studied by inelastic neutron scattering

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Anomaly of Phonon State of Superconducting YBa2Cu307 Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering

M. Arai, ' ' " K. Yamada, Y. Hidaka, S. Itoh, ' ' " Z. A. Bowden, ' A. D. Taylor, '

and Y. Endoh"'Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX/I OQX, United Kingdom

Faculty ofScienceT, ohoku University, Aramaki, AobaS, endai 980. Japan1VTT Applied Electronics Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan

(Received 24 March 1 992)

Inelastic neutron scattering measurements over a wide Q Eran-ge have been performed on supercon-ducting YBaqCu307. Fine structure in its phonon density of states as well as the Q dependence of excita-tions was revealed by means of a high-energy-resolution chopper spectrometer at a pulsed neutronsource. The temperature dependence showed an anomalous behavior at T, similar to critical phenome-na, which could be due to a local distortion and an expansion of the dynamical correlation length. Thedistortion is associated with a I'I 10) buckling structure, which is commonly observed in the orthorhombicphase of La2- Ba Cu04 and in T12Ba2CaCu208 in the superconducting state.

PACS numbers: 74.65.+n, 61.12.—q, 63.20.—e

In the early stage of the study of the high-T, oxide su-

perconductors, an exotic magnetic interaction was intro-duced as a mechanism for the superconductivity [1].However, a huge accumulation of experimental andtheoretical work on the high-T, superconductors hasshown the importance of the electron-phonon interaction,as for BCS superconductors. In particular optical spec-troscopy [2], Raman scattering and infrared reflection,and neutron scattering measurements [3,4] have revealeda strong relation between phonon states and supercon-ductivity. As we reported in a preceding paper on

La2 „Sr Cu04 (2:1:4) [4], phonon states are correlatedwith electron states. Raising the temperature above T,and suppressing superconductivity by substitution ofCu + with Zn + have the same effect on the phononstates. In the superconducting state the intensity of aspecific oxygen phonon mode seems to be increased.Therefore, since we are motivated to find common phe-nomena on phonon states among high-T, oxide supercon-ductors, we performed high-energy-resolution neutronscattering measurements on superconducting YBa2Cu307(T,-93 K).

In the case of YBa2Cu307, the effect of substitution onphonon states cannot be studied directly, because the sub-stituting atoms enter the chain site first. This is why aconsiderable amount of substitution is needed to suppresssuperconductivity, in contrast to the 2:1:4 compound,causing a structural deformation [5]. Thus the obviousway to observe an intrinsic change in phonon states re-lated to the superconducting state, without artificialstructural deformation, is by changing the temperatureacross T,.

Arai et al. [6] demonstrated that an analysis of the Qdependence of S(Q,E) provides detailed information onthe local or short-range structure of a network glass, andthey found that the Q dependence is very sensitive to achange in the local structural environment. This methodis also applicable to crystalline materials as we will showin the following section. In contrast, the conventionaldiffraction technique accumulates the intensity integrated

along a certain locus in Q-E space defined by the

geometry of the instrument, and measurements of PDOSgive the average of S(Q,E) through Q space. So bothtechniques are essentially insensitive to local structural orlocal dynamical evolution.

The ceramic sample of YBa2Cu307 (1:2:3-07) wassynthesized by the usual solid state reaction. For thepresent neutron scattering measurement special attentionwas paid to sample preparation: Hydrogenous impuritieswere carefully excluded. The onset temperature T, 93K was confirmed by bulk magnetization measurement.Therefore the sample is fully oxidized and the chemicalformula is very close to Y1Ba2Cu307.

Neutron inelastic scattering measurements were car-ried out on the chopper spectrometer MARI [7] installedat the ISIS facility of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.The spectrometer covers the wide scattering angle from3' to 135' with 550 detectors. The employable incidentenergy is from 20 meV to 1 eV with an energy resolutionof 1.2% of the incident energy. The measurement wasdone by the time-of-flight method.

The disk-shaped sample, 8 cm in diameter and 8 mm inthickness, was mounted on the cold head of a heliumclosed-cycle refrigerator. The neutron beam size is 5x5cm2 as defined by the collimation system. The unexposedarea on the sample was covered by a Cd shielding plate todefine the scattering volume precisely. This amount ofsample gives a considerable intensity for multiple scatter-ing. Therefore the multiple scattering was corrected forby the Monte Carlo simulation program MscAT [8]. Alsomultiphonon scattering was corrected for by an analyticalmethod [9]. We employed two different incident energiesof 130 and 200 meV. The measured temperatures were45, 50, 83, 100, and 103 K for E; =130 meV and 53, 83,93, 103, and 113 K for E; =200 meV.

