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Post on 13-Feb-2018






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Jon Carlson

Diane Kjos

Governors State University

University Park, IL




Jean McLendon


This video is one in a series portraying the leading theories of family

therapy and their application. This series presents the predominant theories and

how they are practiced. Each video in the series features a leading practitioner and

educator in the field of family therapy. The series is unique in that it features real

couples and families with real problems. It is also timely because family therapists

need to understand and be able to use a variety of approaches in order to

effectively serve the diverse families that seek help.

A theory is a framework that helps us understand something or explains

how something works. Just as there are many different people and personalities,

there are different theories of understanding how couples and families interact and

how change occurs, each with its own guidelines for understanding and procedures

for operation. Each theory has devotees who think and act as the theory prescribes

in order to help people change their lives. Certain theories explain certain

phenomena better than others. The individual marriage or family therapist needs to

develop his or her own approach to helping couples and families with problems.


Specific objectives in family therapy include (1) removing, modifying, or retarding

existing symptoms, (2) mediating disturbed patterns of behavior, and (3)

promoting positive growth and development within the family system.

The video begins with a brief discussion with the practitioner concerning

the theory. We then move to the actual counseling session. After the session, Jean

McLendon discusses the session with Jon Carlson, Diane Kjos, and an audience

made up of counselors, graduate students, and counselor educators.

Because the video series contains actual counseling interviews, professional

integrity is required to protect the confidentiality of the clients who have

courageously shared their personal lives with us.


The series is designed for pre-professional training in graduate and

undergraduate classes in family counseling theory. Students will learn about the

theory and watch a leading practitioner work with a couple or family in a “first

session” interview.

The series is also appropriate for workshops or individual study for the

professional development of practicing family counselors, social workers, clinical

psychologists, or psychotherapists. Professionals will learn from the practitioner by

gaining new ideas and insights which can be helpful in working with current or

future clients.


How to Use the Video

1. As a stand alone activity for professional development or orientation to

Satir Family Therapy. If you are using the video this way, it might be helpful to

first read about Satir Family Therapy. See page 26 of this guide for a list of

suggested readings. Or, you may wish to watch the video, read about the theory,

and then watch the video a second time.

As you watch the video, note the questions included on the enclosed test.

This will help you identify key points related to this theory. If you wish continuing

education credit, complete the test and submit it as directed.

2. As an integral part of a course in theories of family therapy with the

textbook, student study guide, and instructor’s guide. The text by Jon Carlson and

Diane Kjos (1999), Introduction to Family Therapy, Needham Heights, MA:

Allyn & Bacon with accompanying Study Guide to Introduction to Family

Therapy, and Instructor’s Guide to Introduction to Family Therapy, published by

Allyn & Bacon of Needham Heights, Massachusetts, are coordinated with the

videotapes and can assist in guiding the student through the learning process,

including key concepts, application, and techniques.

3. As an adjunct in classes to demonstrate a practical application of Satir

Family Therapy or to demonstrate specific interventions and techniques. Guidelines

and suggested discussion topics will be included in Carlson and Kjos (1999),


Instructor’s Guide to Introduction to Introduction to Family Therapy, Needham

Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

4. As a basis for a series of class sections or a workshop for either

professional development or counselor education. You may choose to use all or

parts of the video to support specific teaching objectives. Suggestions for

scheduling, discussion questions, and other activities will be included in Carlson

and Kjos (1999), Instructor’s Guide to Introduction to Family Therapy, Needham

Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Family Therapy with Jean McLendon

Jean McLendon is a management consultant and psychotherapist based in

Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Jean was mentored for more than twenty years by

Virginia Satir and is known as one of the foremost practitioners of Satir’s

methods. In addition to her private practice, Jean serves on the faculty of the

Avanta Network, Inc., the Satir Institute of the Southeast, Inc., and is a faculty

specialist for the Whole Systems Design graduate program at Antioch University in


Jean served on the faculty of the International Satir summer Process

Communities for years and upon Dr. Satir’s illness and death directed the program

for two years. She now directs the nationally recognized Chapel Hill based fifteen

day Satir System Performance Development Training Program designed for


therapists and organizational change agents.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify theoretical concepts which are descriptive of Satir Family Therapy.

