suicide squad poster analysis

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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Suicide Squad Poster’s Analysis

Poster 1 – Joker Teaser Poster This teaser poster is very effective for multiple reasons one being the fact it is an ambiguous poster there is no indication to who this character is and makes the audience very curious about who this man is however fans of the comics will know the burgundy and purple colours and green hair have long been associated with the baddest bad guy the Joker. I feel the image is much more important than the name or release year as people will associate the Joker with bad guys and will enforce the point the film is about villains of DC.

The purple holster is important it shows the viewer he is a villain as he has a gun in his holster. It gives the viewer an idea that the Joker is very violent and we can also see he maybe lives for the thrill as there is multiple bullet holes around the Joker

Joker’s tattoos give a clue to non comic readers who the man in purple is as the one on his right shows a Joker cards emblem which could give people a clue to who this demented man is.

On the other side is HAHAHAHAHA which is a trademark of Joker with his evil laugh which has become a main trait of the character, The tattoo on his forehead saying ’damaged’ is very effective it gives the audience a new twist on the Joker.

The release date showing just as 2016 will entice the audience into watching the film as they are being shown a small glimpse but have to wait for the films actual release date and for the movies most important anti-hero.

Another interesting thing within this poster is the colour of the Jokers skin in an extreme white shade which makes him look other worldly and almost a monster with his green hair. I think the director has used the Verfremdungseffekt to distance The Joker and the audience.

Poster 2 – Suicide Squad This poster I feel is very important as it is the first where we see the Suicide Squad all together it sets the tone for the film with who will and wont be important within the film as may characters seen in the trailer are not here and therefore not as important it also sets a tone as the characters here are mostly well known actors

The colours in this poster is a very vibrant mix which we as an audience might associate with the suicide squad as they were thrown together much like the colour scheme of this poster, The purple eyes once again link back to the Jokers strong presence within the film.

This poster also introduces characters and develops them we see Harley Quinn standing there looking and waving at the camera which makes her seem cheeky/menacing also we see them all in full costumes which makes them much more appealing to the audience and would make people interested in the film.

In all Posters for the main films characters The Joker is included each time this is because most people will know of the Joker and this will give the film a certain amount of bankability as they will know The Joker is comic book royalty.

The fact the names of key actors are put at the bottom of the poster shows they're looking to inform people about who is going to star in the film.

Poster 3 – Suicide Squad Graphic This poster is very different from the first two posters as it more animated and themed solely around the villain's This shows the Joker being in the centre of the poster with Harley Quinn who he has dated in the comics it also could show that he was once a part of suicide squad however now he is not.

This poster is not as colorful as the as the previous posters however there are darker shades possibly to show the film might be dark and gives the characters new identity's as we haven't seen all of them on the previous film posters.

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