study of fmcg+service+consumer durable brand using cbbe model

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Study of a


    Consumer Durable

    Servicebrand using CBBE Model

    By Group # 4

    Mehul J. Sudra 10EX-025

    Rajesh Kumar Gupta 10EX-039

    Siddharth Khetawat 10EX-049

    Sunil B Prabhu 10EX-051

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Equity

    In verysimple terms, it is the product of

    sales x equity x audience size x market potential

    which determines brandvalue


    Customer-based brand equity is defined as the differential effect that brandknowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand.

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    Left Hand Side of the Pyramid-Rationale Route to Brand Building

    Right Hand Side of the Pyramid-Emotional Route to Brand Building

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Building BlocksBrand Salience is how often and how easily customers think of the brand under

    various purchase or con



    s for e.g..:Photocopy-XEROX/Toothpaste-Colgate etc.

    Brand performance is howwell the product or service meets customers

    functional needs fore.g.Mileage/Power Steering etc. in terms of Passenger


    Brand imagery describes the extrinsic properties of the product or services,

    including the ways inwhich the brand attempts to meet customers psychological

    or social needs.for e.g.LIC for security.

    Brand judgements focus on customers own personal opinions and evaluations.

    Fore.g. Bata for Footwear.

    Brand feelings are customers emotional responses and reactions

    with respect to the brand for e.g Dettol for Protection

    Brand Resonance An association of the brand in customers minds.

    Eliciting the proper customer responses in terms of brand related judgement and feelings.

    Converting brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and

    the brand.for e.g TATA

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    Current Year Rating-2010 Companies Last Year Rating-2009

    1 Nokia Mobile 1

    2 Colgate 2

    3 Lux 3

    4 Dettol 5

    5 Britannia 9

    6 Lifebuoy 4

    7 Clinic Plus 15

    8 Pond`s 16

    9 Fair & Lovely 18

    10 Pepsodent 8

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Maggi Brand (FMCG)

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Maggi - Brand Salience

    Depth of Brand Awareness

    'Mummy, bhookh lagi hai' (Mom,I'm hungry),'Bas 2-Minute,'

    (Only 2 minutes)

    and 'Fast to Cook Good to Eat'

    The noodles' tagline,'Fast to Cook Good to Eat

    Popular among age category of 5 + years.

    Breadth of Brand Awareness

    Ease of cooking

    Good in taste

    Hits the customer mind instantly maximum number of times.

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    Brand Performance

    I. Nutritious/Hygienic.II. Affordable/Value for Money.

    III. Delicious-Different Flavours-Masala/Curry.

    IV.EasyAccess/Convenient Packaging.

    Brand Imagery

    I. Consumer category includes people above five years of


    II. Affordability and ease of cooking makes the product a hit

    in all consumer pschycological categories.

    III.Availability across all retail channels.

    IV.Any time consumptionwelcome.

    V. Creates excitement among consumers.

    VI. People of age group 20-30 have a nostalgic feelings.

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    Brand Judgement

    I. Value derived from brand Nestle. (Stands for good quality)

    II. Satisfaction derived from the good taste and healthy snacks.

    III.Credibility in terms of parent brand and others.

    IV.Likability because of taste.

    V. Brand superiority over other available noodle packages.

    Brand Feelings

    I. WARMTH In the market for more than 3 generations.

    II. Fun Since good to taste hence has created a feeling of fun.

    III. Excitement Created because of taste and ease of making.

    IV.Security Healthy in content hence secure for consumers.

    V. SocialApproval Because of parent brand image Nestle the

    product has gained a social approval.

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    Brand Resonance

    I. Yesterday`s kids & today`s grown ups have 25 years worth of storiesto share - intimate, funny, cute, sweet, dramatic and sometimes,


    I. Me and Meri Maggi campaign taps into the warmth, variety and

    authenticity of its loyal users,


    III. Stories via SMS and letters.

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    SBI-Brand Services

    Largest Nationalized Bank for India.

    Main competitors ICICI Bank, Punjab National Bank &

    Canara Bank.

    Large network of branches and ATMs.

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  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Salience

    I. SBI has been associated with branding of financial services.

    II. With SBI a customer identifies for his banking needs.

    III. Public Limited Company

    Brand Performance

    I. Availability of all financial products and services within oneroof.

    II. Affordability achieved by proper segmentation.

    III. High on customer services.

    IV. Government Backing.

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    Brand Imagery

    I. BANKER TO EVERY INDIAII. Largest number of Branches andATM Machines across the


    III. Services customers from Rural to Urban areas.

    IV. CEO to blue collarworkmen (daily wagers).

    V. Oldest bank in the countryVI. Ad campaign showing association of Every Indianwith the


    VII. Brand Judgement

    I. Unmatched quality in terms of products offered.II. Having strong govt. backing

    III. High on relevance in financial services industry

    IV.Considered superior in comparison of other competing Indian


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    Brand Feelings

    SBI products for the eldest in the house to the youngest.I. Warmth : Can relate to old family values.

    II. Security : In terms of reliability in dealing compared with

    private sector banks.

    III. SocialApproval: In terms of acceptance from all levels in


    Brand Resonance

    I. The relationship in terms of accounts as old as four

    generations.II. Strong associationwith the nation.

    III. Banker to every India.

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  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Consumer Durable Brand-Apple

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Apple Brand Salience

    Familiar, friendly

    yet Irresistible !

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Salience

    Need to build brand identity in a new user segment

    Knowledge Workers in Medium businesses, Colleges, Small Businesses,

    Large Businesses and and Homes

    Great product + Appropriate marketing approach = Right Brand Identity

    Apple Mac Release 1983

    Apple Approach

    Tease campaign with network television and wall street journal

    Macintosh Ad during the 1984 Winter Olympics

    Ad on network and spot television with "Apple People" advertising

    Hands-on experience to media, demo stations at dealer

    Publications of MacWorld magazine

    Apple's famous 1984 Super Bowl ad for Mac Give Power to the masses

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    Aesthetic design Compact

    Ease of use

    State of the art technology

    - Brand PerformanceHow

    Extensive Research Strong Design

    Meticulous planning

    Introduction of Apple IPOD

    Digital Audio Market - No stand-out

    devices in the market

    Apple Ipod Product features

    5 GB storage capacity 1000

    songs storage

    Small Size

    Hard Disc for storage

    CD to ipod conversion tool

    Get a Mac Campaign Points of differentiation with PC

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Imagery


    Wealthy, Innovators, People with good jobs, Good lifestyle, being


    Apple Mac Computer for the rest of us ?

    Brand for the smart, independent and informally classy


    Association with personalities

    iPod boxes featuring the images of famous musicians: Jimi Hendrix and

    Miles Davis

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    Brand Judgment





    We build the products that we want to use ourselves.

    Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Inc

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Feeling

    Fun , excitement, sense of pride, positive self image

    Multi touch Screen

    Exciting Games

    Fast Internet Access

    Portrait and Landscape

    Page layout

    Apps made just for Apple

    Apple Ipad Excitement

    Unlimited !

  • 8/8/2019 Study of Fmcg+Service+Consumer Durable Brand Using CBBE Model


    Brand Resonance

    Building Brand Resonance

    Mac User Groups

    Mac world Expo

    Turning class rooms into showrooms

    Exclusive Mac Stores

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