2. Recognize specific interventions or techniques related to Satir Family


3. Describe the range of applications of Satir Family Therapy.

Abstract of Satir Family Therapy Video

This video is approximately 103 minutes long and is divided into three


Part I: Introduction of the theory with Jean McLendon, Jon Carlson and Diane

Kjos (24 minutes).

Part II: An initial therapy session with Jean McLendon and a mother and son in

which Jean McLendon helps the child understand his anger (35 minutes).

Part III: Discussion of the therapy session with Jean McLendon, Jon Carlson,

Diane Kjos, and a panel of human service professionals and graduate students (44




TH 1 Okay. You just made a comment that I am very interested in hearing

more about. You said I think something like Jonathan this is the professional you

were wanting to see. And so I'm very interested to know what you wanted to have

happen for you, and what you wanted to have happen for your mother. You had

some ideas I bet. Great.

C 1 I just want, I just wanted to like stop having so much anger inside and

just stop being mean to other people.

TH 2 Wow. So the anger is on the inside and you can feel it

C 2 Mmhm

TH 3 . . . in your body?

C 3 Mmhm

TH 4 Where do you feel it in your body? How do you do anger inside?

C 4 Well, uh

TH 5 Do you feel it is your shoulders or your stomach, or your thoughts?

C 5 Well, when I look at somebody, I just grit my teeth at em and just want

to go up and hit em for no reason.

TH 6 You grit your teeth, and you just want to hit them for no reason? That

does sound like anger doesn't it? Well, you know how I show anger is I take . . .

Oops that’s not red is it? Take a red pen and kind of go like this. That doesn't look

too much like red either, but just to show that that's anger. That you are trying to

figure out and you are trying to cope with and you are trying to understand. That


takes a lot of courage to say I'm angry and I would like for it to be different. Don't

you think?

C 6 Mmhm

TH 7 Do you know anybody else that's angry?

C 7 Well, my brother.

TH 8 Your brother. I don't have your brother on this map. Let’s see, you said

you were eleven, right? Your brother is how old?

C 8 Sixteen.

TH 9 He's sixteen. Okay, and what's his name?

C 9 Chris.

TH 10 C-H-R-I-S?

C 10 Yes.

TH 11 And how old is Chris?

C 11 Sixteen.

TH 12 That's right. You just told me. Thank you. And so he is angry too. Are

you all angry about the same thing?

C 12 No.

TH 13 No. What's he angry about?

C 13 He's angry because like he was supposed to come home a while ago but

he didn't get to come home, and he is just mad cause he is not gettin’ to do what

he wants to do.


TH 14 Come home?

C 14 Yes.

TH 15 Is what he wants to do?

C 15 Yes.

TH 16 So, he wants to come home and that means come home and that means

come home and live with you and Janice?

C 16 Yeah.

TH 17 Where is he now?

C 17 He is in California.

TH 18 Okay, come home from California. So, what's he doing in California?

C 18 He’s goin’, he’s at this home where it's like he has a parole officer and

everything, and he has to just keep doing what he is supposed to do and he will be

able to come home, but he is having problems doing that.

TH 19 He is having problems staying out of trouble?

C 19 Mmhm

TH 20 That's too bad. Did he get in trouble in California or he got in trouble

here and . . .

C 20 Well, probably some here and some in California.

TH 21 Wow. Okay. You and your brother pretty close?

C 21 Mmhm

TH 22 Do you miss him?


C 22 Mmhm

TH 23 How long has he been away?

C 23 I don't know. I don't remember.

TH 24 That long? Since you were how high?

C 24 Mm, probably since I was ten.

TH 25 So, about a year.

C 25 Yeah.

TH 26 So, you know why I do this, like California, ah, one year. Ah, when I put

it on a piece of paper it sticks in my head a little better. I don't know if that makes

any sense to you, but it just kind of, it goes into the computer in a different kind of

way if I kind of put it out there, and then you get to see what I'm doing too in a

way, where I am going in my head. So, Chris is angry. He wants to come home.

He's gotten into trouble, and ah, you’re angry. Do you know what you’re angry


C 26 Not really.

TH 27 Okay. So that would help you if you could understand what you’re angry


C 27 Mmhm

TH 28 That makes sense to me. Thank you. I want to hear what your mother

would like to have happen. What for you Janice, what would you like to have



M 1 I would just like for Jonathan to know what it is he is angry about. I

would like to know what it is.

TH 29 So there are these big questions marks around this anger, hm?

