nasi lemak for lunch. After which, we

decided to take a relaxing stroll in its

comfortable air-conditioned environment. We

had another group photo session and more

interaction as we move through the winding

access path before we returned to our centre.

Our clients and staff are appreciative of FCBC

volunteer’s kind hearts and generosity for

organizing such a memorable and exciting

outing to the most iconic Singapore Flyer.

Excursion to Singapore Flyer

by V. Vashum

(Asst Snr Training Officer)

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Ten clients and two training officers

from SUN-DAC Bedok South together with six students from the ITE Yishun went to Pasir Ris Park on the 9th of January 2012. We set out on a cloudy Monday morning at 10.00am and returned by 2.30pm via transport provided. The activities involved a long walk as we made our way through various stops at Mangrove Broadwalk, Native Trail, Maze Garden and the Tree Top to take photographs. The clients spent four hours exploring and enjoying the quiet and beautiful

sights, had a good lunch and finally played ball games at the park. The day was filled with fun and laughter despite the gloomy sky. This was the clients’ first organized outing by volunteers. They were well taken care of with good interactions and easy access to the amenities. The excursion was a good opportunity for the volunteers to get involved and they interacted well with our clients during the event. The trainers and clients were thankful to be invited by these volunteers and we hope there would be more trips or activities in the near future.


by Hanzar Bte Majid (Training Officer)

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There were 51 clients as at 31 March 2012. The

breakdown is as follows:

Male _34_ Chinese _40_

Female _17_ Malay 4_

Indian _4_

Others _3_

New Admissions _11_

No. of discharges _6_

No. of clients on wheelchair: _4_

There were 49 clients as at 31 March 2012. The

breakdown is as follows:

Male _25_ Chinese _39_

Female _24_ Malay _7_

Indian _2_

Others _1_

New Admissions _9_

No. of discharges _4_

No. of clients on wheelchair: _4_

Generally the persons with intellectual disability admitted to our centres should not be prone to

aggressive behaviours, and have no mental or infectious diseases. They should also not require extensive

nursing care.

Our centres in Choa Chu Kang and Bedok South operate from Mondays to Fridays, 8.30 am to 5pm. We

charge a monthly fee of $988 per client. This centre fee is adjusted according to means-test guideline from

the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports, and the National Council of Social Service.

Transportation service to and from our centres is provided through an external vendor. The monthly

transport fee is $120 per client and is not funded.

We partner with caregivers to provide the best service possible to our clients. We reach out to them

through festive events held annually e.g. Chinese New Year and Christmas celebrations. We arrange for

half-yearly caregiver-staff meetings to inform caregivers on the progress made by the clients at the centre,

and also gather new information on client's behaviour at home. During these sessions, we discuss future

realistic goals of each client with their caregivers. Periodically we make home visits and organise

excursions to places of interest such as the Singapore Zoo. This is with the purpose of ensuring that our

clients benefit the most from the services we offer. Our clients’ well being both at our centres and at

home is our paramount concern.

SUN-DAC is a day activity centre which serves persons with intellectual

disability from the ages of 16 to 60. Most persons with intellectual

disability enrol with SUN-DAC when they are not able to be in open or

sheltered employment, after they graduate from special schools. Most

referrals to our programmes are from Centre for Enabled Living

(CEL).The following table shows the profile of clients we served from 1

April 2011 to 31 March 2012 :-

by Diane Tay Xinyi

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Activity Clients participate

in training

Clients get

progress in at

least one activity

Clients gain partial

independence in at

least one activity

Clients gain full

independence in at

least one activity

ADL 53 53 50 34

CLS 53 52 47 33


Activity Clients participate

in training

Clients get

progress in at

least one activity

Clients gain partial

independence in at

least one activity

Clients gain full

independence in at

least one activity

ADL 51 51 49 28

CLS 51 51 44 26

By M.Gnanaprakash (Occupational Therapist)

Through consistent training and reinforcement ,

adaptation and modification of an activity, as well

as enhancing the training officer’s skills and

knowledge through courses and in house training,

SUN-DAC achieved the following outcome of the

clients in the FY 2011-2012 .