After subtraction of multiple scattering and multipho-non scattering, single-phonon vibrational densities ofstates (PDOS) were calculated by keeping the total areaof G(E) equal to 1.0. Figure 1 shows G(E) for E; 130meV observed at 50 K (circles) and 100 K (line). There

1992 The American Physical Society 359





4 ot- + + + 4 4

CU G(E) 50KG(E) 100KRaman

+ l R.





0.00 I

20I r I

40 60Energy [meV]


80 100

FIG. 1. Generalized phonon density of states (PDOS) at 50 and 100 K for E; 130 meV.

is considerably more detail than in the results publishedpreviously by Renker et al. [3]. At the top in Fig. 1 theobserved peak positions from Raman [5] and infrared[10] spectroscopy are also plotted. Overall we couldrecognize every peak observed by optical spectroscopy.Furthermore there are many additional peaks. In Fig. 1

the possible peak positions are marked with arrows. Theprominent peak at 87 meV was newly observed in thepresent work. An experiment from a single crystal [11]did not observe dispersion for this energy mode. Thus we

may expect that the mode at 87 meV is an incoherentmode, i.e., a localized mode or short-range mode. Wefound weak peaks around 120 meV, but the statisticalprecision is not sufficient enough to allow discussion ofthe details at this moment. Further experiments shouldelucidate this point.

As shown in Fig. 1, the intensity of G(E) shows prom-inent increases at 44 and 87 meV below T„which are as-signed to the modes related to the out-of-plane displace-ment of planar oxygen O(2) and O(3) and the stretchingmotion in the plane. This phenomenon in G(E) is verysimilar to the results on the 2:1:4 compound [4], forwhich the assignment was a sharpening of a phononmode. In the previous paper, we did not apply the multi-

phonon correction. We have confirmed that after themultiphonon correction the sharpening turns into an in-

tensity increase. Therefore we recognize that the increasein G(E) below T, may be a common feature in the pho-non states of 1:2:3and 2:1:4compounds. In Fig. 2 the in-

tegrated intensity, from 40 to 50 meV, of the peak at 44meV is plotted for E; =130 and 200 meV by normalizingto the intensity at 100 K. The intensities for the two in-

cident energies, for which multiple scattering and multi-

phonon scattering contribute quite diA'erently, agree with






1.01 ----"----


1.00 ———-----LU



0 XG(40-50meV) Ei=200meV

~ XG(40-50meV) Ei=130meV"-""Guide for eye

~ ~ 0


~ ~

..~ ........ .()...........................,t-') '' --..

JUL %544% ~ ~ $40 ~1PI F


100 120

TEMPERATURE [K]FIG. 2. Temperature dependence of integrated peak intensi-

ty between 40 and 50 meV for E; 130 meV (closed circles)and 200 meV (open circles). The dotted line is a guide for theeye.

each other very reasonably. Therefore we believe thatthese corrections have been done properly and the in-crease in G(E) below T, is an intrinsic property of thismaterial. The intensity starts to increase at T, and thengrows steadily below T,. The intensity at 87 meV has asimilar temperature dependence.

The peak at 44 meV was fitted with a Gaussian func-tion and the width (FWHM) is plotted in Fig. 3. TheFWHM increases almost linearly at T, and broadens by15% at 50 K. The calculated results under a strongelectron-phonon coupling by Zeyher and Zwichnagl [12]are plotted as the line. The agreement between the obser-



1.2 0.020
















II,'. (i I I I I *,.

~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~0 Q~ ~

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140TEMPERATURE[K]


Q [A-1I


FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of FWHM of the peak at44 meV. The solid line is the theoretical result by Zeyher andZwichnagl [12]. All widths are normalized to the 100-K re-sults.

FIG. 4. Q dependence of peak intensity at 61.4 meV in-tegrated between 57.5 and 65 meV. The solid lines are modelcalculations explained in the text. Incident energy is E; 200meV.

vation and the calculation is quite good without any mu-tual scaling between them. The only assumption is thatthe ratio between the peak energy coo 44.0 meV and su-perconducting gap energy 2h is coo/2h =1.08, i.e.,2h 40.7 meV. This is very close to the results of2h 39.67 meV for T, 93 K by Friedl et al. [13].

Raman scattering showed an energy shift at 41.8 meV(337 cm ') by about 1.2 meV [14] at 5 K; however, wewere unable to resolve this shift in our observation be-cause of insufficient energy resolution (~-1.56 meV).