M 2 What role, if any, that I play in it, and how to be a better parent. That's

what I am looking for.

TH 30 So how to help Jonathan in his feelings. How are you doing with yours?

M 3 Mm, much, it’s better.

TH 31 Were you angry too?

M 4 For some time. Years ago.

TH 32 What was yours about?

M 5 Mine was about, you know, the divorce, separation, the result of that.

TH 33 Okay. So let's see. This is Jonathan's father we are talking about?

M 6 Mmhm

TH 34 Okay. So, this is the way I make a divorce. Okay. And his name?

M 7 John.

TH 35 John. And where does John live.

M 8 California.

TH 36 Okay, so he is in California. And how long have you all been divorced?

M 9 Ah, for as long as Jonathan has been here, about . . . eleven years.

TH 37 Okay. Eleven years. So do you know your father?

C 28 Not really.


TH 38 Have you seen him?

C 29 Not that I can remember.

TH 39 So as far as you know, you never met him. Do you have any pictures of


C 30 Yeah.

TH 31 What does he look like?

C 31 I don't remember.

TH 32 So you don't have pictures that are in your back pocket or in your

bedroom. Well, you have had two big losses. I'm thinking about your brother not

being with you, and not having your father. That seems pretty big to me. So this

relationship that Janice you and John had was not an easy one, huh?

M 10 No.

TH 32 And do you have any contact with John at this point.

M 11 None.

TH 33 And what about with Chris?

M 12 Frequent.

TH 34 So, Chris would have been about five or six when you all divorced.

M 13 Right.

TH 35 Okay. So we will show that. Five, six years old, and did Chris live with


M 14 And his dad.


TH 36 And his dad.

M 15 Mmhm

TH 37 And then when you were divorced . . .

M 16 He lived with me.

TH 38 He lived with you. And he visited with his father, his father moved to


M 17 We lived in another state. His father lived in the same town as us for

approximately until Chris was ten, five or six years after the divorce. And then he

moved to California within the last five years.

TH 39 So how did you deal with, let's put your anger up here. You’re saying

you're not so angry anymore, so we will just put a little bit. How did you deal with


M 18 I just grew out of it.

TH 40 Time.

M 19 Yes. And I just, time. Let it go.

TH 41 So, you left this relationship or this, your time in this relationship left you

with some wounds?

M 20 Yes.

TH 42 Who stood by you? Who supported you?

M 21 My mom.

TH 43 Wonderful. And your mother's name is what?


M 22 It was Lorrine.

TH 44 Lorrine. How do you spell that?

M 23 L-O-R-R-I-N-E.

TH 45 Lorrine. Okay. When did Lorrine die?

M 24 June of 1996.

TH 46 Not very long ago.

M 25 Right.

TH 47 Were you close to your grandmother?

C 32 Mmhm.

TH 48 Were you pretty special to her? (C nods) Let's see, if we were going to

show a real special line, what do you think about purple? And we will show a nice

big line between you and Lorrine. Okay. How does that look to you? That look

like that makes sense?

C 33 Yeah.

TH 49 So, you lost somebody very important to you and to you too. Did you all

live close together?

M 26 Um . . .

TH 50 Did you get to see her?

M 27 Different states. The same state that we came from where Christopher

and Jonathan grew up basically, were born, and where the marriage took place. So

far in distance geographically, but very close. We had daily contact.


TH 51 Really.

M 28 Mmhm, all the holidays we were there. Mothers Day. Any other excuse

to be there we were there or she was here.

TH 52 What happened to her?

M 29 She had cancer. And so the last nine months of her life she lived with us.

TH 53 Oh really. You took care of her?

M 30 I did. Jonathan too.

TH 54 . . . a great person. So you were a young doctor, huh? What kind of

cancer did she have?

M 31 She had originally had breast cancer that had metastasized to liver, so

that's what she went out with, liver. Bone, blood, it got pretty bad.

TH 55 Was she at home when she died?

M 32 Yes. She was in our home, in my bed.

TH 56 Wow. Well, this is obviously a tremendous heart hurt for you. She stood

by . . . (offers M a tissue)

M 33 Thank you

TH 56 You’re welcome. . . . you when you were having a hard time, and you

were there for her. Is it hard for you to see your mother crying because her heart is

so full of her relationship with her mother?

M 34 It makes me want to cry, but I know I gotta get over it.

