summarized notes(infectious diseases)

Post on 12-Dec-2015






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Summarized Notes for Year 5's Science.



Topic: Personal Health & Environment (Infectious Disease) Year: 5

Reduce & then Recite- Create questions which elicit critical

thinking, not 1 word answers- Write questions directly across from

the answers in your notes- Leave a space or draw a pencil line

separating questions

Record for Review - Write headings and key words in colored pencil- Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing- Skip a line between ideas and topics- Use bulleted lists and abbreviations- Correctly sequence information - Include diagrams or tables if needed for clarification or length

1. What are germs? Germs: harmful organisms that cause diseases.

a.They are found everywhere, especially in dark and moist places.

Name two groups of micro-organism b. Two groups of micro-organisms that cause diseases are bacteria and viruses.

that cause diseases.

2. What are infectious diseases? ► Diseases that can spread to people

3. How can diseases spread? Infectious diseases can spread through:

► Air for e.g. Influenza, Common Cold, Tuberculosis (TB)

► Food and water for e.g. food poisoning, diarrhea, cholera

► Physical contact for e.g. ‘Red Eyes’ disease, Chicken Pox

► Animals for e.g. Malaria, typhoid, Dengue fever

4. How to prevent the spread of 1. Caring for our body.

infectious diseases? ► Keeping our body clean with soap and water.

► Having a balanced diet.

► Exercising regularly.

► Having enough sleep and rest.

2. Eating clean and healthy food.

► Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

► Eat cooked food. Cooking can kill germs present in the food.

► Check the expiry date before you buy or consume the food.

► Keep food covered with food covered.

► Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.

► Boil water to kill germs present in the water.

3. Keeping things clean

► Clean floors, bathrooms and toilets with disinfectants. Disinfectants kill germ.

► Garbage should be properly sealed and stored in rubbish bin.


4. Caring for others

► Wear a face mask or cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

► Do not share things or food with an infected person.

► Stay home or rest rather than go to school if you have an infectious disease.

5. State how you can stop mosquitoes from spreading Malaria or Dengue fever.

► Empty out or overturn any water containers around your home.

► Change the water in vases regularly.

► Make sure the toilets and bathrooms are kept dry.

► Use insect repellants.

6. What are some of the things we can do to prevent the spread of diseases by animals?

► Keeping food storage and preparation areas such the kitchen cleans.

► Keeping rubbish in sealed plastic bags.

► Keeping food covered or put it inside the refrigerator.

► Taking measures to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes.

► Taking measures to prevent the mosquitoes from breeding.

Reflect & RecapitulateIn your own words and in complete sentences, write a 3 – 4 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have adequate details.

Prepared by: Page 2

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