study sample question paper and ace your exams

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Study sample question paper and ace your exams

Board exams are an important part of your academic life. Ensure that you do well by following these simple tips.

In order to score well in the CBSE exams, it is necessary to practice a number of past year question paper, sample question paper and other reference books. These books and papers have been prepared by the experts from the education department. Since these papers and books have been prepared in accordance with the NCERT syllabus, students can get a definite idea about the concepts as well as the important questions related to every chapter in the book.

Studying from the sample papers and the practice books will also help you know the weightage that must be given to all the topics and the subjects in your exams. CBSE exam preparation is time bound and must be done keeping in view the clear schedules of your exams. After a student has thoroughly practiced from these CBSE question bank their speed and proficiency will improve.

This way the students will be able to come up with the solutions more quickly. When you solve the CBSE model paper, you learn time management and time management is extremely important during the exams. You should never spend longer than 4 minutes for the multiple choice or one word questions. In the short questions, the maximum time allotted must be about 8 minutes and with the long answer questions, the time dedicated must be about 15 minutes.

This happens to be the ideal time frame for solving all your CBSE exam papers. Following this schedule will leave you with ample time to come back and recheck the entire papers. This way you’ll also be in a position to attempt the questions that you left on the first go. When you solve some 15-20 sample papers per subjects, you’ll have the desired confidence for appearing in the exam. As a result, you’ll be able to score better in your CBSE exams.

Solving the sample papers will also help you cover the complete CBSE syllabus well in time. These papers will also highlight the special areas or concepts that need special attention. This way you’ll also know how well you are prepared for the exams and you can also overcome the shortcomings if any.

Now, you can buy the CBSE books from a bookstore near you or try getting them online from the official website of CBSE. There are also some online tests available on the web. This will aid in conquering the trouble and will help you score better than others. Follow the tips above and ace your exams!

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