TH 57 Uh, I don't follow you, you have to get over it. You have to, I don't get



C 34 It’s like, I can't go my whole life that my grandma is going to come back.

TH 58 Right. Because she won't come back. But you must have wonderful

memories to bring her back with. And you have a big kind of hole in your heart to

not have her. It hadn't been that long ago really. Again, I'm just thinking about the,

the losses for you. To lose your granny, your brother, in different ways, and your

father. That's a lot Jonathan. That's a lot to have to handle as a little boy. You

know? You know how I feel about your tears? They just seem so healthy and so

wholesome. And so real. And I'm glad that you can have your tears, and I hope it's

okay for you to have your tears too. Because, you know, sometimes underneath a

lot of anger is a hurt. Like a, a hole in your heart. Does that make sense to you?

Seems like it does. Like there is a little, little boy inside, about, I don't know,

maybe about this little, and he has gotten hurt, and he’s inside of you, and what I

hear is that you are trying to get him to be “big boy,” tough, you know. Get on

with your life, you know. Ah, get past those tears. But this little guy still lives

inside of your like a little girl does inside of you that lost her mother. That's real. Is

it okay with you if I talk about you having a little girl inside of you?

M 35 Yes, it's okay.

TH 59 How does that fit for you? Does that make any sense to you?

M 36 Ah, yes.

TH 60 Who is with you now to help you with the pain of losing your mom,


maybe some, the residual of not having things work out with John, your worries

about Jonathan and Chris?

M 37 There is no one that, was that, is with me like my mom was. When she

was alive she was like the center of my life, you know. I mean I have my kids and

everything, so I never developed close ties with any other person, and the only

other person that I can think of now that I'm closest to would be her oldest sister

who has been, I've been like her favorite niece since I was born. When I was born,

my mom, she asked my mom “Let me have her.” So we developed a relationship

over the years and over the distance of the two states, and now that I'm here, you

know, we are closer geographically, and we've developed a stronger relationship

based on what was already there.

TH 61 Wonderful. So you share the grief.

M 38 Yes.

TH 62 And papa?

M 39 He is in the other state.

TH 63 How is he doing?

M 40 Well, we don't have much contact with papa. He was a bit estranged

from granny at the time of the death

TH 64 Mmm, had that happened a good while? So they weren't divorced.

M 41 No.

TH 65 They were kind of separated a bit? Okay.


M 42 They were living in the same house but separate lives. So that's why mom

had to,

TH 66 Okay

M 43 I took care of her at the end of her life because he said I guess you are

going to go with Janice because you are so ill, and the doctor told him what she

needed, and he said I guess you are going to go with Janice. So. . .

TH 67 Wow. Well, this is quite a story. This is quite a story that is all around

you. So you really knew granny, Jonathan, but I guess did you know papa well? Or

. .

C 35 Sort of.

TH 68 Sort of. So what color line would we put between you and papa?

C 36 Green.

TH 69 Green. That one I bet is just going to be really pale. Do you want to do

it? You make it like you think. Let me get this out of your way though. Mmm,

okay. Thank you. They’re very different, aren't they, the connection you had with

papa? When will you see him again do you think?

C 37 Probably Christmas.

TH 70 So you will travel?

M 44 With Chris coming home, he wants to see you know his relatives, his


TH 71 So Chris is going to be home for Christmas?


M 45 Mmhm.

TH 72 Wonderful.

M 46 So we are going to go there so that he can see the cousins that he grew

up with and, and probably see papa at the same time.

TH 73 Well, you must be pretty excited about that. How about you?

M 47 Yes, very much so.

TH 74 Well, I want to give you a picture that I have about your challenge. Do

you know, ah the word challenge like if something’s a challenge? It's like if you

had to climb a, a big hill and you had a lot of weight on you, that would be like a

challenge, and that's kind of what I think you have. This is the picture I have. Here

it is right here. This is like the little one inside of your, okay? And this is like his

heart, and his heart is sad. But he is not supposed to be sad. He is supposed to be

big, what were you going to say?

C 38 Happy.

TH 75 He is supposed to be happy. So he is supposed to smile, but he has a

heart that's hurting. So what do you think that would be like for this little one?

C 39 Hard?