This year SUN-DAC bought equipment for $3 000 to improve the cognitive perceptual and motor skills

of the clients.

This year, SUN-DAC received treadmill and few other gym equipment as donation. SUN-DAC is actively

using these equipment to maintain the physical fitness of our clients, at the same time changes were

made in our time table to give more emphasis to the physical fitness needs of our clients.

This is ensured by 30 minutes warm up exercise, each morning before tea break.

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“My child has become more adaptable to the changing environment around

him. He used to be very resistant to changes even minor ones. But now I find

him more sociable and less temperamental. SUN-DAC varied activity

programme has worked very well for him. During the weekends, he will

remind me that on Monday he wants to go to school (centre).”

- Mdm Aminah

“The trainers at SUN-DAC are

kind, patient & committed.

The centre has training

programmes to suit different

individual and because of this

my sister was given an

opportunity to participate in a

work activity and it made her

feel useful. We feel she is in

good hands, her time at SUN-

DAC is fully occupied and

meaningful. She looks forward

to her time there every day.”

- Ms Lam

“My child has been with SUN-DAC for 12 years. Having her at the centre has

provided me with valuable time to manage my family matters. I am also

impressed with the current bus transport service for their kind understanding

and gentle care towards our disabled people.”

- Mdm Serene Tan

“SUN-DAC provides a safe &

reliable environment for my

daughter. My family feels

relieved to have SUN-DAC

because we know she is under

good care from loving &

responsible trainers. We are also

grateful for the haircut service

from the volunteers. It saves our

time & money from taking her to

the salon. Most of all she is also

happy going to the centre.”

- Mrs Leong

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The Sunshine Thrift Shop is an integral part

of training our more able clients in daily

living skills like counting, sorting, folding,

packing, etc.

This is our second year of running the Thrift

Shop. The sales is much better as compared

to the first year. The residents staying close

by to our centre are now more aware of our

Thrift Shop. We see new faces coming to our

shop daily. We have been receiving lots of

donated items like clothing, bags and shoes

from Simei Care Centre.

We also have regular volunteers to come and

help out at the shop. Jessica and Yvonne live

close to our block. They will drop by our centre

in their free time to help sort the items that we

have. They have been volunteering for close to

three years. They are a great help.

So, if you have good and clean items that you

no longer want, do consider donating to our

Thrift Shop.


By Muhd. Faqih Ahmad Ralip

(Training & Special Project Manager )

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Volunteers from ITE – Leonard & Jin Wei

Leonard and Jin Wei are students from ITE West who have been volunteering their services with

SUN-DAC since February this year together about 6 college mates. Contributing about 3 hours of

their Friday each week, they would help to arrange and clean items in the our Thrift Shop, clean

the clients’ hall and assist the trainers in facilitating activities for the clients. Leonard and Wei Jin

shared that they enjoy interacting with the clients and found their time volunteering at the Centre

meaningful and fulfilling especially when the clients respond to them positively.

Jessica – Volunteer from the neighbourhood

Jessica has been volunteering at SUN-DAC for

the last 2 years. She usually comes in about 3

to 4 times a week in the morning to tidy and sort

the donated items at the Thrift Shop. Jessica

also assists the trainers to facilitate activities for

the clients and helps to feed them during meal


“I am happy to contribute my time at SUN-DAC

to do my part at the Thrift Shop as I was told

that the money raised is for the Clients Welfare

Fund. Volunteering also gives me a sense of

satisfaction, especially when I see the smile on

the client’s face as a result of something I have

done. With the extra free time, I am more than

happy to help since my children are grown up

and working. Volunteering is a way for me to

contribute back to society and since I live

nearby, I thought, why not?”

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Advisor :

Mr Ravi Philemon

Editor :

Mr Md. Jeffrey A. Mugni

Asst. Editors :

Mr Md. Faqih Ahmad Ralip

Mr M. Gnanaprakash

Ms Diane Tay

Editorial Coordinators :

Mr Patrick Tan

Ms Ranjini Gansean

Mr Raymond Ng

Mr Vashum Vareingam

AR Cover design concept by :

Ms Sharon Ng

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