summary of week 2

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Week 2 Summary

5 Narratives

(Postman 1995)

• The Spaceship earth – interdependence and global cooperation

• The Fallen Angel – We make mistakes but we can improve

• The American Experiment – to provide our youth with the knowledge and will to participate

• The Law of Diversity – people from many cultures come together

• Word Weavers/World Makers – Language and the way it creates the world is the driving force in what makes us human

• written curriculum provide the knowledge,

• taught curriculum provide the learning environment

• tested curriculum would provide students opportunities to apply their learning and defend their positions

• All of our students … reach the American Dream

• [School] is a place to discover, share, and debate

• Moving away from psychometric practice of “selecting and sorting students according to their abilities” (Elkind, 1989)

• Attention to how language is used and how directions are written to accommodate our diverse population.

• All people come together to form a common culture. (positive and negative)

• We need to move realistic evaluations• “think globally, act locally”• The best we can be• Ulterior motives [destroy] shared vision/global

commitment • [teachers] need to pull together identify

students who need help and provide them with the support necessary to their success and ultimately the success of the school

• Mastering language (thus thinking), in order to participate in and contribute to the “moral and social dimensions of the culture” (Burello, et. Al., 2000, p. 19)

• Wish we all could have an army of writers and developers at our disposal [to ensure high degree of congruence between written and taught curriculum and a tight alignment between written and tested curriculum. ]

• As human beings we are very good at learning from our mistakes.


Each narrative helps us to explain ourselves to the outside world, but more importantly it helps us to understand ourselves.

The way we see ourselves will go a long way in determining the choices we make when educating our children.

• Suggested assessment innovation configuration. And PBL activities.

• I'm not sure if this is much help, but here are our state documents for ELL Overlay for math and literacy: Here is the site for Migrant and ESL Services (the web site is not too pretty, but the resources may be helpful!):

• Engaging students in math curriculum betterus-fall09-web.pdf • National Equity Project.• The Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) is a nonprofit

agency that provides education coaching and related services to schools and districts undergoing reform efforts.

• Culturally Responsive Teaching models and cooperative learning.

• All teams had very similar axioms• Axiom 1: The Role of Technology in the

Curriculum: tightly integrated into the curriculum we are preparing learners for: digital age learning environments

• Axiom 2: Authentic, relevant collaboration must be the basis for Professional development [that] must support curriculum development.

Axiom 1: The Role of Technology in the Curriculum: tightly integrated into the curriculum we are preparing learners for:

digital age learning environments

• the "birdhouse" analogy. In the course of teaching someone how to build a birdhouse, they have to learn how to use a table saw, drill, screwdriver, hammer, etc. We don't have a separate course in these tools

• The other point related to your analogy is that we don't just give them the project, throw those items on the floor and tell the kids to have at it; we have an explicit role to fulfill in helping them learn to use the tools for a purpose

Does the real need to protect students from the dangers inherent with open access need to be addressed in this axiom?

CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) and the requirement to have a filtering system in place as well as providing instruction on cyber safety and cyber citizenship.

• I think many school districts opt to be overly cautious to avoid being sued.

• there needs to be a balance. - if we ban it, they never will get the opportunity to learn how to do so responsibly.

• if it is our schools' responsibility to prepare children for their future and to become good digital citizens, that we need to provide them the learning environment through which to learn those skills.

• It's the Wild West out there right now and teachers need to redefine their roles relative to taming it.

Axiom 2: Authentic, relevant collaboration must be the basis for Professional development [that] must support curriculum


Do you think the ideal or hidden curriculum is just as important, or supplemental?

• hidden curriculum is important, but not the curriculum that is going to get people's attention.

• hidden and the ideal can be woven into that PD

• it depends on one’s definition of “hidden curriculum”. … Based on my understanding, I would asked, “How do you measure success”.

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