TH 76 It would be very hard. It would be very hard. So here's my idea. My idea

is that you have to take this little one, and you have to let this little one know that

you are going to be there with him and that it is okay to be sad when you’re

unhappy and when you feel lonely, when you miss your brother, when you wonder


where your dad is, when you think about your grandmother. I bet you saw her

suffer. And when you think about how special she was. It seems like to me that we

need to find a way for this little one inside of you to not have to pretend because I

think when you have to pretend, it probably makes you angry. It probably makes

you real angry to have to pretend something that's not true for you. What do you

think about that? What do you think would have to happen for you to have more

freedom to just be with your heart? What do you think would help?

C 40 I don't really know.

TH 77 What do you know about Jonathan? What do you think would help him?

M 48 Just be allowed to be and feel I guess what he’s feeling and express it. Be

able to express it. Ah, he didn't know what it was. You know, it's like those things

were there, but I guess he’ll have a better understanding of what's causing it and

feel free-er to express what's going on, and I guess it's my job to get him the help

to get through it.

TH 77 Are there any, ah, men like would papa be able to help Jonathan?

M 49 No.

TH 78 Would Chris?

M 50 No. There, there . . . we have a family friend that Jonathan has

confidence in, Mr. Jay.

TH 79 Okay, so let's put Mr. Jay here. Mr. Jay. So what kind of color line would

you put to Mr. Jay?


C 41 Red.

TH 80 Red. Okay. Want, mhm, to do the line? I didn't know the heart had a

sound. There. Okay. Thank you. So do you get to see Mr. Jay?

C 42 Mmhm.

TH 81 Would he understand how much loss you have suffered?

C 43 Yeah.

TH 82 Great, great.

M 51 He was there. He knew granny. He was there during that time period for

us. He knows Chris. He knows that situation.

TH 83 Wonderful.

M 52 He knows papa.

TH 84 Wonderful.

M 53 So he is, ah, Jonathan's closest male friend that he trusts.

TH 85 Wonderful.

M 54 He is just super busy.

TH 86 Yeah. But a little understanding from a man could go a long way for

Jonathan because you know it's like you have a similar job here. This could be your

little girl. Mama has a little girl inside of her too. So you have this little girl and she

has a heart that has to be taken care of, and of course, ah, me too. I have a little

girl inside of me too, and you know, she has hurts and disappointments and stuff

that I have to deal with. I'm just thinking that you, Janice, you seem to do such a


wonderful job of being able to be where your heart is, and that's so wonderful for

you to, to see, and I suspect at times it may feel a little overwhelming, I don't

know. It may, as you say, make you feel like maybe you want to cry too. And

maybe that would be okay. And if there is a man like Mr. Jay who’s in your life

and who could say, yeah, you know, Janice has sadness. She lost her mother, ah,

and Jonathan has sadness because he doesn't get to see his brother. He lost his

grandmother. It sounds like not much is there for you and your father at all. Is that

right? Well, that must be a tremendous loss for you. So I suspect if you don't

figure out how to love that little one and have, have a good open heart to yourself,

that you probably are going to clench your jaws and find your muscles tight and

have to express it some way. I suspect that's what's happened with Chris. And

he’s, hasn't been able to take care of the, that part inside of him with his hurts, his

wounds, his pain, his disappointments, and I suspect it's just come out.

M 55 Chris is really effected by the divorce. He was you know the center of

attraction for five years before Jonathan came, and then he just, he blamed me for

it, and then he is angry because his dad has not been what he needed, you know,

emotionally and even physically.

TH 87 Really?

M 56 And supportive, and so it's a never ending cycle.

TH 88 I'm sorry to not get to meet Chris. I kind of feel like he is here a bit, and

granny, and papa. So Jonathan, what do you think about the time we've spent here


tonight. Do you think . . .

C 44 It helped.

TH 89 I'm so glad. I am so glad too that somehow or another that you and your

mother knew how to communicate about this so that you could get help. How did

that come about?

M 57 He told me about two weeks ago. He said, “Mom I have some anger. I

need to talk to a counselor.” I said, “Well do they have counselors at your

school?” He said, “No.” I said, “Okay.” And then he mentioned it again a couple

of days later. “Mom, what about the counselor?” and that's when I began to search

out resources and I heard about this opportunity.

TH 90 You are a very wise young one. You, I know when you have that ability

to know what you’re feeling, it gives you choice about what to do. If you didn't

know that you were feeling angry and you just went around punching, all you

would do is get in trouble, but to be able to know it and to ask for help is just so

impressive. You must be very proud of him.