In Fig. 4 the Q dependence of the peak at 61.4 meV,which is a very strong peak in the Raman spectrum [5], isplotted. The integration range is from 57.5 to 65 meV.The Q dependence is very similar above and below T, andthe oscillating feature is smoother than for T =T,.Therefore in Fig. 4 the data above and below T, are rep-resented by the average of the data at 53 and 83 K. TheQ dependence changes considerably at T, and the ampli-tude of the oscillation dramatically increases. In Fig. 5,for instance, we show the temperature dependence ofS(Q,E) for Q 7.5-10 A ' at E=57.5-65 meV, wherethere is an obvious increase at T,. From the figure it isvery clear that the phonon state has some kind of criticalbehavior at T,. We found that a larger change in

S(Q,E) occurs at higher energy transfer at T,. The evo-lution of S(Q,E) seems to be very enhanced compared toG(E). We should note that G(E) is an averaged value ofintegration of S(Q,E) in some extent of Q space, forwhich the change in the oscillation behavior in S(Q,E)cancels out.

Once we know the individual atomic motion, i.e., atom-ic displacement vector for a mode, we can calculate the Qdependence of S(Q,E) for such an optical mode if thephonon dispersion is flat enough [6]. Burns et al. [5] as-





0.035 I ' ' ' I ' I

40 60 80 100Temperature [K]

FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of S(Q,E) for Q 7.5-10' and E 57.5-65 meV.


signed the peak at 62.5 meV as an As mode, which is theO(4) (apical oxygen) mode parallel to the c axis (here wecall it As 5). The calculated Q dependences are drawn aslines in Fig. 4. The calculation and the observed dataabove and below T, agree very well in absolute intensityscale without any adjustment except that the participa-tion of only the upper half O(4) atoms in a unit cell isenough for obtaining the Q dependence in Fig. 4. If wetake all O(4) atoms in a unit cell for the calculation, theperiodicity of the Q dependence becomes too fine andvery different from the observation. There are two possi-ble explanations for this: (1) The phonon dispersion isnot flat and goes out of the energy range where the ener-

gy integration gives a Q dependence. In this case the Qdependence would become smoother as shown in Fig. 4.(2) For some reason the dynamical correlation length isessentially shortened. Since at very high energy at 87meV, where the phonon dispersion would be very Aat, we



definitely found that the Q dependence can be explainedby a short correlation length, we therefore conclude thata short dynamical correlation length is intrinsic for thissystem, even if we take condition (1) into account. Thuswe recognize from the calculation that the O(4) motionin A~ 5 has a very short dynamical correlation length(—6 A) in the a-b plane and is decoupled from the lower

part of the unit cell over the Y atom.From this point of view the dramatic change in Q

dependence at T, can be explained by an expansion of thedynamical correlation length associated with a localstructural distortion. The expansion occurs in the a-bplane for As 5, i.e., neighboring O(4) motion coupleswith the As 5 mode in a unit cell, and needs to be enoughto produce the sharp rise in the Q dependence at T, asshown in Fig. 4. The best result can be obtained by shift-ing apical O(4) atoms in the neighboring unit cell in the(110) direction by 14/o of the a and b lattice constantsfrom the original position in a random fashion. The shiftof the apical O(4) of the O(4)-Cu(2)-O(2, 3) pyramidlikely creates a (110) buckling structure or motion; asimilar distortion was observed in the orthorhombic phaseof La2 „Ba Cu04 [15] and in T12Ba2CaCu20s [16] in

the superconducting state. Furthermore recent work alsoshowed a local structural distortion even in an n-type su-

perconductor N12 „Ce,Cu04-~ [17].Toby et al. reported an anomalous increase at T, in the

pair correlation function contributed by the bucklingmotion in T]28aqCaCuqOs [16]. This is an indirectmethod of obtaining the inelastic intensity from the totalscattering. Our results are a direct observation of an

anomaly in the dynamical aspect of S(Q,E) for the firsttime. Thus we may conclude that the anomaly in phononstates in the short-range region, associated with a localstructural distortion, is a common aspect of the high-T,oxide superconductors at T,. The anomalous behavior ofS(Q,E) seems to be enhanced for higher-energy excita-tions. This is not expected from the well known behaviorof a conventional BCS superconductor. A Peierls-typeFermi-surface instability was proposed [181 as the mech-anism of high-T, superconductivity, which helps to in-

duce a short-range (110) buckling motion [19]. Thistheoretical suggestion is very similar to our observation,

but we cannot confirm this suggestion conclusively beforefurther detailed study.

It is, however, evident from our experimental resultsthat phonon states have a strong relation with e1ectronstates and may have an important role in the mechanismfor the high-T, oxide superconductivity.

%e thank Dr. R. Robinson of Los Alamos NationalLaboratory for a critical reading of the manuscript andfruitful discussion and Professor N. Watanabe of the Na-tional Laboratory for High Energy Physics for his contin-ued support of the United Kingdom-Japan collaborationon neutron scattering research, under which this workwas performed.

' Permanent address: National Laboratory for High Ener-

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