M 58 I am.

TH 91 I would love for Chris to know about what you were able to do. I think

that would be wonderful. I don't know if he knows how to do that. Do you know?

C 45 Not really.

TH 92 Don't know if he does not, or you don't think he does know how to know

what he is feeling and ask for help?


C 46 Well, he probably does a little bit, but probably not a little bit too.

TH 93 Just a little bit?

M 59 He's in counseling.

TH 94 Great.

M 60 It took him a long time to accept it, but part of the coming home had to

do with you have to go through counseling.

TH 95 Good. I'm glad. So how has it been for you for us to spent this time

together here.

M 61 Great. It helped a great deal to put things in perspective and I thought I'd

stopped crying about granny, but I see I haven’t . But it's important to know so

that you can, you know, try to get some results. Very helpful. Very enlightening.

TH 96 I'm glad. It has been a real honor for me to step into your live and your

world for just this little bit of time. I won't forget you Jonathan, and I won't forget

you either Janice.

M 62 I thank you for taking the time.

TH 97 I thank you for listening to your son with such attentiveness. You are a

very good mother.

M 63 I try to be.

TH 98 And I am imagining that you have learned a lot from granny about how

to be a mother.

M 64 Oh yeah. Yeah.


TH 99 And you are going to have to figure out a very creative way to learn

about how to be a daddy, you know, because maybe you'll learn from Mr. Jay

because John's not there for you. So it's going to be a little tougher for you and for

you as a parent if you have children. But you are off to such an incredible start as a

young boy. Really. So, I would like to say goodbye to you and goodnight to you,

and can I shake your hand and tell you, “You are very special.”

C 47 Thank you.

TH 100 You are welcome. You are a very special woman.

M 65 Thank you.

TH 101 I hope your holidays are wonderful.

M 66 Same to you.

TH 102 Thank you. And I'll take these little ones. They have become more special

because they've been here with you two. Yours has a heart sound, did you notice?

You know what, maybe you should take this home with you. What do you think?

C 48 Yes.

TH 102 What do you think? Do you think it would help, that you would

remember about your heart and about your losses and about how it's okay to feel

said when you're sad, you don't have to cover it up with being tough and angry?

What do you think?

C 49 I guess. Thank you.

TH 103 You’re very welcome.


Treatment Plan for this Family

In future sessions, McLendon would want to gain information about

Jonathan’s school, the neighborhood Janice and Jonathan live in and their relative

sense of safety. She would continue to help Jonathan increase his awareness of

how his body feels when he is angry and look for productive ways that he could

discharge his energy. She also follow up on Jonathan’s sadness and help him

search out ways he could deal with that. It would also be helpful if, at some point,

Chris (Jonathan’s brother) could participate in a session.


To Learn More About Satir Family Therapy


Andreas, S. (1991). Virginia Satir: The pattern of her magic. Palo Alto,

CA: Science and Behavior Books.

Baldwin, M. & Satir, V. (1987). Use of self in therapy. NY: Haworth.

Bandler, R. & Satir, V. (1976). Changing with families a book about

further education for human beings. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.

Brothers, B. J. (Ed.). (1991). Virginia Satir: Foundational ideas. NY:


Loeschen, S. (1991). Magic of Satir: Practical skills for therapists. Xx:

Halcyon Pub Design.

Loeschen, S. (1997). Systematic training in the skills of Virginia Satir.

Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Satir, V. (1976). Making contact. Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts.

Satir, V. (1983). Conjoint family therapy. Palo Alto, CA: Science and

Behavior Books.

Satir, V. (1984). Satir step by step a guide to creating change in families.

Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.

Satir, V. (1988). New peoplemaking. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior


Satir, V. (1991). Becoming more fully human [Video]. Xx: T A P.


Satir, V. (1991). Communication and congruence [Video]. Xx: T A P.

Satir, V., Banmen, J., Gerber, J., & Gomori, M. (1991). Satir model:

Family therapy and beyond. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.

Schwab, J. (1990). A resource handbook for Satir concepts. Palo Alto,

CA: Science and Behavior Books.


The Satir Institute of the Southeast offers a residential program of three, 5-

day experiential workshops. For more information, contact the Satir System

Training Administrative Office, P.O. Box 44, Childs, MD 21916-0044. The e-mail

address is


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